Select box with video thumbnail - javascript

I am creating a select box with a video thumbnail. This could be done either through javascript or jquery. Is there an example for creating a custom html select box that can also show a video thumbnail?

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It sounds like you want a custom dropdown menu. You can't do that with the current tag, unless the jquery plugin in replacing it entirely with its own css and markup.
Check out
Cost $4 but might be worth it. Their demo has a video in it.
I'm no affiliated in anyway. You might find a free one somewhere online. Just search "jquery css dropdown plugin"


CSS - Bubble input searchbar like Pinterest

I have a search bar where the user enters a keyword, and I would like the keywords to be enclosed in a bubble with a cross on end to delete it as soon as he user presses space to enter another keyword. Something like whats done at the Pinterest search bar as shown in this image below.
I can make bubble in CSS around texts, but how to draw them from inside the input box is where I am stuck at.
It is worth checking out the Select2 library which has the tagging option, You can see it in action here (Under "Tagging support" section).
Alternatively you can checkout the below CodePen link on the tag based search
Hope this helps!.
Check friends list here:
I've made simple jQuery plugin for it while ago:
Check harvestHQ Chosen plugin:
Select2 and Chosen were both good alternatives but I found Selectize.js to best fit my use case (highly customizable). Its easier to use, extendable with few dependencies.

Is there a basic/simple lightbox/overlay jQuery-based library anywhere?

Is there any Lightbox-live or overlay library out there that only provides the "basic cross-browser centered popup with a dark background" without attempting to perform requests and display images?
I would like to populate the contents myself using my own JS code which is non-trivial and all of these libraries expecting a link with something displayable inside it are unusable for my simple yet unusual (it would appear) use case...
I've gone over maybe 15 Lightbox clones today and for the life of me couldn't find a simple way to just get the basic overlay functionality without the added fluff. Is anyone familiar with something like that ?
Look into Colorbox. Check the Inline Examples. It works well.
Look here: under "Other Content types"
Try jQuery UI dialog!
jQuery Dialog in jQuery UI might be an option to consider.
You can customize the download of the library to give you only the dialog.
Just de-select everything from here and select "Dialog" only (it will select the minimum dependencies for you):

TinyMCE content/HTML filtering

I'll show you what I want to achieve.
I have some entities on my website(players, teams, articles, photos etc). I want to make some kind of BBcode that will create links to these elements. (I definitely don't want to use native link button for many reasons like changing url structure etc).
So I want to put into HTML code something like this:
[player=123ID]anchor text[/player]. After saving I will parse this HTML with my custom filter to make this linkable when showing on website in articles, private messages etc.
But my question is:
Is it possible to make custom TinyMCE editor button(one for each entity) that will open some kind of modal window where I'll add JS logic that will offer user some related autocompleter? And after selecting entity user wanted + writing anchor text it will put into HTML code my custom BBcode tag. Any guides, best practices, etc?
Is it possible to show in preview(not HTML) mode this custom BBtag as anchor? TinyMCE by default shows anchor tags like real anchors with anchor text, I want this custom tag to be shown(and editable) in the same way as regular anchors do. Do you have any ideas?
I am currently studying moxiecode wiki for some days, but I'm still not that in-depth in TinyMCE to solve this easily.
Will be happy for your inputs!
To question 1: Yes this is possible. You might want to have a look at how to create a plugin for tinymce. It is not that difficult and you may create as many buttons as you need.
What "preview" mode are you reffering to?

Implement javascript in drupal node

In my drupal config I have created a video page, which I'm using to create video titles.
I also created a course page, which will be displaying all the video titles available in that course using views and node reference combination. It only displays video title list.
Take a look here
You see the video titles are arranged in a chapter - wise manner, using javascript to hide/show chapter title.
I want to implement a similar functionality in my drupal site. If it is not possible with views thats ok, but I need a way to implement the javascript and chapter title in the course page. I want to keep the layout same as much as possible.
Even if I have to manually enter/edit the code in the body, I don't care as long as I have the functionality.
If you don't want to write the jQuery and are satisfied with the "accordion" effect see
A demo of views accordion can be found on (See "latest thoughts" in the main content area). This is integrated with views so all you need do is to make the correct video title the accordion title.
You can probably theme the accordion too to get the desired user interface.
If you have implemented the markup, the javascript effect will be pretty easy to make.
You just need to apply a click handler on the chapters and hide/show the content. jQuery that is included in Drupal makes this quite simple and easy.
For the markup, it will probably be easier to do in a custom module, since you need a very specific ordering, and need some specific info on the chapter as well as the pages.
You should consider using node relationships, and use two content types. Especially if you want more info for each chapter like a image, teaser text etc.

Mootools Lightbox for a html div?

I'm wondering if anyone has ever come across a plug-in for mootools that will show a hidden div (with embedded video in it) as a light box, upon a click on a link.
What I wanted is somehow like how apple trailers site show the embedded quicktime player.
Give Shadowbox.js a try... It supports multiple frameworks (MooTools, jQuery etc.), multiple players (img, iframe, html) and a lot of other options.
You can also check this matrix to see an overview of popular Lightbox clones with their capabilities.
Clientcide has one that might work. You could also try Milkbox.
You could also try moodalbox - not sure how it compares with milkbox, which I haven't used, but moodalbox should be able to do it:

