Convert HTML Report to PDF - javascript

I want convert an HTML report to PDF. I know that there are so many libraries are available for this purpose. But the HTML report contains so many graphs created using Jqplot. I want to include these graphs in the PDF also. If you are familiar with any library which also convert graphs to PDF, please give me the reference.

you can use bullzip pdf printer it creates a virtual pdf printer that can transform your HTML content to a pdf file from the browser:
you can also find a lot of useful tools right there!

I don't have experience with Jqplot, but I have successfully converted html pages which contain pie charts from Google Charts (completely javascript generated) to pdf.
I used wkhtmltopdf - it's a commandline tool but there are wrapper classes for php and some others I believe.
I'm sure you could find something applicable with a bit of googling but this looks promising:


Dynamically Saving Images to a PDF template

I'm building a website where people can pick several pictures from a range.
I then want the users to be able to create a PDF using those pictures. However I want those pictures inserted in predefined positions and sizes in a template I have already created which will contain other predone materials (words pictures etc).
So my question :
its possible ?
Can anyone recommend a library which will satisfy my needs, I have had a look and I cant see any PDF libraries that seem to mention templates
Any guidance on where to start will be greatly appreciated.
Yes, this is completely possible.
I would recommend using wkhtmltopdf to generate the pdfs from an html template.
Another handy library for this kind of work is image.intervention
Both of these would work with PHP.
If you're working in javaScript you may want to use PDFKit
Edited: Only if you use php.
There are several libraries you can use to generate a pdf depending on what template you will build your pdf. I hardly recommend TCPDF. You can use html to layout the design you want or you can embed the image directly on a page. See an example here.

Advansed xlsx spreadsheet formatting

Is there some JavaScript or Golang lib that allows to create xlsx files using some custom heavy formatting?
I'm working on an Electron app and want to generate some reports but
the most popular library doesn't provide cell formatting, that fork looses the ability to define page properties like margins and page orientation and that Golang lib as I see doesn't provide page properties too.
Can anybody show some good alternatives or show me I'm wrong?
(no C-like langs and Python please)
I am myself looking for something similar to format docx documents and I have just started trying out gooxml.
Currently it has following capabilities for Excel:
Cell formatting including conditional formatting
Cell validation (drop down combobox, rules, etc.)
Retrieve cell values as formatted by Excel (e.g. retrieve a date or number as displayed in Excel)
Formula Evaluation (100+ functions supported currently, more will be added as required)
Embedded Images
All chart types
Edit to answer comment:
As stated in the documentation, you may have to fall back to raw document manipulation should the library's API not cover a specific use case.
See CT_PageMargins.go and CT_PageSetup.go for margin and orientation...
Well it seems I've learned the lesson - after trying to use "super-hard-to-understand-and-use" jsreport-xlsx module I've remembered about one lib that didn't worked in Electron renderer and tried it to work from Electron main process.
And it works! Sometime it may be a little treaky to make it create doc exactly you want but it's much better than XLSX-style I've used before and have all features I want.
(it's second [and last I believe] time I've forget about Electron renderer is not Node.js, the true Node.js is main process)

Dynamic Graphs to Pdf

I have some graphs on html which takes data from database using php function and javascripts. How can i create daily pdf with graphs on it of current date data without opening webpage and clicking on button?
The key problem is that HTML (graphics or even just text) does not translate directly into PDF. There are some libraries that will do this to a limited degree, but typically without the level of control that most people want in a PDF.
There are two very different ways to go about this, and I have used both at various times:
1 - Create a batch-mode PHP program (or other server-side language of your choice) that creates the graphics entirely server-side (many libraries available for that).
2 - Capture the page as if you were running a browser. I have used PhantomJS to do that. The big advantage is that you can make use of all your existing graphics code - even libraries such as d3.
Either way, you will need to take the output and insert into a PDF together with headers, footers, explanatory text, etc. I usually use R&OS for the PDF part, but there are other libraries that will work just as well.
try dompdf, it might help you. Here is the link

Jquery script for document preview?

Do you know any components from jQuery with which you can preview .doc,.pdf,.jpg .... files in browser ?
If you really want to keep it all native inside the browser you can display images on their own and pdfs with pdf.js.
If you only need to display it somehow I advise you to look at Google docs viewer (officially discontinued, see below) which allows you lots of different files and which you can next embed in one of the scripts altschuler mentioned. (See my comment to his answer why those tools alone don't do the trick)
Supported file types by google docs viewer
Microsoft Word (.DOC and .DOCX)
Microsoft Excel (.XLS and .XLSX)
Microsoft PowerPoint (.PPT and .PPTX)
Adobe Portable Document Format (.PDF)
Apple Pages (.PAGES)
Adobe Illustrator (.AI)
Adobe Photoshop (.PSD)
Tagged Image File Format (.TIFF)
Autodesk AutoCad (.DXF)
Scalable Vector Graphics (.SVG)
PostScript (.EPS, .PS)
TrueType (.TTF)
XML Paper Specification (.XPS)
Archive file types (.ZIP and .RAR)
Although I wouldn't recommend this usage on production or professional systems, you can still use the system as described here.
I think you're looking for a lightbox feature. Lightbox is the common name for (pre)viewing things in an overlay, so to say.
There are a great deal to choose from, here's a few: (try the #2 example, this looks a lot like quicklook).
How you want to show .doc and .pdf files is another issue.

What is the best way to convert HTML into Excel

I have an HTML page which has a flash chart(FusionCharts) and HTML table. I need to convert this whole thing into Excel. HTML table should be displayed in cells of excel sheet. Flash chart can be displayed as an image.
Is there any open source API that we could use for achieving this. Could you let me know what are the possible options.
Can this be done by using javascript alone.
The HTML table is relatively easy. You can download the page, parse the HTML (there are various HTML parsing libraries available), extract the table and convert it into CSV (which Excel can load), or directly create an Excel file, e.g. using Java POI, as suggested above.
The Flash part is significantly harder. There are quite a few tools available to capture flash to an image, you'd need to use one of them. This can be tricky, as Flash might be interactive, so you'd possibly have to remote-control the Flash part so it shows the right image before capturing. Hard to tell without more info.
That said, screen-scraping (which is what you're doing) is always labour-intensive and fragile. You should really push for a better interface to get your data from, it will save loads of hassle in the long run.
Just set the content type of the page to "application/". If the html page is just a table it will open with excel and look perfect. You can even add background colors and font styles.
Try some of these content types
Excel can convert HTML tables by default. The easiest way to force it to do this is to save the HTML file with an XLS extension. Excel will then open the XLS as if it were its native workbook.
There's a very good Java POI api that would let you do that, but it's Java.
If you're on Win32 you can also use Excel's COM api, there are quite a few tutorials on the net.
I cannot offer any advice on the Flash part, but I have done HTML table to Excel many times. Yes, Excel can open HTML tables but most HTML tables out there have extraneous crap in them that can make it fragile to consistently parse the tables.
CPAN module HTML::TableExtract is a wonderful module that allows you to focus on the non-presentation specific aspects of the table you are trying to extract. Just specify the column headings you are interested in and maybe specify the title or class of the table and you are mostly set. You might have to post process the rows returned a little, but that is considerably easier than dealing with the underlying tag soup in all its glory.
Further, for output to Excel format, stick with Spreadsheet::WriteExcel rather than the OLE interface. That way, you do not depend on having Excel installed for your program to work and things go a little faster.
Make sure you specify the data type of cells if you do not want content to be changed automatically by Excel upon opening the files (another reason I do not like sending around CSV files). Use a configuration file for formatting information so that you can change how the spreadsheet looks without having to change the program.
You can always use Excel's built-in charting facilities to replace the web site graphs.
This combination has enabled me to generate pretty good looking documents comprising several hundreds of megabytes of scraped data (with logos and image links etc) using just a few hundred lines of Perl and a couple of days' work.
What you're trying to do is fragile and difficult to maintain. You should attempt to create a csv feed to fetch the data. All it takes is for someone to come along and modify the HTML and your scraper will throw up on it (probably years after anyone remembers how your program works).
Try to get CSV and image data from the original source (ie, database or whatever) and build the Excel file from that.
I will add to SpliFF's answer that when you have your data as a CSV file you can set the mime type of the page to application/ which will open the page in Excel

