Moving a value into an html form field - javascript

I am very new to JavaScript and would like to know how to go about the following.
I have a form that I am using for entry to a fishing contest.
It contains fields for up to six anglers but they only fill out two.
What I am attempting to do is where a contest is declared via the form I add a value (the entry fee) to a hidden field on the form.
if form.anglername1 <> "" then form.angler1fee = "75"
Have tried various methods I have seen on the web without success.
Having said that I really don't know what I am doing.
Have been a Clarion coder for too many years to talk about and am finding JavaScript just a little tough.
If anyone can help a little I would be very happy.

Without seeing more code, I'm not sure exactly how to do what you want, but the snippet you gave isn't JavaScript. Here is the proper JS syntax for what you have written.
if(form.anglename1 != ""){
form.anglerfee = "75";

why to add an hidden field? try this with your input field:
<input name="anglername1" onblur="this.value=this.value==''?'75':this.value;"
onfocus="this.value = this.value == this.defaultValue? '' : this.value;" />


How do I keep a previous value in a textbox when using a checkbox to add information to the textbox?

Okay, so I created this form that I use for work and it works pretty well considering my skill level is most definitely not professional. I learned HTML and JavaScript for a couple years in high school and have been self-taught on a lot of things since. Here's what I'm trying to do:
I have my form set up so that if I select an item from a drop-down menu and click a checkbox, the canned response I created is generated in the textbox. However, if I wrote anything in the textbox in advance, it gets wiped out. Now, the way I learned how to do this was based off of self-taught stuff I found online, so this is an example of what I have for the function that gets my canned responses:
function FillDetails29(f) {
if(f.checkbox29.checked == true) {
f.TEXT.value = ('' + f.trans.value + '')
} else {
f.TEXT.value = "";
I know that having
} else {
f.TEXT.value = "";
is going to wipe out anything that was there before or after if I uncheck the checkbox.
My question is what should I be doing to maintain my previous value when I uncheck the box? Example being:
Previous value to using the checkbox: Andrea looked good in that sweater.
Using the checkbox: Andrea looked good in that sweater. I wonder if there are any more at the store?
Unchecking the checkbox: Andrea looked good in that sweater.
I've done a lot of searching to see if there's something out there that can solve my problem but I'm afraid I'm not phrasing it right when I google it. Can anyone help me or point me in the right direction for this? I know that you guys don't want to just solve it for me and that I should be able to present some kind of example of what I've done to fix the problem but I've tried so many things that haven't worked that it would take too long to list them all without causing some kind of confusion. Even if you just have a website that you know of with an example of this that you can provide me, I'd be very grateful. Thank you!
Edit 1: To clarify, my original setup actually contains 3 forms. One form is for data entry where I input caller information and the checkbox for that spits out the entered data into a singular line of details for when I copy and paste into another program.
The second form is where I have quite a few checkboxes that I use because each section of the form requires separate canned responses. I work for a health insurance company on the phones with doctors offices (and soon I'll be talking to members as well) and I created the form to shorten the amount of time it takes for me to document information. So I have checkboxes that generate data for specific benefits, eligibility, authorizations, transferring the call, etc.
I have a lot of checkboxes to contend with. About 32, by my count. More, if I need to add them. Most of these checkboxes are connected with drop-down menus with the necessary canned response for it. Some of them are connected to their own textbox where I need to enter some kind of pre-determined data, such as a date of birth or a doctor's name. Those are not the focus, though. Once I enter data or select an option from the drop-down and click the corresponding checkbox, the data from that selected option appears in a main text area so that I can copy and paste the response to the work program.
The third form is one that's generated for claims information and has 10 checkboxes on it.
So, if you require more examples of what I'm referring to, I can provide them but it will take a few minutes for me to scrub the work related data that out of the canned responses I created.
Edit 2: The response I got from Epascarello was extremely helpful and I've been trying to experiment with different ways to keep the previous value at the start of the new text being inserted from the checkbox with no luck in getting what I'm looking for, though something unexpected has happened when I start with an empty box and select an option after I altered the code he suggested to this:
function FillDetails29(f) {
const elem = f.TEXT;
if (!elem.dataset.prevValue) elem.dataset.prevValue = elem.value;
const updatedValue = f.checkbox29.checked ? f.trans.value : (elem.dataset.prevValue || '') + (f.trans.value);
elem.value = updatedValue;
What started to happen is that if the box was blank previously and I selected an option, the option would generate. Then, if I unchecked the box, the option would remain. If I selected a new option, the new option generates. If I then unchecked the box, the first option and the second option would be there.
First option selected: Andrea looked great in that sweater.
Second option selected: I wonder if it's on sale now?
When unchecked, first option remains until second option is checked. When second option is unchecked, this is what results (from the same drop-down and checkbox): Andrea looked great in that sweater. I wonder if it's on sale now?
Now, I added the same kind of element to another checkbox item in the same area resulting in the code looking like this for that section:
function FillDetails28(f) {
const elem = f.TEXT;
if (!elem.dataset.prevValue) elem.dataset.prevValue = elem.value;
const updatedValue = f.checkbox28.checked ? : (elem.dataset.prevValue || '') + (;
elem.value = updatedValue;
function FillDetails29(f) {
const elem = f.TEXT;
if (!elem.dataset.prevValue) elem.dataset.prevValue = elem.value;
const updatedValue = f.checkbox29.checked ? f.trans.value : (elem.dataset.prevValue || '') + (f.trans.value);
elem.value = updatedValue;
And if I do something similar there, checking box 28 and then checking box 29, only whatever was most recently checked will materialize there. However, once everything is unchecked, each selected option will appear in the text box.
Checkbox 28 selected: Steven doesn't look good today.
Text area shows: Steven doesn't look good today.
Checkbox 29 selected: Andrea looks good in that sweater.
Text area shows: Andrea looks good in that sweater.
Checkbox 28 unselected with 29 still selected, text area shows: Steven doesn't look good today. Steven doesn't look good today.
Checkbox 28 and 29 now unselected, text area shows: Steven doesn't look good today. Andrea looks good in that sweater.
How should I be fashioning this so that those two options materialize one after another when the boxes are checked rather than when they're unchecked?
You can store the value into a data variable and reference it.
function FillDetails29(f) {
const elem = f.TEXT;
if (!elem.dataset.prevValue) elem.dataset.prevValue = elem.value;
const updatedValue = f.checkbox29.checked ? f.trans.value : (elem.dataset.prevValue || '');
elem.value = updatedValue;

How do I autofill a widget with form inputs using Javascript?

I'm working on a donation form that has a widget embedded in it. The widget opts users into our Mobile Giving giving program which uses separate software than our donation forms. I've been asked to see if we can make the widget invisible but transfer the form data to it and submit it when the user submits the donation form. I've already run into a problem with getting the form data to transfer to the widget though.
The form should get the donors first name, last name and phone number from the form and then autofill the widget when a checkbox is clicked stating that the user would like to receive mobile updates.
Below is what I've tried but it doesn't seem to be working. The code for the form is relatively long so I just included the relevant fields but here is link to the full form:
I'm very new to Javascript so I'm not entirely sure if this is possible. Just an fyi, I also included console statements so I could see if the values were working.
<input type="text" name="billing_first_namename" id="billing_first_namename"
<input type="text" name="billing_last_namename" id="billing_last_namename"
<input type="text" name="donor_phonename" id="donor_phonename"
<input type="checkbox" name="mcoptin" onclick="FillMobileCause(this.form)" value="this.form"> Opt in to receive mobile updates.
Mobile messaging powered by Mobilecause<script>!function(d,s){var s=d.createElement("script"),h=(document.head||d.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]);s.src="";h.appendChild(s);}(document);</script>
function FillMobileCause(f){
if(f.mcoptin.checked == true){
f.firstname.value = f.billing_first_namename.value;
}else {
f.firstname.value = '';
f.lastname.value = f.billing_last_namename.value;
f.lastname.value = '';
f.mobilenumber.value = f.donor_phonename.value;
f.mobilenumber.value = '';
Please let me know if I'm leaving off important details. This is also my first StackOverflow post. ;)
I appreciate your help!
Your main issue is that you were referring to inputs in the mobilecause form as if they were in the same form, but they are in another (nested in your f main form).
function FillMobileCause(f){
var mcF = f.getElementsByClassName('mc-triggersubscription')[0];
if(f.mcoptin.checked == true){
mcF.firstname.value = f.billing_first_namename.value;
mcF.lastname.value = f.billing_last_namename.value;
mcF.mobilenumber.value = f.donor_phonename.value;
f is still the main form (the one that is the parent of the checkbox).
But now we have another one, mcF (mobilecauseForm), which is selected using the getElementsByClassName (this will search for a child with the mc-triggersubscription class). The [0] part is so the first match is selected (getElementsByClassName returns an array.
After that, all we need to do is assign the f inputs' values to the mcF ones.
Note: I left behind the "if empty" validation for simplifying. Anyway I don't think it's really needed, if a value is empty, there is no major issue in just copying it to the mobilecause value.

New Text field when Button is clicked

I have a problem that hopefully someone can help me with. I have a webpage I've been building with html and php that has text fields that you fill out and submit to create an evaluation. What I would like to do is be able to click the Add Another Criteria button to add another criteria name and description field to the page and the Add criteria and create buttons would then go below the newest set of text fields created.
All this information is going to be stored in a database using PHP controller files so I am not sure if using Javascript would be the best way to achieve my goal. I apologize for my lack of php knowledge I am very new to this any help would be much appreciated Thank you!
This would be easier if you're using jQuery, but without, it's still possible.
var newCriteria = document.createElement("input");
newCriteria.setAttribute('placeholder', 'Criteria Name'); = 'criteria[]';
var newDesc = document.createElement("textarea");
newDesc.setAttribute('placeholder', 'Description'); = 'description[]';
On the PHP side, using the brackets will make the value come through as an array:
for ($x = 0; $x < $_POST['criteria']; $x++) {
// do something with each $_POST['criteria'][$x] and $_POST['description'][$x]
Use jQuery to add an onClick Listener and add the fields:
$("#button").on("click", function() {
$("#containertoappend").append('<input type="text" id="anothercriteria" placeholder="Another criteria">');
$("#containertoappend").append('<textarea id="anotherdescription" placeholder="Another Description"></textarea>');

Process invalid input from form with jQuery

I have a form with an input such as
<td class="units_depth_form">
<input id="id_form-0-rain" name="form-0-rain" step="0.01" type="number" />
and I want to allow a user to enter units. For instance the form could expect values in inches, but I would allow a user to enter '20 cm', and when leaving the text box it would contain '7.87'.
To do this I have in the JavaScript part of the page the following jQuery code:
$(".units_temp_form input").focusout(function() {
// Convert and replace if valid double ending with 'cm'
and I added 'novalidate' at the end of the form tag. The problem is that $(this).val() is empty when the input is invalid. Is there another way to get to the user entered value?
Before anyone suggests the solution, removing the type='number' part would solve the problem but I'd prefer not to do this. This form is created in Django through a ModelForm, and it would involve a lot of hacking that would defeat the purpose of using Django in the first place.
That seems to be the way browsers behave when they find invalid data inside a type="number" input.
Perhaps your best option is to use <input type="text"/> and implement the up and down arrows yourself. There are several options around, I found one that looks nice and another that keeps going on mouse down.
If the form inputs must be created with type="number" because of Django, you can change that on the client as soon as the page loads:
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".units_temp_form input").each(function(){
if ($(this).attr('type') == "number") {
$(this).attr('type', 'text');

cakephp - Javascript

We are working on an application using the CakePHP framework
Basically, its a questionnaire application and it has a few dependant questions, i.e. based on a response to a specific question, it needs to show or hide the next one
For e.g.
Question: Are you married? Yes/No
If the user selects Yes, then using javascript the next question gets displayed for user input
Question: Spouse's name
Saving this information is fine, but when editing, when populating the form, we would want to be able to display the fields for which user has inputted data - in this case, it needs to show the field that has the spouse's name
Since by default we are hiding the spouse name field, when editing, it doesn’t display the field, even though there is a value to it
Is there some way that CakePHP can handle this or does it require us to write some javascript to take care of this?
Thanks in advance.
CakePHP does not manage this for you. While CakePHP is very powerful and a great framework, it will not write this kind of logic for you. You must write it.
I would suggest making the EDIT screen different from the ADD screen. Build the list of values from the database and display the fields that have values (and include any empty fields that should require values).
Keep in mind reusable does not necessarily mean that all CRUD actions fit into the same view.
Like others I advise you use differents EDIT and ADD screens.
But you can try make it with Javascript like this:
function enableDisableField(targetFieldId){
var targetField = document.getElementById(targetFieldId);
var checkbox =;
if (checkbox.checked){
targetField.disabled = false;
targetField.value = "empyt";
targetField.disabled = true;
targetField.value = "empyt";
<label><input type="checkbox" onchange="enableDisableField('married')"/> Merried</label>
<?= $this->Form->input('married',['label' => false, 'disabled']); ?>
It works well for ADD, but if you and EDIT you have to change de disable value according a field value:
<label><input type="checkbox" onchange="enableDisableField('married')"/> Merried</label>
<?= $this->Form->input('married',['label' => false, !isset($user->married) ? 'disabled' : '' ]); ?>

