How to prevent browserify-shim from requiring all shims? - javascript

I am using browserify and browserify-shim in a project, run through gulp using gulp-browserify.
shim: {
angular: {
path: './node_modules/angular/angular.js',
exports: 'angular'
'angular-animate': {
path: './node_modules/angular-animate/angular-animate.js',
exports: 'ngAnimate',
depends: {
angular: 'angular',
jQuery: 'jQuery'
This setup works fine and, for most parts, as intended. However, Browserify will always include all shimmed libraries in the build, even if none of them is called by require().
The documentation seems to be non-existant on this topic. Is there a way to prevent this? It seems very counter-intuitive to me - the build should only contain what I actually require.
(Update: I installed angular and other libs using napa/npm)

When you shim with Browserify, it's making those libraries (and specifically the objects you tell it to "export") global. The convention is to still use require() for those libraries, however, doing so is just best practice so that if the library were to convert to module.exports down the road, you won't have to replace the global references in your code. Plus, it's nicer to list all of the files you require at the top in good node form. :)
So to answer your question, by shimming those libraries, you've told browserify to include them as global variables so they can be used anywhere, so they'll be included in the build automatically, regardless of whether you require() them.
If you want to include some and not others based on something like gulp.env, you could try building the options object separately and passing it into the browserify function.


Confusion over various webpack shimming approaches

I'm a little confused on the various ways webpack allows to expose a variable that isn't available on npm or to be put in the bundle. I was able to expose the google visualizations chart script's global google var by using
resolve: {
extensions: ['.js', '.json'],
alias: {
'google': path.resolve(__dirname, 'vendor', 'google.js')
combined with
plugins: [
new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
'google': 'google'
however looking at the webpack docs there a couple other ways to shim, which look like they might do something similar. There is imports-loader and exports-loader, and script-loader. I know that I've linked to the docs, but I still find their descriptions of when these four should be used a bit unclear.
Also looking at this example, is this require not assigned to a variable? Where is it meant to go? And where is the documentation on what is going on with this syntax?
Can someone provide me some examples of when each of these should be used?
I never used this myself, but the idea is simple I guess. I think it can be used if for some reason you want to inject a script or a function or something in one of the modules/files you have no control over them.
imports-loader & exports-loader
In one of the apps I worked on we had to use tinymce which in its older versions was dependent on this being always window because it was built to work as a global script. Not as a CommonJS or ES module.
So in order to fix that, we had to use the import-loader so it can inject window to the script. Here how it looked like in webpack.config.js
{ test: require.resolve('tinymce/tinymce'), use: ['imports?this=>window', 'exports?tinymce'] }
Which says inject window in place of this & also we are using exports-loader here so we can export the global tinymce as a default export named tinymce so we can use it as a normal module in our app.
Thankfully all of this is already fixed in the latest releases.
In my experience, this is useful when a library is depending on another library being in a global scope or something. Like jQuery plugins for example, they do use one of these $, window.$, jQuery & window.jQuery
new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
$: 'jquery',
jQuery: 'jquery',
'window.$': 'jquery',
'window.jQuery': 'jquery',
So what this plugin will do is to make sure when webpack sees one of these variations it will provide the jQuery object to it instead.
The difference between this & imports-loader for example that you might not know which variation is used by which script. So you let webpack handle this while the imports-loader is kind of more specific.
I hope this helped you a bit to understand the differences between all of them, also this is the new documentation page which I think better than the one you were checking
imports and exports loaders are very simple to understand. If you use one of them, or both, your module is wrapped into another function with exports and imports.
For example, I'm using paho-mqtt module meant to be used like global <script src=""> on the page:
import Paho from 'imports-loader?this=>window!exports-loader?Paho!paho-mqtt';
//and this is transformed by webpack to something like:
//wow you can use `window here`, `this` in the global context === window.
// original module code here
// that exposes global var `Paho`
module.exports = Paho;

WebPack 2: Replaced require'd module with global

Working on a set of scripts that will run in a browser context where certain modules (e.g. underscore) will be available as global modules. However, I'm depending on modules in node_modules that require / import underscore directly. Is it possible to configure WebPack to depend on the global underscore instance when compiling these files instead of duplicating that library in my compiled scripts?
What you're looking for are Externals:
externals configuration in webpack provides a way of not including a dependency in the bundle. Instead the created bundle relies on that dependency to be present in the consumers environment. This typically applies to library developers though application developers can make good use of this feature too.
This even works for modules in node_modules, as webpack walks the entire dependency tree to figure out what to include in the resulting bundle.
There's even an example that's specifically for your use case, it looks like:
externals : {
lodash : {
commonjs: "lodash",
amd: "lodash",
root: "_" // indicates global variable
This syntax is used to describe all the possible ways that an external library can be available. lodash here is available as lodash under AMD and CommonJS module systems but available as _ in a global variable form.
If you want to rely on a library already being available in the environment when your bundle is loaded, you need to make use of externals.
module.exports = {
externals: {
underscore: "_"
The key of the object (underscore) is what you use to import it, and the value (_) is the global variable it will look for.
require("underscore"); // Will return the _ variable from the global environment!

Dynamic requirejs configuration extending

I'm using requirejs for multipage project. Each page is an App. All of the apps have some common dependencies, i.e. jquery, backbone, underscore etc.
I want to move all this dependencies to the one single file.
That's how the js folder structure looks like:
Homepage application example:
define ->
urlArgs: "bust=#{ new Date().getTime() }"
# yep, tricky paths here
jquery: '../../jquery.min'
underscore: '../../underscore-min'
backbone: '../../backbone.min'
define [
], (
) ->
'jquery.alphanum': '../../jquery.alphanum'
deps: ['jquery']
require [
], (
) ->
$ -> new Application
mainConfigFile: ['../../base-app-require-configuration.js', 'init.js'],
wrapShim: 'true',
baseUrl: './',
name: 'init',
findNestedDependencies: true,
out: 'init.js'
My data-name is init.js
The thing works pretty well for multiple apps with the common dependencies moved to one sigle file -, except one thing: the only way to compress/optimize this using r.js is to set the flag findNestedDependencies to true, because otherwise r.js won't see requirejs.config calls nested into define/require.
My questions are:
Is using findNestedDependencies a good practice?
Is there a prettier way to organize my dependencies without repeating?
If there is such a way - will it be compatible with r.js?
Let me share this solution with you.
I'm also looking for the similar solution with requirejs (how to organize the multipage project without repetitions of a long configuration, with a "shim" feature), and I have found the following one (I would be glad if this snippet can help you):
Inside HTML:
<script src="js/lib/require.js"></script>
//Load common code that includes config, then load the app
//logic for this page. Do the requirejs calls here instead of
//a separate file so after a build there are only 2 HTTP
//requests instead of three.
requirejs(['./js/common'], function (common) {
//js/common sets the baseUrl to be js/ so
//can just ask for 'app/main1' here instead
//of 'js/app/main1'
where "common.js" contains the common configuration of requirejs for your project. This sample is from:
The full code of a sample project is here: The sample "build.js" file also providen, I see there is no necessity in "findNestedDependencies" in this case.
Sure, there is a bit more code inside HTML, but I think this is not significant downside.
Is using findNestedDependencies a good practice?
Not sure. the only thing i know, is that this option can slow down the bundling process quite a lot:
Is r.js dependency tracing significantly slower since v2.1.16? Or is it just me?
Is there a prettier way to organize my dependencies without repeating?
If there is such a way - will it be compatible with r.js?
this is a great article out organising backbone modules using r.js:

RequireJS non-AMD files

I'm attempting to use LeafletJS with requireJS and some LeafletJS plugins. I know that if you are using files that aren't AMD modules, you need to shim them in the config. Does this mean I will have to shim each individual plugin with the LeafletJS dependency? Ex:
paths: {
'leaflet': 'vendor/leaflet/leafletjs',
'leafletplugin1': 'vendor/leaflet/leafletplugin1',
'leafletplugin2': 'vendor/leaflet/leafletplugin2'
shim: {
'leafletplugin1': {
deps: 'leaflet'
'leafletplugin2': {
deps: 'leaflet'
The problem is that I plan to have many libraries with many plugins, and this config will get extremely long since I have to not only shim each individual plugin but also provide a path for each. Is there a simpler way to do this? It would be nice if I could even define a require.config inside of a module for use only with that module, that way I could keep my project better organized and less cluttered.
Also, there is no other way to simply require(['leafletplugin1'], function(){}); without shimming it, correct?
EDIT: Just to clarify, this doesn't have to be a LeafletJS-specific question/answer. This is just the current example I'm working with.
Option 1: depending on your build process and..
Number of plugs
Total size of plugins
would be concat all of the 'leaf' plugins into a single file.
Option 2: Turn all the plugins into proper modules.
This would mean having a ~/leaf directory and a ~/leafModule directory and having the build process "wrap" each plugin into a proper module.
In a similar situation, I did option 2. Was fairly easy and made the rest of my code far easier to work on.

Loading jQuery plugins using RequireJS -- jQuery undefined intermittently even after specifying deps?

I am attempting to load jQuery.jstree through RequireJS. You can see the exact source of the plugin here:
As I understand it, jQuery.jstree has three dependecies: jQuery, jQuery UI, and jQuery.cookie.
I begin with by loading my RequireJS shim config and then call an initial 'require' to kick things off:
// Set the base URL to the Scripts directory of CSWeb
baseUrl: '/csweb/Scripts/',
shim: {
'jquery-ui': ['jquery'],
'jquery.jstree': ['jquery', 'jquery-ui', 'jquery.cookie'],
'jquery.cookie': ['jquery']
Here, I define my base URL relative to the root of my JavaScript files. The file jquery.js is located at the baseUrl. I also define dependencies for both plugins. Note: I have tried playing around with more explicit shim declarations including defining exports. I noticed no difference in effect.
After defining my config, I call:
], function () {
'use strict';
Doing so yields an error intermittently. Clearly an async-loading issue. The error reads:
Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined jquery.jstree.js:978
Line 978 of jquery.jstree is simply where jQuery is passed into the closure to begin initialization of the plugin:
// 978 jquery.jstree.js: })(jQuery);
What am I not understanding here? I don't seem to experience this issue with most of my plugins. Is there something especially crappy about how this jstree plugin was written such that it is giving RequireJS fits? Or am I not understanding a core mechanic of RequireJS shim configuration?
UPDATE 1: It appears that it is something to do with the fact that I load jquery.jstree from a path. If I load another, empty file (jstree/jquery.test) -- I am able to replace the issue. However, if I then move test up a directory such that it is level with the other plugins -- it all loads fine.
The whole path you give to the shim configuration has to match the whole path of the module you require.
You name the shim jquery.jstree but you require it as jstree/jquery.jstree, so RequireJS does not use the shim and thus does not know that the plugin depends on jquery, etc. and so you get intermittent errors.
For things like plugins that I might want to use globally, I prefer to give them a well-known name that I can use throughout my application without worrying about paths. So in your case, I'd fix the problem by adding this to my config:
paths: {
"jquery.jstree": "jstree/jquery.jstree"
and I would then require it jquery.jstree.

