KoGrid save visible columns - javascript

I have a KoGrid and want to be able to save visible columns when a user revisits the page. I would save data in json to a cookie or on the database, but how can I get notified when a column's visible attribute is changed, and load visibility on initialization?

Its easy achieved with some creative overrides of the kg.grid constructor
var savedState = { age: false, name: true };
var org = kg.Grid;
kg.Grid = function (options) {
var grid = new org(options);
ko.utils.arrayForEach(grid.columns(), function(col) {
//load state from cookie
grid.visibleColumns.subscribe(function() {
console.log("Here you get notified when visible columns change save to cookie");
return grid;
Here is a example that uses actual cookies, but I wouldnt rely on the cookie code, its quick and dirty


Retain the selection in previous page when moved to next in ExtJS Combo box

I have the ExtJs form combo which shows the values in the dropdown as checkbox and the value to select. I have used the pagination to list all the values with no of pages. I need the selected value to be retained in the current page even when we move to next or previous page and comes back to the same page(without selecting any thing in prev, next pages).
Ext.create('Ext.form.ComboBox', {
id: 'ageComboPickerReport',
name: 'ageComboPickerReport',
maxHeight: 150,
margin: '0 5 0 0',
width: 150,
emptyText: "Select tags",
listConfig: {
getInnerTpl: function (displayField) {
return '<div class="x-combo-list-item"><img src="" class="chkCombo-default-icon
chkCombo" /> {' + displayField + '}</div>';
autoEl: { 'q-name': 'rpt-age-criteria-list'
}, labelAlign: 'top',
pageSize: 25,
displayField: 'age', valueField: 'id', forceSelection: true, store: me.ageStore,
//Disable Typing and Open Combo
onFocus: function () {
if (!this.isExpanded) {
} this.getPicker().focus();
Could any one tell me how to retain the selected value in the page when move to other page and comes back
I faced a very similar issue, in my case I had a grid with checkbox selection model, and I wanted to retain the selected rows during moving between pages. I am quite sure (although not 100%) that there is no built-in functionality for that in ExtJS. I can tell what I did, hope it helps, although you have to adopt it because it is not for ComboBox, but for Grid.
Since this is a paged store, not all of the records are loaded, only the ones that are currently on the displayed page. (I assume your store is remote because I see you call load on it.) So to achieve what you like, you need to:
keep track of the selected record ids to be able the reset selection on page,
keep track the items (records) themselves as well, since you will likely need them,
after a page is loaded and displayed, set the selection accordingly.
(This solution can have issues, so you need to be careful. Depending on the use case, it is possible for example that the user selects something, goes to another page and come back, but the previously selected row is no more available (it was deleted by someone else). You have to consider whether it affects you.)
The complete code is complicated and not general enough to share it, but I can outline the steps I did:
Set up two data entries in viewmodel to track the selected record ids and items (records):
data: {
multiSelection: {
ids: {},
items: [],
Add listeners to the grid's select and deselect events in the view:
listeners: {
select: 'onGridSelect',
deselect: 'onGridDeselect',
Create onGridSelect and onGridDeselect functions in the controller, and also add a isDataChanged variable to the controller to indicate whether the store was changed (it is changed on each paging). It is important because I will programatically change the selection, and I don't want my listeners to be executed in this case, only when the user interacts. Like this:
isDataChanged: false,
onGridSelect: function(selModel, record, index, eOpts) {
if (isDataChanged) {
const viewModel = this.getViewModel(),
multiSelection = viewModel.get('multiSelection');
multiSelection.ids[record.getId()] = true;
Ext.Array.push(multiSelection.items, record);
onGridDeselect: function(selModel, record, index, eOpts) {
if (isDataChanged) {
const viewModel = this.getViewModel(),
multiSelection = viewModel.get('multiSelection');
delete multiSelection.ids[record.getId()];
Ext.Array.remove(multiSelection.items, record);
Finally, add a listeners to the store to detect changes, this will be called every time the user moves between pages. This is a little tricky, because I need to access the grid from the store listeners which is not very ExtJS like, but I had to (store needs to be the grid's store:
store.on('datachanged', function(store, eOpts) {
// this part you have to figure out, my solution is way too specific
// for share
const grid = ...;
// this was important for me, if the store is really changed,
// deleted, added rows etc., I deleted the selection, but
// you can consider it
if (store.getUpdatedRecords().length > 0 ||
store.getRemovedRecords().length > 0 ||
store.getNewRecords().length > 0) {
// access the `viewmodel` and reset `multiSelection` data entries to
// default, I `return` here to skip the rest
// disable listener
grid.getController().isDataChanged = true;
const selModel = grid.getSelectionModel(),
multiSelection = grid.getViewModel().get('multiSelection');
// deselect everything
// get an array of the saved selection and find out, which
// record from the current page is in the saved multiSelection
const selected = [];
Ext.Array.each(grid.getStore().getRange(), function(record) {
if (multiSelection.ids[record.getId()]) {
Ext.Array.push(selected, record);
// apply selection to current page
// enable listener
grid.getController().isDataChanged = false;

Cannot update Editable grid in Azure portal extension

I'm developing an Azure portal extension that includes an editable grid blade.
The grid's blade is opened from a selector and therefore contains a parameter provider.
The grid is initialized with the edit scope of the parameter provider, which is an observable array, and enabled for row editing and inserting new rows.
When I try to update the grid, changes to existing rows are not shown and creating new line yields an empty line, like below:
I don't see any errors in the console while debugging.
Here's how I initialized the grid:
private _initialize(container: MsPortalFx.ViewModels.PartContainerContract): void {
var extensions: number = MsPortalFx.ViewModels.Controls.Lists.Grid.Extensions.EditableRow | MsPortalFx.ViewModels.Controls.Lists.Grid.Extensions.ContextMenuShortcut,
extensionsOptions: MsPortalFx.ViewModels.Controls.Lists.Grid.ExtensionsOptions<DataModels.IItem, DataModels.ISelectionItem>,
viewModel: MsPortalFx.ViewModels.Controls.Lists.Grid.ViewModel<DataModels.IItem, DataModels.ISelectionItem>;
// Set up the editable extension options.
extensionsOptions = this._createExtensionsOptions();
// Create the grid view model.
viewModel = new MsPortalFx.ViewModels.Controls.Lists.Grid.ViewModel<DataModels.IItem, DataModels.ISelectionItem>(
viewModel.showHeader = true;
viewModel.rowAdd = () => {
// code that extension authors need to execute when a row is added should go here.
this.editableGrid = viewModel;
private _createExtensionsOptions(): MsPortalFx.ViewModels.Controls.Lists.Grid.ExtensionsOptions<DataModels.IItem, DataModels.ISelectionItem> {
return <MsPortalFx.ViewModels.Controls.Lists.Grid.ExtensionsOptions<DataModels.IItem, DataModels.ISelectionItem>>{
editableRow: {
// Supplies editable items to the grid.
editScope: this.parameterProvider.editScope,
// put the new row at the top.
placement: MsPortalFx.ViewModels.Controls.Lists.Grid.EditableRowPlacement.Bottom,
// Create no more than 5 new rows.
maxBufferedRows: 5,
// Allow the modification of existing items.
allowEditExistingItems: true,
// Allow the creation of new items.
allowEditCreatedItems: true,
// Track the valid status
valid: ko.observable<boolean>()
I've reviewed several sample blades of editable grid but couldn't identify what am I doing wrong.
The problem was that I didn't set the editScopeMetadataType property of the parameter provider, which required for determining the edit scope's entity type:
this.parameterProvider = new MsPortalFx.ViewModels.ParameterProvider<DataModels.IItem[], KnockoutObservableArray<DataModels.SchemaItem>>(container, {
// This was missing.
editScopeMetadataType: wrapperTypeMetadataName,
mapIncomingDataForEditScope: (incoming) => {
return ko.observableArray(incoming);
mapOutgoingDataForCollector: (outgoing) => {
return outgoing();

Ext JS 4.2.1 - grid with paging - checkbox state lost

I have an ExtJS grid that has a PagingToolbar for (remote) paging, and a checkbox column defined as:
dataIndex : 'selected',
xtype: 'checkcolumn',
width : 60
However, if I check a box and then page forwards and backwards, the checkbox state is not saved - all the checkboxes are unchecked.
I guess since the store only contains data for the current page (from the server), I need some way of storing the state for rows that are not in the current page of data, and then reinstating the checkboxes when I return to that page.
Is there a best practice, or example of storing the checkbox state in the store while paging?
Well, that's so low-level work that no one has yet thought to make a "best practice" for it. E.g.
beforeload:function(store) {
if(!store.checkedItems) store.checkedItems = [];
store.each(function(item) {
store.checkedItems[item.get("Id")] = item.get("selected");
load:function(store) {
if(!store.checkedItems) store.checkedItems = [];
store.each(function(item) {
beforeload:function(store) {
if(!store.checkedItems) store.checkedItems = [];
store.each(function(item) {
store.checkedItems[item.get("Id")] = {selected: item.get("selected") }; // extensible if you want to keep more than one checkbox...
load:function(store) {
if(!store.checkedItems) store.checkedItems = [];
store.each(function(item) {

How do I use the Yahoo YUI to do inline cell editing that writes to a database?

So I have datatable setup using the YUI 2.0. And for one of my column definitions, I've set it up so when you click on a cell, a set of radio button options pops so you can modify that cell content.
I want whatever changes are made to be reflected in the database. So I subscribe to a radioClickEvent. Here is my code for that:
Ex.myDataTable.subscribe("radioClickEvent", function(oArgs){
// hold the change for now
// block the user from doing anything
// Read all we need
var elCheckbox = oArgs.target,
newValue = elCheckbox.checked,
record = this.getRecord(elCheckbox),
column = this.getColumn(elCheckbox),
oldValue = record.getData(column.key),
recordIndex = this.getRecordIndex(record),
session_code = record.getData(\'session_code\');
// check against server
success:function(o) {
var r = YAHOO.lang.JSON.parse(o.responseText);
if (r.replyCode == 200) {
// If Ok, do the change
var data = record.getData();
data[column.key] = newValue;
} else {
// unblock the interface
failure:function(o) {
Ex.myDataTable.subscribe("cellClickEvent", Ex.myDataTable.onEventShowCellEditor);
But when I run my code and I click on a cell and I click a radio button, nothing happens ever. I've been looking at this for some time and I have no idea what I'm doing wrong. I know you can also use asyncsubmitter within my column definition I believe and I tried that, but that also wasn't working for me.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

ExtJS Change Event Listener failing to fire

I was asked to post this as a question on StackOverflow by http://twitter.com/jonathanjulian which was then retweeted by several other people. I already have an ugly solution, but am posting the original problem as requested.
So here's the back story. We have a massive database application that uses ExtJS exclusively for the client side view. We are using a GridPanel (Ext.grid.GridPanel) for the row view loaded from a remote store.
In each of our interfaces, we also have a FormPanel (Ext.form.FormPanel) displaying a form that allows a user to create or edit records from the GridPanel. The GridPanel columns are bound to the FormPanel form elements so that when a record is selected in the GridPanel, all of the values are populated in the form.
On each form, we have an input field for the table row ID (Primary Key) that is defined as such:
var editFormFields = [
fieldLabel: 'ID',
id: 'id_field',
name: 'id',
width: 100,
readOnly: true, // the user cannot change the ID, ever.
monitorValid: true
} /* other fields removed */
So, that is all fine and good. This works on all of our applications. When building a new interface, a requirement was made that we needed to use a third-party file storage API that provides an interface in the form of a small webpage that is loaded in an IFrame.
I placed the IFrame code inside of the html parameter of the FormPanel:
var editForm = new Ext.form.FormPanel({
html: '<div style="width:400px;"><iframe id="upload_iframe" src="no_upload.html" width="98%" height="300"></iframe></div>',
/* bunch of other parameters stripped for brevity */
So, whenever a user selects a record, I need to change the src attribute of the IFrame to the API URL of the service we are using. Something along the lines of http://uploadsite.com/upload?appname=whatever&id={$id_of_record_selected}
I initially went in to the id field (pasted above) and added a change listener.
var editFormFields = [
fieldLabel: 'ID',
id: 'id_field',
name: 'id',
width: 100,
readOnly: true, // the user cannot change the ID, ever.
monitorValid: true,
listeners: {
change: function(f,new_val) {
} /* other fields removed */
Nice and simple, except that it only worked when the user was focused on that form element. The rest of the time it failed to fire at all.
Frustrated that I was past a deadline and just needed it to work, I quickly implemented a decaying poller that checks the value. It's a horrible, ugly hack. But it works as expected.
I will paste my ugly dirty hack in an answer to this question.
"The GridPanel columns are bound to
the FormPanel form elements so that
when a record is selected in the
GridPanel, all of the values are
populated in the form."
As I understand it from the quote above, the rowclick event is what actually triggers the change to your form in the first place. To avoid polling, this could be the place to listen, and eventually raise to your custom change event.
Here is the ugly hack that I did to accomplish this problem:
var current_id_value = '';
var check_changes = function(offset) {
offset = offset || 100;
var id_value = document.getElementById('id_field').value || '';
if ( id_value && ( id_value != current_id_value ) ) {
current_id_value = id_value;
} else {
offset = offset + 50;
if ( offset > 2500 ) {
offset = 2500;
setTimeout(function() { check_changes(offset); }, offset);
var change_iframe = function(id_value) {
if ( id_value ) {
document.getElementById('upload_iframe').src = 'http://api/upload.php?id=' + id_value;
} else {
document.getElementById('upload_iframe').src = 'no_upload.html';
setTimeout(function() { check_changes(100); }, 1500);
It's not pretty, but it works. All of the bosses are happy.
If you took a moment to read the source, you would see that the Ext.form.Field class only fires that change event in the onBlur function

