How to use Javascript to analyze arbitrary html files - javascript

I want to use javascript to analyze an html file (I want to find the sum of a column in a table). I have the code that I think will do this, but I am unsure of how to tell the javascript where to find the html file.
Most of the things I've done with javascript have involved linking the html file to the javascript by including a tag in the html file. However, in this case I want to be able to run this analysis on arbitrary html files. Is there an argument I can pass in to the javascript somewhere?
Edit: to those asking to see my code, I am using something a lot like the script in the top answer of this stack overflow question: Sum total for column in jQuery
I am trying to make a tool that can be used on various different html files with tables, although all of them should be hosted in the same directory. It is looking like I would need to use AJAX to do this. Can the script be run without being attached to an html file?
Edit 2: I was originally intending to call this javascript from inside a perl script. However, I am now discovering that Perl might already have some support for analyzing html documents with the HTML::TreeBuilder module. Depending on how hard it is to use, I might just implement the same function with that in a perl script instead of messing around with javascript.


Removing unused codes in javascript file used in HTML page?

I am currently working on a web page development. I have used downloaded one external javascript file from CanvasJs and I am using it locally to add some dynamic functionality to a graph in my page. I am using only a small functionality from the file. How do i remove the dead line that I don't use? I don't know which lines are not being used!
Note: I am using the script file to draw a spline chart, but the script file contains code for many more graphs and functionalities. How do I remove those redundant functionalities. The script file is too big with all the functions that I don't use. I wish to reduce the file size by removing the redundant line of codes.
If you are certain that you want to remove all but the code that your application calls:
Find all of the functions that your code calls in the library.
Copy each of these functions into a new file.
In each of these functions, find all functions and any global variables that they reference and return to point 2.
When you have all of the referenced functions and variables in a separate file, try your code out on it in as many different ways as you can think of to make sure that you did not miss anything out.
Do this on the un-minified version of the library and then minify the resulting code, so that it is readable for you.
Another way of stepping through the code is to use the debugger built in to your browser, by setting a breakpoint on your own code and stepping through it, then finding that code in the library file.
If you think that you might need more functionality from the library however, weigh the cost over the wire against the effort of extracting only the required code. It might be best to use the full library or to find another more specialised library if possible.

How can I access embedded ASP.NET GlobalResources in JavaScript?

I'm working on a legacy ASP.NET project, which I'm trying to massage into shape slowly, but I can't make significant changes without it all collapsing like a chocolate finger house....
I've tried to find a solution for this, but failed miserably due to the specific mix of terminology ("javascript", "embedded" and/or "resource" just give me information as to how to embed a .js file...), and the fact that it's probably a weird way of doing things.
The project makes use of App_GlobalResources for translatable strings, which is used in C# code behind, the markup and in some of the JavaScript. For example:
Text="<%$Resources: Resources, MeasuresLabel %>"
setDialogTitle('summaryDialog', physicalElementName, Resources.Resources.Summary);
This was all working fine, until we started using NUnit for some integration testing. To make the Resources.resx available to NUnit I've followed Scott Allen's suggestion, which works for NUnit but means that the above Resources.Resources is undefined.
So, my question is with this embedded file, how can I make it accessible to the JavaScript (or is there a better way I can make it available to NUnit)?
There's an the added complication due to the code I want to access it with being in separate .js files, rather than within script tags in the .aspx files.
After looking at it some more, the real challenge is the properties that are accessed in the JS are static. Due to the number of places these are referenced, it's not practical to add a variable for each string that's being used.
I think that JS files aren't going through the ASP.NET engine and they are served as they are, that's why Resources.Resources.Summary isn't defined in your case, while it will work when embedded inside <script> tag in .aspx file.
The only way I know around this would be to store the used resource values in global javascript variables on the .aspx page and then use them in loaded JS files.

How to include an external PHP file into a Joomla article?

So basically, I have a single article that I would like to load a PHP file into. This PHP file has a bunch of PHP and Javascript, along with HTML.
I need to include this full PHP file into my article since it contains an application form that I need on my website.
I have tried the following:
Using an extension to allow PHP and Javascript code within an article. Although, this is extremely time consuming since all PHP and Javascript must be wrapped in some special tags for the extension to recognise it, therefore this would take me days.
I tried using the extension and then trying <?php include "form.php"; ?> within the special tags, although this returned a major error since I believe it is because the PHP code is not within the tags itself.
Does anyone have any suggestions to how I can accomplish this?
Try this ,
Create a module that have your forms. For module development tutorial
And create an article and set the module inside that like.
{loadposition contact_form_pos}
Inside your article just mention the module position like above
for more
Using extensions is the only way to do that.
If you don't want to use a plugin that allows PHP into articles, you would have to write your own custom component to show that php page in your own menu item, out of an article.
It's a little hard to answer when you haven't said if you want to just do this one time in one specific article or you want to be able to put it into any article.

Any preferably open source html compressor written in Javascript?

I am looking for an HTML compressor/minimizer written in Javascript. Say, I have a Javascript variable containing some HTML code, I want to pass it to a Javascript function that will remove unecessary spaces, comments, etc... Does such tool exist? I can't find any...
Is there a specific reason for a javascipt minimizer?
If you are worried about your website loading time, then why not try head.js()?
You can see the change if you have a large number of libraries.
But if you have really want to minify, there is AJAX minifier
I used it just now and works wonderful.

Accessing Local Files with jQuery

I believe that this question has been asked in a few different forms, but I've read quite a few different responses.
At first, I had a web-application written with mostly jQuery that would make use of servlets to retrieve information from various locations JavaScript could not access (ie. Feeds, images from a server, etc.). Now, however, I've been told to do away with the servlets and application configuration classes so that this project of mine contains only HTML, CSS, and JavaScript/jQuery. Rather than pulling the images off of the server, I need to retrieve them from a local file on the computer. I know that allowing this might seem like terrible design, but it's what I've been asked to do. At any rate, what I really need to do is count the number of image files in a directory and then perhaps compile an array of the filenames themselves. I could do this fine in Java when using the servlets, but without them, I'm not sure how or even if this can be done.
I'm basically trying to use the jQuery Cycle plug-in to cycle through these images like a slideshow. I inject (or $("#div").append()) these images into the div by using a loop based on the number of images present.
So, is there a way I can do this with using JavaScript, HTML, jQuery plug-in, etc? I'd like to avoid using PHP and Java at this point...
You can't just read a directory with JavaScript; however, there appears to be a way to "exploit" how browsers function using It may not be pretty, but the demo works in the latest Chrome and IE7-9 for me. I'm sure some of the techniques could be updated to use cleaner code if you'd like to improve upon it.
Another technique you could use can be found in Javascript read files in folder
It definitely looks to be a cleaner solution. What I'd recommend is extracting the body contents to inject into a hidden div or using the path for an iframe that you can read from.

