Mine information from facebook? - javascript

I am making a personal (resume type) website. I was hoping to retrieve all of the data from my facebook page and display it on the about page using the Graph API.
The issue is, it seems like a user always has to give credentials to get an authorization token. I don't want to require people to log into facebook just to view my page. I also don't want to login everyone using my credentials (which would mean they would be stored in JavaScript). Does anyone see a way around this?
I looked into the creating a "page" and using the "page access token" instead. Then I could get the page access token using my userid stored in JavaScript (in my opinion much better than username and password). Is there a problem doing it this way?
I would prefer to retrieve this data directly from my account and not have to make a separate "page." Any and all information is appreciated. Thanks for your time.

This appears to be banned in Facebook's Terms of Service:
We do our best to keep Facebook safe, but we cannot guarantee it. We need your help to keep Facebook safe, which includes the following commitments by you:
You will not post unauthorized commercial communications (such as spam) on Facebook.
You will not collect users' content or information, or otherwise access Facebook, using automated means (such as harvesting bots, robots, spiders, or scrapers) without our prior permission.
You will not engage in unlawful multi-level marketing, such as a pyramid scheme, on Facebook.
You will not upload viruses or other malicious code.
You will not solicit login information or access an account belonging to someone else.
You will not bully, intimidate, or harass any user.
You will not post content that: is hate speech, threatening, or pornographic; incites 9. violence; or contains nudity or graphic or gratuitous violence.
You will not develop or operate a third-party application containing alcohol-related, dating or other mature content (including advertisements) without appropriate age-based restrictions.
You will follow our Promotions Guidelines and all applicable laws if you publicize or offer any contest, giveaway, or sweepstakes (“promotion”) on Facebook.
You will not use Facebook to do anything unlawful, misleading, malicious, or discriminatory.
You will not do anything that could disable, overburden, or impair the proper working or appearance of Facebook, such as a denial of service attack or interference with page rendering or other Facebook functionality.
You will not facilitate or encourage any violations of this Statement or our policies.
Sorry to be a downer, but I don't think that page scraping is the best way to go.


Is it possible to auto subscribe in sites through a Form?

I have built a site and have several social networks to promote it, and sometimes I have giveways to people which I normally have through facebook. The giveaways normally require that the person subscribe to something (as a counterpart of receiving the giveaway or participating on trying to win it), but facebook and other sites just are bad for these kind of things, specially proving that you subscribed to anything.
So here's my thought:
Use a fillout template (like a HTML FORM)
person login with a FACEBOOK Account
Based on that Facebook account, person subscribes to
newsletter, likes a page, whatever, but everything done through that
FORM-like thing, logged in, one step to participate.
In your experience, is this even possible? with what? CSS, HTML, JSQUERY...
This time I'm opened to anything you can guide me, I'm tired of trying to work
giveways through social networking site's GUIs is just annoying...
Thanks for all the help you can provide.
Sounds like you want Oauth and OpenId. It's not particularly easy to set up, but it's very effective. If you sign into stackoverflow using google you're probably using it.
According to wikipedia facebook no longer support it, using facebook connect instead, but almost everything else does.

Prevent unauthorized access to a webpage using jquery, javascript

Say, a link to a person is sent to a user via email. If the person is already logged into the webpage in his/her browser, clicking on the link takes him/her to the page. However, if he/she is not logged in, he/she should be asked to login in order to access the page. Is there a way to achieve the above functionality using jquery, javascript?
Yes. Build a back-end authentication system, using AJAX and whatever your server-side language is.
From there, develop a hypermedia-style of content-system, and a modular, "widget"-based application delivery model.
Within your hypermedia responses to login (plus passing whatever relevant path information was gained from the e-mail), either redirect the page to a new page (based on the linked response from the server), or download the widgets requested from the server (for whatever application you're displaying media in), and then stream in AJAX content (again, from a URL dictated by the server-response).
This is about as close as you're going to get to security, in terms of delivering things to the client, in real-time, with authentication.
If you were to load the reports/gallery/game/whatever, and put a div over it, and ask for users to log in, then smart users can just kill the div.
If you include the content, or include the application components (JS files), or even include the links to the JS files which will request and display the content, then clever people are again going to disassemble that, in 20 seconds, flat.
The only way I can see to do this is to have a common request-point, to touch the server, and conditionally load your application, based on "next-steps" URLs, passed to the client, based on successful authorization and/or successfully completing whatever the previous step was, plus doing authentication of some form on each request (REST-based tokens+nonces, or otherwise)...
This would keep the content (and any application-structure which might have vulnerabilities) from the client, until you can guarantee that the client has been properly authorized, and the entire application is running inside of multiple enclosed/sandboxed modules, with no direct access to one another, and only instance-based access to a shared-library.
Is it worth the work?
Who knows.
Are we talking about a NORAD nuclear-launch iPhone app, which must run in JavaScript?
Then no, engineering this whole thing for the next six months isn't overboard.
And again, all of this security falls over as soon as one person leaves themselves logged-in, and leaves their phone on the table (biometric authentication as well, then?).
Are we talking about a gallery or discount-offers that you want to prevent people to log into, so you know that only the invited people are using them?
Well, then an 18-month project to engineer, develop, debug and deploy a system like this is probably going to be overkill.
In this case, perhaps you can just do your best to prevent the average person from stealing your content or using your cut-prices, and accept that people who take the time to dig into and reverse-engineer everything are going to find a way to get what they want, 95 times out of 100.
In that case, perhaps just putting a login div overtop of the page IS what you're going to be looking for...
If you're dealing with, say a company back-end, or with company fiscals or end-user, private-data, or anything of the sort, then aside from meeting legal requirements for collection/display/storage, how much extra work you put into the security of the system depends on how much your company's willing to pay to do it.
If it makes you feel better, there are companies out there that pay $60,000-$150,000 a year, to use JS tracking/testing programs from Adobe. Those programs sit right there, on the webpage, most of the time, for anybody to see, as long as you know where to look.
So this isn't exactly an unknown problem.
Yes it is. By authenticating (login) you can store a "loggedIn" cookie which you have to delete by session end (logout or closing the browser). You can use that cookie to check if somebody is logged in or not. If not logged in, than you can display the login page and send the login request with ajax. Btw it is not a good practice to use hybrid applications like that. It is better to use SPA-s with REST service, or implement this on server side.

How to implement a web widget with OAuth 2.0

I want to create a web widget that will display information from my site.
The widget will be included in the client's website HTML using JavaScript, and should only be usable for my clients -- web sites that were registered at my site.
The information in the widget should be specific to the user who is currently visiting the client's site.
So, I need to authenticate both the client (website owner) and the resource owner (website visitor). This seems to map nicely to OAuth 2.0, but I couldn't find a complete example or explanation for such an implementation.
Any resources or pointers to such information will be appreciated.
Update: I've stumbled upon this article, which provides an outline for an approach that uses OAuth. However, it is not detailed enough for me to really understand how to use this with OAuth 2.
There are many large organizations that have done this, and I'm sad to see no other answers for this question since it's such an important web pattern.
I'm going to presume that you are not rolling your own OAuth 2.0 provider from scratch, if you are - well done otherwise you should be using something kickass like Doorkeeper to do this for you.
Now, in OAuth 2.0 you have the following entities:
Users registered on your website
Applications registered on your website (who subscribe to your oauth2)
User Permissions which is a list of Applications that a user has 'allowed'
Developer (who is consuming your auth API / widgets and building an Application)
The first thing to note is you must have a domain name associated with each Application. So if a developer registers for a API token / secret on your website, the Application he creates is mapped to a unique domain.
Now, I presume that the flow for an application to authenticate users via your website is already clear. That being said, you don't need to do much for this to work.
When an Application sends the user to your website (in order to sign in) you place a session cookie on the user's computer. Lets call this "Cookie-X".
Now the user is authenticated by your website and goes back to the Application. There we want to show a custom widget with information pertaining to that user.
The developer will be need to copy paste some code into this app.
The flow is like this:
The code will contain a url to your website with his Application ID (not secret) which he got when registering his application on your website.
When that code runs, it will ping your website with his appId. You need to check that AppID with your database, and additionally check that the referrer url is from the same domain as that which is registered in your website for that AppID. Edit: Alternatively or additionally, the code can check for document.domain and include it in the ping to your website, allowing you to verify that the request has come from the domain that has registered with the given AppID.
If that is correct, you reply back with some JS code.
Your JS code looks for the session cookie your website had set when the user had signed in. If that cookie is found, it pings back to your website with the session and your website responds with the custom view content.
Edit: as rightfully mentioned in a comment, the cookie should be HttpOnly to safeguard against common XSS attacks.
Additional Notes
The reasons this is a secure approach:
The AppId and domain name are a good enough combination to verify that other people are not fetching this information. Even thou the appId is visible in the applications html source, the domain name would have to be spoofed by anyone attempting to use someone else's AppID.
Presuming someone takes an AppID which is not his, and writes code to spoof the domain name of the referrer when requesting for your widget, he still won't be able to see any information. Since you are showing user specific information, the widget will only render if your website can find the session cookie it placed on the users browser which can't really be spoofed. There are ways around like session-hijacking, etc. But I think that's beyond the scope of this question.
Other Methods
Just by looking at Facebook's Social Plugins, you can tell that there are other options.
For example, one might be to use an Iframe. If you ask the developer to add an Iframe to his application, you can even reduce a few of the steps mentioned above. But you will have to add JS along with it (outside the iframe) to grab the correct domain, etc. And ofcourse from an accessibility and interface standpoint I'm not very found of Iframes.

Why should I hide "consumer secret"?

I'm currently writing a twitter client using javascript, then found out many people reminded javascript developers about not revealing "consumer secret". But they never said why.
So why is it so important to hide my consumer_secret? If anyone want to show my "via My_App" on his app, making the name My_App more famous, why should I worried about anything? After all, you can't get any useful information out of my consumer_secret, the user information is protected by both https and token_secret.
A malicious developer could create a spam application using your consumer secret. If enough spam accounts are using the spam app Twitter may disable the entire consumer key at which point your entire application will no longer work with Twitter.
You can think of the consumer secret as a password -- it identifies your client to the server. Anyone with your consumer secret can pretend to be your app.
So you need to keep it secure, and you don't want to "hide" it; you want to encrypt it. This should happen on the server, never in the javascript app that you send to the user.
You can find a lot of helpful information at Google's support page.

Facebook Connect for one application with multiple domains?

I'm implementing a plug-in that's embeddable in different sites (a la Meebo, Wibiya), and I want to use Facebook Connect. The plug-in is supposed to be embeddable in sites with different domain names. Problem is, Facebook connect allows only one domain per application you register.
The question is, how can I have multiple domains for a single Facebook application, assuming:
When users "Allow" the application on one site, they won't have to "Allow" it on other sites as well.
Preferably, after the initial log-in, users won't see a pop-up opening on every site they log-in to (i.e. - I'd rather not open a link to my domain and do the log-in process from there).
Is there anyway of doing that?
If not, is my only option is to manage all the log-ins from a single domain and pass the cookies back to the original domains?
And if I pass the cookies between domains, how can I be sure that Facebook won't block this kind of behavior in the future?
I'd appreciate any suggestions, though I'd prefer an official solution over hacks, if at all possible.
Im assuming you are using facebook.php by Naitik Shah? Your widget would need to be on every page of course and include the async script connect-js.
I am currently developing a facebook login based application myself.
I would say the best solution is too login through your own domain and pass the cookie. Your app/widget will be the only one they allow to share information with. Nothing should be different in operation from a single page solution. I envisage a PHP plugin which executes a login from an outside domain and passes through the cookie to the site via the widget. return the cookie securely how you wish (except for something dodgy like storing it in a div and retrieving it..or something a hacker could try to spoof). the site will then use the cookie for account and user id purposes and the widget will control all login actions and session finding using the async script (but routed through a different domain).
Sorry I can't be more help but this is the only solution I can think of, and it seems you have already anyway.
In terms of keeping session control across different domains you only need the 3rd party cookie to be active. Once your page is activated for your domain you will already have the cookie for that domain if you haven't logged out or it hasn't expired. A benefit of using an outside management domain.
It would seem this is also the most reliable way compared to any successful hack for multiple domains, because I would see fb and Oauth2.0 as being ok with an approved party sharing info (cookies) to another party approved by the approved party. But.. It could be problematic if they think the user will have privacy issues, because you could potentially share the cookie on any site without the users permission. So you have to be careful about notifying the user about all the sites they will be auto logged into and treating them with respect.
Good luck with it, hope you let us know how it goes.
There is easy and clean technique -> Single Sign On (SSO). You can search on about it.

