Include a javascript file only once in Joomla - javascript

now, this question has been asked and answered successfully many times, yet none of the things i try work.
I have tried head.js & require.js libraries
I have also tried
if (!window.unique_name) {
unique_name = true;
//code here..
none of which I can get to work (the global variable is always undefined)
the script I am trying to include runs something like this:
clockyTick = function() {
//my code here
setInterval(clockyTick, 1000);
the apps that call this script, standalone, work fine.
only when both apps are included on the same page (via calls to PHP require()) they break.
Here is the cause of the problems (I think):
I am building custom web apps on a (Joomla) site and have the requirement of displaying two of my apps on the same page.
Both apps need the same .js file to operate correctly, which works fine when they run standalone, but as soon as both apps are running on the same page (in the admin section) the scripts conflict and stop each other from working
(the script in question is a dynamic clock script that grabs the specialised contents of a div and modifies it to something else)
I think the reason I cannot get aforementioned libraries to work, is the fact that they also are being included twice on the admin page.
is there any way around this, or do I have to bite the bullet and integrate a library into the main Joomla template? (meaning the library is uselessly loaded on every single page, yet only used on 3 of hundreds)
jQuery is also required, separately, on each app..but thankfully I am able to use noConflict to avoid problems there (not ideal)

The joomla way would be to instantiate the document inside your module and unset only the conflicting script as described in this question here just before you load the module's script:
1) get an instance if the document object and remove the js files (you
could do that in a plugin) :
//get the array containing all the script declarations
$document = JFactory::getDocument();
$headData = $document->getHeadData();
$scripts = $headData['scripts'];
//remove your script, i.e. mootools
$headData['scripts'] = $scripts;
Or in your case, I think you could try the dirty solution below inside your js files:
//1st module script
var unique_name;
if (unique_name == false || unique_name == null) {
unique_name = true;
//code here..
alert("Included 1st script");
//do nothing
alert("Not included 1st script")
//2nd module script
var unique_name;
if (unique_name == false || unique_name == null) {
unique_name = true;
//code here..
alert("Included 2nd script");
//do nothing
alert("Not included 2nd script")
Here is a DEMO

If you are having conflicts with PHP require(), you can try require_once(). However, as mentioned, that’s not the Joomla way of doing things.


Javascript Moodle

Hi I am fairly new to moodle. I have been trying to test if my Javascript runs but to no avail. Here is what I have:
In /videojs/amd/src I made a test.js file with a simple command
define(['jquery'], function() {
return {
init: function() {
// Put whatever you like here. $ is available
// to you as normal.
alert("It changed!!");
Then I grunt the file and everything succeed, and made minified. But when I go to the page it doesn't run. Now I read Moodle's Javascript Doc and I see it says
The idea here is that we will run the 'init' function from our (PHP) code to set things up. This is called from PHP like this...
Where do I call this PHP?
Somewhere in the page you are outputting, you need to add a call like this:
$PAGE->requires->js_call_amd('PLUGINTYPE_videojs/test', 'init);
It's not entirely clear from your example what sort of plugin you are creating, so whichever type you are creating (, you need to put it in the appropriate subdirectory for your site (e.g. /mod/videojs, /local/videojs, etc.), then add some sort of PHP script as the entry point for your plugin and call the js_call_amd function from there.

Using require.js to load something before onload

I see this question was asked here
load javascript file before onload with requirejs
But the solution there doesn't fit my situation and so I'm wondering if there is a different solution. I can't build with deps and make my code come last because I'm making a library/utility, not an app.
I'm working on the WebGL-Inspector. It works by wrapping HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.getContext and if it sees a "webgl" it then does its thing wrapping the context and allowing you to inspect it.
The WebGL-Inspector works in 3 modes
As a browser extension
As a loader + large compiled script
As a loader + original source (many many scripts)
To use it in modes #2 or #3 above you just insert
<script src="core/embed.js"></script>
Somewhere in the top of your HTML. Because it loads synchronously~ish it will have wrapped HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.getContext before whatever scripts come after it.
These last 2 modes are mostly for debugging/development of the WebGL-Inspector itself. Especially mode #3 because we can edit the inspector's code and refresh the page immediately to see the result, no build step.
I'm in the process of switching to using AMD for all of the WebGL-Inspector. We're using this because we can use webpack to make #2 but still follow the same dev workflow allowing us it use mode #3 above just change the script tag to
<script src="core/require.js" data-main="core/embed.js"></script>
The problem is this no longer works because whatever other code unrelated to the WebGL-Inspector itself runs before core/embed.js has loaded and so calls someCanvas.getContext before we've had a chance to wrap it.
My current solution is sadly to hack in a delay of 1.5 seconds on whatever demo we're using
<script src="core/require.js" data-main="core/embed.js"></script>
// wait 1.5 seconds for embed.js to load and pray :(
window.onload = setTimeout(reallyRunWebGLCode, 1500);
The previous non-AMD loader doesn't have this async issue. Somehow it manages to load 60 or so .js files before window.onload fires. Is there a way to get require.js to do the same? Or maybe I need to write my own loader?
To put it another way, the issue is as it is now the user adds a single <script> line and makes no other changes to their code and it works. When they're done they remove the single script line.
Switching to AMD/require.js the user is now required to add a single script and re-write code. In my tests went from
window.onload = myapp;
require.config({ baseUrl: "/core" });
require("./embed", myapp);
It's minor but now the app is broken when you remove the <script> tag and has to be put back as it was. Requiring those changes is what I'm trying to avoid if possible. In fact with the original style you don't even have to remove the script tag, just run your app in an environment where the script doesn't exist, it will fail to load and your app will run as normal where as with the require method it will fail if the script doesn't exist.
I can require even more code
if (typeof require === 'function' && typeof define === 'function' and define.amd) {
require.config({ baseUrl: "/core" });
require("./embed", myapp);
} else {
window.onload = myapp;
But that's even uglier. We went from adding a single script to requiring modifying your app.
Actually it gets even worse in the app I'm currently testing with. It uses a different loader for itself. When I run require version of the code above it fails because in this case require runs myapp before window.onload (strange). I end up having to do this
var tryRunCount = 0;
function tryRunApp() {
// check that tryRunApp has been called twice so we know
// both onload and require have returned
if (tryRunCount === 2) {
window.onload = tryRunApp;
require.config({ baseUrl: "/core" });
require("./embed", tryRunApp);
That's way way more changes than I want to require users to make.

How to include javascript file only once

I want to give clients an HTML block they can include in their site, and this HTML will contain some table and image, plus a javascript that will make manipulations over the HTML block.
so I give them the HTML :
<a data-theme="1" data-srv="http://localhost:50987/" class="block1" href="http://myserver/payment/Details">outer information</a><script type="text/javascript" src="http://myserver/Scripts/checkout.js"></script>
in checkout.js I have included JQuery if no Jquery exists in document and do manipulation over the element $('a.block1') ... the problem is when someone puts this block of HTML more then once over the same page, I want that the client will not call "checkout.js" more then once,
I've tried declaring global var inside "checkout.js" and check if it's exists, it works good to stop doing the same manipulation more then once but I want to stop the call to JS al together .
Javascript runs after it loads, you can't stop the JS running, if it is referenced multiple times. It won't be loaded multiple times, so the overhead of it running again is basically nil.
To stop the behavior of the javascript happening again, just put the check at the top level of the file, put the rest of the file in the conditional, and write to a global variable to make sure you don't run again.
if (window._your_unique_id === undefined) {
window._your_unique_id = true;
// the rest of your javascript
that will mean nothing in the script runs. You can still define whatever you like in that if statement, though if you define functions and variables in there, you may have to explicitly put them on the window object, because they'll otherwise be local (but then, it is bad practice to have anything implicitly defined global anyway, so it shouldn't make any difference if your code is well structured).
Just deploy your code as a module.
if(window.CheckoutModule) return;
// now you're certain there's no global module loaded
var CheckoutModule = window.CheckoutModule = {};
// you can, ie, add a jQuery check here.
if('undefined' != typeof jQuery) {
// do your jQuery thing here.
return ;
})(window, jQuery);

Using multiple jQuery plugins on multiple pages?

I have site which is using a few JavaScript/jQuery plugins, I then have a default.js file which uses the plugin functionality for each of the different pages.
E.g. some plugins I have include:
a custom scrollbar plugin
a slideshow plugin
a cookie plugin
Then in the default.js file, I'll do something as follows (pseudocode):
var scrolling = findScrollbarDiv;
scrolling.ScrollFunction({ options });
(and then the same for the slideshow + other plugins I have)
However, if there is a plage where findScrollbarDiv returns null, I get an error something like the following:
ScrollFunction is not a function
This is not because the elements are returning null, but because I haven't included the plugin file for this page. My reasoning behind this is that I don't want to include every file on every page (even if it's not needed) as this could cause unnecessary HTTP requests (especially on the homepage, which only needs one plugin)
This error in turn messes up the rest of the JavaScript.
What is the best way to overcome this? Should I just include every plugin file on every page regardless of whether it is needed or not? Or is there some JavaScript like the following that I can use:
var scrolling = findScrollbarDiv;
if(scrolling != null) {
scrolling.ScrollFunction({ options });
(this feels a bit clunky to me, but if this is the best solution let me know)
Or is using one default js file to launch all plugins a bad idea?
If you're using the same header file and you don't mind having the file included, you can always check if the element exists before attaching an event to it.
Heres an example:
if(jQuery('#someElement').length > 0){
jQuery('#someElement').ScrollFunction({ options });
Either that, or have a JavaScript file for each function.
So you'd have one for the gallery and one for the cookies etc.. And include only the ones necessary for each page.
You can just do it as a conditional statement and avoid the clunky if:
scrolling && scrolling.ScrollFunction({ options });
This works great for any method you want to call and want to check if the parent object exists before you do.
You can go further (if you need to) and check if the method itself exists before execution:
scrolling && scrolling.ScrollFunction && scrolling.ScrollFunction({ options });
if scrolling is a collection, just check it's length (if length == 0 the statement will fail):
scrolling.length && scrolling.ScrollFunction({ options });

What's the best way to execute something only when all my JavaScript is loaded using jQuery?

I'm developing a web page using jQuery, and I want it to execute some code only after ALL my JavaScript files are fully loaded. The head section of my HTML has the following script.
<script src="supervisor/lib/jquery-1.6.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
Inside jQuery file, I inserted the following code:
$.getScript('functions.js', function () {
// code here
The file functions.js has the following code:
// and more...
I want the code here in the first $.getScript() to execute only after ALL the other JS are loaded, but this is not ocurring. What's the best way to achieve this?
PS: I'm using lots of $.getScript() because I find easier to separate them, but I want them to be inserted inside the same file.
You could always just increment a counter. That way your getScript calls remain asynchronous, as the last thing you want to do is change that. And frankly, any packaged solution you find to loading the scripts in parallel and then executing some function afterward will probably just be a shinier version of this:
var counter = 0;
var filesToLoad = ["mask.js", "validations.js", "lotsofscripts.js"];
var filesCount = filesToLoad.length;
// Increment counter each time a getScript completes
function incrementCounter() {
if (++counter === filesCount) {
// This code will execute after everything loads
// Iterate through the files and run getScript on them,
// with incrementCounter as the callback
for (var i = 0; i < filesCount; i++) {
$.getScript(filesToLoad[i], incrementCounter);
Here's a jsFiddle example.
Assuming you know the name of a function defined in a js script that needs to be tested for whether or not it has loaded...
I use Underscore.js isFunction() to figure this out ( )
Example, if script.js contains a function myScriptFunction(), you can write a function that checks:
if (_.isFunction(myScriptFunction)) {
// script.js is loaded
// OK to move on to the next step
} else {
// script.js is not loaded
// check again later
I have tried binding to events to figure out if a js script file is loaded, but it doesn't seem to work across all the browsers.
I would suggest HeadJS to load your JS files. You can execute specific code upon completion of specific files or groups of files. Take a look, it's a great little project.
You might want to use jQuery.ajax() instead. You can set the async option to false (it's true by default when you use getScript

