Replace null values to empty values in a JSON OBJECT - javascript

Hi I've got a JSON object provided by an ajax request.
Some of the values inside the json appears as null, but I want an empty String instead
My sample of code :
$.post("/profil_process/wall/preview-post.php",param, function (data){
// this does not work
JSON.stringify(data, function(key, value) { return value === "" ? "" : value });
Any ideas?

Your function should be like this:
function (key, value) {
return (value === null) ? "" : value;
If the value is null, then it returns an empty string.

If you can replace null-s with empty strings on serialized string, do something like this:
data = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data).replace(/\:null/gi, "\:\"\""));

Here's how you should be doing it, replacing the objects values with empty strings, not stringifying it
$.post("/profil_process/wall/preview-post.php",param, function (data){
(function removeNull(o) {
for(var key in o) {
if( null === o[key] ) o[key] = '';
if ( typeof o[key] === 'object' ) removeNull(o[key]);
) // ^^^ why not just pass the entire object ?

For anyone still looking for a solution.
Used this in my angular 2 app to remove all null values returned by my db query.
Create an angular 2 function in the component
replacer(i, val) {
if ( val === null )
return ""; // change null to empty string
} else {
return val; // return unchanged
Or Javascript function
function replacer(i, val) {
if ( val === null )
return ""; // change null to empty string
} else {
return val; // return unchanged
Then use the function in JSON.stringify method
JSON.stringify(result, this.replacer)

I recommend you the check the return type of the Ajax because it determines how to remove null.
If it is string, you can use this:
data = data.replace(/null/g, '""'); //Stays as string
data = JSON.parse(data); // Turns to a JSON object
If it is json object, then you can use this:
data = JSON.stringify(data).replace(/null/g, '""'); //Turns to string

Here is a simple code that will convert all null values into an empty string
let myObject = {
"name": "Ali",
Object.keys(myObject).map(function (key, index) {
if (myObject[key] == null) {
myObject[key] = "";
// output
/* {
"id": 1,
"name": "Ali",
"address": "",
"phone": "",
"age": 22
} */

Underscore mapObject gave me the most compact solution. Here's a complete example:
$ npm install underscore
import _, { map, each } from 'underscore';
var x = {a:null, b:1, c:'c', d:null}
var y = _.mapObject(x, function(val, key) {
return val || '';
console.log('No nulls:', y)
No nulls: {a:"", b:1, c:"c", d:""}

Little late to the party buy hey/ho.
The below function is the exact opposite of what you need, so just reverse engineer :D
In order to swap empty string's or strings with spaces in JSON we will need to iterate through the keys and check if a value contains an empty string.
You can complete this, easily with the .trim method. We basically check, if the length of the string trimmed, (without spaces) is equal to 0. If so we will add the same key to our new object but add a null value instead. You could also remove the length in the trim call and check if obj[keys].trim == ''.
function myFunction(obj){
const newObj = {}
for(keys in obj){
if(obj[keys].trim().length == 0){
newObj[keys] = null;
newObj[keys] = obj[keys];
return newObj;

Here is the correct way to do it in JS
let data = {
"msg": "Success",
"data": [
"firstName": "Manish",
"lastName": "Pal",
"age": 23
"firstName": "Deepak",
"lastName": "Gupta",
"age": null
"salary": [
"id": "1",
"type": "SD",
"amount": 1000000
"id": "2",
"type": "C",
"ok": null
let mainResponse = {};
const replaceNull = (value) => {
return (value == null) ? "" : value
//Parse Json and check for null
const removeNullFromJson = (object1, jsonObj) => {
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(object1)) {
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
jsonObj[key] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
jsonObj[key].push(removeNullFromJson(value[i], {}))
else if (typeof value == "object" && value != null) {
jsonObj[key] = removeNullFromJson(value, {})
else {
jsonObj[key] = replaceNull(value);
return jsonObj
console.log(removeNullFromJson(data, mainResponse))

Hope this help
var List = [];
$.post("/profil_process/wall/preview-post.php",param, function (data){
jQuery.each(data, function (key, value) {
ReportId : value.ReportId,
ReportType: CheckNullReturnBlank(value.ReportType),
ReportName: CheckNullReturnBlank(value.ReportName),
Description : CheckNullReturnBlank(value.Description)
}); },'json');
function CheckNullReturnBlank(item) {
return item = (item == null) ? '' : item;

You can replace null values to empty by below code in java-script
var remove_empty = function ( target ) {
Object.keys( target ).map( function ( key ) {
if ( target[ key ] instanceof Object ) {
if ( ! Object.keys( target[ key ] ).length && typeof target[ key ].getMonth !== 'function') {
target[ key ] = "";
else {
remove_empty( target[ key ] );
else if ( target[ key ] === null ) {
target[ key ] = "";
} );
return target;
you can read more about Object.keys

function returnblank(item){
if(item == null){
return "";
return item;


JSON.stringify behaviour [duplicate]

How do I preserve undefined values when doing JSON.stringify(hash)?
Here's an example:
var hash = {
"name" : "boda",
"email" : undefined,
"country" : "africa"
var string = JSON.stringify(hash);
// > '{"name":"boda","country":"africa"}'
Email disappeared from JSON.stringify.
The JSON spec does not allow undefined values, but does allow null values.
You can pass a replacer function to JSON.stringify to automatically convert undefined values to null values, like this:
var string = JSON.stringify(
function(k, v) { return v === undefined ? null : v; }
This works for undefined values inside arrays as well, as JSON.stringify already converts those to null.
You can preserve the key by converting to null since a valid JSON does not allow undefined;
Simple one liner:
JSON.stringify(obj, (k, v) => v === undefined ? null : v)
This should do the trick
// Since 'JSON.stringify' hides 'undefined', the code bellow is necessary in
// order to display the real param that have invoked the error.
JSON.stringify(hash, (k, v) => (v === undefined) ? '__undefined' : v)
.replace(/"__undefined"/g, 'undefined')
Use null instead of undefined.
var hash = {
"name" : "boda",
"email" : null,
"country" : "africa"
var string = JSON.stringify(hash);
> "{"name":"boda","email":null,"country":"africa"}"
Im reading between the lines here and guessing that you want to have the value undefined when you use JSON.parse?
If that is the case you could use the following:
var encodeUndefined = function(obj, undefinedPaths, path) {
path = path || 'ROOT';
for (var key in obj) {
var keyPath = path + '.' + key;
var value = obj[key];
if (value === undefined) {
} else if (typeof value == "object" && value !== null) {
encodeUndefined(obj[key], undefinedPaths, keyPath);
var stringifyAndPreserveUndefined = function(obj) {
var undefinedPaths = [];
//save all paths that have are undefined in a array.
encodeUndefined((obj), undefinedPaths);
return JSON.stringify({
ROOT: obj,
undefinedPaths: undefinedPaths
}, function(k, v) { if (v === undefined) { return null; } return v; });
var parseAndRestoreUndefined = function(value) {
var data = JSON.parse(value);
var undefinedPaths = data.undefinedPaths;
var obj = data.ROOT;
//Restore all undefined values
for (var pathIndex = 0; pathIndex < undefinedPaths.length; pathIndex++) {
var pathParts = undefinedPaths[pathIndex].substring(5).split('.');
var item = obj;
for (var pathPartIndex = 0; pathPartIndex < pathParts.length - 1; pathPartIndex++) {
item = item[pathParts[pathPartIndex]];
item[pathParts[pathParts.length - 1]] = undefined;
return obj;
var input = {
test1: 'a',
test2: 'b',
test3: undefined,
test4: {
test1: 'a',
test2: undefined
var result = stringifyAndPreserveUndefined(input);
var result2 = parseAndRestoreUndefined(result);
stringifyAndPreserveUndefined will encode all undefined values in a array and when you call parseAndRestoreUndefined it will put them in the correct place again.
The one downside is the json will not look exactly like the object. In the example above it will turn into {"ROOT":{"test1":"a","test2":"b","test4":{"test1":"a"}},"undefinedPaths":["ROOT.test3","ROOT.test4.test2"]}
function stringifyWithUndefined(value: any, space: number): string {
const str = JSON.stringify(
(_k, v) => v === undefined ? '__UNDEFINED__' : v,
return str.replaceAll('"__UNDEFINED__"', 'undefined');
Example 1:
const object = {
name: 'boda',
email: undefined,
country: 'africa'
console.log(stringifyWithUndefined(object, 2));
Result (string):
"name": "boda",
"email": undefined,
"country": "africa"
Example 2:
const array = [object, { object }, [[object]]];
console.log(stringifyWithUndefined(array, 2));
Result (string):
"name": "boda",
"email": undefined,
"country": "africa"
"object": {
"name": "boda",
"email": undefined,
"country": "africa"
"name": "boda",
"email": undefined,
"country": "africa"
Note that undefined is not valid JSON and JSON.parse() will fail with SyntaxError: Unexpected token [...] is not valid JSON if you give it the result of stringifyWithUndefined()
JSON does not have an undefined value, but we could write a workaround:
Preserving nested undefined values
I wrote 2 functions that internally uses JSON.stringify and JSON.parse and preserves nested undefined values using a value placeholder:
Equivalent to JSON.stringify:
* Serialize a POJO while preserving nested `undefined` values.
function serializePOJO(value, undefinedPlaceholder = "[undefined]") {
const replacer = (key, value) => (value === undefined ? undefinedPlaceholder : value);
return JSON.stringify(value, replacer);
Equivalent to JSON.parse:
* Deserialize a POJO while preserving nested `undefined` values.
function deserializePOJO(value, undefinedPlaceholder = "[undefined]") {
const pojo = JSON.parse(value);
if (pojo === undefinedPlaceholder) {
return undefined;
// Function that walks through nested values
function deepIterate(value, callback, parent, key) {
if (typeof value === "object" && value !== null) {
Object.entries(value).forEach(([entryKey, entryValue]) => deepIterate(entryValue, callback, value, entryKey));
} else if (Array.isArray(value)) {
value.forEach((itemValue, itemIndex) => deepIterate(itemValue, callback, value, itemIndex));
} else if (parent !== undefined) {
callback(value, parent, key);
// Replaces `undefined` placeholders
deepIterate(pojo, (value, parent, key) => {
if (value === undefinedPlaceholder) {
parent[key] = undefined;
return pojo;
const source = {
foo : undefined,
bar : {
baz : undefined
const serialized = serializePOJO(source);
console.log("Serialized", serialized);
// '{"foo":"[undefined]","bar":{"baz":"[undefined]","qux":[1,"[undefined]",2]}}'
const deserialized = deserializePOJO(serialized);
console.log("Deserialized", deserialized);
Works with both object entries and array items.
The downside is that you have to choose an appropriate placeholder that will not be mistaken via a "real" source value. The placeholder is customizable via the optional undefinedPlaceholder argument.
This is specially useful to store POJO in browser local storage ;)
See also:
This will cause it to print as undefined but this is INVALID json, but is valid JavaScript.
var string = JSON.stringify(obj, function(k,v){return v===undefined?"::undefined::":v}, 2).replace(new RegExp("\"::undefined::\"", 'g'), "undefined");

Converting object and/or nested array with objects to valid JSON string representation without using JSON.stringify?

I'm having trouble outputting a valid JSON string from an object as input without using JSON.stringify().
Here is my current complete implementation -
var my_json_encode = function(input) {
if(typeof(input) === "string"){
return '"'+input+'"'
if(typeof(input) === "number"){
return `${input}`
if(Array.isArray(input)) {
const formatedArrayMembers = => my_json_encode(value)).join(',');
return `[${formatedArrayMembers}]`;
*****Trouble is here*******
if(typeof(input) === "object" && !Array.isArray(input)) {
let temp = "";
for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(input)) {
let val = `${key} : ${value}`;
temp += my_json_encode(val)
return `{${temp}}`
Current input is -> {"key1":"val1","key2":"val2"}
Expected output is -> {"key1":"val1","key2":"val2"}
Current output using object type check in my_json_encode -> {"key1 : val1""key2 : val2"}
I feel that I'm close but something is missing in my logic, I've started at this for to long and need some guidance.
If I can get my object encoder to work, I'm sure I can recursively use it to check more complicated inputs such as:
Expected Output-> [1,"a",{"key1":"value1","key2":null,"key3":[4,"b"],"key5":{"inner1":"innerval1","inner2":9}}]
Related question I asked for an array to JSON string was solved here
The main issue is that you need to put "s around the whole key when iterating over the entries, and call my_json_encode on the value:
"${key}: ${my_json_encode(value)}"
You also need each key-value pair like above to be joined by ,, which can be done easily by mapping each key-value pair to the above sort of string, then .join(',')ing them.
You should also be escaping any "s in the keys or string values with a backslash. Also note that typeof is an operator, not a function - you can use it like typeof someVar:
var my_json_encode = function(input) {
if (typeof input === "string") {
return '"' + input.replace(/"/g, '\\"') + '"'
if (typeof input === "number") {
return input;
if (Array.isArray(input)) {
const formatedArrayMembers =',');
return `[${formatedArrayMembers}]`;
if (input === null) return 'null';
// then it's a non-array object
const keyValStrArray = Object.entries(input).map(([key, val]) => (
`"${key.replace(/"/g, '\\"')}":${my_json_encode(val)}`
return `{${keyValStrArray.join(',')}}`
console.log(my_json_encode({ "key1": "val1", "key2": "val2" }));
For objects, you can make temp an array and just push key: my_json_encode(value) pairs to it, then joining them with , and outputting { and } around the result:
var my_json_encode = function(input) {
if (input === null) {
return "null";
if (typeof(input) === "string") {
return `"${input}"`;
if (typeof(input) === "number") {
return `${input}`;
if (Array.isArray(input)) {
const formatedArrayMembers = => my_json_encode(value)).join(',');
return `[${formatedArrayMembers}]`;
if (typeof(input) === "object") {
let temp = [];
for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(input)) {
temp.push(`"${key}" : ${my_json_encode(value)}`);
return `{${temp.join(', ')}}`;

return key value pair from object whose key matches certain condition with javascript and underscore

var obj = {
I want to return an object with key value pairs whose keys start with either "M" or "F". So the final object would look like
var obj = {
I've tried things like _.filter(obj, function(v,k) { return /^[MF]/.test(k) })...
this will do the trick:
function filte_obj_FM (inp)
var ret = {};
for ( var k in inp)
if ( k[0] == "M" || k[0] == "F" )
ret[k] = inp[k];
return ret;
see console output (F12 +-> see console) here:
You can try
for (var prop in obj) { console.log(prop) }
It will give you the corresponding properties, then you can add your logic like
This should work:
var obj = {
var filtered = {}
for(var key in obj) {
if(key[0] === "M" || key[0] === "F"){
filtered[key] = obj[key]
Another version this time using reduce:
// create a new underscore function that will return the properties from an object that pass a given predicate
_.mixin({ filterProperties: function(obj, predicate){
return _.reduce(obj, function(memo, value, key){
if( predicate(key) ){
memo[key] = value;
return memo;
}, {});
// A couple of predicates that we can use when calling the new function
function isMale(key){
return key[0] == 'M';
function isFemale(key){
return key[0] == 'F';
// and finally getting the data we want:
var males = _.filterProperties( obj, isMale );
var females = _.filterProperties( obj, isFemale );
Here's my solution:
_.filter(_.keys(obj), function(key) {
return key.match(/U/);
}).forEach(function(kv) {
delete obj[kv];
I think all of yours are good and I voted them up. Thanks!

How to check if JavaScript object is JSON

I have a nested JSON object that I need to loop through, and the value of each key could be a String, JSON array or another JSON object. Depending on the type of object, I need to carry out different operations. Is there any way I can check the type of the object to see if it is a String, JSON object or JSON array?
I tried using typeof and instanceof but both didn't seem to work, as typeof will return an object for both JSON object and array, and instanceof gives an error when I do obj instanceof JSON.
To be more specific, after parsing the JSON into a JS object, is there any way I can check if it is a normal string, or an object with keys and values (from a JSON object), or an array (from a JSON array)?
For example:
var data = "{'hi':
Sample JavaScript
var jsonObj = JSON.parse(data);
var path = ["hi","hello"];
function check(jsonObj, path) {
var parent = jsonObj;
for (var i = 0; i < path.length-1; i++) {
var key = path[i];
if (parent != undefined) {
parent = parent[key];
if (parent != undefined) {
var endLength = path.length - 1;
var child = parent[path[endLength]];
//if child is a string, add some text
//if child is an object, edit the key/value
//if child is an array, add a new element
//if child does not exist, add a new key/value
How do I carry out the object checking as shown above?
I'd check the constructor attribute.
var stringConstructor = "test".constructor;
var arrayConstructor = [].constructor;
var objectConstructor = ({}).constructor;
function whatIsIt(object) {
if (object === null) {
return "null";
if (object === undefined) {
return "undefined";
if (object.constructor === stringConstructor) {
return "String";
if (object.constructor === arrayConstructor) {
return "Array";
if (object.constructor === objectConstructor) {
return "Object";
return "don't know";
var testSubjects = ["string", [1,2,3], {foo: "bar"}, 4];
for (var i=0, len = testSubjects.length; i < len; i++) {
Edit: Added a null check and an undefined check.
You can use Array.isArray to check for arrays. Then typeof obj == 'string', and typeof obj == 'object'.
var s = 'a string', a = [], o = {}, i = 5;
function getType(p) {
if (Array.isArray(p)) return 'array';
else if (typeof p == 'string') return 'string';
else if (p != null && typeof p == 'object') return 'object';
else return 'other';
console.log("'s' is " + getType(s));
console.log("'a' is " + getType(a));
console.log("'o' is " + getType(o));
console.log("'i' is " + getType(i));
's' is string'a' is array 'o' is object'i' is other
An JSON object is an object. To check whether a type is an object type, evaluate the constructor property.
function isObject(obj)
return obj !== undefined && obj !== null && obj.constructor == Object;
The same applies to all other types:
function isArray(obj)
return obj !== undefined && obj !== null && obj.constructor == Array;
function isBoolean(obj)
return obj !== undefined && obj !== null && obj.constructor == Boolean;
function isFunction(obj)
return obj !== undefined && obj !== null && obj.constructor == Function;
function isNumber(obj)
return obj !== undefined && obj !== null && obj.constructor == Number;
function isString(obj)
return obj !== undefined && obj !== null && obj.constructor == String;
function isInstanced(obj)
if(obj === undefined || obj === null) { return false; }
if(isArray(obj)) { return false; }
if(isBoolean(obj)) { return false; }
if(isFunction(obj)) { return false; }
if(isNumber(obj)) { return false; }
if(isObject(obj)) { return false; }
if(isString(obj)) { return false; }
return true;
you can also try to parse the data and then check if you got object:
try {
var testIfJson = JSON.parse(data);
if (typeof testIfJson == "object"){
} else {
//Not Json
catch {
return false;
If you are trying to check the type of an object after you parse a JSON string, I suggest checking the constructor attribute:
obj.constructor == Array || obj.constructor == String || obj.constructor == Object
This will be a much faster check than typeof or instanceof.
If a JSON library does not return objects constructed with these functions, I would be very suspiciouse of it.
The answer by #PeterWilkinson didn't work for me because a constructor for a "typed" object is customized to the name of that object. I had to work with typeof
function isJson(obj) {
var t = typeof obj;
return ['boolean', 'number', 'string', 'symbol', 'function'].indexOf(t) == -1;
You could make your own constructor for JSON parsing:
var JSONObj = function(obj) { $.extend(this, JSON.parse(obj)); }
var test = new JSONObj('{"a": "apple"}');
//{a: "apple"}
Then check instanceof to see if it needed parsing originally
test instanceof JSONObj
I wrote an npm module to solve this problem. It's available here:
object-types: a module for finding what literal types underly objects
npm install --save object-types
const objectTypes = require('object-types');
//=> 'object'
//=> 'array'
objectTypes(new Object(true));
//=> 'boolean'
Take a look, it should solve your exact problem. Let me know if you have any questions!
Why not check Number - a bit shorter and works in IE/Chrome/FF/node.js
function whatIsIt(object) {
if (object === null) {
return "null";
else if (object === undefined) {
return "undefined";
if ( {
else { // last chance 4 IE: "\nfunction Number() {\n [native code]\n}\n" / node.js: "function String() { [native code] }"
var name = object.constructor.toString().split(' ');
if (name && name.length > 1) {
name = name[1];
return name.substr(0, name.indexOf('('));
else { // unreachable now(?)
return "don't know";
var testSubjects = ["string", [1,2,3], {foo: "bar"}, 4];
// Test all options
for (var i=0, len = testSubjects.length; i < len; i++) {
I combine the typeof operator with a check of the constructor attribute (by Peter):
var typeOf = function(object) {
var firstShot = typeof object;
if (firstShot !== 'object') {
return firstShot;
else if (object.constructor === [].constructor) {
return 'array';
else if (object.constructor === {}.constructor) {
return 'object';
else if (object === null) {
return 'null';
else {
return 'don\'t know';
// Test
var testSubjects = [true, false, 1, 2.3, 'string', [4,5,6], {foo: 'bar'}, null, undefined];
console.log(['typeOf()', 'input parameter'].join('\t'))
console.log(new Array(28).join('-'));{
console.log([typeOf(testSubject), JSON.stringify(testSubject)].join('\t\t'));
typeOf() input parameter
boolean true
boolean false
number 1
number 2.3
string "string"
array [4,5,6]
object {"foo":"bar"}
null null
I know this is a very old question with good answers. However, it seems that it's still possible to add my 2ยข to it.
Assuming that you're trying to test not a JSON object itself but a String that is formatted as a JSON (which seems to be the case in your var data), you could use the following function that returns a boolean (is or is not a 'JSON'):
function isJsonString( jsonString ) {
// This function below ('printError') can be used to print details about the error, if any.
// Please, refer to the original article (see the end of this post)
// for more details. I suppressed details to keep the code clean.
let printError = function(error, explicit) {
console.log(`[${explicit ? 'EXPLICIT' : 'INEXPLICIT'}] ${}: ${error.message}`);
try {
JSON.parse( jsonString );
return true; // It's a valid JSON format
} catch (e) {
return false; // It's not a valid JSON format
Here are some examples of using the function above:
console.log('\n1 -----------------');
let j = "abc";
console.log( j, isJsonString(j) );
console.log('\n2 -----------------');
j = `{"abc": "def"}`;
console.log( j, isJsonString(j) );
console.log('\n3 -----------------');
j = '{"abc": "def}';
console.log( j, isJsonString(j) );
console.log('\n4 -----------------');
j = '{}';
console.log( j, isJsonString(j) );
console.log('\n5 -----------------');
j = '[{}]';
console.log( j, isJsonString(j) );
console.log('\n6 -----------------');
j = '[{},]';
console.log( j, isJsonString(j) );
console.log('\n7 -----------------');
j = '[{"a":1, "b": 2}, {"c":3}]';
console.log( j, isJsonString(j) );
When you run the code above, you will get the following results:
1 -----------------
abc false
2 -----------------
{"abc": "def"} true
3 -----------------
{"abc": "def} false
4 -----------------
{} true
5 -----------------
[{}] true
6 -----------------
[{},] false
7 -----------------
[{"a":1, "b": 2}, {"c":3}] true
Please, try the snippet below and let us know if this works for you. :)
IMPORTANT: the function presented in this post was adapted from where you can find more and interesting details about the JSON.parse() function.
function isJsonString( jsonString ) {
let printError = function(error, explicit) {
console.log(`[${explicit ? 'EXPLICIT' : 'INEXPLICIT'}] ${}: ${error.message}`);
try {
JSON.parse( jsonString );
return true; // It's a valid JSON format
} catch (e) {
return false; // It's not a valid JSON format
console.log('\n1 -----------------');
let j = "abc";
console.log( j, isJsonString(j) );
console.log('\n2 -----------------');
j = `{"abc": "def"}`;
console.log( j, isJsonString(j) );
console.log('\n3 -----------------');
j = '{"abc": "def}';
console.log( j, isJsonString(j) );
console.log('\n4 -----------------');
j = '{}';
console.log( j, isJsonString(j) );
console.log('\n5 -----------------');
j = '[{}]';
console.log( j, isJsonString(j) );
console.log('\n6 -----------------');
j = '[{},]';
console.log( j, isJsonString(j) );
console.log('\n7 -----------------');
j = '[{"a":1, "b": 2}, {"c":3}]';
console.log( j, isJsonString(j) );
Try, Catch block will help you to solve this
Make a function
function IsJson(str) {
try {
} catch (e) {
return false;
return true;
console.log(IsJson('abc')) // false
console.log(IsJson('[{"type":"email","detail":""}]')) // true
Try this
if ( typeof is_json != "function" )
function is_json( _obj )
var _has_keys = 0 ;
for( var _pr in _obj )
if ( _obj.hasOwnProperty( _pr ) && !( /^\d+$/.test( _pr ) ) )
_has_keys = 1 ;
break ;
return ( _has_keys && _obj.constructor == Object && _obj.constructor != Array ) ? 1 : 0 ;
It works for the example below
var _a = { "name" : "me",
"surname" : "I",
"nickname" : {
"first" : "wow",
"second" : "super",
"morelevel" : {
"3level1" : 1,
"3level2" : 2,
"3level3" : 3
} ;
var _b = [ "name", "surname", "nickname" ] ;
var _c = "abcdefg" ;
console.log( is_json( _a ) );
console.log( is_json( _b ) );
console.log( is_json( _c ) );
Based on #Martin Wantke answer, but with some recommended improvements/adjusts...
// NOTE: Check JavaScript type. By Questor
function getJSType(valToChk) {
function isUndefined(valToChk) { return valToChk === undefined; }
function isNull(valToChk) { return valToChk === null; }
function isArray(valToChk) { return valToChk.constructor == Array; }
function isBoolean(valToChk) { return valToChk.constructor == Boolean; }
function isFunction(valToChk) { return valToChk.constructor == Function; }
function isNumber(valToChk) { return valToChk.constructor == Number; }
function isString(valToChk) { return valToChk.constructor == String; }
function isObject(valToChk) { return valToChk.constructor == Object; }
if(isUndefined(valToChk)) { return "undefined"; }
if(isNull(valToChk)) { return "null"; }
if(isArray(valToChk)) { return "array"; }
if(isBoolean(valToChk)) { return "boolean"; }
if(isFunction(valToChk)) { return "function"; }
if(isNumber(valToChk)) { return "number"; }
if(isString(valToChk)) { return "string"; }
if(isObject(valToChk)) { return "object"; }
NOTE: I found this approach very didactic, so I submitted this answer.
Peter's answer with an additional check! Of course, not 100% guaranteed!
var isJson = false;
outPutValue = ""
var objectConstructor = {}.constructor;
if(jsonToCheck.constructor === objectConstructor){
outPutValue = JSON.stringify(jsonToCheck);
isJson = true;
isJson = false;
alert("Is json |" + JSON.stringify(jsonToCheck) + "|");
alert("Is other!");
I have a pretty lazy answer to this, which will not throw an error if you try to parse a string/other values.
const checkForJson = (value) => {
if (typeof value !== "string") return false;
return value[0] === "{" && value[value.length - 1] === "}";
You can use this to check the value of your keys while you make some recursive func; sorry if this doesn't answer the question completely
Ofc this isn't the most elegant solution and will fail when a string actually starts with "{" and ends with "}" although those use cases would be rare, and if you really wanted, you can check for a presence of quotes or other nonsense... anyway, use at your own discretion.
TLDR: it's not bulletproof, but it's simple and works for the vast majority of use cases.
lodash is also the best bet to check these things.
function Foo() {
this.a = 1;
_.isPlainObject(new Foo);
// => false
_.isPlainObject([1, 2, 3]);
// => false
_.isPlainObject({ 'x': 0, 'y': 0 });
// => true
// => true
Quickly check for a JSON structure using lodash-contrib:
const _ = require('lodash-contrib');
_.isJSON('{"car": "ferarri"}'); //true for stringified
_.isJSON({car: "ferarri"}); //true
Usage guide: this blog entry
try this dirty way
('' + obj).includes('{')

Replace keys JSON in javascript

Let's say I have a JSON object like
var myjson = {
"" : {
"" : 10,
"" : 0
And I want to replace the dots/periods in the keys with a colon so the JSON becomes:
var myjson = {
"com:mycompany:top:Element" : {
"com:mycompany:top:count" : 10,
"com:mycompany:top:size" : 0
The JSON2 from Doublos Crockford just replaces the values not keys. Wondered if anybody else hade written a regexp or parser to replace the text making up the key?
You can use this recursive function:
function rewriteProperties(obj) {
if (typeof obj !== "object") return obj;
for (var prop in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
obj[prop.replace(/\./g, ":")] = rewriteProperties(obj[prop]);
if (prop.indexOf(".") > -1) {
delete obj[prop];
return obj;

