jQuery - Toggle text to change on click - javascript

I have a menu button, which when clicked will slide down a div below.
My menu is title "+ Open menu"
When the menu button is clicked my code changes the title to "+ Menu" to indicate that the menu is open.
When the user closes the menu I would like the title to revert back to "- Menu"
This is my HTML which defines the class, test in this case.
<span class="test">+ Open menu</span>
Here is my jQuery function, I cannot figure out how to revert the menu state.
$(document).ready(function () {
$(".widget_head_type").click(function ()
$(".test").text("- Close menu");

$(".widget_head_type").click(function () {
($(".test").text() === "+ Open menu") ? $(".test").text("- Close menu") : $(".test").text("+ Open menu");

toggleText: function (a, b){
var that = this;
if (that.text() != a && that.text() != b){
if (that.text() == a){
if (that.text() == b){
return this;
Use as:
$("#YourElementId").toggleText('After', 'Before');

Here is an interesting one based on the http://api.jquery.com/toggle/
<span class="test">+ Open menu</span>
<span class="test" style="display:none">- Close menu</span>
$(document).ready(function () {
$(".widget_head_type").click(function ()
Simple, just toggles the all tags with class test whether hidden or visible.

I've guessed at your html, and made some notes for alternatives, but you consider the following:
<div class="some_parent_class">
<div class="widget_head_type">
<span class="test">+ Menu</span>
<div class="widget_body_type">
jQuery(function ($) {
$('.widget_head_type').each(function () {
// closures
var $toggle = $(this);
var $parent = $toggle.closest('.some_parent_class');
var $target = $parent.find('.widget_body_type');
var $label = $toggle.find('.test');
var bIsTweening = false;
// OR var $target = $toggle.next('.widget_body_type');
// event methods (closures)
var fClickToggle = function () {
if (!bIsTweening) {
bIsTweening = true;
$target.slideToggle('slow', fToggleCallback);
var fToggleCallback = function () {
bIsTweening = false;
var fSetLabel = function () {
var sLabel = $label.text().replace('+', '').replace('-', '');
sLabel = ($target.is(':visible') ? '-' : '+') + sLabel;
// handle event

had same issue and this is how i solved it: using your code example.
$(".widget_head_type").click(function () {
($(".test").text() == "+ Open menu") ? $(".test").text("- Close menu") : $(".test").text("+ Open menu");
use two equal signs for comparison.


why remove class not working in javascript?

I have tried this before and it worked well but here i dont know...
<div onclick="choose(this)">
<div class="choose">
my JavaScript:
function choose(obj) {
obj = obj || document.activeElement;
var res_item = obj.querySelector(".choose");
var close = obj.querySelector(".choose button a");
close.addEventListener("click", function closemodal() {
if (res_item.classList.contains("choosed_item")) {
choose and choosed_item have custom style
This is strange, but if i change remove to add and choose another class it works well !
The event is not updated because its child of onclick function. Thats why I integrated an interval. That will help to update the eventlistener:
function choose(obj) {
obj = obj || document.activeElement;
var interval;
var res_item = obj.querySelector(".choose");
var close = obj.querySelector(".choose button a");
close.addEventListener("click", function closemodal() {
if (res_item.classList.contains("choosed_item")) {
interval = setInterval(function () {
}, 0);
function stopInterval() {
Hope I could help!

Adding code to existing .js to collapse navbar when click outside menu

Currently I use .js for my sticky navbar in Bootstrap 4.1.3 which works as desired. I have tried to insert a function in the script, which makes the navbar bar collapse on mobile phones if you click outside the menu. However, without luck. https://biogenity.com/RC19/index.html
The code I am currently using is:
$(document).ready(function () {
var stickyToggle = function (sticky, stickyWrapper, scrollElement) {
var stickyHeight = sticky.outerHeight();
var stickyTop = stickyWrapper.offset().top;
if (scrollElement.scrollTop() >= stickyTop) {
else {
$('[data-toggle="sticky-onscroll"]').each(function () {
var sticky = $(this);
var stickyWrapper = $('<div>').addClass('sticky-wrapper');
$(window).on('scroll.sticky-onscroll resize.sticky-onscroll', function () {
stickyToggle(sticky, stickyWrapper, $(this));
stickyToggle(sticky, stickyWrapper, $(window));
I want to be able to implement a similar function as the following. It is not certain that this is the best solution for "collapse when you click outside the menu".
$(document).on('click', function(event){
var $clickedOn = $(event.target),
$collapsableItems = $('.collapse'),
isToggleButton = ($clickedOn.closest('.navbar-toggle').length == 1),
isLink = ($clickedOn.closest('a').length == 1),
isOutsideNavbar = ($clickedOn.parents('.navbar').length == 0);
if( (!isToggleButton && isLink) || isOutsideNavbar ) {
Thanks in advance.
Based on your code, try this:
$(document).click(function (event) {
var clickedOn = $(event.target),
isNavbar = clickedOn.hasClass('navbar'),
// Target only nav links not all links
isNavbarLink = clickedOn.closest('.nav-link').length == 1,
navbarCollapse = $('.navbar-collapse'),
isNavbarOpen = navbarCollapse.hasClass('show');
// if its not navbar and navbar is opened
if (!isNavbar && isNavbarOpen) {
// if the user is not cliking on the nav links
if (!isNavbarLink) {
// thes close the navbar

How to identify when a click is made outside the popup window?

I have a popup window which disappears on click inside, but my purpose is to make it disappear on click outside.
At the moment the popup works fine but it disappears whenever I click inside the window. When I click outside the window, it stays. How do I make it work the oppersite way around?
Code as:
function deselect(e) {
$('.pop').slideFadeToggle(function() {
$(function() {
$('.invite_room_btn').on('click', function() {
if($(this).hasClass('selected')) {
} else {
return false;
$('.close').on('click', function() {
return false;
$.fn.slideFadeToggle = function(easing, callback) {
return this.animate({ opacity: 'toggle', height: 'toggle' }, 'fast', easing, callback);
And HTML is:
<span class="invite_room_btn">
<div class="messagepop pop">
Your question can be interpreted as "how to identify when the click is made outside the popup window"?
as suggested here, you can work by difference, checking that the click occurred anywhere but the popup window (and eventually some other elements)
This can be achieved as follows:
the HTML code may be something like:
<div id="popup" class="popup">
<div>DIV inside</div>
<button id="open">Open</button>
while the javascript is:
$(document).ready(function () {
$('#open').on('click', function () {
$(document).mouseup(function (e) {
var popup = $("#popup");
if (!$('#open').is(e.target) && !popup.is(e.target) && popup.has(e.target).length == 0) {
Full example with some CSS-styling: http://jsfiddle.net/sLdmxda8/2/
I figured it out with the following code!
$(document).ready(function () {
$('.invite_room_btn').on('click', function () {
if($(this).hasClass("selected")) {
var popup = $(".messagepop");
else {
$(document).mouseup(function (e) {
var popup = $(".messagepop");
if (!$('.invite_room_btn').is(e.target) && !popup.is(e.target) && popup.has(e.target).length == 0) {
Thanks for the help!

How to link to tabs with jtabs?

I added tabs to a section of my page I am working on (stridertechnologies.com/stoutwebsite/products.php)using the steps found at this website: http://code-tricks.com/create-a-simple-html5-tabs-using-jquery/
I want to link to the different tabs from the home page, but I am not sure how to do that outside of anchor names with html and that doesn't work with this, and there aren't any instructions on how to do it on the site.
It seems like there should be something really simple I can add to my javascript to detect which link they clicked on and make it the active tab.
$.fn.html5jTabs = function(options){
return this.each(function(index, value){
var obj = $(this),
objFirst = obj.eq(index),
objNotFirst = obj.not(objFirst);
$("#" + objNotFirst.attr("data-toggle")).hide();
toggler = "#" + obj.attr("data-toggle");
togglerRest = $(toggler).parent().find("div");
//toggle Active Class on tab buttons
return false; //Stop event Bubbling and PreventDefault
This answer is from a duplicated question here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/20811416/3123649.
You could pass the tab div id in the url from the link and use that to select.
Home page links from index.html:
Add this javascript to the tab page
<script type="text/javascript">
// To get parameter from url
function getParameterByName(name) {
name = name.replace(/[\[]/, "\\\[").replace(/[\]]/, "\\\]");
var regex = new RegExp("[\\?&]" + name + "=([^&#]*)"),
results = regex.exec(location.search);
return results == null ? "" : decodeURIComponent(results[1].replace(/\+/g, " "));
$.extend($.expr[':'], {
attrNameStart: function (el, i, props) {
var hasAttribute = false;
$.each(el.attributes, function (i, attr) {
if (attr.name.indexOf(props[3]) !== -1) {
hasAttribute = true;
return false;
return hasAttribute;
// deselect tabs and select the tab by id
function focusTab(id) {
var toggle = $(id).parent().find("div");
var id1 = getParameterByName("tabId");
var toggler = $('*[data-toggle=' + id1 + ']');
$(function() {
$(".tabs a").html5jTabs();
// Get the tab id from the url
var tabId = "#" + getParameterByName("tabId");
// Focus the tab
EDIT: Replace the original focusTab function with the edit. Also add the extend function attrNameStart. This should deselect the default active tab.
EDIT2: focusTab had a bug, it should work now
** I looked at your site and my solutions seems to be working for you. One thing I noticed. You initialize the html5jTabs() twice.
Remove the first call at the top
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
$(".tabs a").html5jTabs();
How about something like this? Basically we are taking the value of data-toggle in our buttons, and passing it into the selector for each tab content
$('a[data-toggle]').on('click', function () {
var dataToggle = $(this).data('toggle');
$('.tabContent > div').removeClass('active');
$('.tabContent > div#'+dataToggle+'').addClass('active');
working example:

Yui3 Transitions to hide and show a div

I have the following snippet:
YUI().use('transition', 'node-event-delegate', function(Y) {
var button = Y.one('#subscribe');
var close = Y.one('#close');
function open (e) {
var node = Y.one('#popup-subscribe');
button.on('click', open);
function closeIt (e) {
var node = Y.one('#popup-subscribe');
close.on('click', closeIt);
But when I test it and click on close for example I get this error message:
node.hide is not a function
Any idea why?
You may have to show us your HTML because with the right javascript includes and appropriate HTML, it works fine here: http://jsfiddle.net/jfriend00/27fJW/. So, I would suspect that you either don't have the right HTML or you don't have the right core YUI includes.
HTML I made up to match the code:
<script src="http://yui.yahooapis.com/3.4.1pr1/build/yui/yui-min.js"></script>
<button id="subscribe">Open</button>
<button id="close">Close</button>
<div id="popup-subscribe">Popup content</div>
Your code (unchanged):
YUI().use('transition', 'node-event-delegate', function(Y) {
var button = Y.one('#subscribe');
var close = Y.one('#close');
function open (e) {
var node = Y.one('#popup-subscribe');
button.on('click', open);
function closeIt (e) {
var node = Y.one('#popup-subscribe');
close.on('click', closeIt);

