Passing function argument to retrieve data from an object - javascript

I am have some trouble with a script I am working on. I have been provided with an object with multiple items from a product catalog.
What I am trying to do is to write a function which to which will allow me to render this data easily.
<script type="application/javascript">
SKUinfo =
"s238554": {
"Age": {
"Description": "Age 18+",
"Thumbnail": "/productImages/assets/img/icon18.gif"
"Barcode": {
"Barcode": "50622132430794"
"Currency": "£",
"Description": "Description goes here",
"Id": 44305,
"Packshots": [
"Pegis": [],
"Platform": {
"Button": "Xbox 360",
"ID": 0
"Publisher": {
"Description": null
"Release": "/Date(1392940800000+0000)/",
"Screenshots": [
"ScreenshotMax": "/productImages/238556/5scrmax1.jpg",
"ScreenshotMin": "/productImages/238556/4scrmin1.jpg"
"Title": "Product title 2 goes here",
"Variants": [
"Id": 58242,
"MaxOrderQuantity": 3,
"Presellable": true,
"Price": 29.97,
"PriceCultureFormat": "29.97",
"PriceWithCurrencyFormat": "£29.97",
"Sku": 238556,
"Type": {
"Description": "New"
"Vendor": {
"Description": ""
"s238556": {
"Age": {
"Description": "Age 18+",
"Thumbnail": "/productImages/assets/img/pegi/icon18.gif"
"Barcode": {
"Barcode": "5060134530794"
"Currency": "£",
"Description": "Description here",
"Id": 654654,
"Packshots": [
"Pegis": [],
"Platform": {
"Button": "PlayStation 3",
"ID": 0
"Publisher": {
"Description": null
"Release": "/Date(1392940800000+0000)/",
"Screenshots": [
"ScreenshotMax": "/productImages/238556/5scrmax1.jpg",
"ScreenshotMin": "/productImages/238556/4scrmin1.jpg"
"ScreenshotMax": "/productImages/238556/7scrmax2.jpg",
"ScreenshotMin": "/productImages/238556/6scrmin2.jpg"
"Title": "Product title 2 goes here",
"Variants": [
"Id": 58242,
"MaxOrderQuantity": 3,
"Presellable": true,
"Price": 29.97,
"PriceCultureFormat": "29.97",
"PriceWithCurrencyFormat": "£29.97",
"Sku": 238556,
"Type": {
"Description": "New"
"Vendor": {
"Description": ""
"VideoHTML": "html here",
"status": {
"Response": "product found",
"Success": true
The above example is the output I get for two products.
If I try to get access to this data this is where I have a problem
<script type="application/javascript">
function getSKU(s)
I imagine this is being caused when I am passing the argument s back to the function getSKU a the node selection in the data object. In this I would expect the console output to be the Title from SKU s238554.
What I get however, is: Uncaught ReferenceError: s238554 is not defined
I would appreciate any guidance that can be offered as I am a javascript novice.

Access your property by used[] on SKUinfo.s.Title like SKUinfo[s].Title
And also pass your property name within the quotes 's238554' as it's not variable.
Something like this.
function getSKU(s){
getSKU('s238554'); // s238554 within quotes.


Javascript object nested filtering

I have an object parsed from JSON output.
I have to use only pure JS without any 3rd part libs. Can somebody suggest a working solution to filter a specific nested object by one of its key's value. In this sample I have a few "Fields" objects which contains also nested objects.
So is there a way to filter the whole nested object inside Fields using VName value as a filter criteria? For example use "VName": "oc_data" to filter the whole object inside Fields oc_data belongs to
"Id": "0050560107dd",
"Name": "Demo Range",
"AllMup": false,
"Lines": [{
"Id": "0050560107dd",
"AllMup": false,
"Fields": [{
"Id": "0050560107dd",
"Name": "Some value here",
"VName": "oc_data",
"IsRequired": false,
"Format": {
"Type": "Dictionary",
"Dictionary": {
"Name": "Main stuff",
"SysName": "da3a45de77d1",
"ValuesUrl": "",
"Id": "0050560107dd",
"CalForm": []
"Id": "0050560107dd",
"AllMup": false,
"Fields": [{
"Id": "0050560107dd",
"Name": "Some value again",
"VName": "task_stat",
"IsRequired": false,
"Format": {
"Type": "Dictionary",
"Dictionary": {
"Name": "Task stuff",
"SysName": "Tasks.TaskState",
"ValuesUrl": "",
"Id": "ac1f6b17f99d",
"CalForm": []
"Id": "0050560107dd",
"Name": "Demo Range",
"AllMup": false,
"Lines": [{
"Id": "0050560107dd",
"AllMup": false,
"Fields": [{
"Id": "0050560107dd",
"Name": "Category",
"IsRequired": false,
"Format": {
"Type": "Dictionary",
"Dictionary": {
"Name": "Some category",
"SysName": "LitigationCategory",
"ValuesUrl": "",
"Id": "902b343a9588",
"CalForm": []

Postman - How to count occurrences of a specific object in a JSON response

I am new to JSON and Postman. I believe I'm trying to do something very simple.
I have created a GET request which will get a JSON response like the one below.
In the example below I want to get the count of All "IsArchived" attributes in the response;
The number of those attributes will vary from response to response.
How can I do it? Thanks in advance
"Id": 1328,
"Name": "AAA Test",
"Owner": {
"Id": 208,
"Name": "The Boss"
"FieldGroups": [
"Id": "c81376f0-6ac3-4028-8d61-76a0f815dbf8",
"Name": "General",
"FieldDefinitions": [
"Id": 1,
"DisplayName": "Product Name",
"IsArchived": false
"Id": 2,
"DisplayName": "Short Description",
"IsArchived": false
"Id": 33,
"DisplayName": "Long Description",
"IsArchived": false
"Id": "5ed8746b-0fa8-4022-8216-ad3af17db91f",
"Name": "Somethingelse",
"FieldDefinitions": [
"Id": 123,
"DisplayName": "Attribution",
"IsArchived": false
"Id": 1584,
"DisplayName": "FC1",
"IsArchived": false
"Id": 623,
"DisplayName": "Sizes",
"IsArchived": false,
"Owner": {
"Id": 208,
"Name": "The Boss"
"Unit": "",
"Options": [
"Id": 1,
"Value": "XS"
"Id": 2,
"Value": "S"
"Id": 3,
"Value": "M"
"IsArchived": false
"Version": 1
It is a rather specific solution but I hope it helps. The description is added as comments:
// Convert the response body to a JSON object
var jsonData = pm.response.json()
// Create a count variable which will be increased by 1 everytime IsArchived occurs
var count = 0;
function countIsArchived() {
// Loop through the FieldGroupsArray
_.each(jsonData.FieldGroups, (fieldGroupsArray) => {
// Loop through the FieldDefinitionsArray
_.each(fieldGroupsArray.FieldDefinitions, (fieldDefinitionsArray) => {
// Check if IsArchived exists
if(fieldDefinitionsArray.IsArchived) {
// Increase count by 1
// IF you want it:
// Check if IsArchived exists on the top level of the JSON response and increase count
if(jsonData.IsArchived) {
// IF you want it:
// Create a Postman environment variable and assign the value of count to it
pm.environment.set("count", count);
Additional info:
The , after the following object is not needed. It invalidates the JSON:
"Id": 33,
"DisplayName": "Long Description",
"IsArchived": false
}, <--

How do I join multiple columns into one in footable?

I have a FooTable that gets a part number returned as 3 separate cells. I'd like to combine them into one cell but I'm unsure of how the formatter and parser work for FooTable. my table html is just an empty table, everything is handledin the javascript. How would I go about doing this?
$(document).ready(function() {
"expandFirst": false,
"columns": [
{ "name": "PartID", "title":"PartID", "visible":false },
{"formatter": function(value){
return //I'm thinking this is where the code would go to join the next 3 columns? in the format ##.###.##
{ "name": "PartCategory", "title": "PC" },
{ "name": "PartNumber1", "title": "PN1" },
{ "name": "PartNumber2", "title": "PN2", },
{ "name": "PartName", "title": "Name", },
{ "name": "DescShort", "title": "Description", },
{ "name": "SupplierName", "title": "Supplier", },
{ "name": "SupplierPartNumber", "title": "Supplier Part #", }
"rows": $.getJSON("../dist/scripts/testGetParts.php")
You can simply add data-hide="all" to the first two columns of those three:
{ "name": "", "title": "", data-hide="all"},
{ "name": "", "title": "", data-hide="all"},
{ "name": "Part Info", "title": "Part Information" }
Merge those in php (which you are good at) and just show them in here as one col in your dataset and Voila.
The simpler version if you can change the dataset is to not add those columns at all.
Another option if you cannot/don't want to change your server side code is to get the data and change it js and then bind them to rows afterwards.
var rows = $.getJSON("../dist/scripts/testGetParts.php");
foreach(row in rows) {
//merge those cols here in the third one
And then:
"expandFirst": false,
"columns": [
{ "name": "PartID", "title":"PartID", "visible":false },
{ "name": "PartCategory", "title": "PC", data-hide="all" },
{ "name": "PartNumber1", "title": "PN1", data-hide="all"},
{ "name": "Part Info", "title": "Part information" },
{ "name": "PartName", "title": "Name", },
{ "name": "DescShort", "title": "Description", },
{ "name": "SupplierName", "title": "Supplier", },
{ "name": "SupplierPartNumber", "title": "Supplier Part #", }
"rows": rows
Not sure how you do it persay in footable, in kendo you would do it like so.
$(document).ready(function() {
"expandFirst": false,
"columns": [
{ "name": "PartID", "title":"PartID", "visible":false },
{ "title":"PartNumber", formatter: function(data){
return data.PartCategory +"."+ data.PartNumber1 +"." + PartNumber2;
{ "name": "PartName", "title": "Name", },
{ "name": "DescShort", "title": "Description", },
{ "name": "SupplierName", "title": "Supplier", },
{ "name": "SupplierPartNumber", "title": "Supplier Part #", }
"rows": $.getJSON("../dist/scripts/testGetParts.php")

Converting Multidimensional JSON key-value pairs into an Angular Menu (no Angular knowledge required)

I asked this question here:
Working With Dynamic Multidimensional key-value pairs in JSON
But it's become a bit more involved and I can't get where I'm going from that answer. If I have a data object that looks like this:
"email": "",
"firstname": "Bob",
"lastname": "Smith",
"company": "ACME",
"custom": {
"services": [
"name": "svc1",
"desc": "abcdefg",
"selected": "true",
"status": "None"
"name": "svc2",
"desc": "abcdefg",
"selected": "true",
"status": "None"
"name": "svc3",
"desc": "abcdefg",
"selected": "false",
"status": "None"
"name": "svc4",
"desc": "abcdefg",
"selected": "false",
"status": "None"
"fields": [
"name": "Products",
"desc": "abcdef",
"type": "multi",
"values": [
"name": "Product1",
"desc": "abcdef"
"name": "Product2",
"desc": "abcdef"
"services": [
"name": "Wines",
"desc": "abcdef",
"type": "multi",
"values": [
"name": "Wine 1",
"desc": "abcdef"
"services": [
"name": "Fruits",
"desc": "abcdef",
"type": "multi",
"values": [
"name": "Fruit 1",
"desc": "abcdef"
"name": "Fruit 2",
"desc": "abcdef"
"services": [
How can I convert that into an Angular menu? The menu would need to list all of the services, and then if the service has an associated item in "fields" that item should be listed underneath it. So for instance "svc1" and its description should be listed on a line (got that working) but then "Product1" and "Product2" with their descriptions should appear on the next two lines because you can see that "svc1" is listed in the "services" field for "Products." Similarly, "svc4" should appear on a line, and then "Wines" and its description on the next line because "svc4" appears in the "services" field of "Wines."
I think the best way is to unpack and re-pack this JSON object in sequential order in the Angular controller and then push this data out to the Angular view but there might be a solution using only the logic available from the view. I've tried a bunch of nested fors and ifs along these lines (very much not working):
var i, j;
var listArray = [];
for (i = 0; i < $scope.svcs.length; i++) {
var littleArray = [$scope.svcs[i].status, $scope.svcs[i].name, $scope.svcs.desc];
for (j=0; j < $scope.jFA.length; j++) {
if ($scope.jFA[j] == $scope.svcs[i].name) {
if ($scope.jFA[j] == $scope.svcs[i].fields)
littleArray = [$scope.jFA[j].fields] //...etc
...but that logic just keeps getting more and more dense and isn't working no matter now I try to use it. I liked the simplicity in the answer to the other question but have not had success in replicating it.
So if someone can help me figure out how to get the data into the right sequence using JS I can handle the Angular part. Or if you're an Angular whiz and have an answer along those lines, even better.
So it was a little hard understanding your question, but I gave it my best shot. Does this fiddle show what you are trying to achieve?
var app = angular.module('TestApp',[]);
app.controller('TestController', function($scope)
$scope.checkService = function(service, fieldServices)
if (fieldServices.indexOf(service) != -1) return true;
return false;
$ = {
"email": "",
"firstname": "Bob",
"lastname": "Smith",
"company": "ACME",
"custom": {
"services": [
"name": "svc1",
"desc": "abcdefg",
"selected": "true",
"status": "None"
"name": "svc2",
"desc": "abcdefg",
"selected": "true",
"status": "None"
"name": "svc3",
"desc": "abcdefg",
"selected": "false",
"status": "None"
"name": "svc4",
"desc": "abcdefg",
"selected": "false",
"status": "None"
"fields": [
"name": "Products",
"desc": "abcdef",
"type": "multi",
"values": [
"name": "Product1",
"desc": "abcdef"
"name": "Product2",
"desc": "abcdef"
"services": [
"name": "Wines",
"desc": "abcdef",
"type": "multi",
"values": [
"name": "Wine 1",
"desc": "abcdef"
"services": [
"name": "Fruits",
"desc": "abcdef",
"type": "multi",
"values": [
"name": "Fruit 1",
"desc": "abcdef"
"name": "Fruit 2",
"desc": "abcdef"
"services": [
<div ng-app="TestApp">
<div ng-controller="TestController">
<div ng-repeat="service in">
{{ }}
<div class="indent" ng-repeat="fields in data.custom.fields">
<span ng-if="checkService(,">
<span ng-repeat="value in fields.values">
{{}} - {{value.desc}}<br>
and finally css:
.indent {

Facebook Open Graph not returning all results for Books.Read?

When using the Facebook Open Graph explorer, I run the following, to get a list of my books read.
This returns only 5 results, even though I have more books read than that, and I've explicitly requested up to 25 results. Following the paging link to the (theoretical) more results, shows a page with no more results.
here's my output of the query:
"data": [
"data": {
"book": {
"id": "452418224806835",
"url": "",
"type": "",
"title": "Fantastic Voyage"
"id": "10151871872740882"
"data": {
"book": {
"id": "106151566083577",
"url": "",
"type": "",
"title": "The Andromeda Strain"
"id": "10151870390740882"
"data": {
"progress": [
"timestamp": 1388668020,
"percent_complete": 0
"timestamp": 1392949225,
"percent_complete": 100
"book": {
"id": "10150233066083545",
"url": "",
"type": "good_reads:book",
"title": "A Dance with Dragons (A Song of Ice and Fire, #5)"
"id": "10151867499170882"
"data": {
"progress": [
"timestamp": 1391350736,
"percent_complete": 0
"timestamp": 1392569208,
"percent_complete": 100
"book": {
"id": "1390736374489290",
"url": "",
"type": "good_reads:book",
"title": "City of the Sun"
"id": "10151860185710882"
"data": {
"book": {
"id": "526531387368738",
"url": "",
"type": "",
"title": "Gates of Fire"
"id": "10151226827780882"
"paging": {
"next": ""
Anybody seeing what I am doing wrong?

