How to access and use index of each item inside ng-repeat - javascript

I have a table where the last column in each row contains a little loading icon which I would like to display when a button inside the table is clicked.
When each table row is generated with ng-repeat, the loader shows up in every row rather than the individual one. How can I set ng-show to true or false for only the current index clicked?
<tr ng-repeat="record in records">
<td>{{ }}</td>
<td><a ng-click="someAction(">Some Action</a></td>
<td ng-show="loading">Loading...</td>
$scope.someAction = function(recordName) {
$scope.loading = true;

You can pass in the $index parameter and set/use the corresponding index. $index is automatically available in the scope of an ng-repeat.
<td><a ng-click="someAction(, $index)">Some Action</a></td>
<td ng-show="loading[$index]">Loading...</td>
$scope.someAction = function(recordName, $index) {
$scope.loading[$index] = true;
Here's a generic sample with all the logic in the view for convenience: Live demo (click).
<div ng-repeat="foo in ['a','b','c']" ng-init="loading=[]">
<p ng-click="loading[$index]=true">Click me! Item Value: {{foo}}<p>
<p ng-show="loading[$index]">Item {{$index}} loading...</p>

There are many ways to handle this.
The problem here is that your variable loading is sharing the scope between the rows.
One approach could be use $index
<tr ng-repeat="record in records">
<td>{{ }}</td>
<td><a ng-click="someAction(, $index)">Some Action</a></td>
<td ng-show="loading">Loading...</td>
$scope.someAction = function(recordName, $index) {
$scope.loading[$index] = true;
Using a property in your object record:
<tr ng-repeat="record in records">
<td>{{ }}</td>
<td><a ng-click="someAction(record)">Some Action</a></td>
<td ng-show="record.loading">Loading...</td>
$scope.someAction = function(record) {
var name =;
record.loading = true;
Best regards

The scope inside ng-repeat is different form the one outside. Actually the scope outside ng-repeat is the parent of the one inside. So the html code goes here
<tr ng-repeat="record in records">
<td>{{ }}</td>
<td><a ng-click="someAction(record)">Some Action</a></td>
<td ng-show="$parent.loading">Loading...</td>


Cannot make dynamic two column table

I want to have a table with headers and data dynamically loaded from object of two arrays. Unfortunately, these rows aren't displayed.
<div ng-controller="MyCtrl">
<tr ng-repeat="inout in inoutContainer track by $index">
<td>{{ inout.input_vector[$index] }}</td>
<td>{{ inout.output_vector[$index] }}</td>
var myApp = angular.module('myApp',[]);
//myApp.directive('myDirective', function() {});
//myApp.factory('myService', function() {});
function MyCtrl($scope) {
$scope.inoutContainer = {input_vector: ["0.0","0.0"], output_vector: ["0.0","0.0"]};
$ = 'Superhero';
I managed to figure out a way to make it work -- you had a number of syntax errors that angularJS didn't understand
Basically I simplified the angularJS code
then added the ng-app directive to the container div
removed the track by $index part of the ng-repeat directive,
and finally added the myApp.controller() declaration.

xeditable onbeforesave not firing

I'm having issues with the xeditable directive. The onbeforesave is not firing, even though the in-place editing works fine on the client side. I can't get any reaction out of either onbeforesave or onaftersave.
I've included angular version 1.5.0 in my project.
I'm setting up the element like this, it's in a table:
<tr ng-repeat="job in jobs">
<td>{{ job._id }}<i ng-click="removeJob(job._id)" class="fa fa-trash-o" aria-hidden="true"></i></td>
<td>{{ job.title }}</td>
<td editable-text="job.description" onbeforesave="alert('hello');">{{ job.description || "empty" }}</td>
But I haven't been able to make the alert go off when clicking save.
If you look at the documentation:
One way to submit data on server is to define onbeforesave attribute pointing to some method of scope
The onbeforesave is taking in a scope method, so alert('hello') in this case is trying to call some $scope.alert method that doesn't exist. To make this work try something like
// in your controller
$scope.test = function(data) {
// in your template
<tr ng-repeat="job in jobs">
<td>{{ job._id }}<i ng-click="removeJob(job._id)" class="fa fa-trash-o" aria-hidden="true"></i></td>
<td>{{ job.title }}</td>
<td editable-text="job.description" onbeforesave="test($data)">{{ job.description || "empty" }}</td>
You have to give e-form as shown below (I just extracted the wrong code snippet only).
<td editable-text="job.description" e-form="tableform"
onbeforesave="checkJob(job)">{{ job.description || "empty" }}</td>
$scope.checkJob= function(data) {
//your logic

AngularJS - cannot reference $index inside ng-model using a directive

I am currently facing an issue whereby I would like to generate a dynamic number of input forms and also name them dynamically (as defined by a JSON) so that I can reference them separately.
For example, if my JSON object had three items in it, I would generate three input boxes with ng-model="1", ng-model="2" and ng-model="3" respectively. In real life the ID's will come from the JSON itself.
I'm currently using ng-repeat to generate the forms in a table;
<tr ng-repeat="x in names track by $index">
<td>{{ $index }}</td> <!-- this outputs fine -->
<td>{{ x.Description }}</td>
<td>{{ x.Metric }}</td>
And using a directive & the $compile function to dynamically generate an input form with a unique ng-model name.
app.directive("outDynamic", function($compile){
link: function(scope, element, attrs){
var template = "<input type='number' ng-model='" + scope.ray[attrs.element1] + "'>";
var linkFn = $compile(template);
var content = linkFn(scope);
} });
However: none of the following works (when nested in the ng-repeat)
<!-- None of these work -->
<td out-dynamic element1=$index></td>
<td out-dynamic element1="$index"></td>
<td> <input type='number' ng-model="array[$index]"> </td>
<td> <input type='number' ng-model="array['$index']"> </td>
Summary of issue;
Every time I try and reference the $index tracker, I get an
undefined error in my directive code.
You should use {{}} to assign $index value for attribute. so use
element1={{$index}} instead of element1=$index
<tr ng-repeat="x in names track by $index">
<td out-dynamic element1={{$index}}></td>
<td out-dynamic element1="{{$index}}"></td>
I guess your scope.arr is perfect.

AngularJS ng-click change color within ng-repeat

I have some code that lists out items in a table from a database. The click function toggles the cells between green and red
<div class="row">
<div class="logs-table col-xs-12">
<table class="table table-bordered table-hover" style="width:100%">
<tr ng-repeat="team in Pool">
<td ng-class="{'btn-danger': started, 'btn-success': !started}" ng-click="inc()">{{ team.chrTeamName }}</td>
<td>{{ team.intSeed }}</td>
<td>{{ team.chrDivision }}</td>
My click function is below
$ = function () { $scope.started = !$scope.started }
The only problem is that this is changing all of the cells in the first column. I'm thinking i need to pass a parameter in my click function, but I'm not sure what.
If you don't use the started value in your controller, you don't really need to define a function.
You could use ng-init to initialize an array keeping track of the started value for each team.
Something like this:
<tr ng-repeat="team in Pool" ng-init="started = []">
<td ng-class="{'btn-danger': started[$index], 'btn-success': !started[$index]}" ng-click="started[$index] = !started[$index]">{{ team.chrTeamName }}</td>
<td>{{ team.intSeed }}</td>
<td>{{ team.chrDivision }}</td>
Somehow cleaner would be if there was a started property on every team instance:
<tr ng-repeat="team in Pool">
<td ng-class="{'btn-danger': team.started, 'btn-success': !team.started}" ng-click="team.started = !team.started">{{ team.chrTeamName }}</td>
<td>{{ team.intSeed }}</td>
<td>{{ team.chrDivision }}</td>
Yes, passing a parameter into your function will help. Currently you have a $scope level variable ($scope.started) which selects your css ng-class. You probably want a team-by-team property. To do this, you should refer to the actual team object from within your ng-repeat.
<tr ng-repeat="team in Pool">
<td ng-class="{'btn-danger': started, 'btn-success': !team.started}" ng-click="inc(team)">{{ team.chrTeamName }}</td>
<td>{{ team.intSeed }}</td>
<td>{{ team.chrDivision }}</td>
And in your javascript:
$ = function (team) { team.started = !team.started; }
Now that your are using the actual individual object (team) from your ng-repeat, everything should work fine.

appending content in angular.js

I have a table which I populate with data and I want to insert other rows to that table, under the element that was clicked dynamically. I have an array of json objects called rows and when I click on a row it should fetch an array of json objects called campaigns.
This is my html:
<tr ng-repeat="row in rows">
{{ }}
<td>{{ row.clicks }}</td>
<script type="text/ng-template" id="clicked">
<tr ng-repeat="campaign in campaigns">
<td>{{ campaign.clicks }}</td>
This is my function:
$scope.toggleCollapse = function(id) {
var campaignId = id;
if (campaignId === $scope.selectedRow) {
$scope.selectedRow = null;
} else {
$scope.selectedRow = campaignId;
"id" : 1,
"name" : "TestName",
"clicks" : 400
// append template here
You don't need a seperate template, just put your straight in. If there is nothing in campaigns array, there will be 0 campaign s.

