Binding external URL in angularjs template - javascript

I have a angularjs app with a controller and a partial wired up..
In my controller I have a array of links..
$scope.links = ['',''];
In my partial, I have the following code..
<div ng-repeat="link in links">
This does not seem to work.. I am running this via a NodeJS app locally..and so my URLs always end up as
Can anyone please help me figure out how I can add a hyperlink from my controller directly into my partial template and make Angular not append the page URL..

You have to explicitly trust extern URL:s. Look at the documentation for $sce.
In you controller, make sure you have a dependency to $sce, then in create a method that trust the external url.
$scope.trustUrl = function(url) {
return $sce.trustAsResourceUrl(url);
In your view you can reference this method and pass in the url with
<a ng-href="{{ trustUrl(item) }}">Click me!</a>

instead of


How can I read URL parameters in AngularJS?

I'm trying to make a blog using AngularJS. The home page queries a third party service of mine that returns an array of all my articles/posts. I am displaying shortened versions of these posts on the home page, and want to have "read more" under each post that passes that post's ID through a URL parameter to another HTML page:
<div ng-controller="blogCtrl" id="blog">
<div class="post" ng-repeat="post in posts">
<div class="header">
<h1>{{ post.fields.title }}</h1>
<p class="date">{{ post.sys.createdAt | date}}</p>
<p>{{ post.fields.body | cut:true:1600:' ...'}}</p>
read more
What do I need to do in post.html so that I can read the value of id in the URL parameter? Do I need to create a new angularJS app in post.html?
I've changed the read more link to <a href="post/{{}}"> and i am trying to set up the following route:
templateUrl: '/post.html',
controller: 'postCtrl'
However, clicking the "read more" link doesn't load up post.html, but instead a page that says File not found: /post/2B1K9K2DHqsYaGYcms2YeW. The route doesn't seem to be getting properly set up, since post.html isn't getting loaded.
This isn't all that hard to do, but you need to have routing set up on your app. You can create this functionality in your existing app, or separate it into a new one, it's up to you. Here are the relevant things you'll need to include in your code:
In your app include ngRoute as a dependency:
var myApp = angular.module('myApp', ['ngRoute']);
Also include routing config for your app:
.when('/someroute', {
templateUrl: 'someFolder/withSomeFile.html'
.when('/someroutewithparamters/:aftercolonisparameter', {
templateUrl: 'someFolder/post.html'
You can include a default route as well, but it's not necessary if you'd rather not. Be sure to include angular-route.js in your index.html for this to work.
Now in your controller you can simply do something like:
myApp.controller('postCtrl', function($routeParams, $scope, postFactory){
$ = postFactory.functionToLoadPost($routeParams.aftercolonisparameter);
Obviously this will be different for your implementation based on how everything is set up, and you'll probably want to pick better names for your elements than I did, but those are the things you'll need in place to make this work. It's actually pretty straightforward.

Angularjs convert string to html in view

I am currently trying to add links in my view. I do have links which basically contains html tags as strings.
I tried:
<p data-ng-repeat='i in links' >{$ $}</p>
which basically just deploy in my view : mylink
So I did try:
<p data-ng-repeat='i in links' ><span data-ng-bind-html=""></span></p>
It doesn't work though, any idea how could I achieve this ?
Add the $sce as a dependancy of the module
angular.module('myApp', ['$sce']);
When getting the links
angular.forEach($scope.links, function(value){ = $sce.trustAsHtml(;
Using Safe Contextual Escaping ($sce) and using trustAs delegate you're telling Angular that this value is safe to use within that context. In this example. $sce.trustAsHtml returns an object that angular can trust is safe to as HTML.
In the first case, you'll actually want to use:
<p data-ng-repeat='i in links' >{{ }}</p>
Double braces, not brace-dollar. In the second case, ng-bind-html will require that you have added "ngSanitize" to your module's dependency list.
angular.module('yourAppNameHere', ['ngSanitize'])
If you really do want clickable links on the page, then do pretty much what #sreeramu suggested (Though I'd see if you can't find a way to add a nice description):
<p data-ng-repeat='i in links' ><a ng-href="{{}}">{{i.desc}}</a></p>
(Notice that he suggested using ng-href, instead of href. He's right.)
Insert ngSanitize as a dependency to you app:
angular.module('myApp', ['ngSanitize'])
But before be ensure that you are including the script angular-sanitize.js.
Good luck!
It might be that your links have already got the a tags with it so in this case you do not need to re-add the a tags...
In this case do this...
Add this to you scripts (include acc. to your angular version)
<script type="text/javascript"
Add this to your app.js
var app = angular.module('modulename', [ 'ngSanitize']);
And than in your view do this
If it is the div that you want the link to attach to...
<div ng-bind-html=""></div>
The above would give you something as this
<div><a href='your link'></a></div>

(angularJS) make ng-click open a link on an ng-repeat

New to Angular, so sorry if this has been covered somewhere but it's hard for me to explain exactly what I want in succinct terms.
Currently I have an ng-repeat pulling data from a JSON object and making a list.
<li ng-click="openLink()" ng-repeat="location in locations">
Each object has a key called "link" and that key has a property that is a url. I want the function openLink() to open the link associated with each object. I'm not sure how to go about this in the controller.
I know i can do
<li ng-click="openLink()" ng-repeat="location in locations">
<a ng-href="{{}}">{{}}</a>
but i'd like to be able to do it with ng-click instead to keep the index.html cleaner. So what do I put in here to accomplish the same thing?
$scope.openLink = function() {
If the url that you want to redirect to is a route in your angular app, you need to inject the $location service into the controller, then in your function, set the path property on $location.
<li ng-click="openLink(location)" ng-repeat="location in locations">
$scope.openLink = function(location){
If the location link is a complete url, you should inject the $window service into your controller, and change the openLink function to set $window.location.href.
$scope.openLink = function(location){
$window.location.href =;

AngularJS - Run directives explicitly

I'm new to AngularJS and I'm struggling with the following issue.
I need to implement a 3 step workflow as follows:
Make a call to a web service that returns a list of strings. For example, ["apple", "banana", "orange"], etc. I intercept the response and add the angle brackets around each of these strings before I send it to the Views.
For each of the string returned by the service, I have to render
<apple />
<banana />
<orange />
Finally, get the actual AngularJS directive corresponding to each of those strings to "execute" (not sure what the right word is) and replace the elements above with the content from the templateUrl property as mentioned in each of their respective directives.
Right now, I'm doing Step 1 and Step 2 above using AngularJS. But I understand that they can be done using plain JavaScript using AJAX calls.
My problem is that the directives don't get "run" or "executed" and I have these tags displayed as plain text on the page -
<apple />
<banana />
<orange />
How do I tell Angular to replace the custom tags with the actual content from their templates?
Thanks for your help.
UPDATE: Here's what the code looks like:
<div class="content" ng-controller="mainController">
<ul class="feeds">
<li ng-repeat="fruit in fruits">
<div ng-controller="fruitSpecificController"> {{fruit}} </div> <!-- This renders <apple />, <banana />, etc. -->
Also note that each fruit can have its own controller. In the code above, I say "fruitSpecificController", but ideally that would also be generated at runtime. For example, "appleController", "orangeController", etc. and yes, they'll be child controllers of the parent "mainController".
You can use the compile method, but there is a built in directive that will do this for you - if you are willing to load in via a URL.
Using ng-include="'/path/to/template.html'" - the evaluated expression URL will be requested and added to the DOM as a child (compiled for you).
You can also cache the templates using $templateCache (if you want to request multiple templates at the same time or cache it for multiple includes).
That would look something like this:
$templateCache.put(/path/to/template.html, 'apple html string');
custom directive (with $compile)
Otherwise, if you want to load in and compile a string - use a directive inside of a ng-repeat.
.directive('unsafeHtmlCompile', function($compile){
return {
link: function(scope, element, attrs){
scope.$watch(attrs.unsafeHtmlCompile, function(val){
if(val !== undefined){
var el = angular.element(val);
Remember to remove the watcher, if your data won't change :-)
You probably just need to use the $compile service. The docs aren't super helpful but the gist is that you call $compile, passing in the DOM element (in your case the parent of your directives). That returns a function that you then execute, passing in the scope that you want to use ($rootscope is probably safe).

Go to the specific url on clicking of a div in angularjs

I am developing an angular mobile APP, where i wanted to go tho the specific url for eg: on clicking of a particular div. but i am not able to do that as i am new to this angular world.
<div ng-click="goToGoogle('');" class="" id="">
<p class=""><span class="">Go to Google Full Web Site</span></p>
In controller Function
$scope.goToGoogle = function (url) {
$scope.$apply( $location.path(url) );
Please help me to do that.Thanks in advance for any help.
In your controller, have you passed in the $location service along with the scope?
Try passing the $window service.
$window.location.href = url;
You don't even have to use $scope.apply for it.

