Input[number] doesn't show the value using angular & twitter bootstrap - javascript

My model is populated at the controller, and when I bind the data acts like it is there, but the input box is blank. As soon as I enter a value everything works normally. But if the default value is blank this will confuse my users greatly.
<div class="row" ng-controller="RangeInputCtrl">
<div class="col-md-12">
<label class="leftwall">
<input type="number" class="form-control"
ng-change="changeValue()" />
ng-value is useless with this directive, since angular hijacks the input element. The code was working even worst without the min and max, so I know that they are required (or at least act required).
I have the input directive wrapped in a label due to twitter-bootstrap 3.
(function () {
'use strict';
var controllerId = 'RangeInputCtrl';
angular.module('app').controller(controllerId,['$scope', buildRangeInput]);
function buildRangeInput($scope) {
$scope.percentOfMax = InitCalcPercentOfMax($scope);
$scope.changeValue = function () {
var percentOfMax = $scope.percentOfMax;
$scope.percentOfMax = calcPercentOfMax(percentOfMax);
There is a function, not posted here that takes $scope and builds the initial data structure from a complex object. Not shown here. InitCalcPercentOfMax has been tested and works as planned. It is external, and called separately due to code reuse.
The other function calcPercentOfMax(percentOfMax) is used to recalculate the formulas used in some directives that have been pulled (for the purpose of troubleshooting).
In short somewhere I must have something acting or posting wrong, and I just don't see it.
I had console.log([some expression]) all over, to see if the data was incorrect or ever blank, but the percentOfMax.current value always has at least a 0, so I still don't see where I am getting a blank from.
No error in console. And if I put in a <span>{{percentOfMax.current}}</span> I get the correct value on the first load.
The value is there in the model, it is just blank in the input box.
I think this is all of details, if I missed something, I will try to reply with an edit ASAP.
Based on a discussion at the angular chat room, I made the following changes.
var d = $q.defer();
var p = d.promise;
//If I leave this off, it never resolves. So there is nothing in the directive to trigger resolve.
d.resolve(function () {
return InitCalcPercentOfMax($scope);
$scope.percentOfMax = p.then(function (POM) {
$scope.percentOfMax = POM;
I also added <span>{{percentOfMax}}</span> back to my view. I can see the promise firing, and I can see that the expected data is in my precentOfMax, but the input box is still empty.
Before someone asks, I am using version Angular.js 1.2.14, downloaded from Nuget

It looks like it should work, my guess is that you either have an error on the console that you've missed, or that there's some other logical error. This JSBin example is a simplified version which works:
Try changing Value: to Value: {{percentOfMax.current}} to output the current value.
Is it possible that InitCalcPercentOfMax performs the calculation async outside of Angular?

InitCalcPercentOfMax($scope) was returning .current as a string. CalcPercentOfMax wasn't correcting it, but knew how to work with a string as a number.
Since the input type is number, the new numeric value was causing the .current to change to a number, so its value was showing up.
It took a greek lunch to see that the initial value was quoted.


restangular save ignores changes to restangular object

I'm trying to call save on a restangularized object, but the save method is completely ignoring any changes made to the object, it seems to have bound the original unmodified object.
When I run this in the debugger I see that when my saveSkill method (see below) is entered right before I call save on it the skill object will reflect the changes I made to it's name and description fields. If I then do a "step into" I go into method. However, the 'this' variable within the method has my old skill, with the name and description equal to whatever they were when loaded. It's ignoring the changes I made to my skill.
The only way I could see this happening is if someone called bind on the save, though I can't why rectangular would do that? My only guess is it's due to my calling $object, but I can't find much in way of documentation to confirm this.
I'm afraid I can't copy and paste, all my code examples are typed by hand so forgive any obvious syntax issues as typos. I don't know who much I need to describe so here is the shortened version, I can retype more if needed:
state('skill.detail', {
url: '/:id',
data: {pageTitle: 'Skill Detail'},
tempalte: 'template.tpl.html'
controller: 'SkillFormController',
resolve: {
isCreate: (function(){ return false;},
skill: function(SkillService, $stateParams){
return SkillService.get($, {"$expand": "people"}).$object;
my SkillService looks like this:
angular.module('project.skill').('SkillService', ['Restangular, function(Retangular) {
var route="skills";
var SkillService= Restangular.all(route);
SkillService.restangularize= function(element, parent) {
var skill=Restangular.restangluarizeElement(parent, elment, route);
return skill;
return SkillService;
Inside of my template.tpl.html I have your standard text boxes bound to name and description, and a save button. The save button calls saveSkill(skill) of my SkillFormController which looks like this:
$scope.saveSkill=function(skill) { returnedSkill) {
toaster.pop('success', "YES!", + " saved.");
...(other irrelevant stuff)
If it matters I have an addElementTransformer hook that runs a method calling skilll.addRestangularMethod() to add a getPeople method to all skill objects. I don't include the code since I doubt it's relevant, but if needed to I can elaborate on it.
I got this to work, though I honestly still don't know entirely why it works I know the fix I used.
First, as stated in comments restangular does bind all of it's methods to the original restangularizedObject. This usually works since it's simply aliasing the restangularied object, so long as you use that object your modifications will work.
This can be an issue with Restangular.copy() vs angular.copy. Restangualar.copy() makes sure to restangularize the copied object properly, rebinding restangualr methods to the new copy objects. If you call only Angular.copy() instead of Restangualar.copy() you will get results like mine above.
However, I was not doing any copy of the object (okay, I saved a master copy to revert to if cancel was hit, but that used Restangular.copy() and besides which wasn't being used in my simple save scenario).
As far as I can tell my problem was using the .$object call on the restangular promise. I walked through restangular enough to see it was doing some extra logic restangularizing methods after a promise returns, but I didn't get to the point of following the $object's logic. However, replacing the $object call with a then() function that did nothing but save the returned result has fixed my issues. If someone can explain how I would love to update this question, but I can't justify using work time to try to further hunt down a fixed problem even if I really would like to understand the cause better.

Testing tab navigation order

In one of our tests, we need to make sure that the tab keyboard navigation inside a form is performed in the correct order.
Question: What is the conventional way to check the tab navigation order with protractor?
Currently we are solving it by repeating the following step for as many input fields existing in a form (code below):
check the ID of the currently focused element (using getId())
send TAB key to the currently focused element
Here is the example spec:
it("should navigate with tab correctly", function () {
var regCodePage = new RegCodePage();
browser.wait(protractor.ExpectedConditions.visibilityOf(regCodePage.title), 10000);
// registration code field has focus by default
// focus moved to Remember Registration Code
// focus moved to Request Code
// focus moved to Cancel
// focus moved back to the input
where regCodePage is a Page Object:
var RegCodePage = function () {
this.title = element(by.css("div.modal-header b.login-modal-title"));
this.registrationCode = element("regCode"));
this.rememberRegistrationCode = element("rememberRegCode"));
this.requestCode = element("forgotCode"));
this.errorMessage = element(by.css("div.auth-reg-code-block div#message"));
this.sendRegCode = element("sendRegCode"));
this.cancelButton = element("cancelButton"));
this.closeButton = element(by.css("div.modal-header button.close"));
module.exports = RegCodePage;
It is working, but it is not really explicit and readable which makes it difficult to maintain. Also, another "smell" in the current approach is a code duplication.
If the current approach is how you would also do it, I would appreciate any insights about making it reusable.
I think the PageObject should define a tab order list, since that is really a direct property of the page, and should be expressible as simple data. An array of items seems like a sufficient representation, so something like:
this.tabOrder = [ this.registrationCode, this.rememberRegistrationCode, this.requestCode, this.cancelButton ];
Then you need a bit of generic code that can check a tab order.
function testTabOrder(tabOrder) {
// Assumes TAB order hasn't been messed with and page is on default element
tabOrder.forEach(function(el) {
Then your test would be something like:
it('has correct tab order', function() {
var regCodePage = new RegCodePage(); // this should probably be in the beforeEach
Of course, this assumes each element has a "getId()" method that works. (That seems like a reasonable assumption to me, but some environments may not support it.)
I think this keeps the tab-order nicely isolated on the PageObject (so its easy to keep in sync with the page content and doesn't get lost in the code that verifies the order). The testing code seem "optimistic" (I suspect the real world will introduce enough problems that you will end up expanding this code a bit).
I haven't tried any of this yet, so feel free to downvote if this doesn't work. :)
Also, I believe the forEach loop will work as-is, but I wouldn't be surprised if it needs some more explicit promise handling to make the dependencies explicit.

link 2 javascript objects

I am working on an angularJS app and i found a problem that I cant solve. I have a variable with predefined text that I want to replace in an email with the actual values, it looks like this:
$scope.predefinedVars = {
'client_name': $,
'client_city': $,
'client_county': $scope.itemPartner.county,
'client_address': $scope.itemPartner.address,
'client_phone': $,
'client_email': $
and so on...
Now later on, when I choose a partner, the itemPartner object changes the data. For example: i have a function to watch when I change the partner from a select box:
$scope.$watch('newContract.partner_id', function() {
$scope.itemPartner = _.where($scope.listPartners, {'id': $scope.newContract.partner_id})[0];
Now, in the alert, I can see the itemPartner data has changed, but if I try to read the values from my 1st variable $scope.predefinedVars, the values are still empty and do not change.
Is there a way to force the values to change when I change the itemPartner object ?
The problem is that you have set the fields of your predefinedVars object to a primitive. In javascript, primitives are passed by value, not by reference (google if you're not sure what that means).
The result is that any reference to the object you used to set it originally is lost.
You have a couple of alternatives:
Instead of replacing the email using the data from $scope.predefinedVars, use the data from $scope.itemPartner. This is less work.
create a function that repopulates predefinedVars
function populatePredefinedVars (partner){
$scope.predefinedVars = {
'client_county': partner.county,
'client_address': partner.address,
$scope.$watch('newContract.partner_id', function() {
$scope.itemPartner = _.where($scope.listPartners, {'id': $scope.newContract.partner_id})[0];

AngularJs - Error: 10 $digest() iterations reached. Aborting

I am trying to create a Metro Tile type grid with Angular, to achieve this i want each of the tiles to be a different colour. So my plan of action was to create a function that would randomly pick a colour inside a loop (using ng-repeat). Here is what i have so far....
<div class={{RandomColourClass()}} ng-repeat="stockRecord in GridStockRecords | filter:searchText">
<div >
So as you can see i am setting the class name with a function called RandomColourClass, Here is the JS bits
$scope.TileColours = [{colour:'thumbnail tile tile-blue'},{colour:'thumbnail tile tile-green'},{colour:'thumbnail tile tile-red'}];
$scope.RandomColourClass = function(){
var randomColour = $scope.TileColours[Math.floor(Math.random() * $scope.TileColours.length)];
return randomColour.colour.toString();
This all works fine and the tiles are of different colours but i keep getting the following error
Error: 10 $digest() iterations reached. Aborting!".
I've had a look at other posts around the issue but i can't figure out what i need to change to get it working!? Any help or direction would be greatly appreciated :)
Angular performs a digest function to update the DOM when your data changes.
During the digest, it recomputes all the values you have bound in the DOM, in this case {{RandomColorClass()}}. If any of them change, it again performs a digest cycle (since some variables may depend on the value of of the changed variable, for example).
It does this repeatedly until two digests in a row result in the same values -- i.e, nothing has changed.
What's happening is that when a digest occurs, your RandomColorClass() function is being called and returns a different value. This triggers an additional digest, where RandomColorClass() again returns a different value, which triggers another digest...
Can you see where this is going? You shouldn't be generating random values in this manner -- instead, generate them in your scope and persist them.
One approach might be, in your scope:
function randomColourClass() { /* ... */ };
$scope.GridStockRecords.forEach(function(record) {
record.colorClass = randomColourClass();
and HTML:
<div ng-repeat="stockRecord in GridStockRecords | filter:searchText"
I had the same problem in IE10 turns ut that the problem was that I was redirecting using window.location.
window.location = "#route/yada";
Changed the code to
And that solved my issues. =D
Answer unrelated to this particular question, but I'm adding it here because it's on the Google front page when you search for the error message and it took me a bit until I figured it out:
I had something like this in my view:
<custom-tag data="[1,2,3]"/>
And the controller of the custom tag had a watcher set up on $ This caused AngularJS to barf because every time it re-checked the value of data it got a new object from the view (remember, the array is an object) so it never finished digesting it properly.
I encountered this error when I mistyped ng-class="submit()" instead of ng-click="submit()". I can't imagine anyone else making such a silly error, but for the record, this is another way to create 10 $digest() iterations reached aborting!

Adding a record to the store

I have a editable grid, store and a button.
The button has a handler that is supposed to copy the selected record and add the copy to the store:
var a = gridPanel.getSelectionModel().getSelectedCell();
var rec = store.getAt(a[0]).copy();
alert (store.getAt(1).get('date'));
But the store and the grid are not updated. The alert has an error - cannot call method of undefined.
What is the problem here?
The issue probably is that the copied record has the same id thus when you insert it in the store another record with the same id is already present.
If you generate and apply a new id to the copied record before adding it to the store it should work. The following code generates a new ID in the record passed as argument. Check the documentation of;
Few things that most JavaScript developers should do:
Use firebug, if you turn on break on all errors it would probably show you that store.get(1) is returning undefing and causing an error when you try to call a function on an undefined.
Now that you have firebug use console.log() statements over window.alert(). With console.log's you can actually see the an inspect it, it is also good for asynchronous stuff and mouse events.
As for your problem:
Calling a record.copy() and then inserting it into the store will cause problems if you don't give it an id. If you had firebug and looked through the code you would stumble upon this:
To generate a record with a unique key you can do something like this :
var rec = store.getAt(a[0]).copy();
var id =; = id;
The code seems messy but there aren't many nice ways of doing it. If it were me I would override the copy function to take a boolean to force the record's id to be auto generated.

