regular expression capture groups - javascript

I'm learning regular expression (currently on Javascript).
My question is that:
I have a straight string of some length.
In this string there are at least (obligatory) three patterns.
And as a result I want to rule.exec() string and get a three-elements array. Each pattern into a separate element.
How should I approach this? Currently I have reached it, but with a lot of up and downs and don't know what should EXACTLY be done to group a capture? Is it parenthesis () that separate each group of Regular Expression.
My Regular Expression Rule example:
var rule = /([a-zA-Z0-9].*\s?(#classs?)+\s+[a-zA-Z0-9][^><]*)/g;
var str = "<Home #class><string2 stringValue2>";
var res;
var keys = [];
var values = [];
while((res = rule.exec(str)) != null)
// begin to slice them
var sliced = [];
for(item in values)
sliced.push(values[item].split(" "));// converting each item into an array and the assign them to a super array
/// Last Updated on 7th of Esfand
And the return result (with firefox 27 - firebug console.log)
[["Home", "#class", ""]]
I have got what I needed, I just need a clarification on the return pattern.

Yes, parentheses capture everything between them. Captured groups are numbered by their opening parenthesis. So if /(foo)((bar)baz)/ matches, your first captured group will contain foo, your second barbaz, and your third bar. In some dialects, only the first 9 capturing groups are numbered.
Captured groups can be used for backreferencing. If you want to match "foobarfoo", /(foo)bar\1/ will do that, where \1 means "the first group I captured".
There are ways to avoid capturing, if you just need the parenthesis for grouping. For instance, if you want to match either "foo" or "foobar", /(foo(bar)?)/ will do so, but may have captured "bar" in its second group. If you want to avoid this, use /(foo(?:bar)?)/ to only have one capture, either "foo" or "foobar".
The reason your code shows three values, is because of something else. First, you do a match. Then, you take your first capture and split that on a space. That is what you put in your array of results. Note that you push the entire array in there at once, so you end up with an array of arrays. Hence the double brackets.
Your regex matches (pretending we're in Perl's eXtended legibility mode):
/ # matching starts
( # open 1st capturing group
[a-zA-Z0-9] # match 1 character that's in a-z, A-Z, or 0-9
.* # match as much of any character possible
\s? # optionally match a white space (this will generally never happen, since the .* before it will have gobbled it up)
( # open 2nd capturing group
#classs? # match '#class' or '#classs'
)+ # close 2n group, matching it once or more
\s+ # match one or more white space characters
[a-zA-Z0-9] # match 1 character that's in a-z, A-Z, or 0-9
[^><]* # match any number of characters that's not an angle bracket
) # close 1st capturing group
/g # modifiers - g: match globally (repeatedly match throughout entire input)


REgex for non repeating alphabets comma seperated

I have a requirement where I need a regex which
should not repeat alphabet
should only contain alphabet and comma
should not start or end with comma
can contain more than 2 alphabets
example :-
A,B --- correct
A,B,C,D,E,F --- correct
D,D,A --- wrong
,B,C --- wrong
B,C, --- wrong
A,,B,C --- wrong
Can anyone help ?
Another idea with capturing and checking by use of a lookahead:
You can test here at regex101 if it meets your requirements.
If you don't want to match single characters, e.g. A, change the + quantifier to {2,}.
The statement of the question is incomplete in several respects. I have made the following assumptions:
Considering that D,D,A is incorrect I assume that a letter cannot be followed by a comma followed by the same letter.
The string may contain the same letter more than once as long as #1 is satisfied.
Considering that A,,B,C is incorrect I assume a comma cannot follow a comma.
Since the examples contain only capital letters I will assume that lower-case letters are not permitted (though one need only set the case-indifferent flag (i) to permit either case).
We observe that the requirements are satisfied if and only if the string begins with a capital letter and is followed by a sequence of comma-capital letter pairs, provided that no capital letter is followed by a comma followed by the same letter. We therefore can attempt to match the following regular expression.
The elements of the expression are as follows.
^ # match beginning of string
(?: # begin a non-capture group
([A-Z]) # match a capital letter and save to capture group 1
, # match a comma
(?!\1) # use negative lookahead to assert next character is not equal
# to the content of capture group 1
)* # end non-capture group and execute it zero or more times
[A-Z] # match a capital letter
$ # match end of string
Here is a big ugly regex solution:
var inputs = ['A,B', 'D,D,D', ',B,C', 'B,C,', 'A,,B'];
for (var i=0; i < inputs.length; ++i) {
if (/^(?!.*?([^,]+).*,\1(?:,|$))[^,]+(?:,[^,]+)*$/.test(inputs[i])) {
console.log(inputs[i] + " => VALID");
else {
console.log(inputs[i] + " => INVALID");
The regex has two parts to it. It uses a negative lookahead to assert that no two CSV entries ever repeat in the input. Then, it uses a straightforward pattern to match any proper CSV delimited input. Here is an explanation:
^ from the start of the input
(?!.*?([^,]+).*,\1(?:,|$)) assert that no CSV element ever repeats
[^,]+ then match a CSV element
(?:,[^,]+)* followed by comma and another element, 0 or more times
$ end of the input
This one could suit your needs:
^: the start of the string
(?!,): should not be directly followed by a comma
(?!.*,,): should not be followed by two commas
(?!.*(\b[A-Z]+\b).*\1): should not be followed by a value found twice
[A-Z,]+: should contain letters and commas only
$: the end of the string
(?<!,): should not be directly preceded by a comma

Regex match multiple same expression multiple times

I have got this string {bgRed Please run a task, {red a list has been provided below}, I need to do a string replace to remove the braces and also the first word.
So below I would want to remove {bgRed and {red and then the trailing brace which I can do separate.
I have managed to create this regex, but it is only matching {bgRed and not {red, can someone lend a hand?
Note you are using ^ anchor at the start and that makes your pattern only match at the start of a line (mind also the m modifier). .+?(?=\s|$) is too cumbersome, you want to match any 1+ chars up to the first whitespace or end of string, use {\S+ (or {\S* if you plan to match { without any non-whitespace chars after it).
You may use
s = s.replace(/{\S*|}/g, '')
You may trim the outcome to get rid of resulting leading/trailing spaces:
s = s.replace(/{\S*|}/g, '').trim()
See the regex demo and the regex graph:
{\S* - { char followed with 0 or more non-whitespace characters
| - or
} - a } char.
If the goal is go to from
"{bgRed Please run a task, {red a list has been provided below}"
"Please run a task, a list has been provided below"
a regex with two capture groups seems simplest:
const original = "{bgRed Please run a task, {red a list has been provided below}";
const rex = /\{\w+ ([^{]+)\{\w+ ([^}]+)}/g;
const result = original.replace(rex, "$1$2");
\{\w+ ([^{]+)\{\w+ ([^}]+)} is:
\{ - a literal {
\w+ - one or more word characters ("bgRed")
a literal space
([^{]+) one or more characters that aren't {, captured to group 1
\{ - another literal {
\w+ - one or more word characters ("red")
([^}]+) - one or more characters that aren't }, captured to group 2
} - a literal }
The replacement uses $1 and $2 to swap in the capture group contents.

Why isn't this group capturing all items that appear in parentheses?

I'm trying to create a regex that will capture a string not enclosed by parentheses in the first group, followed by any amount of strings enclosed by parentheses.
Should be: 2 - first group, 3 - second group, and so on.
What I came up with is this regex: (I'm using JavaScript)
However, when I enter a string like A(B)(C)(D), I only get the A and D captured.
Can anyone help me out on this, and possibly explain where the error is?
Since you cannot use a \G anchor in JS regex (to match consecutive matches), and there is no stack for each capturing group as in a .NET / PyPi regex libraries, you need to use a 2 step approach: 1) match the strings as whole streaks of text, and then 2) post-process to get the values required.
var s = "2(3)(4)(5) A(B)(C)(D)";
var rx = /[^()\s]+(?:\([^)]*\))*/g;
var res = [], m;
while(m=rx.exec(s)) {
I added \s to the negated character class [^()] since I added the examples as a single string.
Pattern details
[^()\s]+ - 1 or more chars other than (, ) and whitespace
(?:\([^)]*\))* - 0 or more sequences of:
\( - a (
[^)]* - 0+ chars other than )
\) - a )
The splitting regex is [()]+ that matches 1 or more ) or ( chars, and filter(Boolean) removes empty items.
You cannot have an undetermined number of capture groups. The number of capture groups you get is determined by the regular expression, not by the input it parses. A capture group that occurs within another repetition will indeed only retain the last of those repetitions.
If you know the maximum number of repetitions you can encounter, then just repeat the pattern that many times, and make each of them optional with a ?. For instance, this will capture up to 4 items within parentheses:
It's not an error. It's just that in regex when you repeat a capture group (...)* that only the last occurence will be put in the backreference.
For example:
On a string "a,b,c,d", if you match /(,[a-z])+/ then the back reference of capture group 1 (\1) will give ",d".
If you want it to return more, then you could surround it in another capture group.
--> With /((?:,[a-z])+)/ then \1 will give ",b,c,d".
To get those numbers between the parentheses you could also just try to match the word characters.
For example:
var str = "2(3)(14)(B)";
var matches = str.match(/\w+/g);

JS Regex: Remove anything (ONLY) after a word

I want to remove all of the symbols (The symbol depends on what I select at the time) after each word, without knowing what the word could be. But leave them in before each word.
A couple of examples:
!!hello! my! !!name!!! is !!bob!! should return...
!!hello my !!name is !!bob ; for !
$remove$ the$ targetted$# $$symbol$$# only $after$ a $word$ should return...
$remove the targetted# $$symbol# only $after a $word ; for $
You need to use capture groups and replace:
"!!hello! my! !!name!!! is !!bob!!".replace(/([a-zA-Z]+)(!+)/g, '$1');
Which works for your test string. To work for any generic character or group of characters:
var stripTrailing = trail => {
let regex = new RegExp(`([a-zA-Z0-9]+)(${trail}+)`, 'g');
return str => str.replace(regex, '$1');
Note that this fails on any characters that have meaning in a regular expression: []{}+*^$. etc. Escaping those programmatically is left as an exercise for the reader.
Per your comment I thought an explanation might help you, so:
First, there's no way in this case to replace only part of a match, you have to replace the entire match. So we need to find a pattern that matches, split it into the part we want to keep and the part we don't, and replace the whole match with the part of it we want to keep. So let's break up my regex above into multiple lines to see what's going on:
First we want to match any number of sequential alphanumeric characters, that would be the 'word' to strip the trailing symbol from:
( // denotes capturing group for the 'word'
[ // [] means 'match any character listed inside brackets'
a-z // list of alpha character a-z
A-Z // same as above but capitalized
0-9 // list of digits 0 to 9
]+ // plus means one or more times
The capturing group means we want to have access to just that part of the match.
Then we have another group
! // I used ES6's string interpolation to insert the arg here
+ // match that exclamation (or whatever) one or more times
Then we add the g flag so the replace will happen for every match in the target string, without the flag it returns after the first match. JavaScript provides a convenient shorthand for accessing the capturing groups in the form of automatically interpolated symbols, the '$1' above means 'insert contents of the first capture group here in this string'.
So, in the above, if you replaced '$1' with '$1$2' you'd see the same string you started with, if you did 'foo$2' you'd see foo in place of every word trailed by one or more !, etc.

Javascript multiple regex pattern

I'm trying to exclude some internal IP addresses and some internal IP address formats from viewing certain logos and links in the site.I have multiple range of IP addresses(sample given below). Is it possible to write a regex that could match all the IP addresses in the list below using javascript?
and 10 more
Quote the periods, replace the X's with \d+, and join them all together with pipes:
const allowedIPpatterns = [
"" //, etc.
const allowedRegexStr = '^(?:' +
replace(/\./g, '\\.').
replace(/X/g, '\\d+') +
const allowedRegexp = new RegExp(allowedRegexStr);
Then you're all set:
''.match(allowedRegexp) // => ['']
''.match(allowedRegexp) // => null
How it works:
First, we have to turn the individual IP patterns into regular expressions matching their intent. One regular expression for "all IPs of the form '12.122.X.X'" is this:
^ means the match has to start at the beginning of the string; otherwise, 112.122.X.X IPs would also match.
12 etc: digits match themselves
\.: a period in a regex matches any character at all; we want literal periods, so we put a backslash in front.
\d: shorthand for [0-9]; matches any digit.
+: means "1 or more" - 1 or more digits, in this case.
$: similarly to ^, this means the match has to end at the end of the string.
So, we turn the IP patterns into regexes like that. For an individual pattern you could use code like this:
const regexStr = `^` + ipXpattern.
replace(/\./g, '\\.').
replace(/X/g, '\\d+') +
Which just replaces all .s with \. and Xs with \d+ and sticks the ^ and $ on the ends.
(Note the doubled backslashes; both string parsing and regex parsing use backslashes, so wherever we want a literal one to make it past the string parser to the regular expression parser, we have to double it.)
In a regular expression, the alternation this|that matches anything that matches either this or that. So we can check for a match against all the IP's at once if we to turn the list into a single regex of the form re1|re2|re3|...|relast.
Then we can do some refactoring to make the regex matcher's job easier; in this case, since all the regexes are going to have ^...$, we can move those constraints out of the individual regexes and put them on the whole thing: ^(10\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+|12\.122\.\d+\.\d+|...)$. The parentheses keep the ^ from being only part of the first pattern and $ from being only part of the last. But since plain parentheses capture as well as group, and we don't need to capture anything, I replaced them with the non-grouping version (?:..).
And in this case we can do the global search-and-replace once on the giant string instead of individually on each pattern. So the result is the code above:
const allowedRegexStr = '^(?:' +
replace(/\./g, '\\.').
replace(/X/g, '\\d+') +
That's still just a string; we have to turn it into an actual RegExp object to do the matching:
const allowedRegexp = new RegExp(allowedRegexStr);
As written, this doesn't filter out illegal IPs - for instance, 10.1234.5678.9012 would match the first pattern. If you want to limit the individual byte values to the decimal range 0-255, you can use a more complicated regex than \d+, like this:
That matches "any one or two digits, or '1' followed by any two digits, or '2' followed by any of '0' through '4' followed by any digit, or '25' followed by any of '0' through '5'". Replacing the \d with that turns the full string-munging expression into this:
const allowedRegexStr = '^(?:' +
replace(/\./g, '\\.').
replace(/X/g, '(?:\\d{1,2}|1\\d{2}|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])') +
And makes the actual regex look much more unwieldy:
but you don't have to look at it, just match against it. :)
You could do it in regex, but it's not going to be pretty, especially since JavaScript doesn't even support verbose regexes, which means that it has to be one humongous line of regex without any comments. Furthermore, regexes are ill-suited for matching ranges of numbers. I suspect that there are better tools for dealing with this.
Well, OK, here goes (for the samples you provided):
var myregexp = /\b(?:74\.23\.211\.92|(?:12\.(?:122|211)|64\.23)\.(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|[1-9]?[0-9])\.(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|[1-9]?[0-9])|(?:10|64)\.(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|[1-9]?[0-9])\.(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|[1-9]?[0-9])\.(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|[1-9]?[0-9]))\b/g;
As a verbose ("readable") regex:
\b # start of number
(?: # Either match...
74\.23\.211\.92 # an explicit address
| # or
(?: # an address that starts with
12\.(?:122|211) # 12.122 or 12.211
| # or
64\.23 # 64.23
\. # .
(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|[1-9]?[0-9])\. # followed by 0..255 and a dot
(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|[1-9]?[0-9]) # followed by 0..255
| # or
(?:10|64) # match 10 or 64
\. # .
(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|[1-9]?[0-9])\. # followed by 0..255 and a dot
(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|[1-9]?[0-9])\. # followed by 0..255 and a dot
(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|[1-9]?[0-9]) # followed by 0..255
\b # end of number
/^(X|\d{1,3})(\.(X|\d{1,3})){3}$/ should do it.
If you don't actually need to match the "X" character you could use this:
Otherwise I would use the solution cebarrett provided.
I'm not entirely sure of what you're trying to achieve here (doesn't look anyone else is either).
However, if it's validation, then here's a solution to validate an IP address that doesn't use RegEx. First, split the input string at the dot. Then using parseInt on the number, make sure it isn't higher than 255.
function ipValidator(ipAddress) {
var ipSegments = ipAddress.split('.');
for(var i=0;i<ipSegments.length;i++)
if(parseInt(ipSegments[i]) > 255){
return 'fail';
return 'match';
Running the following returns 'match':
Whereas this will return 'fail':
Here's a noted version in a jsfiddle with some examples,

