Dynamically append jQuery slider - javascript

I'm trying to dynamically include the div-structure from a jQuery slider into my index page.
$( "body" ).on( "click", ".abc", function() {
var photo = '<li><img src="img/photos/photo-1.png" title="Photo 1"></li>';
// .. other li's
$('#banner-fade ul.bjqs').append(photo);
<div class="slider" id="photo_1">
<div id="banner-fade">
<ul class="bjqs">
// here should the list items come.
The problem is that the javascript is not working, only the first picture is shown. How is this possible?
-> When I paste the li's inside the ul, it will work. But not when I try to append it using jQuery.

Just a demo
$(document).on( "click", ".abc", function() {
var photo = '<li><b>test1</b></li>';
$('#banner-fade ul.bjqs').append(photo);
check this - http://jsfiddle.net/6a6Fx/2/

Look like the same thing I've just answered in other question here.
All you need to do is to wrap your code inside
$(function(), {
// Your code goes here...
And make sure your <script></script> tags are both inside <head> container.


Using a comparison table. Mobile responsive problem when more than one table added?

The comparison table I am using is here:
When I duplicate the tables and the viewer goes mobile responsive; the buttons are only working for the first table.
Is there any classes or such I can add to the JavaScript and HTML so I can make each group of buttons specific to their table?
Button code:
<li class="bg-purple">
<li class="bg-blue">
<button>Simple Start</button>
<li class="bg-blue active">
<li class="bg-blue">
JavaScript code:
// DIRTY Responsive pricing table JS
$( "ul" ).on( "click", "li", function() {
var pos = $(this).index()+2;
// Initialize the media query
var mediaQuery = window.matchMedia('(min-width: 640px)');
// Add a listen event
// Function to do something with the media query
function doSomething(mediaQuery) {
if (mediaQuery.matches) {
} else {
// On load
I'd really appreciate any help, thanks for your time.
The problem is that your jQuery targets are currently too generic, so when you have multiples, it only finds content from the first one and puts it in both. What your script does is update both tables.
I've forked the Codepen, added a second table, and tweaked a couple of values on our comparison table, so you should see different things in each (and each set of tabs acts separately)
Key part you're missing is some form of parent selector - in this case, we've used an article tag to wrap our table:
$( "ul" ).on("click", "li", function() {
var pos = $(this).index()+2;
$parent = $(this).closest('article');
Try this:
$("ul").on("click", "li", function(e) {
var $clicked = $(e.currentTarget); // This will give you the clicked <li>
var $ul = $clicked.parent();
var $table = $ul.next(); // Only works if the table immediately follows the <ul>
var pos = $clicked.index() + 2;
$table.find("td:nth-child(" + pos + ")").css("display", "table-cell");
Basically, when you click a <li> you should search the next table and show/hide the information only on that table. Before you were selecting all <tr> elements so it would affect all tables in the page.
EDIT: after re-reading your question this sentence left me confused:
When I duplicate the tables and the viewer goes mobile responsive; the buttons are only working for the first table.
When I try to duplicate the tables in your codepen the buttons work for both tables, not sure if I'm understanding your problem.

Append element AFTER load

I've got this code
$(".test_init").click( function(){
var win = $(this).next(".test_wrap").find(".test_drop");
if ($(win).html().length)
else {
Which returns me some html form without close button
I wish to add close button using such method without adding it in every-single function
$('*[class*="_drop"]').change(function() {
$(this).append($('<a />', {
class: 'close-drop',
click: function(e) {
But nothing happens - i can't understand why close button doesn't appends
<div class="test_wrap relative">
<div class="test_drop absolute"></div>
Example: http://jsfiddle.net/fppfyey7/10/
Your problem is with your CSS, not with your JS. The button is appended but you are hidding it with your style.
For example in this fiddle I append a button with your JS code and your CSS:
Fiddle 1
Now, in this one, I just remove your absolute and relative classes:
Fiddle 2
My solution (isn't good enough, still works)
$('*[class*="_drop"]').ajaxStop(function() {
$(this).prepend('<a onclick="$(this).parent().empty().hide(\'fast\');" class="close-drop"></a>');
If here will be better solution, will mark it as answear!

change url using jquery for specific css classes

I am using below code to covert all links in a page - Now i want this conversion to happen only for certain parts of page and not for complete page. I am sure this can be done to specific div tags
<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.min.js"></script>
$( document ).ready(function() {
$("a[href^='http']").each(function() {
var value = $(this).attr('href');
Please suggest how can i achive this link conversion for specific div tags.
Example to explain problem statement - Consider following code snippet on which url conversion is required for only class="testclass"
<div class="messageContent">
<blockquote class="messageText SelectQuoteContainer ugc baseHtml">
<div class="testclass">
Amazon 1
<span style="text-decoration: underline"><b><i>How to avail this offer </i></b></span><br>
<i>Add product into the cart<br>
Login or register<br>
Enter your shipping details<br>
Make the Final Payment.</i><br>
<span style="text-decoration: underline"><span style="font-size: 12px"><b>link</b> </span></span><br>
Amazon 2
<div class="messageTextEndMarker"> </div>
I want to convert only the first url (AMAZON 1) and not the second url (AMAZON 2)
Test snippet on js fiddle - http://jsfiddle.net/bontp6jk/4/
What you want to do is first define the parent class and then for that class select all the link elements.
In jQuery you can use multiple selectors that works as follows:
$("#test") // select div 'test'
$(".myClass") // select class 'myClass'
$(".myClass #test") // select div 'test' in class 'myClass'
$("a") // select all link elements
Therefore, what you need is the following: $(".testclass a") which selects all link elements in the class .testclass. Then you can use jQuery .each() function to do something with the link elements.
$( document ).ready(function() {
$(".testclass a").each(function() {
var value = $(this).attr('href');
Try this
$( document ).ready(function() {
$("a[href^='http']").each(function() {
var $this = $(this);
var value = $this.attr('href');
$this.attr('href','http://test.com/url.php?url=' + value + '&uid=test&origin=forum');

Append a div outside of the input parent

Im fairly new to javascript and I just can't figure this out despite my attempt in researching. How do I track the change of a input within a div and trigger an append to an outside div? My code goes as follow:
Append h3 with "Pending" once ".image-value" input has a change in value
<!-- APPEND <h3> -->
<h3>Best Overall Costume<div class="pending">Pending</div></h3>
<div class="select-form">
<img src="images/vote.jpg" data-value="image_value">
<img src="images/vote.jpg" data-value="image_value2">
<img src="images/vote.jpg" data-value="image_value3">
<img src="images/vote.jpg" data-value="image_value4">
<img src="images/vote.jpg" data-value="image_value5">
<!-- Track the change of this input -->
<input type="hidden" class="image-value" name="selected_image" value="">
I tried this:
function changeStatus(statusValue) {
if (!$(this).val()){
$("<div class='pending'>Pending</div>").appendTo($("h3").prev($(this)));
But that didn't seem to work. Any ideas?
place an empty div where you want your new div and give it an id i.e(<div id='myDiv'><div>) and then append what you want like this.
$( "#myDiv" ).append( "<div class='pending'>Pending</div>" );
You can also check Append Explained
for more explanations.
I've done a couple things here... First, I'm not sure why you had it all in a named function. When you're using event listeners that often isn't necessary.
Then, I don't know what the val check was for, so I reversed it.
Finally, I'm using one(), which only runs once. This case seemed to call for that.
$('.select-form').one('change', 'input', function () {
if ( $(this).val() ) { alert('asdgf');
$("<div class='pending'>Pending</div>")
try this:
$("input",".select-form").on("change", function(){
var $this = $(this);
if (!$this.val()){
var elem = $('<h3>Best Overall Costume<div class="pending">Pending</div></h3>');
you can also place a check, that if the pending div is already added, not to add it again.
Of course this solution assumes that there are no other nested divs between the target div(before which you want to append) and the input control

How do I apply jQuery's slideToggle() to $(this) and do the opposite to all other elements?

What I'd like to do is have all elements of class collapsible_list not displayed by default (with one exception... see below*), and then toggle their display when their parent <div class="tab_box"> is clicked. During the same click, I'd also like for every other element of class collapsible_list to be hidden so that only one of them is expanded at any given time.
*Furthermore, when the page initially loads I'd also like to check to see if an element of collapsible_list has a child a element whose class is activelink, and if there is one then I'd like that link's parent collapsible_list element to be the one that's expanded by default.
Here's some sample html code:
.collapsible_list {
display: none;
.collapsible_list.active {
display: block;
<div id="sidebar">
<div class="tab_box">
<div class="collapsible_tab">2014</div>
<div class="collapsible_list panel-2014">
<div class="tab_box">
<div class="collapsible_tab">2013</div>
<div class="collapsible_list panel-2013">
<a class="activelink" href="/2013/1">1</a>
And here's where I'm currently at with the javascript (although I've tried a bunch of different ways and none have worked like I'd like them to):
$(document).ready(function() {
// This looks redundant to me but I'm not sure how else to go about it.
$(".tab_box").click(function() {
$(this).children(".collapsible_list").toggleClass("active").slideToggle("slow", function() {
$(".collapsible_list.active:not(this)").each(function() {
I hope that's not too confusing, but if it is then feel free to let me know. Any help is much appreciated.
Since you have a dom element reference that needs to be excluded use .not() instead of the :not() selector
jQuery(function ($) {
// This looks redundant to me but I'm not sure how else to go about it.
$(".tab_box").click(function () {
var $target = $(this).children(".collapsible_list").toggleClass("active").stop(true).slideToggle("slow");
//slidup others
Also, instead of using the slide callback do it directly in the callback so that both the animations can run simultaniously
Also remove the css rule .collapsible_list.active as the display is controlled by animations(slide)
Try This.
$('.collapsible_tab a').on('click', function(e){
Fiddle Demo
I think your code would be less complicated if you simply remembered the previously opened list:
jQuery(function($) {
// remember current list and make it visible
var $current = $('.collapsible_list:has(.activelink)').show();
$(".tab_box").on('click', function() {
var $previous = $current;
// open new list
$current = $('.collapsible_list', this)
.slideToggle("slow", function() {
// and slide out the previous

