Cross-browser JavaScript to alert on DOM being modified within a DIV? - javascript

I am a basic JavaScript hacker and not an advanced programmer and I would appreciate some pointers.
I am after a JavaScript (or JQuery) function that can monitor the DOM and alter if the content within a specified DIV has been changed. I want this new content captured in a variable for further processing (but for now should be echoed to console.log or alert to demonstrate success).
The DIV is content that will be updated by a separate AJAX process or may contain an iFrame, neither of which I will have full control over. The content may be updated multiple times and on an infrequent and unstructured basis. The contents of the DIV may also change format and could contain any sort of content.
I believe I need a JS event to handle this (rather than any sort of interval based check) and I have been looking at the DOMsubtreeModified function, but not only can't I make it work consistently, it appears that this is not reliable across browsers and I need this to work regardless of the client.
Am I barking up the wrong tree? Is this possible in a cross-browser way? Should I continue to hack on DOMSubtreeModified to try and get it working or is there a better method?

DOMSubtreeModified is the right event.
This might help you, I created it after reading your question. I think it does what you want it to do.
<div class="change_event_box">
$(document).ready(function() {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 5000);


Is calling a bunch of HTML in a JS function bad practice?

Here's what I'm trying to do:
I am doing a few things to my text input via "oninput=myFunction()"
When I start typing I wanted to do a few things:
I have the function removing a few elements and adding a textNode already, however, I need it to add 35-40 lines of HTML as well.
Would this be bad to do?
I'm not exactly sure how I should set it up to call this HTML through the function yet.
What's the best/cleanest way to go about doing this?
Should I just keep the HTML wrapped with a hidden display:none class, and have the function add a visible class?
I feel like that wouldn't be the best method, so that's why I'm here asking!
Any advice is appreciated. I'm typing on my phone so sorry if I wasn't very clear.
The better way in my opinion is have a script that will add your event handler after the element is ready (after page load). This function should take care of creating and removing any element that are part of the script on the fly.
Doing this will make sure your HTML is clean and that the JavaScript will do what it is responsible for. There are good ways to create HTML with JavaScript by using methods such as document.createElement and document.createTextNode. When your elements are created, you can append them in the right positions.
To help get the best rendering on all browsers, it is usually a good practice to make your elements display: none before everything is ready to display.

JQuery: Remove JS after defining event listener but before listener is triggered

I've got a question that searching did not actually yield any results. I apologize if this has been asked in the past.
I'm trying to define an event listener, and immediately remove the JS after defining the event listener. The problem is, I want the removal to take place prior to the event taking placing. Is this possible? I read in the JQuery 1.4 documentation that detach() is like remove, but maintains JQuery data. Is this a viable solution? Are there downsides to removing the code which places an event listener prior to the event taking place?
The code I'm trying to remove is dynamically generated code. Doing something like this:
<script id="12341234">
$( function() {
$('#test').click( function() {
Later in the script:
That works fine for removing the script, it just doesn't fire the event listener (which makes sense).
The reason I'm trying to do this is for a very small amount of added security. Sensitive fields are already masked, no one can gain access to anything sensitive per se. I just have PHP generating a decent amount of JS, and I don't want the temptation of "inspect element". If they do actually see it, it's not a huge deal. I'd just prefer to remove it if possible.
Any help is much appreciated. Thank you in advance.
In case anyone is wondering, I figured out the answer to this.
It functions just as I theorized: It removes the script tags and everything in between, but the event listener remains intact. See below for example:
<script id="testscript">
$( function() {
$('#testbutton').click( function() {
This will keep your event-listener, while preventing your JS from being displayed on inspect.
A quick note, if someone is using any sort of debugging tools which can step through rendering, they can EASILY see the code before it's ever removed. However, if you simply don't want the average user to see the JS, this will work.
Sensitive data will still need masked or dealt with appropriately.
I still don't know the answer to the question as to whether or not detach() has a negative impact, or if it should be avoided for this use-case. However, I did some testing and it doesn't appear to have much performance impact versus remove(). We're talking 1% slower or less. I also dug a bit more through documentation, and reaffirmed my initial believe that my use-case is basically a standard use-case for detach(). There doesn't seem to be any downside to using it. I may be wrong, and if so feel free to correct me.

How to dynamically add a Javascript function (and invoke)

Based on a click event on the page, via ajax I fetch a block of html and script, I am able to take the script element and append it to the head element, however WebKit based browsers are not treating it as script (ie. I cannot invoke a function declared in the appended script).
Using the Chrome Developer Tools I can see that my script node is indeed there, but it shows up differently then a script block that is not added dynamically, a non-dynamic script has a text child element and I cannot figure out a way to duplicate this for the dynamic script.
Any ideas or better ways to be doing this? The driving force is there is potentially a lot of html and script that would never be needed unless a user clicks on a particular tab, in which case the relevant content (and script) would be loaded. Thanks!
You could try using jQuery... it provides a method called .getScript that will load the JavaScript dynamically in the proper way. And it works fine in all well known browsers.
How about calling eval() on the content you receive from the server? Of course, you have to cut off the <script> and </script> parts.
If you're using a library like jQuery just use the built-in methods for doing this.
Otherwise you'd need to append it to the document rather than the head like this:
document.write("<scr" + "ipt type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"\"></scr" + "ipt>");
In all honesty, I have no idea why the script tag is cut like that, but a lot of examples do that so there's probably a good reason.
You'll also need to account for the fact that loading the script might take quite a while, so after you've appended this to the body you should set up a timer that checks if the script is loaded. This can be achieved with a simple typeof check on any global variable the script exports.
Or you could just do an eval() on the actual javascript body, but there might be some caveats.
Generally speaking though, I'd leave this kind of thing up to the browser cache and just load the javascript on the page that your tabs are on. Just try not to use any onload events, but rather call whatever initializers you need when the tab is displayed.

Initiate onclick faster than with document.onload

I have html-pages with links where i want to attach a function to their onclick event. One way to do it is of course:
But I know this is not the best practice. So instead I wait for window.onload, loop through the links and attach the save-function to the links with rel="save". The problem with this is that it waits until the whole page has finished loading which can be several seconds after the link is displayed and clickable.
So is there another way to do this? Avoiding onclick in the html but that makes it work immediately when the link is rendered.
Internet Explorer has a handy attribute for <script> tags called defer. It's for delaying the parsing of a script until the document has finished loading. For other browsers that support it, you can use DOMContentLoaded, as someone else suggested and for browsers that don't support either you can fall back to onload.
<script type="text/javascript" defer>
//- Run this code when the DOM parsing has completed
I did a quick Google search for "DOMContentLoaded defer" and found the following page that might help:
In your case, you can just leave that as it is. Stick to the simplest possible thing, even if it is not the general best practice.
You could try DOMContentLoaded event instead of load. IE also gives you the defer attribute for script tags, which defers execution until the DOM is loaded. If those don't work for you, then you are stuck with the solutions you mention, as far as I know.
I don't know if this is appropriate for your solution, but you could insert script immediately below the are with the links you need altered. This script would not be wrapped in a function, allowing the browser to execute it immediately when seen. The effect is that you can run script before the full page is loaded, altering only the items that exist above the script being run. (If you reference something below the script, it will fail.)
BTW, this is almost certainly not a best practice, and some would probably label it a worst practice.
How about this?
Note: This solution requires to users to have Javascript enabled. Not exactly best practice, but may be suitable for your scenario.
The ideal here would be to use the ideas of Unobtrusive Javascript.
In this way, if the Javascript isn't loaded the link would still do something. It's a link right, so it leads the user to another piece of content? - this should work without Javascript. And if the functionality attached to the links can ONLY work with Javascript you should create and insert them into the DOM with Javascript (they aren't clickable if they aren't there...).
(Otherwise how about delegating the click event to a wrapper element? Does that work before the element is complete?)
edit: Oh, and "save" sounds very much like it ought to be a button in a form rather than a link. The Unobtrusive JS stuff still applies though.

Best Practices for onload Javascript

What is the best way to handle several different onload scripts spread across many pages?
For example, I have 50 different pages, and on each page I want to set a different button click handler when the dom is ready.
Is it best to set onclicks like this on each individual page,
<a id="link1" href="#" onclick="myFunc()" />
Or a very long document ready function in an external js file,
Element.observe(window, 'load', function() {
if ($('link1')) {
// set click handler
if ($('link2')) {
// set click hanlder
Or split each if ($('link')) {} section into script tags and place them on appropriate pages,
Or lastly, split each if ($('link')) {} section into its own separate js file and load appropriately per page?
Solution 1 seems like the least elegant and is relatively obtrusive, solution 2 will lead to a very lengthy load function, solution 3 is less obtrusive then 1 but still not great, and solution 4 will load require the user to download a separate js file per page he visits.
Are any of these best (or worst) or is there a solution 5 I'm not thinking of?
Edit: I am asking about the design pattern, not which onload function is the proper one to use.
Have you thought about making a class for each type of behavior you'd like to attach to an element? That way you could reuse functionality between pages, just in case there was overlap.
For example, let's say that on some of the pages you want to a have button that pops up some extra information on the page. Your html could look like this:
More info
And your JavaScript could look like this:
jQuery(".more-info").click(function() { ... });
If you stuck to some kind of convention, you could also add multiple classes to a link and have it do a few different things if you needed (since jQuery will let you stack event handlers on an element).
Basically, you're focusing on the behaviors for each type of element you're attaching JavaScript to, rather than picking out specific ids of elements to attach functionality to.
I'd also suggest putting all of the JavaScript into one common file or a limited number of common files. The main reason being that, after the first page load, the JavaScript would be cached and won't need to load on each page. Another reason is that it would encourage you do develop common behaviors for buttons that are available throughout the site.
In any case, I would discourage attaching the onlick directly in the html (option #1). It's obtrusive and limits the flexibility you have with your JavaScript.
Edit: I didn't realize Diodeus had posted a very similar answer (which I agree with).
First of all I dont understand why you think setting event listeners is obtrusive?
but ...
Solution one is a bad idea
<a id="link1" href="#" onclick="myFunc()" />
because you should keep your make-up and your scripts seperate.
Solution two is a bad idea
Element.observe(window, 'load', function() {
if ($('link1')) {
// set click handler
if ($('link2')) {
// set click hanlder
because you are using a lot of unneeded javascript for every page.
Solution three is a bad idea for the same reason I said solution one is a bad idea.
Solution 4 is the best idea, yeah its one extra load per page, but if for each page you just split each if ($('link')) {} section, the file size can not be that large? Plus, if you take this code out of the global javascript, then its load time will be reduced.
You could hack the class name and use it in a creative manner:
<a class="loadevent functionA" id="link1" href="#" onclick="myFunc()" />
... on another page...
<a class="loadevent functionB" id="link1" href="#" onclick="myFunc()" />
You could select by class name "loadevent" and grab the other class names for that tag, the other class name being the actual function name you want to hook into. This way one handler would be able to do every page and all you have to do is provide the corresponding class names.
I would use JQuery's document ready if possible
$(document).ready(function() {
// jQuery goodness here.
While Chris is somewhat correct in that you can do this:
$(document.ready(function() {
// A
$(document.ready(function() {
// B
$(document.ready(function() {
// C
and all functions will be called (in the order they are encountered), it's worth mentioning that the ready() event isn't quite the same to onload(). From the jQuery API docs:
Binds a function to be executed
whenever the DOM is ready to be
traversed and manipulated.
You may want the load() event instead:
$(document).load(function() {
// do stuff
which will wait for images and the like to be loaded.
Without resorting to the kneejerk jQuery, if the page varying JS is relatively light I would include it in an inline header script (binding to the onload event trigger, yes) similar to #4, but I wouldn't do this as a separate JS script and download, I'd be looking to handle this with a server side include - however you want to handle that (me? I'd go with XSLT includes).
That gives you both a high degree of modular separation and keeps the download as light as possible.
Having a lot of different pages, I would allow different handling of events for those pages ...
If, however, differencies were slight, I would try to find a pattern I could hang on to, and probably make a real simple algorithm to tell the pages apart ...
The last thing I would resort to, was to use a (big) library (jquery, mootools or whatever !-) if I wasn't going to use it in any other way ...
Now you're talking of best practices, best practice would always be what your users will experience as the lightest solution, and in that, users should be understood in the widest possible way, including developers and so on who are to maintain that site !o]

