Jquery Treeview has wrong hitarea icon on persisted tree - javascript

If I use the option "cookie" to persist the treeview state like this:
//apply treeview to container list (in sidebar)
collapsed: true,
animated: "fast",
persist: "cookie",
cookieId: "containerTreeMainMenu"
I have a problem with the hitarea icons (the icons used to toggle each level of the tree).
If I expand one part of the tree, then reload the page (as to let the cookie remember and load the correct expand/collapse for each level), upon the reload ALL hitarea icons are the plus sign, as if treeview assumed nothing was expanded (even though it is, the cookie works fine in leaving the expanded sections as expanded). When you then click a hitarea to collapse, the icon changes into the minus, so the icon will forever be inverted against how it should behave.

Ok, I got it now.
Since this version of jquery treeview is initialized from the actual html element (the UL that you are turning into a collapsible tree) it is for some reason sensitive to the display property.
My UL was inside a DIV that had display:none on page load (I would toggle it with a button to fade in when needed). Turns out this messed up the status of the nodes to the point where they were displayed correctly, but the plugin read them invertedly (causing both +/- icons and the functions expand all/collapse all to behave in an inverted way).
My solution was to use a negative left position for my DIV instead of the display property and it works like a charm =)


Vue draggable with elements that change height upon being dragged

I have a Vue3 app with vue-draggable and I have a list of sortable cards which possibly contain long text inside. To make dragging easier, I want to hide the text contained in the cards and only show their title when one is being dragged. This makes it easier to drop the card into the right position.
In order to achieve this, the elements which I want to hide inside of the cards while one is being dragged are given a CSS class hidden-while-dragging and the whole collection receives a class dragging while an item is being dragged. This is achieved by setting a boolean variable to the correct value upon receiving the events start and end and conditionally setting the class on the whole <draggable> element. Then I have this CSS rule:
.dragging .hidden-while-dragging {
display: none;
This works fine except for one case: if I drag an element and, upon dragging, the height of the parent container changes (due to the disappearing of the content inside of the cards), I am not able to drag the item: it instantly gets dropped in place, and no end event is emitted, so for example the collection keeps the class dragging.
Afterwards, I am able to drop the element once again: the issue doesn't occur this time, because no change in height occurs, and after I drop the element, everything goes back to "normal".
I made this repo in order to have a reproducible example: https://github.com/samul-1/vue-draggable-bug-demo
Here's a codepen as well: https://codepen.io/samul-11/pen/mdjKvZa try and drag the first or last element and you'll see the issue.
You can observe the height of the #app element changing when dragging an element. An interesting thing is that this only happens if dragging the first or third item in my example, not the second. So apparenly the issue is with elements at the edge of the parent.
Is this a bug with the library or is there a way around it?

Javascript to change the position attribute to static of every style where position attribute is fixed

During some web scraping with Selenium WebDriver with Chrome, I encountered a page that has fixed regions (they do not scroll but stay fixed relative to the window). Oftentimes when I request that the web browser scroll to a particular control using Actions.MoveToElement() , the element winds up being obscured by one of the fixed regions. When Selenium clicks on an obscured element, the fixed region steals the click and my control does not get clicked.
The fixed regions have a class=SomeFixedPositionStyle. To get around this, I'd like to have Selenium inject Javascript code to go through each style on the page and modify it to set position:static if it's position:fixed. How can I do this?
I chose to not modify the class attribute of the fixed elements because the act of scrolling the page resets the class attribute to the original value that has the fixed style.
For example, take a look at http://www.ishares.com/us/products/239572/ishares-jp-morgan-usd-emerging-markets-bond-etf . As you scroll up and down, do you see the bands on the top and the bottom are fixed?
When I try to scroll to element //*[#id="holdingsTabs"]/ul/li[3] (this is the "All" link in the "Holdings" section, it winds up underneath the lower fixed region and cannot be clicked on.
You can inject a style rule into the page
var sheet = document.styleSheets[0];
sheet.insertRule("SomeFixedPositionStyle { position: static!important; }", 1);
What usually helps in situations like this is scrolling into view of an element:
driver.executeScript("arguments[0].scrollIntoView();", element);
You may also get rid of the "stickiness" by dynamically changing the "position" of the wrapper:
var wrapper = driver.findElement(webdriver.By.css('.sticky-wrapper'));
driver.executeScript("arguments[0].style.position = null;", wrapper);

Isotope masonry, not working correctly

I'm using Isotope (http://isotope.metafizzy.co). Testing the reLayout method by using the example provided here (http://isotope.metafizzy.co/demos/relayout.html), copied the css, js to (http://punkbit.com/webzine/isotope.html) but when I click in the first element all other elements go to the first column. I wonder why this happens ?
If we do the same in the official example, it works properly, apparently!
I'd like to toggle a class in the first element and by doing that, having the other elements take the vertical space and positioned properly. I tried to change the width of the container, etc but no success!
I've also got the same issue happening with Masonry:
If clicking in the first element, it won't work. All elements will be placed in the first column.
Also tried different layout modes etc without success
I've found the answer:
The property "columnWidth" needs to be set.
For Masonry:

How do I get ul-tree items to stay still while sortable()-dragging?

I'm building a jQuery based tree menu using jQuery sortable(). Here is my current code: http://jsfiddle.net/8KDur/.
As you see, the sortable function works fine.
But, the ui-behavior while dragging a tree li-item over the other tree items doesn't work the way I wish too. I want the li-items to stay still and the border between them highlight while dragging. Indicating between which items it will be placed.
So, how do I get the items to stay still while dragging?
I'd rather not use plugins for this.
You can use the placeholder option to specify a CSS class to use as the border between the items. Then, set helper to 'clone' which will create a duplicate of the list item you are dragging. By default, jQuery UI will hide the helper using an in-line display: none, so it may be necessary to override that if you want the list item to remain visible and static.

Javascript drop down menu widget

I have a menu consisting of an <ul> in a Web CMS.
I want several menu items to have sub-items that are displayed in a dropdown list. These sub-items are <ul>s as well.
This is basically easy to do with a few lines of CSS and Javascript, but I am looking for a ready-made Javascript solution that helps me handle the following:
Deal with screen edge situations: If any part the dropdown menu would be outside the current viewport, place it so that it is completely within the viewport.
This is a bitch to code from scratch.
"Nice to have"s would be:
Centered positioning below the drop-down button
Adding a onclick event to the body so that clicking outside the drop down menu will close it; clean removal of the onclick event afterwards
But those I can do myself if necessary.
A nice, small, unobtrusive widget that magically converts my <ul> would be lovely.
If the solution is based on a framework, it has to be Prototype as that's what I'm using in the CMS.
You can get the offsets of the UL, and check whether those are in a certain distance of the viewport.
// Pseudo code
var ul = document.getElementById("menu");
if(ul.offset.x + ul.width > viewport.width) {
ul.offset.x = viewport.width - ul.width;
It's also possible to get the exact position of the dropdown button clicked, and then you should apply basic math in order to position the menu beneath it.

