Local Storage, Show and hide elements across different html pages - javascript

I have two html pages in my web app, index.html and topics.html. i have a button in topics.html that when clicked, is supposed to make visible a hidden a Div in index.html so that when I navigate to index.html, the Div must be visible. I understand this can be achieved by local storage and windows.onload, how can I incorporate it to my code which looks like this
<button id="show">Show</button>
and the JS
On clicking the #show button, I want the Div below which is currently hidden to become visible like this so that when i navigate to index.html, the div is visible, and when i click the #hide button, it should stay hiddedn even when page reloads
Index.html (edited)
<div id="rss-feeds" class="me"></div>
<button id="hide">hide</button>
How can i use local storage for this?

it's easy if you name your function:
function showIt(){
if(localStorage.shown==='1'){ showIt(); }
that way you can call the same routine from the click event and during bootup from localStorage.

I managed to do it this way using this wonderful example and it works beautifully for anyone who might be interested.
<button id="hide-button">Hide</button>
<button id="show-button">Show</button>
<div id="sign-up-form">
<p>Sign up form</p>
if (Modernizr.localstorage) {
var is_subscribed = localStorage.getItem('subscribed');
console.log('no localStorage');


show and hide divs on click on another page

List item
I am using the following code to hide a div and show the other.
<a id="show" href="2#dk" onclick='document();'>mylink</a>
<a id="show1" href="2#dh" onclick='document();'>mylink</a>
page 2
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.12.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div id="dk">mylink</a>
<div id="dh">mylink</a>
This works on one page but not after the anchor tag loads up another page.
I have pages:-
I want links on on page and divs on second page
frist page links
If the page is first page, links need to be on this page
If the page is second page, then I wish to hide the divs that are not link to the link thats clicked
you can see here what i mean even i will put account detials that ppl can look at code and try if they want
go to admin and then edit
page layout and next to text will a pencil to change html or java
I think you can use window.location.href to get the link of the page you're currently on and then accordingly hide/show your buttons.
var pageName = window.location.href;
if(pageName === "dh"){
} else if(pageName === "dk") {
<a id="show" href="dk">mylink</a> <!--No need for onclick if you're using jQuery-->
<a id="show1" href="dh">mylink</a> <!--No need for onclick if you're using jQuery-->
I am not sure of "dk" and "dh" being real links, if you have kept those as placeholders then this should work.
Simply show/hide based upon the path name containing the strings you specify:
$('div.toShowOnFirstPage').toggle(location.pathname.indexOf("first")!== -1);
$('div.toShowOnSecondPage').toggle(location.pathname.indexOf("second")!== -1);
use AngularJS and SPA model to avoid page reload.
You can use also variables in url
If you need to reload page and have values on different pages you have to set cookie or webStorage http://www.w3schools.com/html/html5_webstorage.asp
Why don't you use php?

My Jquery click button is not working

Hope you well,
I'm trying to make something like this,
firstly, it'll show this
and after, clicking this "menu" image, It'll show something like this
So, I've made some container using <div> here:
//this is my menu container..
<div class="menu_pos_jquery">
<a class="btn1" href="#"><img src="logo/menu_logo.png" style="height: 70px; margin-left: 850px; margin-top: 15px;" onmousedown="return false;" alt="Menu" /></a>
//here is my another container which i would like to open using Jquery after click menu container..
<div class="menu_pos_jquery2">
So i did tried using this code:
But it's not working, When i run this program, but it shows full page like what i provide you a second pic .. And i want to show only first menu and after click menu it must suppose to show my another container, how to do it? pls, help.. and sorry for my bad English!! .. hope you understand my question.
You should change your code into this:
Maybe you want this
You have registered two click event handlers to the same element, so when ever you click the button, both will be called. But only one should be called at a time.
Adding and removing a class to the .btn element would be a good option, as you can also specify CSS w.r.t the state. Please consider the following
var isMenuOpen = $(this).hasClass("open");
//if already open, close it
}else {
//if not open, open it now

Script execution blocked after first execution

In the dashboard from my project, the follow code handle all clicks in hyperlinks:
if($(this).attr('href') != 'logout.html') {
$.get($(this).attr('href'), function(data){
var $temp = $('<div/>', {html:data});
The content of the pages is opened in this <div>:
<div id="box">
<div id="header"> <span id="title"></span> <span id="button">X</span> </div>
<div id="text"> </div>
My problem is: after I "close" the <div> by clicking in 'button', I can't access the other options anymore, because all of them stay blocked. When I refresh the page all back to work.
Someone knows how to solve this?
Ok, after more tryouts I managed to find the problem: happens that the pages I open in the <div> have some included scripts on them. When I remove this scripts, the behaviour in the parent window back to normal. Probably some type of conflict between the two scripts are happening.

Load Same Code Twice In Separate Div

I'm creating a resource database that has a scrolling container on the side. Essentially, when you click a thumbnail within the container, it will load the contents of a div which will fade in and display content for that category. Each div tag looks something like this:
<p><a style="float:right" class="a_demo_four" href="/Resources/file1.pdf" target="_blank">
</a>File Desc</p>
And will load as such:
Essentially, I want to be able to display the same exact content when I open another category on this page. I have several different categories, and want to be able to pull the code from say Category1, Category2, and so on and so forth so I can display all of them in a "View All" tab. I've attempted to use jQuery's load function as seen below:
<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.9.1.js"></script>
$(function() {
<div id="includedContent"></div>
<h1>This is why I rule</h1>
to load the content from the original div into the view all category, but nothing shows up. Unfortunately, I have very limited knowledge with Javascript/jQuery so I'm having difficulty being able to use the same content in a different div without just copying and pasting the code over. This would also pose problems in the future when I am adding files and have to edit the code twice if I did so.
Thank you in advance!
You can keep your content in a variable like this:
var content = '';
//load first in a div
$('#includedContent').load('b.html', function(result){
content = result;
//from here on, you know you have b.html data in the variable content
//and you can use it elsewhere like this
If you call your code within document ready function will work.
However you will probably need to keep it somewhere as visualex suggested in order to add the content in multiple places as you require.
This is a working jsfiddle,
it loads content from

using a tag to replace div

my site has 2 pages both have hyperlinks to each other but when user click on that hyperlink I just need a certain div of that page to be replaced by certain div on other page, please guide me how to program it.
<div id="no_replace">
page 2
<div id="replace">
//page one stuff
<div id="no_replace">
page 1
<div id="replace">
//page two stuff
so on page one when usr clicks on link "page two" ... I want the 'replace' div of page one to be replaced by 'replace' div of page2.html and there should be fade in and fadeout
Use the load() method.
Try this in Page1.html
success: function(data){
$("#replace").html($("#replace", $(data)).html());
first give your link an id or class. I'm going to call it .loadpage
var div = $('#replace');
div.fadeOut(300).load($(this).attr('href'), function(){ div.fadeIn(300); });
First you need to stop the default behavior of the link by doing e.preventDefault(). Then you need to use the load() method to bring in the contents of the page you're trying to load.

