How to get the value of textbox using id in javascript - javascript

I want to get the value of input boxes based on id and name.
Since my id is having comma its not accepting. When i remove comma and one of the id,it shows perfectly.
But, I will get the id as "Text,Demo_1" only. How can i get the value based on this id??
here is the code
<div id="Text,Demo_1" class="span12">
<label>Notes or Concerns</label>
<div class="control-group">
<input type="text" value="hi" name="view1" class="recommend">
<input type="text" value="hi2" name="view1" class="recommend">
<input type="text" value="hi3" name="view1" class="recommend">
Js part
$(function() {
var values = $('#Text,Demo_1 input[name="view1"]').map(function() {
return this.value;

Get value by Name :
Get value by ID :
Get all text values in array
var inputTypes = [];
$('.control-group input[name="view1"]').each(function(){

Use an array,
$(function () {
var values = [];
$('#TextDemo_1 input[name="view1"]').each(function () {

You should escape your comma with \\
var values = $('#Text\\,Demo_1 input[name="view1"]').map(function () {
return this.value;
But while it works you should consider changing an id to a proper identifier.

Use jQuery selectors to match the begining and end of the ID:
var values = $("div[id^='Text'][id$='Demo_1'] input[name='view1']").map(function() {
Edit: Explanation.
[id^='Text'] => Every element which id starts with "Text"
[id$='Demo_1'] => Every element which id ends with "Demo_1"
Putting them together will select every element that match both rules.

var values = $('input[name="view1"]').val();


Insert the attribute value of input element in form

I have a form with no id or class. I need to insert attribute values for input elements.
<tr><td><input type="text" name="x"/></td></tr>
<tr><td><input type="text" name="y"/></td></tr>
<tr><td><input type="text" name="z"/></td></tr>
Here's jquery I tried:
var x = $('form').find('input').first().val("some_value");
var y = $('form').find('input').second().val("some_value");
var z = $('form').find('input').third().val("some_value");
// Is there another possible way?
var x = $("form").find('input[name="x"]').val("some_value");
You can use Attribute Equals Selector [name=”value”] to uniquely identify the inputs
Although I wont recommend the method you used to assign values to input, I would suggest you to use find() once and use the returned object collection to assign values. This will reduce the processing time and increase performance.
var all = $('form').find('input');
You can use
$("form").find('input[type="text"]]').each(function() {
$(this).attr("your attribute", "your value");
try with this
var x = $('form input[name="x"]').val("some_value_x");
// So you can search across the form for all input elements and then iterate to apply the attribute.
var allInputElements = $("form input[type='text']");
$.each(allInputElements,function(index, item){
// You can also use item.prop("any property or attribute","value");
If you're giving them all the same value, as it appears in your question, you can simply select them all:
$("form input").val("some_value");

How to iterate through HTML nodes to find matches and get the next innerHTML from a node

I have a form element <select> to select a person. As soon as the element has changed
the function getPerson() is executed and reads out the value of the selected entry.
<select id="cust_id" name="f_cust_id" onchange="getPerson(this)">
<option value="51">Brad Pitt</option>
<option value="123">Angelina Jolie</option>
<option value="13">Jennifer Aniston</option>
The next step is: that I have a hidden text in the same page, where I want to find this value (example value 51).
I need to iterate trough this hiddenCustomer nodes.
Hidden HTML Text
<div id="hiddenCustomer" style="display:none;">
finally if I have a match 51=51 I take the string from the next element and "split" it to an array. It will be used to fill out some formular fields like: firstname, lastnamem, floor, group, email...
My question is: how to iterate best trough the hiddenCustomer nodes. Find the match and take the innerHTML value from
the next element ( example : Brad;Pitt;Y1;Group1;;12345)
ps: I don't want to use JSON Objects.
You can do like this
[DEMO] -->
function getPerson(element)
var val = element.value;
var $span = $('#hiddenCustomer span').filter(function(){
return $(this).text() == val;
function getPerson(element){
var elementsArray = [];
if($(this).text() == $(element).val()){
elementsArray = $(this).find("span").next().text().split(';');
You end up with an array of strings.
You can do this:
var value = 51;
var $span = $('#hiddenCustomer span:nth-child(odd)').filter(function(){
return parseInt($(this).text(),10) == value;

array input text get value

i want to get input text value of array in javascript
this is my code :
Item : <input id="t_item" name="t_item[]" type="text" class="teks3">
Cost : <input id="t_cost" name="t_cost[]" type="text" class="teks3">
<input type="button" id="tb_more_item" class="add_file"/>
and the js code is :
var new_file = $("
Item : <input id='t_item' name='t_item[]' type='text' class='teks3'/>
Cost : <input id='t_cost' name='t_cost[]' type='text' class='teks3'/>
i try to get more item value with this code :
var item_value = [], cost_value = [];
$("input#t_item").each(function() {
$thisItem = $(this);
item_value = $thisItem.val();
$("input#t_cost").each(function() {
$thisCost = $(this);
cost_value = $thisCost.val();
alert(item_value +"-"+ cost_value );
the result is get the last value value i've typed in the input text.
does anyone have the solutions?
You're creating invalid html by appending elements with duplicate ids. Update the .each() selectors to use the name attribute instead.
Also, inside the .each() functions you are overwriting the array variables with the value of the current item - that is, the array gets thrown away and replaced with the value, which is why that variable holds only the last value after the .each() finishes. What you want to do is add the value of each input as a separate element in the array:
$('input[name="t_item\\[\\]"]').each(function() {
And similar for t_cost.

JQuery: Selecting elements with unique class AND id

I have this html code:
<div class="category" id="154"> Category </div>
<div class="category2" id="156"> Category2 </div>
<div class="category3" id="157"> Category3 </div>
<div class="category4" id="158"> Category4 </div>
<input type="text" />
So in example if I write a id in text box, how to select div .category with this ID and get inner HTML text. With jQuery
so you only need to use the ID as this is a unique value (or should be)
var html = $("#154").html();
NOTE: If you do have duplicate ID values in use then it is important to note that JQuery will only select the first one.
if you want to do this when a textbox value is entered you could do this on the textbox change event...
var id = $(this).val();
var element = $("#" + id);
var html = element.html();
//do something with html here
NOTE: you may want to put an ID value on your textbox to ensure you get the correct control
Although I strongly suggest you find a way around using duplicate ID values, you could have a function like this to get the DIV you want...
function GetContent(className, id) {
var result = null;
var matchingDivs = $("." + className);
matchingDivs.each(function(index) {
var div = $(matchingDivs[index]);
if (div.attr("id") == id) {
result = div.html();
return result;
Click here for working example
I recommend you give the textbox an ID, in case you add other textboxes to the page.
But if you only have the 1 text input, the following would work:
var id = $('input:text:first').val();
var innerHtml = $('#' + id).html();
Here is a jsFiddle that will alert the html using this technique whenever the text in the textbox changes.
will select the necessary element by both class and ID (replacing id and class with their respective names, of course).
Adding .html() to the end will get you the content.

Select values of checkbox group with jQuery

I'm using Zend_Form to output a set group of checkboxes:
<label style="white-space: nowrap;"><input type="checkbox" name="user_group[]" id="user_group-20" value="20">This Group</label>
With a normal HTTP Post these values are passed as an array, but when I'm somewhat stumped on how to grab all the values using jQuery. I figured I can select the group using:
but that just grabs the value of the first checkbox in the list regardless of if it is checked of not. Any ideas?
You could use the checked selector to grab only the selected ones (negating the need to know the count or to iterate over them all yourself):
With those checked items, you can either create a collection of those values or do something to the collection:
var values = new Array();
$.each($("input[name='user_group[]']:checked"), function() {
// or you can do something to the actual checked checkboxes by working directly with 'this'
// something like $(this).hide() (only something useful, probably) :P
I'm not sure about the "#" used in the selector. At least with the latest jQuery, I had to remove the # to get this to function with two different checkbox arrays, otherwise all checked items were selected for each array:
var items = [];
var about = [];
Now both, items and about work.
Use .map() (adapted from the example at
var values = $("input[name='user_group[]']:checked").map(function(index,domElement) {
return $(domElement).val();
With map in instead of each it is possible to avoid the array creation step:
var checkedCheckboxesValues =
.map(function() {
return $(this).val();
From the map() page of the docs:
Pass each element in the current matched set through a function, producing a new jQuery object containing the return values
get() turns those values into an array.
mhata dzenyu mese. its actually
var selectedGroups = new Array();
$(".user_group[checked]").each(function() {
I just shortened the answer I selected a bit:
var selectedGroups = new Array();
$("input[#name='user_group[]']:checked").each(function() {
and it works like a charm, thanks!
I'm not 100% entirely sure how you want to "grab" the values. But if you want to iterate over the checkboxes you can use .each like so:
("input[#name='user_group[]']").each( function() {
Of course a better selector is available:
var values = $("input[name='user_group']:checked").map(function(){
return $(this).val();
This will give you all the values of the checked boxed in an array.
You can have a javascript variable which stores the number of checkboxes that are emitted, i.e in the <head> of the page:
<script type="text/javascript">
var num_cboxes=<?php echo $number_of_checkboxes;?>;
So if there are 10 checkboxes, starting from user_group-1 to user_group-10, in the javascript code you would get their value in this way:
var values=new Array();
for (x=1; x<=num_cboxes; x++)
values[x]=$("#user_group-" + x).val();
var getCheckedGroups = function(groupname){
var result = $('input[name="'+groupname+'"]:checked');
if (result.length > 0) {
var resultstring = result.length +"checkboxes checked <br>";
resultstring += $(this).val()+" <br>"; //append value to exsiting var
$('#div'+groupname).html(" No checkbox is Checked");
<script src=""></script>
Skills:<input type="checkbox" name="skill" value="Java"> Java
<input type="checkbox" name="skill" value="Jquery"> Jquery
<input type="checkbox" name="skill" value="PHP"> PHP
<input type="checkbox" name="cities" value="Pune"> Pune
<input type="checkbox" name="cities" value="Baramati"> Baramati
<input type="checkbox" name="cities" value="London"> London
<input type="submit" id="btnskillgroup" value="Get Checked Skill group">
<input type="submit" id="btncitiesgroup" value="Get cities checked group">
<div id="divskills"></div>
<div id="divcities"></div>

