jquery toggle works only once - javascript

my intention is to write code that toggles back and forth when any of the two buttons are clicked , its simple code but not working as expected:
$('#login_activate').click(function (e) {
$('#button_img').click(function () {
works fine the first time around, but isn't TOGGLING like its supposed to, the toggle happens once and its probably because they are triggered with different buttons but i'm not quite sure, please help
code here is part of the ready function.

Since the button_img is loaded dynamically, you need to bind the handler after the element is loaded dynamically
$('#pup_container').load('plst_main_f/login_form.php', function () {
$('#button_img').click(function () {
$('#login_activate').click(function (e) {
$('#login_wrapper_background').toggle(950, function () {});
Or use event delegation


how to handle click event on dynamic content?

i have this HTML code on a page when my page loaded:
<div class="divmain">Add
<span class="spn">123</span>
when you click on that span it will create another span and show hi alert to you,
when the page loaded for the first time it works fine and write another span on that dive as the same the old span but after that if you click on the new span it works not.
i did some test and found if i add this code :
$('.spn').on("click", function (e) {
on the "spanwriter" function it will works , i mean if that function be like this:
function spanwriter(master) {
var rows = '<span class=\'spn\'>123</span>';
<------- this event must be add here until it --------------->
$('.spn').on("click", function (e) { works
why i should add click event at the end of wrote content until span can get that event and works?
i used jquery-1.10.2.js on my sample
my all codes are:
$(function () {
$('.divmain').on("click", function (e) {
$('.spn').on("click", function (e) {
function spanwriter(master) {
var rows = '<span class=\'spn\'>123</span>';
function showalert(master) {
you have to do the same but with document.on("click")
$(document).on("click", ".buttonClass", function() { console.log("inside"); });
$('.divmain').on("click" make a kind of binding when document is loaded, so when you add dynamix elements to the dom it is noit catched. Whith the use od document.on, it works even if you add dynamic content to the document.
The simplest and best solution to your problem is to attach the event listener to a parent element in the dom and pass the second parameter of the on() method as described in the jQuery documentation (http://api.jquery.com/on/)
In other words you should have something along the lines of:
$('body').on("click", ".spn", function (e) {
and then have the spanwriter() add the new span to the parent of the element it's been called upon.
I hope this is what you were looking for and answers your question.

How to trigger a jQuery function to load again after another jQuery is executed?

I'm not that great with jQuery but basically, I have a jQuery that displays when scrolling down, new content.
But that new content has div that are under effect of another jQuery function that is called by ready.
So not it only the content that is loaded first when the page loads is working but when the new content is showing is not working on it to.
So I'm thinking maybe I can link the two jQuerys like a trigger when the second jQuery loads to execute the first one, is it possible? How?
function () {
function () {
Try using Jquery .trigger() to trigger an event and then have something listen for that event
//your event handler
$('body').on('event', function() {
function () {
function () {
//when your inifinite scroll finishes trigger the event
If all you're doing is attaching a hover event to that class you might also want to think about event delegation, still not sure what your intention is based on your question.
What I understood from your question is that you want a hover event on a div which works well when the page is loaded but it doesn't work when a new div renders. If this is so then try the following code.
$('.wrapper-hover').on("mouseenter", function() {
$(this).animate({opacity: '0'}, 1000,
function() {
$(this).animate({opacity: '1'});
I resolved the issue with callback of the infinite scroll jquery. Thanks all!

jQuery - triggering sequence of clicks won't work

hi this is my code http://jsfiddle.net/Xy4dF/1/
i have this part:
$('#top-user').on('click', function () {
$('.user').on('click', function () {
now out of this code i want to trigger in sequence the 2 elements clicks
so i do:
$('#top-user').click(function () {
What is wrong? :O
Is the following what you're after (I'm not 100% sure I've understood the question)
$(function () {
$('#top-user').on('click', function () {
$('.user').on('click', function () {
$('#top-user').click(function () {
The reasons your original code didn't work is that:
You had defined the event handlers but not triggered any on page load.
You need to define an event handler before you trigger it. This is because when triggering an event, JQuery fakes it by immediately calling the bound event handlers rather than managing to genuinely trigger the event at browser level.
Hope this helps

Onload fires no matter where I place it

Right, I'm getting quite aggitated with this. I'm probably doing something wrong, but here's what I'm doing:
$(document).ready(function () {
$('#somebutton').click(function () {
$('#someotherbutton').click(function () {
var openPage1 = function () {
$('#iframe').attr('src', 'someurl');
$('#iframe').load(function () {
var openPage2 = function () {
$('#iframe').attr('src', 'anotherurl');
$('#iframe').load(function () {
Whenever I click somebutton everything goes as expected. However when I click someotherbutton. The .load() from openPage1() is called first and I can't find a way to stop that. The .load() from openPage1() has a button with the same name, however on openPage2() I need to modify the contents before clicking the buttons.
I need to use .load() because I can't click the buttons before the document is ready.
Basically what I need is two seperate .load() instances on the same iframe, that don't fire off on each other.
Besides that, maybe my understanding of jQuery/JS is wrong, but shouldn't the .load() events only be listening after clicking the corresponding button?
Can someone help me out, this has been keeping me busy all afternoon.
Try using on, and once loaded, unbind
$("#iframe").on("load", function(){
That way you remove the handler you put up before the second button is clicked?
By writing : $('#iframe').load(function (){ $('#button').click(); });, you are adding a listener on the load event, which will stay and be re-executed on each subsequent reload of the iframe.
Here is a jsfiddle to demonstrate this : click on the "reload" button, and see how many times the "loaded" message appears in your console.
in your case, if you click on #somebutton, then on #someotherbutton, after the second click, you will have two handlers bound on the load event, and both will be triggered.
If you click 5 times on #somebutton, you should end up calling 5 times $('#button').click().
If you want to execute it once, you can follow Fred's suggestion, or use jQuery .one() binder :
$('#iframe').one('load', function(){ $('#button').click() });
Here is the updated jsfiddle : 'loaded' should be displayed only once per click.
Maybe try and replace the lines in both functions like this:
$('#iframe').load(function() {
$('#iframe').attr('src', 'anotherurl');
Otherwise it might be firing the event before the new event-handler has been set.
This isn't really an answer to your problem Now it is an answer, but I think utilizing functions as they were intended could be beneficial here, i.e.:
//Utilize a single function that takes arguments
var openPage = function (frame, src, eventEl) {
frame.attr('src', src); // If you pass frame as a jQuery object, you don't
frame.on("load", function(){ // need to do it again
evEl.click(); //Same for your buttons
//Simplify other code
$(document).ready(function () {
$('#somebutton').click(function () {
$('#someotherbutton').click(function () {

How to set the focus for a particular field in a Bootstrap modal, once it appears

I've seen a couple of questions in regards to bootstrap modals, but none exactly like this, so I'll go ahead.
I have a modal that I call onclick like so...
This works fine, but when I show the modal I want to focus on the first input element... In may case the first input element has an id of #photo_name.
So I tried
But this was to no avail. Lastly, I tried binding to the 'show' event but even so, the input won't focus. Lastly just for testing, as I had a suspiscion this is about the js loading order, I put in a setTimeout just to see if I delay a second, will the focus work, and yes, it works! But this method is obviously crap. Is there some way to have the same effect as below without using a setTimeout?
$("#modal-content").on('show', function(event){
}, 0500);
Try this
Here is the old DEMO:
(Here is a working DEMO with Bootstrap 3 and jQuery 1.8.3)
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#modal-content').on('shown', function() {
Starting bootstrap 3 need to use shown.bs.modal event:
$('#modal-content').on('shown.bs.modal', function() {
Just wanted to say that Bootstrap 3 handles this a bit differently. The event name is "shown.bs.modal".
$('#themodal').on('shown.bs.modal', function () {
or put the focus on the first visible input like this:
.modal('show').on('shown.bs.modal', function ()
I am using this in my layout to capture all modals and focus on the first input
$('.modal').on('shown', function() {
I had the same problem with bootstrap 3, focus when i click the link, but not when trigger the event with javascript.
The solution:
$('#myModal').on('shown.bs.modal', function () {
}, 100);
Probably it´s something about the animation!
I had problem to catch "shown.bs.modal" event.. And this is my solution which works perfect..
Instead simple on():
$('#modal').on 'shown.bs.modal', ->
Use on() with delegated element:
$('body').on 'shown.bs.modal', '#modal', ->
Seems it is because modal animation is enabled (fade in class of the dialog), after calling .modal('show'), the dialog is not immediately visible, so it can't get focus at this time.
I can think of two ways to solve this problem:
Remove fade from class, so the dialog is immediately visible after calling .modal('show'). You can see http://codebins.com/bin/4ldqp7x/4 for demo. (Sorry #keyur, I mistakenly edited and saved as new version of your example)
Call focus() in shown event like what #keyur wrote.
I've created a dynamic way to call each event automatically. It perfect to focus a field, because it call the event just once, removing it after use.
function modalEvents() {
var modal = $('#modal');
var events = ['show', 'shown', 'hide', 'hidden'];
$(events).each(function (index, event) {
modal.on(event + '.bs.modal', function (e) {
var callback = modal.data(event + '-callback');
if (typeof callback != 'undefined') {
modal.removeData(event + '-callback');
You just need to call modalEvents() on document ready.
$('#modal').data('show-callback', function() {
So, you can use the same modal to load what you want without worry about remove events every time.
I had the same problem with the bootstrap 3 and solved like this:
$('#myModal').on('shown.bs.modal', function (e) {
Bootstrap has added a loaded event.
capture the 'loaded.bs.modal' event on the modal
$('#mymodal').on('loaded.bs.modal', function(e) {
// do cool stuff here all day… no need to change bootstrap
Bootstrap modal show event
$('#modal-content').on('show.bs.modal', function() {
A little cleaner and more modular solution might be:
$('.modal').success(function() {
Or using your ID as an example instead:
$('#modal-content').modal('show').success(function() {
Hope that helps..

