JavaScript Datetime picker without jQuery? [closed] - javascript

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I need to have my users select a date and time in one of my forms, and I don't want to spend time reinventing the wheel to create a datetime picker in JavaScript. The problem is that the only "pickers" I can find online are all based on jQuery, which normally wouldn't be a problem except that the entire site is practically finished without using jQuery at all. So it would feel stupid to use that entire giant framework now when all I need it for is a single input on one form on one page of my site.

There is a datetime Picker in HTML5 but it doesn't work for all browsers. You can try this example:

We've been using Pikaday with great success on our project. One of our forms has over 60 date fields on it (legal industry), and this little widget has performed very well. It's 5kb minified and highly configurable. The default styling looks pretty slick, too. One last thing I'd like to add is that Pikaday also has the ability to clean up after itself (.destroy command), which has been extremely helpful on more dynamic forms.. Many other date pickers don't clean up after themselves when the node to which they're attached is removed from the dom. Highly recommend it.
Proper Introduction Here.


jQuery step by step semi-automated guide in a web application [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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We need to create a feature to help new users understand the product that they are testing during trial period.
We think in creating a jQuery script of semiautomated actions (AKA clics) and popup displaying information. We use a script to enter text in inputs called Ghostwriter but we need some more features.
Imagine something like when Facebooks delivers a new feature, that makes a step by step introduction in order to show how this works, the ones that you tipically clic the "OK, I get it!" button to skip it.
For some forms we did some scripts displaying tooltips next to fields explaining the usage. But doing this Web Site wide, will create lots of code.
What we need is something more declarative, where you could setup some steps, creating a script in Javascript, that should not polute the existing HTML.
How should I do this? Any experiences in this kind of issues?
This is super awesome and easy to use:
I like
I'm sure it hits on a lot of features you need.
A quick Google search reveals this commercial option:

Is there a properly tested alternative to Select2 or Chosen? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am looking for an alternative to Select2 that basically provides the same functionality, but includes proper tests.
The quest for the holy grail? The last unicorn?
Selectize.js is a select2 alternative I've been working on that has a suite of tests using a combination of testem, syn, mocha, and chai. Right now there are the following classes of tests:
InteractionFunctional tests that makes sure the control behaves as if the user is using it (using syn).
SetupEnsures the control can be initialized properly from existing <select> and <input> elements.
APITests core API methods for proper functionality.
EventsEnsures built-in events get fired at the right times with the proper arguments.
XSSTests a handful of potential exploits.
With that said, the tests aren't as expansive as I want them to be, but it's getting there :)
Another possible alternative is bootstrap-multiselect
"JQuery multiselect plugin based on Twitter Bootstrap"
Examples and documentation:
The repository does not contain any automated tests, manual tests instead
Themed using Bootstrap 3
JavaScript source code is short: 800 lines of code
524 stars on GitHub (as of 2013/12/13)
Note: I'm no longer maintaining this project. Choose another one.
Bselect, which I develop, is tested, however doesn't include all the features (yet) from Select2/Chosen.
If you want, join me in its development :)

jQuery Spreadsheet/Grid plugin with copy/paste from/to Excel [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am looking for a jQuery plugin for something like spreadsheet or grid.
I have found a lot of jQuery Grid plugins and one spreadsheet plugin.
But I would like functionality with copy/paste cells from/to Excel. Something like here Any suggestions?
I needed JavaScript data grid with copy/paste compatibility with Excel. I could not find such, so I created this:
Maybe you will find it useful.
there is one available on github:
it is based on jquery, has copy/paste and bunch of other functions.
The best way to deal with tabular data with jquery is probably using Slickgrid
I did a plugin for copy/paste from/to excel:
The plugin has now many bugs fixed and features added by the community (eg. undo/redo support) :

RichText WYSIWYG editor without UI (JavaScript API only) [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am looking for a very clean project to add cross-browser JavaScript API to contenteditable div.
If it has UI, then it should be possible not to load it (as opposed to disabling it) or completely remove from sources.
I am looking for basic features really without huge focus on backward-compatibility but rather a cleaner code.
Some of the features, I would expect from this API would be:
Insert HTML snippet at the position of the cursor
Clean up contents after paste (such as spans and font sizes)
Return node, where cursor currently is positioned
Add new item to item list
I suppose I could code them with some jQuery, but if someone have it, why not re-use it.
You could use the one Google use -
If your concern about cleaner code relates to maintainability/extensibility then all the code in the Closure library is well documented and all variables/methods are verbose in their naming (this is because the Closure Compiler will take care of minifying them for the client).
In CKEditor the UI and themes are defined as plugins and not part of the core, so if you have enough patience you could redefine them in any way that you want.
Quill seems to be gaining good traction -
Look at this, it seems suitable:
Source code:
PS. It's free for non-commercial use only.
TinyMice is also good choice. It has jQuery API
What about WYMEditor?

Date range selector similar to Google Analytics date range selector? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm building a web app where the vast majority of our target audience likely have experience with Google Analytics - and as a part of that website there is a date range selector. I was hoping to find an off-the-shelf javascript/jquery date range selector to customize to my needs, but I'm not a fan of the stock version that jquery provides because it lacks the actual date inputs, it only has the two visual calenders. I listed what I'm looking for below.
What I'd love:
Select a start and end date on a
single calender (preferably with two
months shown).
Enter the start and end date manually
into an input box
Highlighting of selected date range
(changing background-color of dates
within 'start' and 'end').
Fairly easy to get at the CSS /
layout elements
What I don't need:
A timeline selector
Compare to past
Thanks for helping out!
jquery-ui-datepicker do not have date range selector. Just found out this nice plugin which does that -
Recently started using another open source plugin and it's working great too.
I like this one due to the quick select of common ranges such as year to date, today etc. The code looked pretty readable, so i guess it would be possible rewrite it slightly to align with use cases for the application.
here is also a listing of other plug ins

