Easy image rotating gallery - javascript

I have this image-rotating-script that i cannot get to work in any major browser.
What the JS does is to show a random image on pageload.
Here's my code:
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.10.2.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
<!-- Begin
var theImages = new Array();
theImages[0] = 'img/rot/forside/FrontReklame1.jpg';
theImages[1] = 'img/rot/forside/FrontReklame2.jpg';
var j = 0;
var p = theImages.length;
var preBuffer = new Array();
for (i = 0; i < p; i++){
preBuffer[i] = new Image()
preBuffer[i].src = theImages[i]
var whichImage = Math.round(Math.random()*(p-1));
function showImage(){
document.write('<img src="'+theImages[whichImage]+'" alt="Se vores hingste!" />')
// End -->
What i use to call the image:
<script type="text/javascript">
<!-- Begin
// End -->
This code doesn't show any image live on the net and sometimes it doesn't when i test the page locally?! What am i missing here?

First of all, jquery is not needed in your code.
¿What is the purpose of var j?
Probably you are running showImage() in Header so you can't see the picture.
Try this:
function showImage(){
var selectedImage = preBuffer[whichImage];
selectedImage.alt = "Se vores hingste!";
// Using appendChild instead of document.write


Randomize images when refreshing page js html

Here is a code that should render images randomly using DIV HTML rather than document.write, does anyone have an idea?
var theImages = new Array()
//Random-loading images
theImages[0] = '/img/pirc/hostnger-he.png' // replace with names of images
theImages[1] = '/img/pirc/hostnger-en.png' // replace with names of images
var j = 0
var p = theImages.length;
var preBuffer = new Array()
for (i = 0; i < p; i++){
preBuffer[i] = new Image()
preBuffer[i].src = theImages[i]
var whichImage = Math.round(Math.random()*(p-1));
function showImage(){
$('.hostnger').html('<img class="hostnger" src="'+theImages[whichImage]+'">')
else if(whichImage==1){
$('.hostnger').html('<img class="hostnger" src="'+theImages[whichImage]+'">')
<div class="hostnger"></div>
Randomize images when refreshing the pageenter code here
Where are you actually calling the showImage function?
You should add
Are you including jQuery?
Is a jQuery call and you are not including jQuery anywhere.

change HTML code for fading background replacing images

This is my HTML code:
<script language="JavaScript">
// Set speed (milliseconds)
var speed = 4000
// Specify the image files
var Pic = new Array() // don't touch this
// to add more images, just continue
// the pattern, adding to the array below
Pic[0] = 'img_1.jpg'
Pic[1] = 'img_2.jpg'
Pic[2] = 'img_3.jpg'
Pic[3] = 'img_4.jpg'
// =======================================
// do not edit anything below this line
// =======================================
var t
var j = 0
var p = Pic.length
var preLoad = new Array()
for (i = 0; i < p; i++){
preLoad[i] = new Image()
preLoad[i].src = Pic[i]
function runBGSlideShow(){
if (document.body){
document.body.background = Pic[j];
j = j + 1
if (j > (p-1)) j=0
t = setTimeout('runBGSlideShow()', speed)
<body onload="runBGSlideShow()">
I tried everything I know to change it so the pictures will fade when replacing but I didn't succeed.
If you can I will appreciate it if you will add to the HTML code (if can't it's ok to add css )
Please look and see if you can help me.
Why reinvent the wheel?
There's a beautiful jQuery plugin that does this already

Outputting a random image from an array using JS

I'm trying to output a random image from my array and then remove it from the array afterwards for a matching game. I'm new to programming in general and I've seen (what I'm sure are) easier ways of doing it but nothing I understand yet so I'm trying it this way. The problem is that I can't get an image to print out and I'm not sure why. Any help would be appreciated! thanks!
printImage(); Sites.splice(r,1);
var imgArray = new Array();
imgArray[0] = new Image();
imgArray[0].src = 'img0.jpg';
imgArray[23] = new Image();
imgArray[23].src = 'img23.jpg';
ImageRotation = imgArray.length;
FirstHalf = '<img src="img';
LastHalf = '.jpg" style="width:100px; height: 100px;">';
function printImage() {
var r = Math.ceil(Math.random() * ImageRotation);
document.write(FirstHalf + r + LastHalf);
This is how you can do what you are tried to achieve:
I've used setInterval to demonstrate.
<img src="http://dummyimage.com/100x100/252799/fff.png&text=one" />
var imgs = ['http://dummyimage.com/100x100/252799/fff.png&text=one', 'http://dummyimage.com/100x100/252799/fff.png&text=two', 'http://dummyimage.com/100x100/252799/fff.png&text=three', 'http://dummyimage.com/100x100/252799/fff.png&text=four', 'http://dummyimage.com/100x100/252799/fff.png&text=five', 'http://dummyimage.com/100x100/252799/fff.png&text=six', 'http://dummyimage.com/100x100/252799/fff.png&text=seven', 'http://dummyimage.com/100x100/252799/fff.png&text=eight', 'http://dummyimage.com/100x100/252799/fff.png&text=nine', 'http://dummyimage.com/100x100/252799/fff.png&text=ten'];
setInterval(function() {
var im = document.getElementsByTagName('img')[0];
im.src = imgs[Math.round(Math.random() * (imgs.length - 1))];
}, 1000);
Here is another way of setting the image, based on #chipChocolate.py's answer, and addressing OP's requirement that each image is removed from the list. Instead of changing the first image in the HTML, it rewrites the inner HTML within a <div> container.
<script type="text/javascript">
var imgs = ['http://dummyimage.com/100x100/252799/fff.png&text=one', 'http://dummyimage.com/100x100/252799/fff.png&text=two', 'http://dummyimage.com/100x100/252799/fff.png&text=three', 'http://dummyimage.com/100x100/252799/fff.png&text=four', 'http://dummyimage.com/100x100/252799/fff.png&text=five', 'http://dummyimage.com/100x100/252799/fff.png&text=six', 'http://dummyimage.com/100x100/252799/fff.png&text=seven', 'http://dummyimage.com/100x100/252799/fff.png&text=eight', 'http://dummyimage.com/100x100/252799/fff.png&text=nine', 'http://dummyimage.com/100x100/252799/fff.png&text=ten'];
var pictures = imgs.length;
var picim =[];
for (var i=0; i<pictures; i++)
picim [i] = i;
var num = 0; // current index of picture number
function randpic() {
if (pictures > 1) {
for (var i=num; i<pictures; i++) // remove current picture index
picim[i] = picim[i+1];
num = Math.floor(Math.random() * pictures);
var content = '<IMG src="' + imgs[picim [num]] + '" />';
document.getElementById('randpic').innerHTML = content;
<div id="randpic" onClick="javascript:randpic()">
<img src="http://dummyimage.com/100x100/252799/fff.png&text=one" />

Txt doesn`t appear on the stage

Can someone pls tell me what I am doing wrong. I am trying to add text to my stage but the stage doesn`t show any text and there are no errors given. Did I do something wrong. I am adding the txt with addChild so it should appear? why is it not showing anything, it is not because of the color because I changed the color of the text.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<script type="text/javascript" src="game.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/easel.js"></script>
<body onload="init();">
<canvas id=canvas width="960" height="580"></canvas>
var canvas;
var stage;
var score;
var bitmap;
var bmpList;
var txt;
var play;
function init() {
canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
stage = new Stage(canvas);
score = 0;
var image = new Image();
image.src = "imgs/stone.png";
image.onload = maakTegenstander;
function maakTegenstander(event){
var image = event.target;
var container = new Container();
var l = 5;
bmpList=[]; // dit is een array
for(var i=0; i<l; i++){
bitmap = new Bitmap(image);
bitmap.regX = bitmap.image.width/2|0;
bitmap.regY = bitmap.image.height/2|0;
bitmap.mouseEnabled = true;
txt = new Text ("Score: 0", "24px Arial", "#333");
txt.x = 400;
txt.y = 20;
function verwijderTegenstander(stone){
stone.y = canvas.height - 700;
stone.x = canvas.width* Math.random() + 30;
stone.speed = (Math.random()*5)+2;
function tick(){
if(play == true){
var l=bmpList.length;
if (play == true){
var l = bmpList.length;
for(var i=0; i<l; i++){
var bmp = bmpList[i];
if (bmp.y < 650){
bmp.y += bmp.speed;
console.log("game over");
txt.text = "Punten: "+score;
Here's a fiddle based on your code: http://jsfiddle.net/fXgeg/1/
I've changed two things:
For every call to easeljs module, I've added 'createjs.' e.g.
I've changed the ticker listener registration like this:
//Ticker.addListener(window); <- this is wrong
createjs.Ticker.addEventListener("tick", tick);
This way you provide the event type - "tick" and the function which should be called every time this event occurs - tick()

Image swapping hyperlinks

I want to have some hyperlink images that keep changing after a period of time..I have used 2 arrays images and links..2 respective functions execute that change image and links respectively after 2 seconds of time..But I am getting a blank screen as output..I wrote the code as:
<title> New Document </title>
<img id="img" width="1300" height="200"/>
<link id="link" >
<script type="text/javascript">
var x=0;
var y=0;
var images = new Array();
var links = new Array();
images[0] = "D:\images\31.jpg";
images[1] = "D:\images\32.jpg";
links[0] = "https://www.google.co.in" ;
links[1] = "https://www.facebook.com" ;
function changeImage()
x = (x + 1) % images.length;
function changeLinks()
y = (y + 1) % links.length;
window.onload = function() {
window.onload = function() {
Your problem is this:
images[0] = "D:\images\31.jpg";
images[1] = "D:\images\32.jpg";
those are supposed to be hyperlinks, not file paths! Also, the backslash is an escape char in JS, so you need to double it (\\). So try something like:
images[0] = "file:/D:/images/31.jpg";
images[1] = "file:/D:/images/32.jpg";

