Stealing the redirect URL of a button - javascript

Is it possibe to change the return URL of a button whose job is submitting a form to the server? The main deal here is that I don't have the script that controls the button, hence the word "stealing."
If you are curious about the use case, I have a Salesforce Visualforce page that has an embedded Flow in it. I want to jump out of the Flow when the user is half way through and a certain condition is met.

Assuming the button is not in an iFrame...
$('#some_button').click(function (e) {
// Do stuff here then submit the form..
You could also use this method for $('#some_form').submit().... You can read more about it here.


Js scroll to view only when the submit complete

Hello I'm trying to scroll into the div only when the submit finishes with promisses
function submitForm(form) {
console.log("submitForm: ", form);
return Promise.resolve(() => form.submit());
async function submitFm (form) {
console.log("submitFm: ", form);
await submitForm(form);
submitButton.addEventListener("click", () => {
submitFm(form).then(() => {
console.log("should display after submit is done!");
The promise is suppose to work like this, does anyone knows what's missing ?
Thanks in advance
The submit() method on a form triggers form submission (and navigation to the result).
As soon as that is triggered, the submit() function finishes.
Then the promise resolves.
Then the then function executes.
Then the browser navigates to the new page.
There is no way for JavaScript running in a web page to directly cause JavaScript to run in the next page the viewport navigates to.
Unloading the current page will kill any JavaScript running in it. The next page, whether it be on the other end of a link, or a form submission or a call to location.reload(), etc. is a blank slate. Any JS in that page runs from scratch.
If you want to cause an effect in it you need to do so by passing a message through something that will persist between page loads.
Examples include a query string on the URL or the Session Storage API.
Then you need JavaScript in the next page to check for that message, act on it, and possibly clean it up so it doesn't effect the next page load.
If you submit a form base on form action, you need to pass the state to the next page. The simpler way is that use an anchor in the URL, URL with a hashtag will scroll to the element that id is the hashtag.
<form action="/post/data#id" method="post"></form>
If you submit based on ajax or fetch, you redirect the URL when submitted, you also use hashtags. or you can persistence your data by Storage API, and control the scroll action on the next page.
If you use SPA frameworks like Vue React or others. You can use the router API to handle URL changes on submit. or handle scroll directly when form submits success.

Fire a Javascript function after submitting a Gravity Form

I have a multi-page form where the url remains the same when moving between pages.
I am trying to change some HTML after the submit button has been clicked.
I can run this in the console and the result is as I want it.
How can I get this run after submit?
I've tried window.onload and document.onload functions but they are not working. I've also tried an onclick function but it seems moving to the next page stops this working?
var confirm = document.getElementById('gform_confirmation_message_14');
if(confirm) {
document.getElementsByClassName("entry-title")[0].innerHTML = "PAYE Worker";
Perhaps the gform_page_loaded event? From the documentation it:
Fires on multi-page forms when changing pages (i.e. going to the next or previous page).
$(document).on('gform_page_loaded', function(event, form_id, current_page) {
// do stuff
There are a bunch of javascript events available, and if not this one, maybe another serves your purpose, e.g. gform_post_render.
I removed the Javascript completely and created a confirmation in Gravity Forms that redirects to a new page upon submission.
Created a title for this new page "PAYE worker"
Problem solved

Detect if tag is in URL and then remove hidden class

I have a form on my contract form, which submits to a third party site and then I can define a URL to return the user to. I currently return the user to the same /contact page but I wanted to give them a message that it had submitted (since ajax forms don't work with the third party) and I don't want to have a whole page for it.
Therefore I had the idea to return the user to /contact#thanks
I have some code on my site which goes like this:
<div id="alert" class="hidden">Form Submitted. We will reply soon.</div>
Now I want a small bit of javascript on my page which detects if the URL has the #thanks tag on it, as above, and then removes the hidden class from my alert div. Is javascript able to detect this and if so, how do I go about it?
Include jquery and script. I test and work
if(window.location.hash) {
Siii = Yes use hash
I'm not totally sure that I've understood what are you trying to achieve, but this might help you:
if (window.location.hash === '#thanks') {

Browser back button handling

I am trying to handle browser back button event but i could not find any solution.
I want to ask user if he clicks on browser back button using "confirm box" if he chooses ok i have to allow back button action else i have to stop back button action.
Can any one help me in implementing this.
Warn/confirm User if Back button is Pressed is as below.
window.onbeforeunload = function() { return "Your work will be lost."; };
You can get more information using below mentioned links.
Disable Back Button in Browser using JavaScript
I hope this will help to you.
You can also add hash when page is loading:
location.hash = "noBack";
Then just handle location hash change to add another hash:
$(window).on('hashchange', function() {
location.hash = "noBack";
That makes hash always present and back button tries to remove hash at first. Hash is then added again by "hashchange" handler - so page would never actually can be changed to previous one.

Left Navigation Validation

I have a master page in which leftnavigation.jsp and header.jsp are present.Now leftnavigation contains hyperlinks to few of the webpages(say general.jsp, contact.jsp).On clicking these hyperlinks , these webpages gets if i click general link, it gets opened, and if i click the link of contact.jsp , contact webpage gets opened.Now these webpages have validations on the save button at the end of the form .
Now i want to have these validation (every webpage has a validation function on save button)to work when a user clicks a link on the left navigation to change the webpage.
The leftnavigation.jsp does not contain any form element. it just contains links or scripplets
any suggestions?
Sounds simple enough. You could make the navigation bar links call the validation function for the forms when clicked. Something like this perhaps:
<a href="anotherpage.jsp" onclick="validate(); return true;>Click me!</a>
Just a warning though: it's impossible to guarantee validation in this manner, users could bypass the validation (the user could click a back button for example). If this is what you're trying to achieve, consider running a validate function onpropertychanged or onkeyup. And, as always, form validations should (almost) never be a hinderance; don't show alert messages or do anything REALLY distracting if a user doesn't type something right.
Notice how the code above would let the user change pages regardless of the form's validation status. You could make the onclick function return false if the form failed validation, but this can be bypassed, and it is a hinderance to users.
If this is really necessary, have the links work regardless, but show a small message, possibly in the form of a div quietly pop up at the top of the page warning the user that one of their form entries was incorrect.
Listen for a click event on your navigation links then run your validation function:
function listen(event, elem, func) {
if (elem.addEventListener) {
elem.addEventListener(event, func, false);
} else if (elem.attachEvent) {
elem.attachEvent('on' + event, func);
var links = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
listen('click', links, validationFunction);
If you're passing in variables, then wrap your validate function in an anonymous function:
listen('click', links, function(param) { validationFunction(param); });

