remove homepage content using javascript - javascript

I want to hide my homepage content after other link is clicked. My homepage content is into
<div class="active">
Homepage content
css class active and inactive
.active {
font-size: 30px;
I tried this script but it is not working.
<script src="jquery.js"></script>
I upload it to an web hosting so you can see full html code here and full css file here

Is adding and removing the class from your link (which I assume has id="#link-link1)
Instead you need to give your div an id like
<div id="homepage" class="active">
Then in your JS code reference that by id:
Even better would be to use jquery's hide() method or toggle() if you wanted it to come back the next time you clicked:

Add an ID to the "Homepage content" div, so we can find it using javascript.
<div class="active" id="contentArea">
Homepage content
Try placing you jQuery code inside a document read. Optionally place it right before the closing </body> tag. Add the css classes to the "Home content" div and not to the link element addressed by $(this):
$( document ).ready(function() {
var contentArea = $("#contentArea");
Consider using the jQuery function toggle() for changing contents visibility.
Take a look at the manual:

Just take a look at that fiddle I make a simple example for you.
In you'r web page you must use better div elments as tabs not a elements
//$(".active").css("display","none"); //WORKS TOOO

Working Fiddle
<a id="link1" href="#">Hide Home Page</a>
<a id="link2" href="#">Show Home Page</a>
<div id="home_page">
<hr/>Homepage content
$('#link1').click(function () {
$('#link2').click(function () {
Hope this helps..!!
Update using toggle() based on #Cfreak answer
Updated Fiddle

Since you are using Jquery you can use hide method that will apply to your css of that element display: none;
$('#homepage').show(); //to make it visible again
hope it help

You have to change the class for the div, in your code you are change the class of the link, add an Id or class to the div, for example:
<div class="active" id="test">
Homepage content
<script src="jquery.js"></script>


Woocommerce short description toggle on archive page

Im building shop on woocommerce and im trying to make spoiler under product with short description on archive page.
But unfortunetely it works only with first product.
I made changes inside content-product.php
<div class="tog-holder" id="tog">
<div class="bar horizontal"></div>
<div class="bar vertical"></div>
<div id="anim">
<p><?php echo apply_filters( 'woocommerce_short_description', $product->post->post_excerpt ) ?></p>
Here is a css:
<style type="text/css">
/* plus sign */
.bar{transition:all .2s ease-in-out}
#tog.animate .bar{-webkit-transform: rotate(45deg)}
.tog-holder{position:relative;width:32px;height:32px;padding:15px 0}
.horizontal {width:32px;height:2px;left:0;top:15px;}
.vertical {width:2px;height:32px;left:15px;top:0}
And Jquery
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
jQuery("#tog").click(function() {
I think problem is with Jquery. I dont know it very well. I put script and css to to header with Insert Headers and Footers plugin it works like below on the screenshot.
Thanks in advance!
IDs are unique identifiers and should only be existing once on a page.
Your jQuery script is getting the id "tog" and uses the click function. You are only do this for the first element with this id.
You should use a class instead and could use a for each to add this click function to all elements with this class.
Another method would be to add the on click to the html tag
<div onclick="yourFunction()"></div>
and create a function where you are referencing to "this" to always use THIS element which is clicked.
EDIT: Here is an example code for you, to make things clearer

Hiding specific menu items

I am trying to hide menu items where they contain the word 'Benefits HIDDEN' in a quick launch list. I have been trying to get a script to work, but no avail so far. Using F12 in Edge, the class I want to hide is as follows;
<span class="menu-item-text">Benefits HIDDEN</span>
Which sites under this DIV
<div class=" noindex ms-core-listMenu-verticalBox" id="zz13_idPDPQuickLaunch">
I was trying this kind of approach;
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".zz13_idPDPQuickLaunch *:contains('Benefits HIDDEN')").hide ();
But no luck!
zz13_idPDPQuickLaunch is ID not a class, use #
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#zz13_idPDPQuickLaunch *:contains('Benefits HIDDEN')").hide ();
You can use the class/id of element you want to hide as the main part of jQuery selector.
If you want to hide the li tag, you can use(static is the class of the li tag):
$(".static:contains('Benefits HIDDEN')").hide();
Best regards,

Display href link into div

I want to display the href link in the <div id="display"></div> tag so when I press anything in the menu or in my list it'll just open in the div with display as its id.
I have this menu like this done
<div class="menu">
<div id="display"></div>
and my JavaScript is like this
$('#display').html($('.menu a').html());
I don't know much about javascript, but I think the javascript code is actually wrong, I would appreciate is someone would help me.
I want to display the href
You need to fetch href property for that you can use .prop()
$('#display').html($('.menu a').prop('href'));
In case you mean retrieve the page and place it in the div:
// bind click event to all anchors within .menu
$('.menu a').click(function(e){
// fetch the page using AJAX and place the results in #display
// prevent navigating away from the page (default action of anchor)
(Or maybe it's just me, but the question seems very hard to understand. :shrug:)
$('.menu a').on('click',function(e){
e.preventDefault(); //this will keep your link from loading
var href = $(e.currentTarget()).attr('href');
We can use an iframe to display the link in the <a> tag.
Here's a fiddle
Here is my version...
<div class="menu">
<a id="xxx" href="" onkeydown="myFunc()">HOME</a>
<div id="display"></div>
$(document).ready(function() {
var data = $("a#xxx").attr("href");

Making ahref from a div

I have a div as follows:
<div class="slide_items">
<div class="slide_item"><img src="image"/></div>
<div class="slide_title">title</div>
What i want to do is, instead of having URL in each item in slide_items div. I want user to click on <div class="slide_items">. I want the slide_items to be clickable as the div itself, rather than putting a href in every inner div.
How can i do this?
The proper way would be to use a single link (but change the inner elements to span for validness)
<a href="/url" class="slide_items">
<span class="slide_item"><img src="image"/></span>
<span class="slide_title">title</span>
And make sure that they are treated as block elements from the css
a.slide_items, a.slide_items span{
If you have to go the div way, then use
<div class="slide_items" data-href="/url">
<div class="slide_item"><img src="image"/></div>
<div class="slide_title">title</div>
and add a script (since you use jquery)
var href = $(this).data('href');
window.location = href;
You can add onclick="'')" event to simulate a link to your div.
In the case where you want the entire div to appear to a be a link, you will want to change your cursor. Add style="cursor: hand; cursor: pointer;" to your div as well.
You can add an onclick property to the div:
<div class="slide_items" onclick="location.href='/url';" >
<div class="slide_item"><img src="image"/></div>
<div class="slide_title">title</div>
you can use some simple javascript to get this done
use the onclick() event
so your HTML code looks something like
<div class="slide_items">
<div class="slide_item" onclick="function1()"><img src="image"/></div>
<div class="slide_title" onclick="function2()">title</div>
your javascript code will look like
function function1(){
// insert your code here
function function2()
// insert your code here
the code can be done in many ways depending on what you want , if you just want to redirect to another div , use the display attributes alternating between none and block , more reference here documentation .
if you want to redirect to another site you can use"your url")
<div class="slide_items">
<div class="slide_item"><img src="image" alt="my image" /></div>
$(function() {
$('.slide_items').click(function() {
window.location = '';
.slide_items:hover {
cursor: pointer;
The redirect isn't working in jsfiddle, but it should work for you.
if you want it to likley say: Click here to enter site:
Click here to enter my site!

Javascript show/hide: How to set to Show

I have the following code:
<a class="button" href="javascript:ShowHide('elaborate_1')" style="font-size:24px; padding:0 10px; margin-left:10px;">COLLAPSE</a>
<div id="elaborate_1" class="expandable-box" style="display:none;">
<div class="description"><?php //USE THIS CLASS 'description' ON A 'div' TAG FOR A GRAY BOX TO DISPLAY CONTENT ?>
<p class="nomargin nopadding">HELLO</p>
</div><!-- .descpription -->
The web page currently hides this message "hello" until I click "COLLAPSE" however I want the content to be shown automatically until I click "collapse.
How can I do this?
Change the display:none to display:block on your elaborate_1 div.
Remove the display:none from the containing element:
<div id="elaborate_1" class="expandable-box">
If your ShowHide function is correct, it should work just like that. If not, you should post the code from the function.
Just remove style="display:none;" from your html element
and add following code to your js function (for reference)
document.getElementById("elaborate_1").style.display = "block";
Personally I would suggest taking a look at JQuery. It allows you to take advantage of controlling various effects, like show, hide, toggle, fade, and custom animation, etc. Here is the link: which might be useful to you.
A little Jquery sample code:

