Basic Tiny MCE File Manager - javascript

I need a super-simple file manager (preferably in classic asp but not a deal breaker) that I can add to Tiny MCE v3.
It doesn't need to upload, show images or other media, just documents such as .pdf, .doc, etc.
I just need to allow the user to click a browse button beside a the link input box which will open the file browser window to the specified folder (always the same one), click the required file, the details of which will populate the input box.
I've seen a few as recommended elsewhere on Stack but these are either image/media only or I'm not bright enough to make them work properly.
Thanks in advance.

I forgot to update this question.
I found a TinyMCE/CKEditor plugin that really did the trick. It's called (surprisingly) PDW File Browser for TinyMCE and CKEditor and can be found at
It has a good range of different features and is really easy to modify (it has to be because it's me doing the modifications).
Definitely worth checking out.


TinyMCE integration - Plugins won't show

I apologize in advance if this is not the right forum for this question, but since I am in desperate need of help I hope you may want to help me out.
I am using TastyIgniter Online Ordering System for a project. The system has a description textbox where you can add information about the product. However, it is only a plain textbox without additional functionality like strong tags and it won't keep the formatting.
I downloaded tinymce, put the script files in the js folder, and added these lines of code into the PHP file:
<script src="http://localhost/assets/js/tinymce/tinymce.min.js"></script>
<script>tinymce.init({ selector:'textarea' });</script>
Hooray, it works partly. The textbox now has some of the functionality. It keeps the formatting and I am able to add bold, italic style to the text. Although, plugins like the image, table, hyperlink 'plugins' won't show at all. Is it possible that the textbox itself is restricted and then keeps the TinyMCE from showing these buttons or is something else wrong?
Thank you in advance.
You need to expand your TinyMCE init to include the plugins and toolbar/menu options you want displayed.
Take a look at this basic example of TinyMCE:
If you look at the JS tab of the example you will see there are many options available for TinyMCE in the init.

When working with an already made website, how do you know which file to edit to change something?

Let's say I'm building a website and using an already made Wordpress theme. Say it's a pretty complex theme and there's a lot of folders and files. If I wanted to change something specific, like text, or an image, or something that happens in Javascript/jQuery, and the change that I want is not an option in the themes control panel, what do I do? I know I have to go into the files but how do I know which file to go to? Lately, I've just download the theme to my desktop and use the windows search companion and type in the field that says "a word or phrase in the file." Sometimes it comes up and sometimes it doesn't. For CSS changes I usually use Firebug and click on the element, but many times I want to change the HTML/PHP/Javascript. I feel like I'm doing it the wrong way and there's an easier way that I'm missing.
As you mentioned WordPress theme so I will specifically try to answer this question for editing WordPress theme.
When it comes to WordPress, everything is very structured and well organized. If theme written following standard practices then each component has its specific file. If you are familiar with WordPress theme structure and want to change php code or say a static part then all you need to do is locate the component file say sidebar.php, home.php, single-{type}.php, header.php and many similar files.
Now if you want to edit something that is shown in right/left side of page as sidebar then chances of finding it in sidebar.php are maximum. Similarly to change something on home page try looking for home.php, for posts it could be single-post.php.
Many a times what you are looking to change might need a tweak in widgets. In this case, process remains same as theme you just need to look in different folder.
Javascript: For editing javascript, beautify the code if it came minified. When you have code ready much of js debugging can be done using firebug/Developer Console in chrome. Best way is to put breakpoints at relevant position and then inspect code behavior. You will be able to locate code block that you need to tweak to achieve what you want.
CSS: Create a child theme and then use it override default theme properties.
You can probably use grep in PowerShell, Cygwin, etc.
grep -lir "a word or phrase in the file." *
edit: Emulating Grep in Powershell

Add a code editor to a textarea via console/bookmarklet

I've run into an issue where I'm developing pages on a CMS which is out of my control, and I'm editing increasingly complex pages with nothing more than a textarea.
Initially I'm creating the pages in my code editor, then copying the HTML into the textarea. Keeping the local and CMS code in sync by hand.
This workflow sucks.
I'd like to have code highlighting, etc while I work within the CMS. Is there any way I can add a code editor like Ace or CodeMirror to the textarea via bookmarklet or console command? I've tried using the Ace Bookmarket Builder but I don't know if it's been designed to work on any page, or just github.
I don't think I was clear enough above. I'm just an end user on this CMS, I have no ability to change how it functions on the backend. I literally just need a bookmarklet that finds the textarea and applies a code editor to it.
both tinymce and syntaxhighlighter are packages that are not tied to a CMS, so if yours is custom then you will want to try to use these together, I have heard of some success in this adventure in the Drupal (there is actually a project for it currently) arena but you may be looking at a bit of work to do so custom. there is chatter about this <-here with even a plugin to tinymce :) hope this gets the ideas going!

Adding Uploading/Scanning screen to website

i am currently trying to add a uploading/scanning screen to my file upload site, (just to be clear i need the 'design' part of it, like actually displaying the box not anything to do with the scanners, or implementing the scanners, just a box that says scanning with a scanning gif next to it). Pretty much my site allows people to upload files which scans them and then displays the result. All the scanners are up and working but i am trying to add this scanning page. I want it to look a bit like this when you upload a file -
How would I be able to do this? You don't have to be very specific just like what programming languages, or any examples of code, to help me, i don't really know where to start.
Sounds like you are looking for a modal overlay or dialog.
There are tons of libraries out there that can do this, including YUI and JQuery UI/Plugins.
See my question.

Trigger Show event of file upload dialog

i want to show file upload dialog on click of a button thats not the part of input[type="file"] how can i do this?
Basically i want to stylize the file upload control of html.
Alternate way to style file inputs using JavaScript but no Flash:
I'm pretty sure there is no way to do this for security reasons.
You may be able to do it using a Flash-based uploader like SWFUpload. It obviously needs Flash installed and functions in a slightly different way than normal file uploads.
two days ago i was dealing with the same thing. I spotted uploadify
it allows you to have custom button for upload and ability to style your progress bar. it makes an ajax call to a php script. it also has loads of options from restricting file types/sizes/etc.
pretty happy i found it. same as pekka said this one also uses a flash gateway to do this. works but not in Opera i am still searching the net to solve.

