Is possible to disable Javascript/Jquery from the browser inspector console? - javascript

Hi i was thinking about if there could be any way of disable the ability to change the javascript/jquery from the inspector console?
Just in case you want to avoid that a user interacts and change things from the DOM using the console, or maybe send forms avoiding some checks from javascript.
Or is impossible to do that and you just have to do all the security or this kind of things on the serverside?

Anything on the client side is never going to be fully secure. This is because it can be manipulated not only by the browser's developer tools, but by any number of other 3rd party tools.
The server itself must be fully secured, because there is no way of guaranteeing that a request is even being made from the web site itself, let alone that the javascript validation was not tampered with.

Yes to disable the console just run this on the client
Object.defineProperty(console, '_commandLineAPI', {
get : function() {
throw "Console is disabled";
This won't leave then to use the console.
Note: There isn't a 100% secure option to get around this, but at least doing this won't allow console usage. Add security to your server to see which request are legit.
Also this will only work in Chrome this is because Chrome wraps all the console code in:
with ((console && console._commandLineAPI) || {}) {
<code area>
Firefox has a different way to wrap the code from the console. This is why this is not a 100% secure protection from console commands


Is there any way to get the SSL status of a website using fetch in JavaScript? [duplicate]

Is there a way to check in JavaScript if given a host its SSL certificate is valid? (non blocking)
In my case, I want to display: "you can also use https://.." if via JavaScript I can make a request to https://my_url without being asked to accept an untrusted certificate.
Can this be done asynchronously?
Take a look here:
<img src="https://the_site/the_image" onerror="redirectToCertPage()">
This solution is tested and working in current versions of FF and Chrome (as of 2022):
<script> var sslCertTrusted = false; </script>
<script src=""></script>
if (!sslCertTrusted)
alert('Sorry, you need to install the certificate first.');
// alert('Redirecting to secure connection')
You of course need to make your web server return this code under the URL
sslCertTrusted = true;
I'm not exactly sure about the details. But I've seen similar technology used to detect adblocking etc. You may need to piggyback on the window object maybe, if the variable can't be modified by another script, but generally making the above proof of concept work is left as an exercise to the reader.
What I've found up to now - it is possible with Firefox, don't know yet about other browsers:
The straight answer is no. Javascript does not provide any means of validating certificates. This is a job left to the browser.
A better approach to this problem is from the server side. If you are controlling the site, than you can render down a variable on the page with information gleaned on the server side.
In .Net something like
var canSecure = <%= MySiteHasSsl ? "true" : "false" %>;
if (canSecure) {
if (confirm("This site supports SSL encryption. Would you like to switch to a secure connection?")) {
location.href = "";
I'm not quite sure what your use case is. If you are just trying to "check ahead of time" before you provide a link to someone for another website then the other answers here will be more relevant than mine.
If you are expecting to use an SSL certificate that isn't trusted by default in the browser but you have another way of knowing it should be trusted, then you could use a JavaScript TLS implementation to make cross-domain requests to that other site. However, this requires that your website be served on https and trusted in the browser to begin with and the other site to provide a Flash cross-domain policy file.
If this sounds anything like what you want to do, check out the open source Forge project at github:
Useful notice: navigator.clipboard will be undefined on Chrome browsers if there's no valid SSL certificate.
The question doesn't make sense. You can't get the server's SSL certificate without opening an SSL connection to it, and once you've done that, telling the user they can do that too is a bit pointless.
You could run a server elsewhere that handles certificate checks based on whatever you want, then your javascript application sends a request to that server asking for a checkup. This does require that you have at least one server somewhere in the world that you can trust.
A query of this nature can be done in the background quite easily.

Retrieving console errors to html

My question is different from the other posts similar to this.
AutoCAD offers developers a means of displaying a URL page inside the application. I created an intranet site for my company with the hopes that users can explore via desktop browser or their AutoCAD application.
The problem is that the browser AutoCAD uses is Chrome version 33 (currently its at 84) - there is no way to update or change the browser either.
I have no way to "inspect" or debug the site inside AutoCAD - and I've come to find out there are many difference in v84 and v33. I'm trying to diagnose errors right now but again, I have no way of accessing the console logs inside the AutoCAD Browser.
Is there a way for me to "alert" any errors that the console is trying to give me? (ie: the page can't find a script reference, there is an unexpected '.', etc...)
NOTE - my site runs great on the most updated Chrome browser (v84 on desktop browser), but some little things are not working right in v33 (in AutoCAD Browser).
If you control the website you can attach a listener on the window to listen for any unhandled exceptions. Add this before all other scripts to make sure everything is captured.
window.on('error', (e) => {
// if error is intresting, do work.
The handler accepts an ErrorEvent object.
NOTE - This will not capture errors that are triggered in scripts across domain. For example if you are loading google maps, and an error is triggered within that script, you will typically get a 'Script error.' and no other info. This has to do with cross origin policies. You can read more here.
If you need to specifically to capture data sent to console.error you can simply proxy the function. This may not capture anything except for code that explicitly calls console.error and is not recommended.
const error = console.error;
console.error = (...args) => {
// alert(...);
error.apply(console, args);

PIXI: browser sends no cookies with Texture.fromImage()

I am trying to use PIXI to create an image-based sprite, thus:
var s = new PIXI.Sprite(PIXI.Texture.fromImage("bunny.png"))
My server can only locate the correct image file if the request for "bunny.png" arrives with a session cookie. Unfortunately, no cookies are sent (which is evident from server side debugging, and clearly evident in Chrome's developer console).
If I add a simple img tag in the html, I observe (in Chrome's developer console) that cookies are sent and the image is returned without any trouble:
<img src="bunny.png">
I am using PIXI 3.0.5.
What am I failing to understand? Why would these two bunnies behave so differently?
var s = new PIXI.Sprite(PIXI.Texture.fromImage("bunny.png", false))
The default behavior is to pretend that we want to avoid cross-site scripting abuse, so cookies are suppressed. This is how the PIXI tutorials work, apparently (and who cares about cookies in that case?)
If you want the cookies, you must set the crossdomain parameter to false.
I thought I had tried that already, but evidently I was mistaken! Bunnies everywhere now..

Log JavaScript console into a log file with Firefox

We have a web application which runs in a kiosk mode Firefox, using the RKiosk extension to achieve this. We suspect that we have a very rare error in the system which yields in a JavaScript error. However because we can't access the JavaScript console we can't examine the log.
I'm searching for an option to make Firefox log all JavaScript console messages into a file regardless of the tab and page opened. I can't seem to find any extension for this. I'm already using log4javascript which sends errors back to the server, but it seems that our application crashes in a way that it skips the logging altogether.
Writing to a file sounds like a tedious task to me. It requires privileges that browser code doesn't normally have and you'd have to negotiate with an add-on you'd have to write in order to access file I/O.
From what I understand your issue is
I'd like to make Firefox log all errors
There are several approaches we can do to tackle this
First approach - log everything to localStorage too:
Now, rather than writing to an actual file, you can write to localStorage or IndexedDB instead.
localStorage["myApplog"] = localStorage["myApplog"] || "";
var oldLog = console.log;
console.log = function(){
oldLog.apply(console,arguments); // use the old console log
var message = "\n "+(new Date).toISOString() + " :: "+," , "); // the arguments
localStorage["myApplog"] += message;
This is rather dirty and rather slow, but it should get the job done and you can access the log later in local storage. LocalStorage has a ~5MB limit if I recall correctly which I think is enough if you don't go crazy with logging. You can also run it selectively.
Second approach - log only errors
This is similar to what Pumbaa80 suggested. You can simply override window.onerror and only log errors.
// put an empty string in loggedWinErrors first
var oldError = window.onerror || function(){};
window.onerror = function(err,url,lineNumber){,err,url,lineNumber);
var err ="\n Error: (file: " + url+", error: "+err+", lineNumber: "+lineNumber+")");
localStorage["loggedWinErrors"] += err;
Third and drastic approach - use a VM.
This is the most powerful version, but it provides the most problematic user experience. You run the kiosk in a virtual machine, you detect an uncaught exception - when you do you freeze the machine and save its state, and run a backup VM instead. I've only had to do this when tackling the most fearsome errors and it's not pretty. Unless you really want the whole captured state - don't do this.
Really, do the extension before this - this is tedious but it gets very solid results.
In conclusion, I think the first approach or even just the second one are more than enough for what you need. localStorage is an abstracted storage that web pages get for saving state without security issues. If that's not big enough we can talk about an IndexedDB solution.
It all really depends on the use case you have.
You can use XULRunner...a Mozilla runtime environment for XUL applications. It uses Gecko like Firefox and:
You can access the file system or using the SQLite database to store logs.
You can render your kiosk in fullscreen mode without using extensions.
Have you tried jserrorcollector? We are using it and it works fine (only in Firefox). It's only for Java.
// Initialize
FirefoxProfile ffProfile = null;
ffProfile = new FirefoxProfile();
// Get the errors
List<JavaScriptError> jsErrors = JavaScriptError.readErrors(webDriver);
More information:
Have you considered remote logging?
I commonly assign window.onerror to do send a request to a webserver storing the details of the error remotely. You could do the same with console.log if you preferred.
Try the following console export. It is a plugin for Firebug of Firefox. It's quite handy.
If you are able/willing to switch from Firefox to Chrome or Opera you would be able to use the Sandboxed Filesystem API to write a local file. See:
Start in kiosk mode using chrome.exe --kiosk <url>
You would then want to disable Alt-F4 and Ctrl-Alt-Del which on Windows can be done with several third-party tools like Auto Hotkey (Disable Ctrl-Alt-Del Script).
You could use a remote logging script like Qbaka. It catches every JS error and sends it to the Qbaka server. There you can login and see all JS errors. Qbaka stores the exact error message, the script, line number, stack trace and the used browser for each error message.

Web browser cache clean while javascript development

I am developing javascript code with visual studio. Everything is working wWhen I run the application first, then I changing some value of javascript variable but browser not showing right result. The old result is appearing.
var validationResult =validate("username");
var message = "Welcome, ";
if (validationResult) {
message += username;
$("#status").css("color", "green");
} else {
message += "Guest";
$("#status").css("color", "red");
In this example, first run on browser shows right result, but I changed the parameter of validate method as "invalidUser" but result did not changed. I thing browser is caching values. Should I clean browser history every run? Is there any clean solution for Internet Explorer or Firefox?
I think your browser is caching resources, not values. It could also be your server who is caching.
If you have the firebug plugin/extension in firefox you can disable page caching while developing on a per site basis.
Just install firebug, open it, go to the net tab, click options (little arrow on the tab itself), select disable caches.
You can force to clean the cache with this javascript
with a falase argument will do the opposite

