HighCharts, Json Format - javascript

So i'm attempting to use highcharts with the pie chart drilldown option.
Working with static data this is working perfectly. However, as I would like to use the Pie chart as a form of reporting, Ideally It needs to run with dynamic data.
The top level data is made up of requests. Each request is made up of subsequent tasks.
This is the php I have which retrieves the tasks and requests.
foreach($getRequests as $key=> $val){
$timeArr = explode(':', $val['duration']);
$decTime = ($timeArr[0]) + ($timeArr[1]/60); // this is purely to convert hh:mm to decimal time
$pieData['name'] = $val['name'];
$pieData['y'] = $decTime;
$pieData['drilldown'] = $key;
// This creates the first level of data which the $pie[] array gives the correct format, so when json_encode is applied, the data is usable
$getTasks = $task->getReportTasks($user, $status, $key, $dateRange, $date);
foreach($getTasks as $taskKey => $taskVal){
$pieTasks['name'] = "Tasks";
$timeArrTask = explode(':', $taskVal['duration']);
$decTimeTask = ($timeArrTask[0]) + ($timeArrTask[1]/60);
$pieTasks['data'] = array($taskVal['name'], $decTimeTask);
$pie2[] = $pieTasks;
However by applying the same logic to tasks and using json_encode, I end up with the following.
,"data":["test task1",3]
But the format I need is for tasks with the same request ID, the "id" field to be contained within the same data field.
Like so
["test task1",3]
where because testtask2 has the same id, it is contained within the same data field.
I hope this makes sense and any help anyone can provide so I can structure this correctly would be greatly appreciated.

Not tested, but try to replace the last foreach with this code:
$pieTasks['id'] = $key;
$pieTasks['name'] = "Tasks";
$pieTasks['data'] = array();
foreach($getTasks as $taskKey => $taskVal){
$timeArrTask = explode(':', $taskVal['duration']);
$decTimeTask = ($timeArrTask[0]) + ($timeArrTask[1]/60);
$pieTasks['data'][] = array($taskVal['name'], $decTimeTask);
$pie2[] = $pieTasks;

Standart JSON parser can't parse double (14.383333333333) .
Try write in double quotes ( "14.383333333333" )


Encoding JSON with PHP from database table data

I want to be able to encode JSON into a specific format so that it can be used with another script that I have created. I am able to encode it with PHP into JSON but need to be able to push these encoded JSON sets to a 'named' array.
At the moment I am getting this
"ann_title":"Return Dates",
"ann_content":"Have a good break. The course timetable resumes on Wednesday 3rd January 2018",
"tutor":"John Smith"
From this code
class AnnData {
public $ann_date = "";
public $ann_title = "";
public $ann_content = "";
public $tutor = "";
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {
$ann_date = $row['ann_date'];
$ann_title = $row['ann_title'];
$ann_content = $row['ann_content'];
$tutor = $row['tutor'];
$annData = new AnnData();
$annData->ann_date = $ann_date;
$annData->ann_title = $ann_title;
$annData->ann_content = $ann_content;
$annData->tutor = $tutor;
$annQ = json_encode($annData);
But need it to look like this
"ann_title":"Return Dates",
"ann_content":"Have a good break. The course timetable resumes on Wednesday 3rd January 2018",
"tutor":"John Smith"}]
You can declare an associative array and then encode it:
$annData = new AnnData();
$out = array('announcements' => array($annData));
$outJson = json_encode($out);
You can simplify this a lot by getting the correct columns from your database (only the 4 your need) and fetching all rows at once:
$annQ = json_encode([
'announcements' => mysqli_fetch_all($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC),
This replaces all the code you have posted.
An associative array will be stored in the string as an object so you don't need that class either if you are not going to use it anywhere else.

Save data to JSON File in correct format - PHP

I am currently saving click co-ordinates to a JSON file through the use of the following code:
onmouseup = function(e){
var Clicks = {};
Clicks.state = {
cX: e.clientX,
cY: e.clientY,
type : "GET",
url : "PHP/save_json.php",
data : {
state : JSON.stringify(Clicks.state)
$myFile = "JSON/clicks.json";
$fh = fopen($myFile, 'a') or die("can't open file");
$stringData = $_GET["state"];
fwrite($fh, $stringData);
However with the above code I am saving the coordinates in the following incorrect format:
Can anyone please help me to save the coordinates in a JSON array rather than in seperate JSON entries?
I would like the file to be as follows, were the coordinates are added onto the already existing JSON array within the file:
What you need to do is:
Open the clicks.json file and read the entire contents.
Turn this into an instance of stdClass by using json_decode. This will give you a PHP object that you can modify using normal PHP functions and syntax.
Use json_decode on the JSON that you receive from your client.
Use array_push to push the new values from the client into the arrays stored in the file (something like array_push($fileJson->cX, $clientJson->cX);)
Use json_encode to encode $fileJson again.
Write it back to the file.
This assumes that the clicks.json file is already correctly formatted JSON with the arrays already created etc.
Given the current arrangement of the key and value bits, it's apparent that some sort of transformation is needed in the JSON data before it is written to the file. Where this transformation is done is definitely a matter of an opinion. However, assuming that you receive following JSON data in PHP:
The PHP code can be written as (illustrated with static input):
$myFile = "JSON/clicks.json";
$fh = fopen($myFile, 'a') or die("can't open file");
$stringData = $_GET["state"];
$json_array_source = json_decode($string, true);
$json_array_target = array();
foreach($json_array_source as $key=>$value){
$json_array_target["ID"][] = $key + 1;
foreach($value as $sub_key => $sub_value){
$json_array_target[$sub_key][] = $sub_value;
$transformed_string = json_encode($json_array_target);
fwrite($fh, $transformed_string);
If you were to echo $transformed_string;, you'd see:
Which is what will be written to the file.
You need load data to array, add new data and save back to file.
I think you don't need save numbers in strings.
These code create new file if not exists.
// test input data
if(isset($_GET['state']['cX']) &&
isset($_GET['state']['cY']) &&
is_numeric($_GET['state']['cX']) &&
is_numeric($_GET['state']['cY']) )
// ok
} else {
exit('Bad data format');
$myFile = __DIR__ . "/JSON/clicks.json";
// step 1, load data from file to array
$array = file_exists($myFile) ?
json_decode(file_get_contents($myFile), true) :
// step 2, add data to array
$array['ID'][] = isset($array['ID']) ? (count($array['ID']) + 1) : 1;
$array['cX'][] = (int) $state['cX'];
$array['cY'][] = (int) $state['cY'];
// step 3, save array back to file
file_put_contents($myFile, json_encode($array));
Or you can use other file format where will be possible to append file. The easiest format for static structured data could be CSV
Use json_encode to convert your string to an object, then convert it back to a string using json_decode and the JSON_PRETTY_PRINT option.
$stringData = json_decode(json_encode($_GET["state"]), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);

Perform "javascript/jQuery-like" functions using PHP

I'm trying to move some processing from client to server side.
I am doing this via AJAX.
In this case t is a URL like this: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/real-crime-profile/id1081244497?mt=2&uo=2.
First problem, I need to send a bunch of these URLs through this little function, to just pull out "1081244497" using my example. The following accomplishes this in javascript, but not sure how to make it loop in PHP.
var e = t.match(/id(\d+)/);
if (e) {
podcastid= e[1];
} else {
podcastid = t.match(/\d+/);
The next part is trickier. I can pass one of these podcastid at a time into AJAX and get back what I need, like so:
url: 'https://itunes.apple.com/lookup',
data: {
id: podcastid,
entity: 'podcast'
type: 'GET',
dataType: 'jsonp',
timeout: 5000,
success: function(data) {
What I don't know how to do is accomplish this same thing in PHP, but also using the list of podcastids without passing one at a time (but that might be the only way).
Thoughts on how to get started here?
Okay...let me clarify what I need now given some of the comments.
I have this in PHP:
$sxml = simplexml_load_file($url);
$jObj = json_decode($json);
$new = new stdClass(); // create a new object
foreach( $sxml->entry as $entry ) {
$t = new stdClass();
$t->id = $entry->id;
$new->entries[] = $t; // create an array of objects
$newJsonString = json_encode($new);
This gives me:
object(stdClass)#27 (1) {
array(2) {
object(stdClass)#31 (1) {
object(SimpleXMLElement)#32 (1) {
string(64) "https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/serial/id917918570?mt=2&uo=2"
object(stdClass)#30 (1) {
object(SimpleXMLElement)#34 (1) {
string(77) "https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/real-crime-profile/id1081244497?mt=2&uo=2"
What I need now is to pull out each of the strings (the URLs) and then run them through a function like the following to just end up with this: "917918570,1081244497", which is just a piece of the URL, joined by a commas.
I have this function to get the id number for one at a time, but struggling with how the foreach would work (plus I know there has to be a better way to do this function):
$some =(parse_url($t));
$newsome = ($some['path']);
$bomb = explode("/", $newsome);
$newb = ($bomb[4]);
$mrbill = (str_replace("id","",$newb,$i));
//outputs 1081244497
find match preg_match() and http_build_query() to turn array into query string. And file_get_contents() for the request of the data. and json_decode() to parse the json responce into php array.
in the end it should look like this.
$json_array = json_decode(file_get_contents('https://itunes.apple.com/lookup?'.http_build_query(['id'=>25,'entity'=>'podcast'])));
if(preg_match("/id(\d+)/", $string,$matches)){
You may have to mess with this a little. This should get you on the right track though. If you have problems you can always use print_r() or var_dump() to debug.
As far as the Apple API use , to seperate ids
you will get multiple results that come back into an array and you can use a foreach() loop to parse them out.
Here is a full example that gets the artist name from a list of urls
$urls = [
$podcast_ids = [];
$info = [];
foreach ($urls as $string) {
if (preg_match('/id(\d+)/', $string, $match)) {
$podcast_ids[] = $match[1];
$json_array = json_decode(file_get_contents('https://itunes.apple.com/lookup?' . http_build_query(['id' => implode(',', $podcast_ids)])));
foreach ($json_array->results as $item) {
$info[] = $item->artistName;
print '<pre>';
print '</pre>';
To put your object into an array just run it through this
foreach ($sxml->entries as $entry) {
$urls[] = $entry->id[0];
When you access and object you use -> when you access an array you use []. Json and xml will parse out in to a combination of both objects and arrays. So you just need to follow the object's path and put the right keys in the right places to unlock that gate.

Extra slash comes in json array

I works on nestable drag and drop. When I drag and drop tiles It generate an array in textarea which is [{},{"id":267},{"id":266}]. Now When I post this array in action page then It posted [{},{\"id\":267},{\"id\":266}]. Why this extra slash comes in array. In action page I convert this array using json_decode. Now How I remove this slash from array or how I ignore this array that I successfully decode this array through jsondecode.
var updateOutput = function(e)
var list = e.length ? e : $(e.target),
output = list.data('output');
if (window.JSON) {
output.val(window.JSON.stringify(list.nestable('serialize')));//, null, 2));
} else {
output.val('JSON browser support required for this demo.');
// activate Nestable for list 1
group: 1
.on('change', updateOutput);
// output initial serialised data
updateOutput($('#rightservices').data('output', $('#siteservices')));
Sounds like Magic Quotes is set on the server. This is an old, deprecated, feature of PHP where any request data would be automatically escaped with slashes regardless of what is was. You can follow the instructions listed here to disable them. From that page, any of these should work, depending on what you have access to:
In php.ini
This is the most efficient option, if you have access to php.ini.
; Magic quotes for incoming GET/POST/Cookie data.
magic_quotes_gpc = Off
In .htaccess
If you don't have access to php.ini:
php_flag magic_quotes_gpc Off
At runtime
This is inefficient, only use if you can't use the above settings.
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
$process = array(&$_GET, &$_POST, &$_COOKIE, &$_REQUEST);
while (list($key, $val) = each($process)) {
foreach ($val as $k => $v) {
if (is_array($v)) {
$process[$key][stripslashes($k)] = $v;
$process[] = &$process[$key][stripslashes($k)];
} else {
$process[$key][stripslashes($k)] = stripslashes($v);
The below will remove the first object in the array but doesn't really solve the real issue of why it is being added in the first place?
var arr = [{},{\"id\":267},{\"id\":266}];

Construct a Javascript Template and inserting values into it

If anybody knows , please help me , i am very badly struck .
From AJAX Call i am constructing this data in my server (This data is fetched from the server so there can be any number of such rows data )
My question is that , is it possible to construct a similar array inside javascript dynamically ??
For example , depending upon the number of rows , i want to construct a similar jaavscript array dynamically
(For example depneding on data.length , i want to construct this type dynamically
var data = {
Please help me .
This will dynamically create a list of dictionary, which is what I think you are looking for:
var row = {};
row['one'] = "1";
row['two'] = "2";
row = {};
row['one'] = "3";
row['two'] = "3";
// outputs [{"one":"1","two":"2"},{"one":"3","two":"3"}]
alert( JSON.stringify( data ) )

