Are there any other ways to include JavaScript file? - javascript

We get used to include separately some javascript files with using standard <script src="file.js"></script>, but... I really don't like such a way of including.
As for the developer with the C#/C++ background, many features for me are representing as a mess.
I really don't like the way including the js files, but I understand, that it's the most regular practice.
With such kind of thoughts, I suppose to try different possible ways.
As I thought, there are two possible ways, which are able to implement the including process:
1). Create dynamically tag in imaginary function - include(), which I can define in my prototype ( class imitation in js ).
But... It's nearly the same way as the standard including, but just with some dynamic logic stored in prototypes, which may dynamically load some needed modules of web application.
And that's why I dislike it, but it's an option and I must add this to the list.
2). Dynamic load of js file via AJAX/WebSockets/SPDY, that you have wanted or even hanlding the parts of the loaded files with the partion function execution (needed some logic or implementing some design patters) with the following execution via eval() function and preparing it in the new defined function include( args ); to make the js scenario looks like:
include( "models.js" );
include( "dbController.js" );
Yes... I know, that eval() is an evil in JavaScript world, but I don't know the name of the different function, which allows me the same functionallity.
Also... It may be too slow compared to original way of including and I repeat even vulnerable.
These are the two ways I can imagine, maybe you will suggest a better solution or persuade me from some bad thoughts.

Require.js is a JavaScript modulisation tool that does exactly what you want. You define modules in their own file like so:
define('moduleName', [ dependencies ], function () {
// module code
And load them asynchronously:
Or as dependencies to other modules:
define([ 'moduleName' ], function (myModule) {
// other module
It also has an optimisation tool which is used to compile your modules into one JavaScript file ready for production.


What is the best practice for attaching JavaScript events (for a large web project)?

Currently I am using a single .js file for a whole project (plus included libraries). Only occasionally I split the file into multiple files (i.e. front vs back end sections). In the file(s) I attach events (and other functionality) inside of a single jQuery ready event handler using jQuery selectors:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#an_element_on_homepage').click(function() {
// do something
// ...
// A lot of similar code here
// ...
$('.elements_on_homepage_and_contact_page').click(function() {
// do something
This is perfectly fine and working, but on a larger project there could be a lot of code executing unnecessarily as some events are needed only at specific pages or there could be id/class collisions between different pages. What is the best practice to avoid the problems and still preserve easy maintainability of the JavaScript and HTML code?
I can think of 2 solutions:
Split .js file into multiple files and on every page choose only the files needed. However, it could be hard to distribute the event attachments properly and could cause problems in caching the scripts on client side.
Wrap the event attachments in functions and call them from a HTML code only where needed. Something like:
function attachClickOnElementOnHomepage() {
$('#an_element_on_homepage').click(function() {
// do something
And after in HTML:
<div id="an_element_on_homepage"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">attachClickOnElementOnHomepage();<script>
However, I have a feeling this is also not the best solution possible.
Can you think of another/better solutions?
This is a classical issue of code structure.
Separate your views into widgets (think plugins). If you have models in your app, separate their declaration from the main onReady event, fire events in your model and allow UI widgets to interact with your models.
Mostly, separate your files in order to:
* have a clearer view of your work
* separate concerns, and expose only what is required
For instance, consider that nothing exists appart from what is located in your file. If you do any use of variables that are not declared in-file, consider you've broken the principle of separation of concerns.
As an example:
var myModel = function () {/**...**/};
var = function () {/**...**/}
var myUIElt = function (model) {
this.render(); //Do whatever required
this.bind('onchange', function() { model.update();});
With, such, in your onReady callback, you'll have:
$(function() { var elt = new myUIElt(); }); // Much cleaner, huh ? ;)
In the real world, things may be a little more complicated, but the main idea is the one above.
Don't hesitate to ask for more details,
Solution 1. is, as you say, not particularly efficient with regards to HTTP roundtrips, although you can probably choose to ignore that concern if you're making an internal application.
Solution 2. just looks like a roundabout way of inline event handler registrations.
The pattern I use is one JS file that has any code I want to reuse as a project-specific "library" – there's rarely enough of it to warrant splitting it up. And one JS file per unit of server-side code – MVC controller, stand-alone Wicket control – that implements only page-specific behaviour, or wires up to the reusable code. This file is usually named after the controller.
The advantages:
There's clear association of what JS behaviours happen where
You get rid of inline Javascript in pages – I dislike it if only because it makes setting JS breakpoints a chore
If you combine your JS libraries, you only include 2-3 script files on any given page, of which only one isn't reused on every single page
Less risk of conflicts where a selector that's too broad could match elements on a different page than it was intended to and attach unintended behaviour to them.
The JS code is still reasonably straightforward - scripts included on pages. No need to devise a module structure.
A possible downside is that some code may be repeated between the page-specific scripts, but that's the cost of separating mechanism from policy. This mostly happens to me for trivial code like setting up jQuery UI buttons or Chosen selectboxes; since they share a common theme, my solution was to roll these up into a single JS file for "ui enhancements".
You could also look into tooling that will combine fine-grained maintainable javascripts into easier to load ones as a build step; for a large project where the performance gains matter, the effort in maintaining this might not be overkill. The specifics would depend on what your other tooling is, a fallback solution could be as simple as a shellscript that calls the command-line version of jsmin.
you can organize your code in modules with init function defined inside each module
and then call the moduleName.init() function only if needed element is present on currently loaded page
something like
var homePageModule = {
init: function() {
$('#an_element_on_homepage').click(function() {
anotherFunction: function() {
//do something
//check for elements
$(function() {
if ($('#an_element_on_homepage').length) {
P.S.: or use classes and instantiate them accordingly to element presence
If it's goint to be a large web project then i would recommend you Backbone.

Best practice for using JavaScript in Django

I want to push my Django project with some JavaScript/jQuery. To make it right from the beginning on I'd like to know, which way of organizing the .js-files ist the optimal one.
For loading one big file includes less overhead than loading many small ones and also because it looks cleaner in the code I considered to make one global .js-file and include that with the base.html (from which every template inherites). However, the result would be, that JavaScript would try to assign all the event-binings, even if the elements which the events should be bind to aren't in the current document. With all the jQuery-selectors which then would have to do their work that can't be too efficient. From earlier web-development experience I know that one can do something like if(location.href == '/some/url/') { (JavaScript code) ... }. That seems not practicable for me in this case, for with changing URLs, I'd have to change the URLconf and the .js-file (while using reverse() and {% url %} to prevent that elsewhere). I guess there is no possibility to make use of the named URLs here?
Has anyone an idea how to organize the JavaScript without having a file for every single template on the one hand and without killing performance unnecessarily?
I don't know that this question is specific to Django - similar issues come up managing Javascript in all sorts of systems.
That said, I usually try to tier my Javascript files, so that truly global scripts and libraries are included in one file, scripts specific to a section of the site are included in a set of section-specific files, and scripts specific to a single page are included in yet another site of page-specific files (or in inline code, depending on the context).
Django has good support for this approach, because you can tier your templates as well. Include the global script in your base.html template, then create a mysection-base.html template that inherits from base.html and just adds the Javascript (and CSS) files specific to that section. Then subpages within that section can inherit from mysection-base.html instead of base.html, and they'll all have access to the section-specific scripts.
I find django-compressor invaluable as it automatically compresses and minifies your JavaScript and CSS pre-deployment. It even automatically handles SASS, LESS and CoffeeScript if they float your boat.
Apps from may help.
You use modular javascript.
Choose your packager of choice (mine is browserify) that packages all your modules into one package that you minify and gzip. You send this file to the client and it is cached.
This means you have all your code cached, minimize HTTP requests and stay lean and efficient.
And since you have modular code you just load your code as you would normally.
Personally I would use some form feature detection to load modules. You can choose to feature detect on almost any feature (some css selector, routes, url segments).
Feature detection would look like this :
var Features = {
"class": "name",
"class2": "name2",
"dynamic-scroll": "dynamic-scroll",
"tabstrip": "tabstrip",
for (var key in Features) {
Where as routing with davis would look like
Davis(function() {
this.get("blog", function(req) {
this.get("blog/:post", function(req) {
this.get("shop", function(req) {
Alternatively you can try an event driven architecture. This means each module binds to events
// some-module
mediator.on("blog-loaded", function() {
// load in some libraries
// construct some widgets
mediator.emit("blog-ui-build", widgets);
And you would need some bootstrapping in place to kick off the event loop. Feel free to look at an EDA demo

JavaScript dependency management

I am currently maintaining a large number of JS files and the dependency issue is growing over my head. Right now I have each function in a separate file and I manually maintain a database to work out the dependencies between functions.
This I would like to automate. For instance if I have the function f
Array.prototype.f = function() {};
which is referenced in another function g
MyObject.g = function() {
var a = new Array();
I want to be able to detect that g is referencing f.
How do I go about this? Where do I start? Do I need to actually write a compiler or can I tweak Spidermonkey for instance? Did anyone else already do this?
Any pointers to get me started is very much appreciated
Whilst you could theoretically write a static analysis tool that detected use of globals defined in other files, such as use of MyObject, you couldn't realistically track usage of prototype extension methods.
JavaScript is a dynamically-typed language so there's no practical way for any tool to know that a, if passed out of the g function, is an Array, and so if f() is called on it there's a dependency. It only gets determined what variables hold what types at run-time, so to find out you'd need an interpreter and you've made yourself a Turing-complete problem.
Not to mention the other dynamic aspects of JavaScript that completely defy static analysis, such as fetching properties by square bracket notation, the dreaded eval, or strings in timeouts or event handler attributes.
I think it's a bit of a non-starter really. You're probably better of tracking dependencies manually, but simplifying it by grouping related functions into modules which will be your basic unit of dependency tracking. OK, you'll pull in a few more functions that you technically need, but hopefully not too much.
It's also a good idea to namespace each module, so it's very clear where each call is going, making it easy to keep the dependencies in control manually (eg. by a // uses: ThisModule, ThatModule comment at the top).
Since extensions of the built-in prototypes are trickier to keep track of, keep them down to a bare minimum. Extending eg. Array to include the ECMAScript Fifth Edition methods (like indexOf) on browsers that don't already have them is a good thing to do as a basic fixup that all scripts will use. Adding completely new arbitrary functionality to existing prototypes is questionable.
Have you tried using a dependency manager like RequireJS or LabJS? I noticed no one's mentioned them in this thread.
Inside of main.js, you can use require() to load any other scripts you
need to run:
require(["helper/util"], function(util) {
//This function is called when scripts/helper/util.js is loaded.
//If util.js calls define(), then this function is not fired until
//util's dependencies have loaded, and the util argument will hold
//the module value for "helper/util".
You can nest those dependencies as well, so helper/util can require some other files within itself.
As #bobince already suggested, doing static analysis on a JavaScript program is a close to impossible problem to crack. Google Closure compiler does it to some extent but then it also relies on external help from JSDoc comments.
I had a similar problem of finding the order in which JS files should be concatenated in a previous project, and since there were loads of JS files, manually updating the inclusion order seemed too tedious. Instead, I stuck with certain conventions of what constitutes a dependency for my purposes, and based upon that and using simple regexp :) I was able to generated the correct inclusion order.
The solution used a topological sort algorithm to generate a dependency graph which then listed the files in the order in which they should be included to satisfy all dependencies. Since each file was basically a pseudo-class using MooTools syntax, there were only 3 ways dependencies could be created for my situation.
When a class Extended some other class.
When a class Implemented some other class.
When a class instantiated an object of some other class using the new keyword.
It was a simple, and definitely a broken solution for general purpose usage but it served me well. If you're interested in the solution, you can see the code here - it's in Ruby.
If your dependencies are more complex, then perhaps you could manually list the dependencies in each JS file itself using comments and some homegrown syntax such as:
// requires: Array
// requires: view/TabPanel
// requires: view/TabBar
Then read each JS file, parse out the requires comments, and construct a dependency graph which will give you the inclusion order you need.
It would be nice to have a tool that can automatically detect those dependencies for you and choose how they are loaded. The best solutions today are a bit cruder though. I created a dependency manager for my particular needs that I want to add to the list (Pyramid Dependency Manager). It has some key features which solve some unique use cases.
Handles other files (including inserting html for views...yes, you can separate your views during development)
Combines the files for you in javascript when you are ready for release (no need to install external tools)
Has a generic include for all html pages. You only have to update one file when a dependency gets added, removed, renamed, etc
Some sample code to show how it works during development.
File: dependencyLoader.js
//Set up file dependencies
name: 'standard',
files: [
files: [
files: [
'views/buttonView.view', //contains just html code for a jquery.tmpl template
dependencies: ['standard','lookAndFeel']
Html Files
<script src="standardResources/pyramid-1.0.1.js"></script>
<script src="dependencyLoader.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
It does require you to maintain a single file to manage dependencies. I am thinking about creating a program that can automatically generate the loader file for you based on includes in the header but since it handles many different types of dependencies, maintaining them in one file might actually be better.
JSAnalyse uses static code analysis to detect dependencies between javascript files:
It also allows you to define the allowed dependencies and to ensure it during the build, for instance. Of course, it cannot detect all dependencies because javascript is dynamic interpretet language which is not type-safe, like already mentioned. But it at least makes you aware of your javascript dependency graph and helps you to keep it under control.
I have written a tool to do something like this:
It's most useful if you have a java webapp and you structure your JS code in the java style. If you do that, it can detect all of your code dependencies and bundle them up, with support for both runtime and parse-time dependencies.

How do you organize your Javascript code?

When I first started with Javascript, I usually just put whatever I needed into functions and called them when I needed them. That was then.
Now, as I am building more and more complex web applications with Javascript; taking advantage of its more responsive user interaction, I am realizing that I need to make my code more readable - not only by me, but anyone who replaces me. Besides that, I would like the reduce the moments of 'what the heck, why did I do this' when I read my own code months later (yes, I am being honest here, I do have what the heck was I thinking moments myself, although I try to avoid such cases)
A couple weeks ago, I got into Joose, and so far, it has been good, but I am wondering what the rest do to make their chunk their codes into meaningful segments and readable by the next programmer.
Besides making it readable, what are your steps in making your HTML separated from your code logic? Say you need to create dynamic table rows with data. Do you include that in your Javascript code, appending the td element to the string or do you do anything else. I am looking for real world solutions and ideas, not some theoretical ideas posed by some expert.
So, in case you didnt't understand the above, do you use OOP practices. If you don't what do you use?
For really JS-heavy applications, you should try to mimic Java.
Have as little JS in your HTML as possible (preferably - just the call to the bootstrap function)
Break the code into logical units, keep them all in separate files
Use a script to concatenate/minify the files into a single bundle which you will serve as part of your app
Use JS namespaces to avoid cluttering up the global namespace:
var myapp = {};
myapp.FirstClass = function() { ... };
myapp.FirstClass.prototype.method = function() { ... };
myapp.SecondClass = function() { ... };
Using all these techniques together will yield a very manageable project, even if you are not using any frameworks.
I use unobtrusive javascript, so, outside of the script tags I don't keep any javascript in the html.
The two are completely separated.
A javascript function will start when the DOM tree is completed, which will go through the html and add the javascript events, and whatever else needs to be changed.
In order to organize, I tend to have some javascript files that are named similar to the html pages that they use, and then for common functions I tend to group them by what they do, and pick a name that explains that.
So, for example, if I have UI functions then I may call them: myapp_ui_functions.js
I try to put the name of the application in the filename, unless there is some javascript that is common to several projects, such as strings.js.
I have (usually) one file that contains a bunch of functions and that's it. That is included in every page that uses Javascript. In the pages themselves, I'll make the calls to the functions like:
$(function() {
where delete_user() and new_user() are defined in the external file.
I too use unobtrusive Javascript, which for me means jQuery (there are other libraries that are unobtrusive).
You don't want a separate file for each page. That just means more unnecessary external HTTP requests. With one file—assuming you've cached it effectively—it'll be downloaded once and that's it (until it changes).
If I have a large amount of Javascript or the site is effectively split into multiple areas then I may split the Javascript but that's not often the case.
Also, in terms of my source code, I may have multiple JS files but I'll often end up combining them into one download for the client (to reduce HTTP requests).
More at Multiple javascript/css files: best practices? and Supercharging Javascript in PHP.
I've been rewriting a lot of my reusable code as jQuery plugins. I moved to jQuery from Prototype when I started doing ASP.NET MVC. Overtime I've migrated a lot my reusable code, or at least the ideas, from Prototype-based OO to jQuery-style plugins. Most of these are stored in their own JS files (mainly intranet apps so page load speed is pretty high anyway despite the extra requests). I suppose I could add a build step that coalesces these if I needed to.
I've also settled on a MasterPage approach that uses a ContentPlaceHolder for scripts that is right before the closing body tag. The standard jQuery/jQuery UI loads, and any other common JS goes right before the script placeholder in the MasterPage. I have tiny bit of JS at the top of the MasterPage that defines an array that holds any functions that partial views need to run on page load. These functions are run from the base document.ready() function in the MasterPage.
All of my JS is completely separate from my mark up. Some JS may exist in partial views -- these are encapsulated when the partial may be included more than once to make it specific to that instance of the view -- but generally not. Typically only included in the placeholders so that it's loaded at the bottom of the page.
Also, if you want to go OO heavy, check out mochikit:
I find that developing your javascript using OO methodology is the way to go if you want it to be clean, readable and even somewhat secure. I posted the following question
Cleanest format for writing javascript objects
And got some fantastic responses on how to write my javascript code well. If you follow these basic principles you can use almost any library, such as yui, jquery and prototype, with ease.

Splitting code in to multiple files for easier management

I am currently using jQuery to write an online application, that started off with a couple of lines of code, and have quickly now become over a 1000 lines.
My code's structure is simple. I have a window.load which wraps my javascript, and inside it I start adding my click event handlers, and the various functions that makeup my application.
// Code goes here...
My code functions can definitely be grouped into categories; e.g. 5 functions perform animation, 12 are event handlers, etc.
I would like to group the functions in their own js files, and import them individually. I can later use my CMS engine to concatenate and compress the files on the fly.
What is the best way in doing so. I am thinking that maybe I can give some of my functions their own namespace for further clarity; e.g. all animation functions are prefixed with ANIMATION - ANIMATION.moveDiv1(), ANIMATION.moveDiv2, MYEVENT.div1Clicked, etc.
I generally stick all related items into their own file, with a namespace that matches the file for readability sake.
An example file could look like:
var Animation = {}; // create the namespace-like object
Animation.moveDiv1 = function() {...};
Animation.moveDiv2 = function() {...};
There's really a lot of ways to do this. Speaking of compression, there are some nice tools that you can use to compress things. Check out YUI Compressor
Modularity is a good goal with Javascript, but I would say the next level would be to actually use some Javascript OO techniques. If your app is simple enough, you can probably do without it though.
Your code files should mirror your classes.
Your classes should follow principles of good OO design.
In terms of load-time within the browser, kekoav and knut have the right idea - just use YUI or another script compressor/minifier (and optionally an obfuscator), combine them into a single file and load them all from a single script include directive.
I'd also have a look at JS the prototype property of your classes - if they're getting large and you're creating multiple instances of them, you'll start to see significant performance gains by putting your public (and optionally, private/privileged) methods into the class prototype.
You should definitely be using fully-qualified namespaces for your classes, either using Microsoft's Type.registerNamespace if you're using their AJAX solution, by declaring your own namespace functions as per kekoav's post, or using a squillion other similar approaches that Google will offer.
Good idea from a standpoint of application management, bad idea from the standpoint of loading time. The browser has to load all those little scripts synchronously, therefore taking more time for each additional script you want to load. That's not including the main jQuery library script, the jQuery UI and whatever else you plan on having in your document. Test both premises: abstracting functions out into their own individual scripts and load them vs. one big script that only requires one call to load. Take it a step further and minify the "one big script", one more step and make sure it's served as a compressed file.
You may split the JavaScript files into classes when you are developing, but you should combine your scripts, and minimize them in a production environment. Please take a look at YUI Compressor for more information.

