Calling shell command form javascript form browser - javascript

I am trying to run some command on the client system through server. I know server has lots of security issues while executing server commands, is there any way to run command form browser.
I have following commands in nodejs but, i need this to run form the browser in clients system.
same as in this question but form html page.
node.js shell command execution
function run_cmd(cmd, args, callBack ) {
var spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
var child = spawn(cmd, args);
var resp = "";
child.stdout.on('data', function (buffer) { resp += buffer.toString() });
child.stdout.on('end', function() { callBack (resp) });
run_cmd( "ls", ["-l"], function(text) { console.log (text) });

No, you may not execute arbitrary shell/console commands through a browser.
The security implications for this would be gigantic. You wouldn't want someone to execute:
run_cmd( "rm", ["-rf *"], function(text) { console.log ("lol") });
Through your browser. Not even if you could explicitly trust it.


Node.js: Sanitize untrusted user input for exec()

Small example, reduced from a REST API node.js app:
const { exec } = require('child_process');
var userInput = 'untrusted source';
var cmd = `/bin/echo "${userInput}"`;
exec(cmd, function(err, stdout, stderr) {
console.log('echo: ' + stdout);
Assuming the userInput is from an untrusted source, what needs to be done avoid any vulnerability? For example, the quoted "${userInput}" parameter for echo avoids input 'evil spirit; rm -rf /' from causing damage. What else needs to be done to stay safe?
Update: The objective is to make a few existing shell scripts/commands in the file system available via a REST API on the intranet.
Based on the official Node.js child_process doc at it is (obviously) unsafe to use user input in shell scripts without sanitizing it:
If the shell option is enabled, do not pass unsanitized user input to this function. Any input containing shell metacharacters may be used to trigger arbitrary command execution.
So, here is the example stated in my question, rewritten in a safe way using spawn instead of exec:
const { spawn } = require('child_process');
var userInput = 'untrusted source';
var args = [ userInput ];
var cmd = '/bin/echo';
var subprocess = spawn(cmd, args);
var stderr = '';
var stdout = '';
subprocess.stdout.on('data', function(data) {
stdout += data;
subprocess.stderr.on('data', function(data) {
stderr += data;
subprocess.on('close', function(exitCode) {
console.log('echo: ' + stdout);
This is a simplified code snippet of a CLI wrapper Node.js app that make existing commands and shell scripts on an internal network available in a secure way via a REST API:

How can I execute a console function but from the browser in Node.JS?

I'm trying to execute this function but in the terminal with Node.JS
var WebTorrent = require('webtorrent')
var client = new WebTorrent()
var magnetURI = 'magnet: ...'
client.add(magnetURI, { path: '/path/to/folder' }, function (torrent) {
torrent.on('done', function () {
console.log('torrent download finished')
I mean, for example, create an <button> tag, and when is clicked,
that the previous function be executed in the nodejs console, not in the browser console.
I'm executing this two files:
let http = require('http');
let fs = require('fs');
let handleRequest = (request, response) => {
response.writeHead(200, {
'Content-Type': 'text/html'
fs.readFile('./index.html', null, function (error, data) {
if (error) {
respone.write('Whoops! File not found!');
} else {
index.html that contains the <button> tag but does nothing.
Client(browser) and server are two different entities, when client is browser the only way to communicate is through HTTP protocol, in simple terms use internet.
Now browser understand only it's own kind of javascript, more precisely ECMA but not nodejs. So the following code could not be executed in browser
var WebTorrent = require('webtorrent')
var client = new WebTorrent()
Hence I would assume it is running on server which your machine and hence console.log will print to your terminal.
To run it on browser, I assume you will have to code it differently, either you will have to use browserify and analyze the client side script OR code only in client side with below libaray :
<script src="webtorrent.min.js"></script>
For more details refer, complete web page example at

NodeJS getting response from net socket write

I'm trying to get a response from specific requests via the write function.
I'm connected to an equipment via the net module (which is the only way to communicate with it). Currently, I have an .on('data',function) to listen to responses from the said equipment. I can send commands via the write functions to which I am expecting to receive a line of response. How can I go about doing this?
Current code:
server = net.Socket();
// connect to server
console.log("Connected to server!");
// log data coming from the server
// send command to server
exports.write = function(command){
This is a working code. Sending a command to the equipment via server.write returns a response which right now only appears in Terminal. I'd like to return that response right after the write request. Preferably within the exports.write function.
Add a callback argument to your exports.write function can solve your problem.
exports.write = function(command, callback){
server.on('data', function (data) {
//this data is a Buffer object
callback(null, data)
server.on('error', function (error) {
callback(error, null)
call your write function
var server = require('./serverFilePath')
server.write('callback works', function(error, data){
console.log('Received: ' + data)

How to make javascript code to work witn node.js?

I have the following code and I know that if I use it in the terminal (node test.js, in the case the file is called test.js) but how do I make this code work in javascript with HTML? I mean, how do I make possible to click a button and execute the code? Thank you!
var SerialPort = require("serialport").SerialPort
var serialPort = new SerialPort("/dev/ttyACM0", {
baudrate: 9600
}, false);
serialPort.on('error', function(err) {
}); {
if (err) {
serialPort.on('data', function(data) {
console.log('data received: ' + data);
serialPort.write('1', function(err, results) {});
You can't execute this in a browser (which wouldn't let you access the serial port, for example) but there are various solutions to package some HTML code with nodejs.
The best solution today for a local all-including "desktop-type" architecture is probably node-webkit which has a good support and traction.
Another standard architecture is to simply make nodejs act as a server serving an HTML page including your button. That might be more suited for piloting an Arduino.

Full Integration Testing for NodeJS and the Client Side with Yeoman and Mocha

I got awesome client side tests that I run with Yeoman. Yeoman compiles my CoffeeScript, opens up the test page in a server, visit it with PhantomJS and pass all the tests results to the command line. The process is pretty hacky, the test results are passed via alert() messages to the Phantom process which creates a temporary file and fills it with the messages as JSON. Yeoman (well, Grunt) loops over the temporary file, parses the tests and displays them in the command line.
The reason I explained the process is that I want to add a few things to it. I got server side tests as well. They use mocha and supertest to check the API endpoints and a Redis client to make sure the database state is as expected. But I want to merge those two test suites!
I don't want to write client side mock response for the server calls. I don't want to send the server mock data. Somewhere along the way I'll change the server or the client and the test will not fail. I want to do a real integration testing. So, whenever a test finishes in the client side I want a hook to run a relevant test on the server side (checking db state, session state, moving to a different test page).
Are there any solutions to this? Or, altenatively, where do I start hacking on Yeoman / Grunt / grunt-mocha to make this work?
I think the Phantom Handlers in grunt-mocha is a good place to start:
// Handle methods passed from PhantomJS, including Mocha hooks.
var phantomHandlers = {
// Mocha hooks.
suiteStart: function(name) {
unfinished[name] = true;
currentModule = name;
suiteDone: function(name, failed, passed, total) {
delete unfinished[name];
testStart: function(name) {
currentTest = (currentModule ? currentModule + ' - ' : '') + name;
verbose.write(currentTest + '...');
testFail: function(name, result) {
result.testName = currentTest;
testDone: function(title, state) {
// Log errors if necessary, otherwise success.
if (state == 'failed') {
// list assertions
if (option('verbose')) {
} else {
} else {
done: function(failed, passed, total, duration) {
var nDuration = parseFloat(duration) || 0;
status.failed += failed;
status.passed += passed; += total;
status.duration += Math.round(nDuration*100)/100;
// Print assertion errors here, if verbose mode is disabled.
if (!option('verbose')) {
if (failed > 0) {
} else {
// Error handlers.
done_fail: function(url) {
verbose.write('Running PhantomJS...').or.write('...');
grunt.warn('PhantomJS unable to load "' + url + '" URI.', 90);
done_timeout: function() {
grunt.warn('PhantomJS timed out, possibly due to a missing Mocha run() call.', 90);
// console.log pass-through.
// console: console.log.bind(console),
// Debugging messages.
debug: log.debug.bind(log, 'phantomjs')
Thanks! There will be a bounty on this.
I don't know about Yeoman - I haven't tried it yet - but I got the rest of the puzzle running. I believe you will figure out the rest.
Why Doing Integration Tests?
In your question you were talking about the situation when you have both client-side tests and server-side tests running with mocks. I assume that for some reason you can't get both test sets running with the same mocks. Otherwise, if you changed the mocks on client-side your server-side tests would fail because they would get the broken mock data.
What you need are the integration tests so when you run some client-side code in your headless browser your server-side code would also run. Moreover, simply running your server-side and client-side code is not enough, you also want to be able to put assertions on both sides, don't you?
Integration Tests with Node and PhantomJS
Most of the examples of integration tests that I found online either use Selenium or Zombie.js. The former is a big Java-based framework to drive real browsers while the later is a simple wrapper around jsdom. I assume you're hesitant to use either of those and would prefer PhantomJS. The tricky part, of course, is to get that running from your Node app. And I got just that.
There are two node modules to drive PhantomJS:
Unfortunately, both projects seem abandoned by their authors and other community members fork them and adapt to their needs. That means that both projects got forked numerous times and all forks are barely running. The API is almost non-existent. I got my tests running with one of the phantom forks (Thank you, Seb Vincent). Here's a simple app:
'use strict';
var express = require('express');
var app = express();
app.APP = {}; // we'll use it to check the state of the server in our tests
app.configure(function () {
app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/public'));
app.get('/user/:name', function (req, res) {
var data = = {
secret: req.query.secret
module.exports = app;
It listens for request to /user and returns path parameter name and query parameter secret. Here's the page where I call the server:
window.APP = {};
(function () {
'use strict';
var name = 'Alex', secret ='Secret';
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'get', '/user/' + name + '?secret=' + secret);
xhr.onload = function (e) {
APP.result = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
And here's a simple test:
describe('Simple user lookup', function () {
'use strict';
var browser, server;
before(function (done) {
// get our browser and server up and running
phantom.create(function (ph) {
ph.createPage(function (tab) {
browser = tab;
server = require('../app');
server.listen(3000, function () {
it('should return data back', function (done) {'http://localhost:3000/app.html', function (status) {
setTimeout(function () {
browser.evaluate(function inBrowser() {
// this will be executed on a client-side
return window.APP.result;
}, function fromBrowser(result) {
// server-side asserts
// client-side asserts
}, 1000); // give time for xhr to run
As you can see I have to poll the server inside the timeout. That's because all the phantom bindings are incomplete and too limiting. As you can see I'm able to check both client state and server state in a single test.
Run your tests with Mocha: mocha -t 2s You'll probably need to increase the default timeout setting for more evolved tests to run.
So, as you can see the whole thing is doable. Here's the repo with complete example.

