Commit settings instantly Windows 8 app - javascript

I'm trying to make a test app for Windows 8 that has two input boxes and one button (lets call it "Calculate" button). When the user presses the button he gets a result. He can enter his details in either metric or imperial units by choosing which units he wants to use in the settings flyout. Now what I'm trying to do is to commit the changes instantly. When the user selects for example the imperial units the input boxes and the result automatically change to imperial. Right now when I change the units from metric to imperial I must press the "Calculate" button again to see the results in imperial.
How can I do that?
Below is some of my code.
In the default .js file I created a button handler:
var test = document.getElementById("button");
test.addEventListener("click", doDemo, false);
In the main .js file where all the calculations are done it looks like this:
function doDemo(eventInfo) {
var applicationData = Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.current;
var roamingSettings = applicationData.roamingSettings;
if (roamingSettings.values["cmorft"] == 'imperial') {
var greetingString3 = "Imperial";
document.getElementById("units").innerText = greetingString3;
} else {
var greetingString4 = "metric";
document.getElementById("units").innerText = greetingString4;
I used the following to save the user's choice:
var applicationData = Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.current;
var roamingSettings = applicationData.roamingSettings;
WinJS.UI.Pages.define("/html/settings.html", {
// This function is called whenever a user navigates to this page. It
// populates the page elements with the app's data.
ready: function (element, options) {
var imperialRadio = document.getElementById("imperial"),
metricRadio = document.getElementById("metric");
// Set settings to existing values
if (roamingSettings.values.size > 0) {
if (roamingSettings.values["cmorft"]) {
// Wire up on change events for settings controls
imperialRadio.onchange = function () {
roamingSettings.values["cmorft"] = getMIValue();
metricRadio.onchange = function () {
roamingSettings.values["cmorft"] = getMIValue();
unload: function () {
// Respond to navigations away from this page.
updateLayout: function (element, viewState, lastViewState) {
// Respond to changes in viewState.

If I understand you correctly, you simply need to set the innerText properties of your HTML elements when you change the units, not just when you click the button. In your demo it can be as simple as calling doDemo from within the onchange handlers for your radiobuttons, as that will read the updated setting and set the text.


Move color of an HTML element to another page

Good evening,
i was working on a part of what i hope will be my future website and i wanted to add a "photograpy" section to it, and here comes the problem.
since the title in the main page constatly changes color, i'd like to grab its current color to transfer it to the title of the other page to play an animation later on.
the problem is that when i press the related button, i am taken to the photograpy page, but the title remains black.
i've tried seraching for help on google but i haven't been able to find much.
here is the JS
if (document.addEventListener) {
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
} else if (document.attachEvent) {
document.attachEvent("onreadystatechange", function() {
function loaded() {
document.getElementById("PHtitle").style.color === titlecolor;
function script() {
const titlecolor = document.getElementById("title").style.color;
document.getElementById('photograpy').onclick = function () {
The snippets don't allow for localStorage, so here is just the javascript.
First, I let the variables outside of a function. The titleColor function checks to see if titleColor was saved in localStorage, if not the default color is black.
Then I set the color of the phtitle to the contents of titleColor variable.
In the script function, I set the localStorage variable to the getComputedStyle color of the title.
Then last I use an event listener on the button to run the script for saving the color.
LocalStorage is a way to store data in the user's browser until they close their browser/clear their data etc.. Which will allow it to be usable on different pages then where it was saved.
let titleColor = localStorage.getItem("titleColor") || "#000000";
let PHtitle = document.querySelector("#PHtitle");
let title = document.querySelector("#title");
let btn = document.querySelector("#photography");
if(PHtitle){ = titleColor;
function script() {
localStorage.setItem("titleColor", getComputedStyle(title).color)
if(btn && title){
btn.addEventListener("click", function() {

Disabling Form fields the use the SelectStatic widget in netbox v3 with javascript

I have a problem where i am trying to disable certain forms fields which use the SelectStatic Widget based on a tick box, i have included the javascript below.
const vlan = document.querySelector('#id_vlan');
const physical_facing = document.querySelector('#id_physical_facing');
const service_type = document.querySelector('#id_service_type');
const bd_function = document.querySelector('#id_function');
function vlan_enable(){
vlan.disabled = false;
function vlan_disable(){
vlan.disabled = true;
function service_function_enable() {
service_type.disabled = false;
bd_function.disabled = false;
function service_function_disable() {
service_type.disabled = true;
bd_function.disabled = true;
(function() {
} else {
function pf_event() {
if(physical_facing.checked) {
} else {
physical_facing.addEventListener('change', pf_event)
When on the Page, the VLAN field is a DynamicModelFormField and will never disable, but when toggling the switch on and off the fields do not re-enable, i know the event is getting fired because i can see it in the developer tools, the disabled tag gets applied and removed with no change on the page, This may be a simple mistake but would like if someone can point me in the right direction.
below is what the page looks like
Netbox Page
Has anybody had any success doing this with the new version of netbox as it worked fine in V2 with the SelectStatic2 widget.

How can I determine if a file input has been clicked?

I have a script that will trigger the click event for a file upload form. I want to be able to determine of the file upload button has already been clicked. Here is what I have:
<div ng-click="uploadFile()">Click Me</div>
<input name="uploader" type="file" style="display:none;">
var uploadFile = function () {
var interval = setInterval(function () {
}, 50);
The problem is that the upload button is triggered twice. The first time the file browser opens up, allowing me to select a local file to upload. But, if I hit cancel, the file browser opens back up again. I would like to place a condition in the above code that would check to see if the file upload button has already been triggered. How can I do this? Something like the following:
var interval = setInterval(function () {
if(hasUploaderBeenTriggered === false) { // not sure how to do this part
}, 50);
Do you really need the first click or do you just want to know when the user selected their file? Otherwise you could check out onchange instead of onclick.
You can create a global variable / boolean that you switch on and off when the user clicks the button, if the user then clicks the button again you can check if the boolean is false.
Put var hasUploaderBeenTriggered = false; at the very top of your javascript and then add hasUploaderBeenTriggered = true; after clearInterval(interval); like so:
var hasUploaderBeenTriggered = false;
var interval = setInterval(function () {
if(hasUploaderBeenTriggered === false) { // not sure how to do this part
hasUploaderBeenTriggered = true;
}, 50);

redips.drag get row id when row is dropped and send to server

I am building a django site and have implemented the redips.drag library in one of my pages to allow dragging of table rows. I want a very simple functionality in my code- add a listener, so when the row is dropped, it send the row data to the server. jQuery-speaking, something like this:
$(function() {
$(someDomElement).on('DropEvent', function() {
// send data to server
The problem though, is that redips.drag is not a jQuery plugin but a javascript one, so my knowledge is a little (more than a little) lacking. I can probably find some other library, but it's performing really well and I prefer understanding how to work with it than look for a different one.
I can probably handle the "sending the data to the server" part by myself, what I can't understand at all is how to "catch" the drop event, what part of the dom do I listen to? I tried adding monitorEvents to different selectors but failed completely.
I also tried to manipulate the script.js file (the one that initializes the row handling), but also failed. here's the one I'm using (example 20 in the redips package):
"use strict";
// define redips object container
var redips = {};
redips.init = function () {
// reference to the REDIPS.drag library and message line
var rd = REDIPS.drag,
msg = document.getElementById('msg');
// initialization
// ... more irrelevent code ...
// row event handlers
// row clicked (display message and set hover color for "row" mode)
rd.event.rowClicked = function () {
msg.innerHTML = 'Clicked';
// row row_dropped
rd.event.rowDropped = function () {
msg.innerHTML = 'Dropped';
// and so on...
// function sets drop_option parameter defined at the top
redips.setRowMode = function (radioButton) {
REDIPS.drag.rowDropMode = radioButton.value;
// add onload event listener
if (window.addEventListener) {
window.addEventListener('load', redips.init, false);
else if (window.attachEvent) {
window.attachEvent('onload', redips.init);
Now I tried adding a console.log('hello') to the rd.event.rowDropped function (right above the msg.innerHTML line), but that doesn't work, I drop the row and nothing shows in the log. Doing a console.log outside the init function works so I know the script can pass stuff to the console.
Please, can anyone help me? I'm at a complete loss...
I know this may be a little lateto answer your question but I found the answer. You need to use the event dropped and the attribute rd.obj (REDIPS.drag.obj) to get the id use it with simple javascript like getAttribute('id')
redips.init = function () {
// reference to the REDIPS.drag library and message line
var rd = REDIPS.drag,
msg = document.getElementById('msg');
// initialization
// row clicked (display message and set hover color for "row" mode)
rd.event.clicked = function () {
msg.innerHTML = 'Clicked' + rd.obj.getAttribute('id');
// row row_dropped
rd.event.dropped = function () {
msg.innerHTML = 'Dropped' + rd.obj.getAttribute('id');

FireFox Toolbar Prefwindow unload/acceptdialog Event to Update the toolbar

I'm trying to develop a firefox toolbar ;)
so my structure is
In the options.xul is an PrefWindow which i'm opening over an
<toolbarbutton oncommand="esbTb_OpenPreferences()"/>
function esbTb_OpenPreferences() {
window.openDialog("chrome://Toolbar/content/options.xul", "einstellungen", "chrome,titlebar,toolbar,centerscreen,modal", this);}
so in my preferences i can set some checkboxes which indicates what links are presented in my toolbar. So when the preferences window is Closed or the "Ok" button is hitted I want to raise an event or an function which updates via DOM my toolbar.
So this is the function which is called when the toolbar is loaded. It sets the links visibility of the toolbar.
function esbTB_LoadMenue() {
var MenuItemNews = document.getElementById("esbTb_rss_reader");
var MenuItemEservice = document.getElementById("esbTb_estv");
if (!(prefManager.getBoolPref("extensions.esbtoolbar.ShowNews"))) { = 'none';
if (!(prefManager.getBoolPref("extensions.esbtoolbar.ShowEservice"))) { = 'none';
So I tried some thinks like adding an eventlistener to the dialog which doesn't work... in the way I tried...
And i also tried to hand over the window object from the root window( the toolbar) as an argument of the opendialog function changed the function to this.
function esbTB_LoadMenue(RootWindow) {
var MenuItemNews = RootWindow.getElementById("esbTb_rss_reader");
var MenuItemEservice = RootWindow.getElementById("esbTb_estv");}
And then tried to Access the elements over the handover object, but this also not changed my toolbar at runtime.
So what i'm trying to do is to change the visibile links in my toolbar during the runtime and I don't get it how I should do that...
thanks in advance
var prefManager = {
prefs: null,
start: function()
this.prefs = Components.classes[";1"]
this.prefs.addObserver("", this, false);
end: function()
this.prefs.removeObserver("", this);
observe: function(subject, topic, data)
if (topic != "nsPref:changed")
//Stuff what is done when Prefs have changed
SetBoolPref: function(pref,value)
GetBoolPref: function(pref)
So this is my implementation.
The trick is to listen to preference changes. That way your toolbar updates whenever the prefs change -- regardless if it happened through your PrefWindow, about:config or some other mechanism.
In Toolbar.js you do the following
var esbTB_observe = function(subject, topic, data) {
if (topic != "nsPref:changed") {
// find out which pref changed and do stuff
var esbTB_init = function() {
prefs =
prefs.addObserver("", esbTB_observe, false);
// Init addin after window loaded
window.addEventListener("load", esbTB_init, false);
Now, when the window loads, the esbTB_init() function is called in which the observer to the pref branch "extensions.esbtoolbar." is added. Later, when a pref in the branch is changed, the esbTB_observe() function is automatically called.
In esbTB_observe() you have to read the values of your prefs and adjust the toolbar.

