Three JS - BoundingBox not being updated after performing rotations - javascript

I need to find out the bounding box of a geometry after applying rotations on it.
Code to rotate - taken from sample editor of Three JS
object.rotation.x = xRadians;
object.rotation.y = yRdians;
object.rotation.z = zRadians
This rotates the object just fine.
Now I need to get the updated bounding box
Code to get the bounding Box
var minX = parseFloat(object.boundingBox.min.x);
var minY = parseFloat(object.boundingBox.min.y);
var minZ = parseFloat(object.boundingBox.min.z);
I keep getting the same values in minX-Z no matter what the rotation is. What is the right way of getting the updated bounding box?
I am using r-66.
I also tried using:
var radians = x * Math.PI / 180;
var axisX = new THREE.Vector3(1, 0, 0);
var matrix = new THREE.Matrix4().makeRotationAxis(axisX, radians);
This method performs the relative rotation and also updates the bounding box correctly but I do not want relative rotation. The first approach is what I am looking for but that does not update the bounding box of the object.
Any ideas?

Box3.setFromObject( object ) computes the world-axis-aligned bounding box of an object (including its children), accounting for both the object's, and childrens', world transforms.
var box = new THREE.Box3().setFromObject( object );
three.js r.66

var box = new THREE.Box3().setFromObject( object );
will return the world coordinates, so you need to subtract them from it:
var bbox = new THREE.Box3().setFromObject(object);
This will give you the correct bounding box relative to the object.


Weird rotation behavior with hammerjs and threejs

I want to rotate an object3D with hammerjs gestures.
Basically the rotation work, but with two issues I can't figure out.
The direction of the rotation changes randomly. It turns left. I stop and than move my fingers in the same diction again and suddenly instead of continuing to rotate left its going right. Happens sometimes but not always.
Once the rotation is started it only rotates to the same direction, despite me moving my fingers to different directions.
Here is how I handle the rotation:
public rotateObject3D (e: HammerInput): void {
if (rotationEnabled) {
const translation = new THREE.Vector3();
const rotation = new THREE.Quaternion();
const scale = new THREE.Vector3();
const rotateMatrix = new THREE.Matrix4();
const deltaRotationQuaternion = new THREE.Quaternion();
this._myObject.matrix.decompose(translation, rotation, scale);
this._deltaRot = (e.rotation * 0.01);
deltaRotationQuaternion.setFromEuler(new THREE.Euler(
this._deltaRot * (Math.PI / 180),
deltaRotationQuaternion.multiplyQuaternions(deltaRotationQuaternion, rotation);
this._myObject.matrix = rotateMatrix.compose(translation, deltaRotationQuaternion, scale);
And this is the call of it:
this._hammerManager.on('rotate', (e) => {
Is there anything I am missing?
It looks like you're using the absolute rotation value, instead of the change in rotation. For instance, consider the following scenario:
Rotation1: 12°
Rotation2: 10°
Rotation3: 5°
By multiplying your quaternions, your object is being rotated to 12°, then 22°, then finally 27°, even though you were turning back towards 0. This is because you're adding the new rotation to the last rotation on each event.
What you should do is save the previous rotation value, and subtract it from the new one, to get the rotation delta:
var previousRot = 0;
var newRot = 0;
rotateObject3D(e) {
newRot = e.rotation - previousRot;
// You could use newRot for your quaternion calculations
// but modifying .rotation.y is simpler
myObject.rotation.y += newRot
// Save value to be used on next event
previousRot = newRot;
With this method, the scenario above will give you the change in rotation. Your object will first rotate by +12°, then -2°, then -5°, for a more natural behavior.
Just make sure to reset previousRot = 0 on HammerJS' rotateend event so you don't use the value from previous gestures when a new one begins.

Object shrinks when rotated javascript

I have been developing a basic game engine just to learn the process and I have hit a issue with my rotation function.
It works fine except that the object shrinks and appears to invert.
Here is a jsfiddle that illustrates my point.
I think the problem would be in the rotation code its self but i'm not positive.
function Rotation(vec, rot){
if(Math.acos((vec.x + vec.y + vec.z -1)/2) === 0) { return vec; }
var qVec = new Quaternion(vec.x, vec.y, vec.z, 0);
qVec = Quaternions.multiply(qVec, rot);
qVec = Quaternions.multiply(qVec, rot.conjugate());
return new Vector3(qVec.x, qVec.y, qVec.z);
Couple things:
First, the rotation quaternion is not normalized, so it's inverse is not the same as its conjugate. Rotation by a quaternion is defined by:
Where q is the vector you're rotating around, p is the vector you're rotating, and p' is the final rotated vector.
So this is defined using the inverse of q, which is defined as conjugate(q) / magnitude(q)^2. In the case where q is normalized, magnitude(q)^2 == 1, so it's the same as just multiplying by the conjugate.
Also note the order of operations here. Quat multiplications are non-commutative so their order matters.
You can fix this by normalizing your rotation quaternion, and fixing the order of operations:
var qVec = new Quaternion(vec.x, vec.y, vec.z, 0);
qVec = Quaternions.multiply(rot.normalize(), qVec);
qVec = Quaternions.multiply(qVec, rot.conjugate());
return new Vector3(qVec.x, qVec.y, qVec.z);
Second, you want to define your rotation quat as normal to the plane you want to rotate around. In this case, you want to rotate around the x-y plane. The z-axis is normal to this plane, so we want to define the rotation vector along the z-axis:
function update(){
for(var i = 0; i < gameObjects.length; i++){
gameObjects[i].rotation = euler(new Vector3(0, 0, frames/100));
With these changes, I was able to get the box rotating correctly.
(In terms of why it was scaling up/down, I'm not 100% sure. Still trying to figure that out.)

How to connect objects with Bezier-like curves using Paper.js

I have a web app prototype where nodes similar to Blender shader editor are connected to each other. I am using Paper.js framework
I want them to be connected using those smooth Bezier-like curves. So I have 2 shapes and I can connect them by making a straight line, but now I want to have handles at the endpoints that smooth these objects out, kinda like this:
So 2 handles on endpoints, pointing horizontally for half the bounding box of the path.
The problem is I can't figure out how to add and edit those handles using Paper.js
The code I have is this:
function makeRectangle(topLeft, size, cornerSize, colour){
var rectangle = new Rectangle(topLeft, size);
var cornerSize = cornerSize;
var path = new Path.RoundRectangle(rectangle, cornerSize);
path.fillColor = colour;
return path;
var xy1 = new Point(50,50); //Position of 1st rectangle.
var size = new Size(100, 80); //Size
var c = new Size(8,8); //Corner radius
var col = "#167ee5"; //Colour
var r1 = makeRectangle(xy1, size, c, col); //Make first rectangle
var xy2 = new Point(467,310); //Position of second rectangle
var size2 = new Size(115, 70); //Size of second rectangle
var r2 = makeRectangle(xy2, size2, c, col); //Make secont rectangle
var r1cent =; //Get the center points, they will be used as endpoints for the curve.
var r2cent =;
var connector = new Path(r1cent, r2cent); //Ok so I made this path... Now what? How do access and edit the handlers at endpoints like in the image?
connector.strokeColor = 'black'; //Give it some colour so we can see it.
You can paste all this code here without any setup, it's a good way to test the framework.
You can use Segment objects when defining the connector rather than using Points (or you can set the handleIn and handleOut properties after creating the path).
The doc is here: Segment
And here is a sketch showing how to use handleIn and handleOut with your code: solution

Get distance of two objects from camera three js

I have two squares in space which are something like front and back wall of cube one vith vertices
x=-2 y=-1138 z=-2;
x=-2 y=-1134 z=-2;
x=2 y=-1138 z=-2;
x=2 y=-1134 z=-2
x=-2 y=1134 z=2;
x=-2 y=1138 z=2;
x=2 y=1134 z=2;
x=2 y=1138 z=2
when I calculate distanceTo from camera like this
var point1 =;
var point2 = this.mesh.cubePlane3.children[0].matrixWorld.getPosition().clone();
var distance = point1.distanceTo( point2 );
I have always the same distance for both 20,09. These squres are rotated in space, so only rotation is changed and I would need somehow find out which wall is closer to camera to be able to do something that in cube 3 walls closer to camera are not displayed and next 3 walls are displayed.
And obviously I do not understand math behind this, for example why walls which are next to each other one have positive coordinates for y and next negative + why distance is the same value, when one is closer on z axis than second. Can you pls someone help me how I can get closer walls? Thank you
Each geometry has a computeBoundingBox function. So you can do:
var bbox = geometry.computeBoundingBox();
for each geometry that you are interested in and then use the
to get the center of your geometry. A much faster computation is to use the computeBoundingSphere on your geometry.
Then you just compare the relation of the centers to your camera position.
I used computeBoundingBox with this code
var position = new THREE.Vector3();
position.sub( this.mesh[cubePlane[0]].children[0].geometry.boundingBox.max, this.mesh[cubePlane[0]].children[0].geometry.boundingBox.min );
position.multiplyScalar( 0.5 );
position.addSelf(this.mesh[cubePlane[0]].children[0].geometry.boundingBox.min );
this.mesh[cubePlane[0]].children[0].matrixWorld.multiplyVector3( position );
var point1 =;
var point2 = position;
var distance = point1.distanceTo( point2 );
and it works so thank you for your advice :)

Get distance in pixels between 2 LonLat objects in OpenLayers

I have 2 OpenLayers.LonLat objects, and I want to determine the distance in pixels for the current zoom between the 2. I'm using OpenLayers.Layer.getViewPortPxFromLonLat() to determine the x and y of the points and then subtract to see the difference between the 2, but the values that I get are very small for points that are 2000km apart.
Here is my code:
var center_lonlat = new OpenLayers.LonLat(geometry.lon,;
var center_px = layer.getViewPortPxFromLonLat(center_lonlat);
var radius_m = parseFloat(feature.attributes["radius"]);
var radius_lonlat = OpenLayers.Util.destinationVincenty(center_lonlat, 0, radius_m);
var radius_px = layer.getViewPortPxFromLonLat(radius_lonlat);
var radius = radius_px.y - center_px.y;
I'm trying here to draw a circle, giving that I receive a center point and a radius in meters. The LonLat object seems to be ok.
Am I doing something wrong ?
I found the issue: destinationVincenty() need and returns coordinates in wgs84 where my map was using spherical mercator projection.
I hope I got correctly the answer, because projections make me dizzy and never really understood them :(. I was looking in the console to the numbers for my coordinates and the coordinates from the map.getExtent() that is used to calculate the getViewPortPxFromLonLat() and I realised they are not in the right order of magnitude, and then it hit me.
So, the code is now:
var spherical_mercator = new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:900913");
var wgs84 = new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:4326");
var map =;
var geometry = feature.geometry;
var center_lonlat = new OpenLayers.LonLat(geometry.y, geometry.x);
var center_px = map.getViewPortPxFromLonLat(center_lonlat);
var radius_m = parseFloat(feature.attributes["radius"]);
var radius_lonlat = OpenLayers.Util.destinationVincenty(center_lonlat.clone().transform(spherical_mercator, wgs84), 0, radius_m).transform(wgs84, spherical_mercator);
var radius_px = map.getViewPortPxFromLonLat(radius_lonlat);
var radius = Math.abs(radius_px.y - center_px.y);
Measured the circles with the OpenLayers.Control.ScaleLine, and the size is dead on :D
You seem to be doing right. If the distance you get is too small, maybe there is a problem with OpenLayers.Util.destinationVincenty function? Have you tried to replace the bearing (0) with anything else - its value seem to be not important in your case. But frankly speaking, I wasn't able to understand how it works while browsing the source

