jQuery TableSorter - textExtraction based on external variable - javascript

I have a TableSorted table, and in each TD element are five SPAN elements. Four are always hidden, but upon clicking a div outside the table, certain spans are hidden dependent on which div is clicked.
I have the table sorting fine, but what I need is for the textExtraction to grab a different SPAN, depending on the value of the div which has been selected.
I've tried the following to no avail:
var filter=$("div.career a.sel").text();
if(filter=="a"){var theindex=0;}
if(filter=="b"){var theindex=1;}
if(filter=="c"){var theindex=2;}
if(filter=="d"){var theindex=3;}
if(filter=="e"){var theindex=4;}
return $(node).find("span").eq(theindex).text();
What is the best way to achieve this?

The textExtraction function is only called when tablesorter is initialized or updated. Try triggering an update after the selection has changed.
var indexes = 'abcde'.split(''),
// Is this a select box?
$sel = $("div.career a.sel").on('change', function(){
textExtraction: function(node){
// if this is a select, get val(), not text()
var filter = $sel.val(),
theindex = $.inArray( filter, indexes );
return $(node).find("span").eq(theindex).text();
Update: for a link, try this:
var indexes = 'abcde'.split(''),
$careers = $("div.career a").on('click',function(){
var searcher = $(this).attr("rel");
$("div.career a").removeClass("sel");
$("td.stat span").hide();
$("td.stat span.career_" + searcher).show();
textExtraction: function(node){
// find selected
var filter = $careers.filter('.sel').text(),
theindex = $.inArray( filter, indexes );
return $(node).find("span").eq(theindex).text();
Note: Don't use live() in jQuery version 1.9+, it was removed.


How to select the DropDownList/Select that triggered the change event

I'm new to JQuery and I noticed this line $('#DivID [type=checkbox]') and I was wondering if I can also find the select or option tags using the same method.
Update: I have a div that has more than more tag, I'm trying to get the DropDownList/Select that it's value's just changed.
Update2 I'm using InstaFilta a JQuery plugin that filter the content based on a customized attribute appended to my content tags. Below is a snippet for the function that do the same when working with CheckBoxes, and I'm trying to edit it to work with DropDownLists/Select controls.
var $ex10Checkboxes = $('#ex10 [type=checkbox]');
$ex10Checkboxes.on('change', function() {
var checkedCategories = [];
$ex10Checkboxes.each(function() {
if ($(this).prop('checked')) {
ex10.filterCategory(checkedCategories, true);
You would find the option tags as follows:
$("#DivID option")
Likewise the select tags:
$("#DivID select")
You can then iterate over the returned objects to inspect the individual elements:
var foo = $("#DivID option");
var i;
for (i = 0; i < foo.length; i += 1) {
console.log(foo[i].val()); //or whatever
To find the selected element you could check out this question:
$("#DivID option:selected")
I would suggest checking out the JQuery page on Selectors JQuery Selectors

How the select the multiple Table data as per selected checkbox?

There is one data table with two rows, as per below image
When user click on 2bit it should highlight that TD in that column only. I achieved this using jQuery for one check box selection, but when multiple check box selection like 2 and 4 it should highlight both the TD.
http://jsbin.com/exazoh/edit#preview working example for single value highlight.
Code: http://jsbin.com/exazoh/2/edit
Try the following function:
jQuery(function() {
// on change of an input with a name starting with "bit-select"...
var checked = this.checked,
val = this.value,
column = $(this).closest("th").index() + 1;
// for each td in the current column
jQuery("#tableData tr.data td:nth-child(" +
column + ")").each(function() {
var $td = $(this);
// does the current td match the checkbox?
if ($td.text() == val) {
if (checked)
I had to add the value attributes to the second set of checkboxes.
Working demo: http://jsbin.com/exazoh/4/edit#preview
Or the short version, since I notice you were using .filter() originally:
jQuery(function() {
var method = this.checked ? "addClass" : "removeClass",
val = this.value;
jQuery("#tableData tr.data td:nth-child("+($(this).closest("th").index()+1)+")")
.filter(function(){return $(this).text()==val;})[method]("jquery-colorBG-highLight");
Demo: http://jsbin.com/exazoh/5/edit

confusion in jquery parents selector with hasClass function

var allChecked = $('.inboxCheckbox:checked');
if(allChecked.length > 0){
var messageIds = new Array();
var parentRow = null;
parentRow = $(this).parents('tr');
parentRow = null;
showInsMessage('<b class="redTxt">Please Select At Least One Message</b>');
i have multiple rows with once checkbox in each row... i was trying to add class gradeA to each row if checkbox is checked.... i do not want to call addClass if it already has class gradeA.... when i select multiple rows then it adds class to only one row. does that mean
lets say i have three rows with checkbox in each row and i select each checkbox when i run
)does it select all the rows with checked boxes or only the specfic parent row.... my assuption was it only gives the specific parent row..... if it gives specific row then it should work .. but once i add a class to parent row and move to another row then parentRow.hasClass('gradeA') return true... i am confused now if it checks all the row with checkboxes then is there any way to select specific parent row......
Thanks for reading
Would be nice to see the markup, are there more tables nested?
parentRow = $(this).closest('tr');
should be a better choice.
API says that .parents() method search through all ancestors of the elements.
.parent() travels only a single level up the DOM tree.
If your checkbox is a direct child (not a deep descendant) of 'tr' then you can try
parentRow = $(this).parent('tr');
Your code should work. I suspect that the problem is happening because your function increaseUnreadMessage() is throwing an error, which is causing the rest of the each() loop to be skipped.
But, to answer your specific question: yes, you can select all rows (<td>s) that contain checked checkboxes. Using jquery's :has selector, like this:
var allCheckedRows = $('tr:has(.inboxCheckbox:checked)');
from there, of course, you can just use addClass() to apply your classname to all of them:
of course, you've got other things going on in your each() loop, so you probably can't throw out the each() entirely. As I said above, your code works... but something like this might be cleaner, and easier to understand.
var messageIds = new Array();
var allCheckedRows = $('tr:has(.inboxCheckbox:checked)');
allCheckedRows.find('.inboxCheckbox').each( function() {
var cb = $(this);
messageIds.push( cb.val() );
if( messageIds.length === 0 ) {
showInsMessage('<b class="redTxt">Please Select At Least One Message</b>');
BTW, I think you can do it more jQuerish style :
var messageIds = [];
$('tr.youTrs').toggleClass('gradeA', function () {
var checkbox = $(this).find('.inboxCheckbox');
if (checkbox.is(':checked')){
return true;
showInsMessage('<b class="redTxt">Please Select At Least One Message</b>');
return false;

Having jQuery string comparison issues

I've got a fiddle going here to show what I'm trying to do.
I have a table that is generated dynamically, so the columns could appear in whatever order the user chooses. So, I'm trying to get the index of two specific headers so that I can add a CSS class to those two columns for use later.
You should use .filter() here instead (and whenever you need to restrict the element set), since your .each() return is getting thrown away, like this:
//Loop thru the headers and get the Supp elem
var suppCol = $("#my_table th").filter(function() {
return $(this).html() == "Supp";
//Loop thru the headers and get the Report elem
var reportCol = $("#my_table th").filter(function() {
return $(this).html() == "Report";
You can test the updated/working fiddle here. The alternative using .each() would look like tis:
var suppCol, reportCol;
$("#my_table th").each(function() {
var $this = $(this), html = $this.html();
if(html == "Supp") suppCol = $this;
if(html == "Report") reportCol= $this;
You can test that version here.

Renumbering numerically ordered div ID's when adding one in the middle with Javascript

I'm developing an application with javascript. What I need is to have divs with id's (1,2,3...) and be able to insert a div between, for example, 2 and 3, with jquery, and then have that be the new three, and three becomes four, four becomes five, etc. I've got the div insertion working, I just need to know how to reorder the divs. Any ideas?
After you inserted the new div, you can do this:
var i = 1;
$('div').each(function() {
$(this).attr('id', i++);
Replace $('div') by your own selector.
Remember also that, depending on which version of HTML you use, id's can't start with a number.
You can't start IDs with a numeric value, but regardless of that you'd do something like
// set a data value in the div you have just inserted into the dom and set a variable theID to the current ID you have just inserted.
$(this).data('inserted', true);
var theID = $(this).attr('id'); // this will be 3.
// now to update the other divs.
$('div').each(function() {
if($(this).attr('id') >= theID && !$(this).data('inserted')){
$(this).attr('id', $(this).attr('id') + 1);
// now set the data inserted to false for future updates
$('div#3').data('inserted', false);
$(function() {
$('#click').click(function() {
$('<h2>hello world blah!</h2>').insertAfter('.content h2:eq(1)');
function reorder() {
$('.content h2').each(function(i) {
$(this).attr('id', 'order_'+(i+1));
// alert( parseInt(this.id.split('_')[1]) ); // this is the id #
I'm pretty sure that you get things back in DOM order from jQuery selectors, so couldn't you just find the parent element, select the child <div> elements, and then .each() through the list?

