WWW::Scripter as parent class causes weird error message - javascript

when I use WWW::Scripter normally everything works fine:
use WWW::Scripter;
my $m = WWW::Scripter->new();
But when I try to subclass WWW::Scripter like so:
package MyScripter;
use parent qw(WWW::Scripter);
sub new {
my ($class, #args) = #_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(#args);
return $self;
package main;
my $m = MyScripter->new();
I get this strange error message:
Error: Can't locate object method "prop" via package "MyScripter" at /home/myuser/localperl/lib/site_perl/5.18.2/JE/LValue.pm line 91
What is going on?
WWW::Scripter::VERSION => 0.030
JE::VERSION => 0.060

I guessed that the problem was dependent on the site being accessed, as I tried it with http://www.bbc.co.uk/ with no problems at all (except that it doesn't like the JavaScript apearing in XHTML CDATA sections).
This is because of a broken inheritance hierarchy. I haven't found the exact problem, but I believe it is because of the way the JavaScript plugin works. It expects to be (insists on being) called in the context of a WWW::Scripter object, and has an explicit
use WWW::Scripter 0.022
at the start, which will load all the method definitions from the basic module instead of from your subclass.
There is all sorts of nasty stuff in there, such as using the Perl 4 package name separator, like use LWP'UserAgent, and literal path loads like
require "WWW/Scripter/Plugin/JavaScript/" . "$$self[benm].pm"
which could hardly be more anti-inheritance.
Without some more work it is hard to tell whether it's an easy fix or a rewrite, but to solve your problem I suggest using roles rather than inheritance, which allows the role model much more freedom in how it does its thing. It's described nicely in perldoc perlootut and you do a lot worse than experimenting with Role::Tiny.


How to expose HtmlAgilityPack.CssSelectors into ClearScript

Context: Azure, C#, ClearScript, JavaScript, HtmlAgilityPack, HtmlAgilityPack.CssSelectors
I do this a lot: add scripting to C# apps using ClearScript. Ordinarily this just works.
using Microsoft.ClearScript;
using Microsoft.ClearScript.Windows;
class Program
static JScriptEngine JSengine = null;
JSengine = new JScriptEngine(WindowsScriptEngineFlags.EnableDebugging | WindowsScriptEngineFlags.EnableJITDebugging);
JSengine.AddHostType("CSHtmlDocument", typeof(HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument));
and then later, in the JavaScript code itself, there are things like
var hap = new CSHtmlDocument();
So this is going really well until I add HtmlAgilityPack.CssSelectors into the mix. On the C# side, this adds extra methods to the HtmlDocument object, specifically QuerySelector and QuerySelectorAll. They're visible on the C# side. However, on the JavaScript side they're not and code such as
var selection = hap.QuerySelector(".reduced");
throws an error and looking at the object from a debugging session in Visual Studio 2015 shows no QuerySelector method in the hap var.
So what's the story? Is it a ClearScript issue or a C# issue? And what do I do about it? I'm quite happy to write a wrapper class, I was just expecting everything to work as before.
These new methods are most likely extension methods defined by a particular class. To make them accessible from script code, you must expose that class to the script engine.
EDIT: I'm not familiar with them, but it looks like the methods you're talking about are provided by the HapCssExtensionMethods class (or something very similar). To expose the methods, simply expose the class:
// C#
Once you've done that, your JavaScript sample above should work as is.

Clojurescript Extern for Nested Function

I am developing a Single Page Application in Clojurescript, and I want to use TinyMCE as a WYSIWYG editor for certain fields. For space efficiency, I want to eventually minify the project using the google clojure compiler in advanced mode. Since the tinymce dev javascript files seems to be unsuitable for use as an extern file, I'm forced to write my own.
There is one particular function call that I can't get to work. In clojurescript, I call:
(.setContent (.get js/tinymce id) cont)
which I'd imagine would compile to something like:
I have tried many different function definitions in my externs, yet I keep getting an error:
TypeError: tinymce.get(...).Tl is not a function
Which tells me setContent gets obscured away by the compiler. My current extern file looks like this:
//all seems to be well here...
var tinymce;
tinymce.get = function(name){};
tinymce.remove = function(node){};
tinymce.init = function(editor){};
tinymce.on = function(name, callback, prepend, extra){};
//tinymce setContent attempts
var tinymce.Editor;
tinymce.Editor.prototype.setContent = function(content){};
tinymce.Editor.setContent = function(content){};
tinymce.get(name).setContent = function(content){};
tinymce.get(name).prototype.setContent = function(content){};
var Editor;
Editor.prototype.setContent = function(content){};
Editor.setContent = function(content){};
Which currently is kind of a throw-everything-against-the-wall-and-see-what-sticks attempt. The object get(name) returns should be in the namespace tinymce.Editor.
Is there a proper way of writing an externs to catch these chained function calls? Or is there a way to rewrite the first code snippet so my externs properly preserve the function names? Thanks in advanced.
This line:
var tinymce.Editor;
is not syntactically correct in JS:
SyntaxError: missing ; before statement
Remove it and leave this line:
tinymce.Editor.prototype.setContent = function(content){};
This should work fine.
Also you may always fall back to accessing properties via string literals which will never be renamed:
(require '[goog.object :as gobj])
(gobj/get your-object "i-wont-be-renamed")

RequireJS define Browser Race Condition

We have a client-side plug-in framework that is constructed of modules (AMD) and utilizes require.js. In this framework we expose a public object that consists of configuration properties and common framework functionality. All of the required functionality for the public object is contained in one file (albeit separated into modules); the only file required by the end-user to add to their page.
The issue we are seeing is most prevalent in Safari but also shows itself occasionally in IE and Chrome. 100% of the time in Safari with an empty cache we encounter a race condition. Consider this example client code which is in the body of the client’s page.
<script type=”text/javascript”>
Me.subscribe(‘someEvent’, someHandler);
‘Me’ is always available to the page as its global and outside of any define call. However, ‘Me.subscribe’ is wrapped in ‘define’ and results in ‘undefined’ with the conditions I stated above.
We can’t tell the client to use any third-party frameworks to work around this issue. The code block above must stay exactly as it is.
I’ve been playing with the idea of allowing certain public function binding to be deferred without any additional work required by the client. So far, this is what I’m considering adding to the framework:
Me.deferred = function (fn, name) {
if (fn) return fn;
fn = this;
return function () {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
setTimeout(function () {
fn[name].apply(this, args);
}, 0);
Then, in the framework near the top, I can add items I want deferred like this:
Me.subscribe = Me.deferred(Me.subscribe,'subscribe');
My questions are these: Am I missing something that is already out there? Is there an existing pattern that I am not aware of to handle this exact case? Is this just a bad idea in general?
If possible, make sure the client puts requireJS and all dependencies in the head. 'Me' can include an on-demand call which executes on creation if that is not possible.

"Error calling method on NPObject!" in Uploadify

I'm using Uploadify to upload file in my CMS. Everything works fine until recently. I got an error
Error calling method on NPObject
on this line
document.getElementById(jQuery(this).attr('id') + 'Uploader').startFileUpload(ID, checkComplete);
on this part
uploadifyUpload:function(ID,checkComplete) {
jQuery(this).each(function() {
if (!checkComplete) checkComplete = false;
document.getElementById(jQuery(this).attr('id') + 'Uploader').startFileUpload(ID, checkComplete);
I don't know why and after a day debugging and testing I found that if I remove replace(/\&/g, '\\&') from
String.prototype.escAll = function(){
var s = this;
return s.replace(/\./g, '\\.').replace(/\?/g, '\\?').replace(/\&/g, '\\&');
It then works again. I really don't know why.
Any helps would be appreciated!
I think the reason is in additional Javascript libraries you use.
Some libraries (for example Prototype.js or jQuery.js) change behaviour of your code. For example, you can't overload prototype in some cases. The result may be undefined in clear (obvious) places (like you use an array variable with wrong index). You should view the source code of additional libraries, probably they do with prototype something that breaks your code in the function you mentioned.
In my practice I had the situation when overloading of prototype worked incorrectly (it was String prototype like in your case).
So just don't use prototype.

How to isolate different javascript libraries on the same page?

Suppose we need to embed a widget in third party page. This widget might use jquery for instance so widget carries a jquery library with itself.
Suppose third party page also uses jquery but a different version.
How to prevent clash between them when embedding widgets? jquery.noConflict is not an option because it's required to call this method for the first jquery library which is loaded in the page and this means that third party website should call it. The idea is that third party site should not amend or do anything aside putting tag with a src to the widget in order to use it.
Also this is not the problem with jquery in particular - google closure library (even compiled) might be taken as an example.
What solutions are exist to isolate different javascript libraries aside from obvious iframe?
Maybe loading javascript as string and then eval (by using Function('code to eval'), not the eval('code to eval')) it in anonymous function might do the trick?
Actually, I think jQuery.noConflict is precisely what you want to use. If I understand its implementation correctly, your code should look like this:
(function () {
var my$;
// your copy of the minified jQuery source
my$ = jQuery.noConflict(true);
// your widget code, which should use my$ instead of $
The call to noConflict will restore the global jQuery and $ objects to their former values.
Function(...) makes an eval inside your function, it isn't any better.
Why not use the iframe they provide a default sandboxing for third party content.
And for friendly ones you can share text data, between them and your page, using parent.postMessage for modern browser or the window.name hack for the olders.
I built a library to solve this very problem. I am not sure if it will help you of course, because the code still has to be aware of the problem and use the library in the first place, so it will help only if you are able to change your code to use the library.
The library in question is called Packages JS and can be downloaded and used for free as it is Open Source under a Creative Commons license.
It basically works by packaging code inside functions. From those functions you export those objects you want to expose to other packages. In the consumer packages you import these objects into your local namespace. It doesn't matter if someone else or indeed even you yourself use the same name multiple times because you can resolve the ambiguity.
Here is an example:
(file example/greeting.js)
Package("example.greeting", function() {
// Create a function hello...
function hello() {
return "Hello world!";
// ...then export it for use by other packages
// You need to supply a name for anonymous functions...
Export("goodbye", function() {
return "Goodbye cruel world!";
(file example/ambiguity.js)
Package("example.ambiguity", function() {
// functions hello and goodbye are also in example.greeting, making it ambiguous which
// one is intended when using the unqualified name.
function hello() {
return "Hello ambiguity!";
function goodbye() {
return "Goodbye ambiguity!";
// export for use by other packages
(file example/ambiguitytest.js)
Package("example.ambiguitytest", ["example.ambiguity", "example.greeting"], function(hello, log) {
// Which hello did we get? The one from example.ambiguity or from example.greeting?
// We will get the first one found, so the one from example.ambiguity in this case.
// Use fully qualified names to resolve any ambiguities.
var goodbye1 = Import("example.greeting.goodbye");
var goodbye2 = Import("example.ambiguity.goodbye");
example/ambiguitytest.js uses two libraries that both export a function goodbye, but it can explicitly import the correct ones and assign them to local aliases to disambiguate between them.
To use jQuery in this way would mean 'packaging' jQuery by wrapping it's code in a call to Package and Exporting the objects that it now exposes to the global scope. It means changing the library a bit which may not be what you want but alas there is no way around that that I can see without resorting to iframes.
I am planning on including 'packaged' versions of popular libraries along in the download and jQuery is definitely on the list, but at the moment I only have a packaged version of Sizzle, jQuery's selector engine.
Instead of looking for methods like no conflict, you can very well call full URL of the Google API on jQuery so that it can work in the application.
<script src="myjquery.min.js"></script>
<script>window.myjQuery = window.jQuery.noConflict();</script>
<script src='...'></script> //another widget using an old versioned jquery
//now you can access your own jquery here, without conflict
delete window.myjQuery;
Most important points:
call jQuery.noConflict() method IMMEDIATELY AFTER your own jquery and related plugins tags
store the result jquery to a global variable, with a name that has little chance to conflict or confuse
load your widget using the old versioned jquery;
followed up is your logic codes. using a closure to obtain a private $ for convience. The private $ will not conflict with other jquerys.
You'd better not forget to delete the global temp var.

