Appending in the middle of a src attribute of Image in Jquery - javascript

I have a bit of code which I want to add just the letters "mb" at the beginning of the name of my image file using JQuery. This is quite green to me so I ask for your forgivness of my naivety in advabce. An example of what I am seeking to do is switching my image name from "images/folder/photo.jpg" to "images/folder/mb_photo.jpg". The images I plan to use already in classes so I have the mock up for selecting those classes already layed out. I am just stuck on how to insert in the middle of the image tag.
As requested, what I have so far is:
if ($('#content').width() < 700 ){
Thank you guys in advance for your help.

This should do what you need...
function updateImageSrc(add) {
if (add === true) {
$("img.photos_member:not(.src-modified), img.photos_group:not(.src-modified)")
.attr("src", function() {
var split = this.src.split("/");
split[split.length - 1] = "mb_" + split[split.length - 1];
return split.join("/");
else {
$("img.photos_member.src-modified, img.photos_group.src-modified")
.attr("src", function() {
var split = this.src.split("/");
split[split.length - 1] = split[split.length - 1].substr(3);
return split.join("/");
And to call it in a window resize handler, do this...
$(window).resize(function() {
if ($("#content").width() < 700) {
else {

use like
<img id="test" src="images/folder/photo.jpg"/>
<input type="button" id="btn" value="change src"/>
var newSrc=$("#test").attr("src").split("/");

Use the replace method.
var img = "images/folder/photo.jpg";
var newImg = img.replace(/\/(\w+.jpg)/, "/mb_$1");
newImg would contain the updated filename("images/folder/mb_photo.jpg")


Is there a way to switch images src back to original after src change event?

I'm a noob working my way to learn JavaScript on my own and using some resources but want to probe things on my own hence trying this thing but it's not working for some reason. Help is appreciated.
The object is to clarify some blurred images by swapping the source. The images are called zero.jpg/zeroblur.jpg, one.jpg/oneblur.jpg and so on... The page loads with blurred image sources until clicked on. I want to write code so that it goes back to original blurred source image after 5 secs.
P.S.: The code in comments is what I've tried to write on my own.
window.onload = init;
function init() {
var blurryPic = document.getElementsByTagName("img");
for (var i = 0; i < blurryPic.length; i++) {
blurryPic[i].onclick = clarify;
// setTimeout(resetPic, 5000);
function clarify(eventObj) {
var pic =;
var id =;
id = "images/" + id + ".jpg";
pic.src = id;
// function resetPic(eventObj) {
// var pic =;
// var id =;
// id = "images/" + id + "blur.jpg";
// pic.src = id;
// }
It's better with CSS: your image stays the same and you only toggle a class, the class making your image blur.
document.getElementById("clickImg").addEventListener("click", function() {
.blurImg {
-webkit-filter: blur(5px); /* Safari 6.0 - 9.0 */
filter: blur(5px);
<img src="" id="clickImg">
If what you want is really to be able to reset the original image, I think it's better to stock it in a specific attribute, like this:
document.getElementById("reset").addEventListener("click", function() {
document.getElementById("clickImg").src = document.getElementById("clickImg").getAttribute('origSrc')
var imgs = [
document.getElementById("random").addEventListener("click", function() {
document.getElementById("clickImg").src = imgs[Math.floor(Math.random() * 3)]
<input type="button" value="RESET" id="reset" />
<input type="button" value="RANDOM" id="random" /><br/>
<img src="" origSrc="" id="clickImg">
I used an if statement for this to check if the first loaded image file was present or not. Then use the attribute src for the file. Here's an example.
function magicChanger(){
var myImage = document.getElementById("emailImage")
if (myImage.getAttribute("src") == "first loaded image"){
myImage.setAttribute("src", "second image")
myImage.setAttribute("src", "first loaded image")
#html element
<button id = "emailButton" onclick="magicChanger()">
<img id="emailImage" src="{% static 'GoEnigmaPics/emailIcon.png' %}" alt="email">
Thanks for all the answers! I wanted to get it done in JS only so CSS wouldn't work. Appreciate the answers and will definitely incorporate in future projects!
P. S. This is what got it done in the end.
window.onload = init;
function init() {
var blurryPics = document.getElementsByTagName("img");
for (var i = 0; i < blurryPics.length; i++) {
blurryPics[i].onclick = clarify;
function clarify(eventObj) {
var pic =;
var id =;
id = "images/" + id + ".jpg";
pic.src = id;
setTimeout(reBlur, 3000, pic);
function reBlur(eventObj) {
var pic =;
var id =;
id = "images/" + id + "blur.jpg";
pic.src = id;
Please try this code,To Is there a way to switch images src back to original after src change event?
It switches back because by default, when you click a link, it follows the link and loads the page. In your case, you don't want that. You can prevent it either by doing e.preventDefault();
$(function() {
return false;
I hope this code will be useful.
Thank You.

jQuery: Storing a Div name in a variable, then calling it in an action

So i've been trying to wrap my head around this, all i'm trying to do is store a div name in a variable for easy editing, then allow it to be called in standard actions such as show/hide.
Without the variables, my code works fine but with them it will not load the div, i've done a console log to make sure it knows what the div name is based off the stored variable and it returns correctly.
Here is my code:-
var buttonActive = 0;
var yourMenuDiv = '.menu-menu-1-container';
$(function() {
$(yourMenuDiv).before('<div class="responsiveButton"><div id="rBBar"></div><div id="rBBar"></div><div id="rBBar"></div></div>');
$(yourMenuDiv).before('<div class="responsiveMenu"><div id="responsiveTitle"></div></div>');
$(yourMenuDiv + 'ul').clone().appendTo('.responsiveMenu');
$('.home #logoImage').clone().appendTo('#responsiveTitle');
$(window).resize(function() {
if ($(window).width() < 600) {
$('.responsiveMenu, .responsiveButton').show();
$('.responsiveMenu, .responsiveButton').hide();
buttonActive = 0;
$(function() {
if ($(window).width() < 600) {
$('.responsiveMenu, .responsiveButton').show();
$('.responsiveMenu, .responsiveButton').hide();
buttonActive = 0;
$('.responsiveButton').click(function() {
if (buttonActive == 0){
buttonActive = 1;
buttonActive = 0;
Thank you
You should try something like:
var yourMenuDiv = $('.menu-menu-1-container');
and then just call the methods with: yourMenuDiv.methodHere.
In your code:
$(yourMenuDiv + 'ul').clone().appendTo('.responsiveMenu');
Does the above line work correctly? - I mean should there be a space character in between. Something like below:
$(yourMenuDiv + ' ul').clone().appendTo('.responsiveMenu');
and as a matter of interest. Does it make any difference if you place your first two lines of code:
var buttonActive = 0;
var yourMenuDiv = '.menu-menu-1-container';
after $(function() { ?

Change button image onclick

I have this code to change from image 1 to image 2. How can I make it change from image 2 to image 3, and back to image 1? Thanks
<!DOCTYPE html>
<button onclick="myFunction()"><img id="myImg" src="image1.gif" width="107" height="98"></button>
function myFunction()
var img_array = ['', '', ''];
i = 0;
function myFunction() {
document.getElementById("myImg").src = img_array[i];
if (i == img_array.length - 1) {
i = -1;
You could do
function myFunction()
if( document.getElementById("myImg").src == "image1.gif" ){
document.getElementById("myImg").src = "image2.gif";
elseif( document.getElementById("myImg").src == "image2.gif" ){
document.getElementById("myImg").src = "image3.gif";
document.getElementById("myImg").src = "image1.gif";
It's not very elegant, but it could be a solution.
Kind regards.
Using jQuery.
change your html to something of the sort:
<button id="change-img"><img ... /></button>
Then you can add an onclick to the #change-img element. In your jQuery, add
$('#change-img').click(function() {
var image = $('#myImg');
var imgNum = image.attr('src').split('.')[0].replace('image', ''); // gets the number
imgNum = (imgNum % 3) + 1;
image.attr( { 'src' : 'image' + imgNum + '.gif' } ); // selects image, changes source
And there you have it.
Made a demo, similar to what you'd like to achieve:
One further approach:
// initialise the array, using array-literal syntax:
var img_array = ['',
function myFunction() {
// finding where in the 'img_array' the current src is to be found:
var current = img_array.indexOf(this.src);
// updating the src of the clicked element, to either the next element in
// the array (if 'current + 1' does *not* evaluate to equal the length of the
// array, or to the first element in the array if 'current + 1' *does* equal
// the length of the array:
this.src = img_array[current + 1 === img_array.length ? 0 : current + 1];
// getting a reference to the element to click on,
// add an event-listener to 'listen' for that event, and execute the
// named function:
document.getElementById('myImg').addEventListener('click', myFunction);
JS Fiddle demo.
Conditional ('ternary') operator.

Javascript - swap image on click or rollover

I know how to do this in jquery but i am trying to do the below in pure old school javascript. Can someone help:
$(".thumbnail").click(function() {
$("#mainImage").attr("src", $(this).attr("src"));
My ultimate goal is to click on a thumbnail and have the main image change but I need to do it in javascript (no jquery). I know this sounds pretty simple but I cannot figure it out. thank you.
There are so many things that jQuery gives you automatically that it's difficult to give you an answer that will do everything that your jQuery code does. Here is a simple example that will find every image with a class of thumbnail and set its onclick property to an event handler that performs an image swap.
onload = function () {
var bigImg = document.getElementById("mainImage");
for (var i = 0; i < document.images.length; i++) {
var img = document.images[i];
if (/\bthumbnail\b/.test(img.className) {
img.onclick = thumbnailHandler;
function thumbnailHandler(e) {
bigImg.src = this.src;
If you don't have to support IE7, you can simplify it slightly by using document.querySelectorAll():
onload = function () {
var bigImg = document.getElementById("mainImage");
var thumbs = document.querySelectorAll(".thumbnail");
for (var i = 0; i < thumbs.length; i++) {
thumbs[i].onclick = thumbnailHandler;
function thumbnailHandler(e) {
bigImg.src = this.src;
As an aside, I don't understand why you are setting the source of the main image to be the source of the thumbnail. Are you loading the full image into the thumbnail? That can be a lot to download and can quickly increase the memory footprint of your page.
Event delegation is probably the easiest way:
function expandThumbnail(e) {
if(~(' ' + + ' ').indexOf(' thumbnail ')) {
document.getElementById('mainImage').src =;
if(document.addEventListener) {
document.addEventListener('click', expandThumbnail, false);
} else {
document.attachEvent('onclick', function() {
target: event.srcElement
If I understand right, you have a thumbnail image displayed, let's say '1thumb.png', of an associated image, let's say '1.png', and when you click this thumbnail image you want to change the src attribute of a main image, let's say with id='mainimg', to show the '1.png' image associated to the thumbnail instead of whatever it's showing. I tried this and it works:
Inside your <header>:
<script type='text/javascript'>
function myHandler(source){
Your thumbnail code:
<img src='1thumb.png' onclick="myHandler('1.png')"/>
or, for rollover triggering:
<img src='1thumb.png' onmouseover="myHandler('1.png')"/>
Check it out:

Class of ID Change based on URL - URL Based Image Swap -

What I'm trying to achieve:
Based on URL (ie.,, the div element "logoswap" receives a different class.
The following is the code I put together but it seems completely wrong. I'm not a JS pro by any means, XHTML/CSS is more my speed (some PHP)... I cannot use PHP, even if it is possible in PHP (and I know it is because I have a PHP version of what I need done already, but I can't call the PHP properly.
I'm really just trying to get a different logo to show up based on the directory/url... It doesn't have to be a background element called in by the CSS class necessarily, I just need a different image to load based on the aforementioned url variable...
$(function() {
var url = location.pathname;
if(url.indexOf('item1') > -1) {
document.getElementById("logoswap").className += " class1";
elseif(url.indexOf('item2') > -1) {
document.getElementById("logoswap").className += "class2";
elseif(url.indexOf('item3') > -1) {
document.getElementById("logoswap").className += "class3";
elseif(url.indexOf('item4') > -1) {
document.getElementById("logoswap").className += "class4";
elseif(url.indexOf('item5') > -1) {
document.getElementById("logoswap").className += "class5";
else {
document.getElementById("logoswap").className += "class1";
That's what I have... Ugly I'm sure.
That's why I'm here though, I definitely need some help.
Assigning CSS Class By URL Pathname
A jsfiddle has been setup for
this solution.
Here is a case for using numeric expressions if they are available. This does not apply to the above question.
$(function() {
var rgx = /item(\d+)$/,
url = location.pathname,
id = (rgx.test(url)) ? url.match(rgx)[1] : '1';
$("#logoswap").addClass("class" + id);
In light of the new details you may need an array of values, these should be derived from or exactly equal to the class names you intend to use.
// my favorite way to make string arrays.
var matches = "brand1 brand2 brand3".split(" "),
url = location.pathname.match(/\w+$/)[0], // get the last item
id = matches.indexOf(url),
className = matches[(id > -1) ? id : 0];
To make this work you will need a few things in place. I will assume that the paths will end in a number as we have outlined here. The default ends with 1. You will need the images to be accessible. You need to define the styles for each possibility.
CSS Setup
#logoswap {
height : 200px;
width : 200px;
.class1 {
background-image : url(/path/to/default.jpg);
.class2 {
background-image : url(/path/to/second.jpg);
.brand1 {
background-image : url(/path/to/brand/1/logo.jpg);
Without jQuery
if you do not have jQuery in your code you may need to use window.onload.
var old = window.onload;
window.onload = function(){
var r = /item(\d+)$/,
url = location.pathname,
id = (r.test(url)) ? url.match(r)[1] : '1';
document.getElementById('logoswap').className += "class" + id;
I just want to take a moment here to
encourage anyone who is doing this
type of code to get used to Regular
Expressions and learn them. They are
far and away the most frequently used
cross language part of my development
There's nothing that wrong with what you have. You could tidy it up with something like below.
$(function() {
var url = location.pathname;
var logo = document.getElementById("logoswap");
var i = 6;
logo.className = "class1";
if(url.indexOf("item" + i) > -1) {
logo.className = "class" + i;
Hope this helps.
Using just HTML/CSS, you could add (or append via javascript) an id to the body of the page:
<body id="item1">
Then in your CSS, create a selector:
#item1 #logoswap {
// class1 CSS

