DIV animation and color change - javascript

I'm trying to simulate TCP packet transmission, and hopefully I've made much progress. But now I want to fix two minor issues, that I need help with:
1- I want to highlight the corresponding cell in the table on the bottom of the page as yellow when the packet is being sent, and later when its ack is received, change the color to green.
2- The speed variable got from the input does not work!!
My code is here: http://jsfiddle.net/j26Qc/108/
$(document).ready(function () {
var count = 0;
var items = 0;
var packetNumber = 0;
var speed = 0;
var ssth= $("#ssth").val();
var window_left=0;
for(var i=1;i<=32;i++){
$('#table').append("<div class='inline' id='"+i+"'>"+i+"</div>");
$("button").click(function () {
if (count < ssth) {
items = items * 2;
} else {
items = items + 1;
document.getElementById("window").style.left= window_left+"px";
speed = $("#speed").val();
function createDivs(divs) {
packetNumber = 1;
var left = 60;
for (var i = 0; i < divs; i++) {
var div = $("<div class='t'></div>");
$("<font class='span'>" + packetNumber + "</font>").appendTo(div);
left: left
/* opacity: 0*/
//left += 20;
function animateDivs() {
$(".t").each(function (index) { // added the index parameter
var packet = $(this);
.delay(index * 200)
.animate({left: '+=230px'}, speed)
.animate({left: '+=230px'}, speed)
.fadeOut(200, function () {
top: '+=20px',
backgroundColor: "#f09090"
.text('a' + packet.text());
.animate({left:'-=230px'}, speed)
.animate({left:'-=230px'}, speed)
.fadeOut(200, function () {
top: '-=20px',
backgroundColor: "#90f090"

When it comes to coloring it is best to add an extra variable holding the count of items. A quick and dirty way, without adding a variable and instead using window_left / 20, would be in animateDivs():
// First fade
.fadeIn(200, function() {
$('#table #' + (index + window_left/20)).css({background:'yellow'});
// ...
// Second fade
.fadeIn(200, function() {
$('#table #' + (index + window_left/20)).css({background:'green'});
And in $("button").click(function () { right after first if{}else{}:
for (var i = 0 ; i < items + window_left / 20; ++i)
$('#table #' + (i)).css({background:'#fff'});
When it comes to the speed you need to convert the value to int:
speed = parseInt($("#speed").val());
// Or
speed = +$("#speed").val();


program flow animating in javascript

Hello I am having errors with my code:
//Initial Global variables
var mainloop_frame_time = 34;
var top = 0;
var rootMenu = document.getElementById('menu');
var rootMenuDivs = rootMenu.getElementsByTagName('div')[0];
var rootListDivs = rootMenuDivs.getElementsByTagName('ul')[0];
var childDivs = rootListDivs.getElementsByTagName('div');
var childDiv = childDivs[0];
var childDiv_counter = 0;
var child_change_flag = true;
var child_index_increment = 0;
var child_index_amount = childDivs.length;
//var child_animation_keyframe = 0;
var frame = 0;
var childDiv_tmp1_position = 0;
//finding the web browsers viewport size.
var elem = (document.compatMode === "CSS1Compat") ? document.documentElement : document.body;
var client_height = elem.clientHeight;
var process_array = new Array();
//Initial styling
for (var i = 0; i < childDivs.length; i++) {
var childDiv = childDivs[0];
childDiv.style.backgroundColor = "antiquewhite";
var childDiv = childDivs[0];
//rotate function variables
var rotate_div;
var rotate_passed_deg;
var rotate_deg_stop;
var rotate_results;
var rotate_current_deg = 0;
var speed_modifier = 1;
var tmp1_speed = 0;
//case flags
case2_flag = -1;
case3_flag = -1;
//This may not be needed >>> If not, put all code in mainloop.
var processes_logic = function() {
switch (frame) {
case 0:
//this case is when the previous case is 80% done
case 28:
rootMenu.style.transformOrigin = "top left";
case 35:
//Added the ability for paramaters, all push paramaters here are: function, menu_index, position, speed, tmp as flag for switching to next menu,
//process_index used to give the process index as refrence to delete..
process_array.push(new Array(menu_div_slide_out, child_index_amount - 1, 0, 0, 0, process_array.length-1));
var initiate_all_processes = function() {
for (var i = 0; i < process_array.length; i++) {
//Added the ability for paramaters, considerer removing as its not used atm, or revising.
if (process_array[i] != undefined && process_array[i] != null && process_array[i] != "") {
if (process_array[i].length < 6) {
} else {
function menu_div_slide_out(process_index) {
0 = function,
1 = current menu item (index length working backwards)
2 = position,
3 = speed,
4 = tmp,
5 = refrence to this process in array] */
//for debuging purposes to see if a ChildDiv is not devined, what process index is being pointed to.
//window.alert('Process index ' + process_index);
//!!!!!!!! You are probably mixing up how you are setting process index! try +1
process_array[process_index][2] += 3.5 + (process_array[process_index][3] * 1.7);
process_array[process_index][3] += (speed_modifier * .3);
childDivs[process_array[process_index][1]].style.left = process_array[process_index][2] + 'px';
if (process_array[process_index][2] > 100 && process_array[process_index][4] && process_array[process_index][1] > 0) {
// window.alert('CCC');
process_array[process_index][4] = true;
//Add another process at ever 100pxs
process_array.push(new Array(menu_div_slide_out, process_array[process_index][1] - 1, 0, 0, false, process_array.length-1));
} else
if (process_array[process_index][2] >= (900 - (process_array[process_index][2] / 20))) {
//process_array.splice(process_array[process_index][5], 1);
function menu_slant() {
rotate_return = rotate(rootMenu, .1 + (tmp1_speed), 27);
tmp1_speed += (speed_modifier * .5);
if (rotate_return === true) {
/////////////This can be unremoved because there is more animation, perhaps. or can be done in another key frame.
tmp1_speed = 0;
rotate_current_deg = 0;
} else {
if (rotate_return / 27 * 100 >= 60 && case3_flag < 0) {
case2_flag = frame;
var menu_child0 = function() {
childDiv_tmp1_position += 3 + (tmp1_speed * 1.7);
childDiv.style.top = childDiv_tmp1_position + 'px';
rotate(childDiv, .2 + (tmp1_speed), 170);
tmp1_speed += (speed_modifier * .7);
if (childDiv_tmp1_position / client_height * 100 >= 80 && case2_flag < 0) {
case2_flag = frame;
if (childDiv_tmp1_position >= client_height) {
childDiv.style.visibility = 'hidden';
tmp1_speed = 0;
childDiv_tmp1_position = 0;
rotate_current_deg = 0;
//may be bloated >>
function remove_process(index) {
var index_tmp = process_array.indexOf(index);
if (index_tmp >= 0) {
process_array.splice(index_tmp, 1);
function rotate(rotate_div, rotate_passed_deg, rotate_passed_deg_stop) {
rotate_current_deg += rotate_passed_deg;
rotate_deg = rotate_current_deg < rotate_passed_deg_stop ? rotate_current_deg : rotate_passed_deg_stop;
rotate_div.style.webkitTransform = 'rotate(' + rotate_deg + 'deg)';
rotate_div.style.mozTransform = 'rotate(' + rotate_deg + 'deg)';
rotate_div.style.msTransform = 'rotate(' + rotate_deg + 'deg)';
rotate_div.style.oTransform = 'rotate(' + rotate_deg + 'deg)';
rotate_div.style.transform = 'rotate(' + rotate_deg + 'deg)';
if (rotate_current_deg >= rotate_passed_deg_stop) {
return true;
} else {
return rotate_current_deg;
//main loop for the animation
var mainloop = function() {
var loop_interval = setInterval(mainloop, mainloop_frame_time);
I am trying to animate my website falling apart but I am having a hard time articulation this into code. I thought of running the animation in a loop, creating events at specific frames and reusing some codes as functions. I have a rotate function which works to rotate several things.
The problem I am having is sliding my menu items one at a time to the right. I want one to slide a bit and the next to start sliding after. I wrote a function to slide an item and then in that function it adds another process to an array for the next menu item to be called and run the same function (with passed interval of who is calling). I do not know how many menu items there will be, thats why I am trying to make it dynamic.
I can get it so that the first mwnu item falls, the menu falls by rotating it (some times if there is an error in the code then it wont rotate, but when there are no errors it works better).
The issue is sliding each menu item.
my website is here: http://clearlove.ca/89-404-error
Can any one help me with why this isnt working, and if there is a better way to do what I am trying to do?

Execute function IF another function is complete NOT when

I am having trouble creating a slider that pauses on hover, because I execute the animation function again on mouse off, if I flick the mouse over it rapidly (thereby calling the function multiple times) it starts to play up, I would like it so that the function is only called if the other function is complete, otherwise it does not call at all (to avoid queue build up and messy animations)
What's the easiest/best way to do this?
$(document).ready(function() {
//get variables
var slide_width = $('.slider_container').width();
var number_of_slides = $('.slider_container .slide').length;
var slider_width = slide_width*number_of_slides;
//set element dimensions
var n = 1;
$('.slider_container').hover(function() {
//Mouse on
n = 0;
$('.slider').stop(true, false);
}, function() {
//Mouse off
n = 1;
if (fnct == 0) sliderLoop();
//Called in Slide Loop
function animateSlider() {
$('.slider').delay(3000).animate({ marginLeft: -(slide_width * i) }, function() {
var i = 0;
var fnct = 0
//Called in Doc Load
function sliderLoop() {
fnct = 1
if(n == 1) {
if (i < number_of_slides) {
i = 0;
fnct = 0
The slider works fine normally, but if I quickly move my mouse on and off it, then the slider starts jolting back and forth rapidly...been trying to come up with a solution for this for hours now..
Here's what fixed it, works a charm!
$(document).ready(function() {
//get variables
var slide_width = $('.slider_container').width();
var number_of_slides = $('.slider_container .slide').length;
var slider_width = slide_width*number_of_slides;
//set element dimensions
var n = 1;
var t = 0;
$('.slider_container').hover(function() {
}, function() {
t = setInterval(sliderLoop,3000);
var marginSize = i = 1;
var fnctcmp = 0;
//Called in Doc Load
function sliderLoop() {
if (i < number_of_slides) {
marginSize = -(slide_width * i++);
marginSize = i = 1;
$('.slider').animate({ marginLeft: marginSize });
t = setInterval(sliderLoop,3000);

get interval ID from else statement when set in IF

I am attempting to create a responsive slider, that will change to a simple set of dot points when in mobile mode (< 940).
The issue I am facing is in my else statement I am unable to clearintervals that were made in the if statement, because t comes up as undefined. I have resorted to using
for (var i = 1; i < 99999; i++) window.clearInterval(i); to clear the interval which works, but I don't like it because it's ugly and cumbersome, is there another way of accomplishing this?
$(document).ready(function() {
function rePosition() {
//get responsive width
var container_width = $('.container').width();
//Slider for desktops only
if(container_width >= 940) {
//get variables
var slide_width = $('.slider_container').width();
var number_of_slides = $('.slider_container .slide').length;
var slider_width = slide_width*number_of_slides;
//set element dimensions
var n = 1;
var t = 0;
$('.slider_container').hover(function() {
}, function() {
t = setInterval(sliderLoop,6000);
var marginSize = i = 1;
//Called in Doc Load
function sliderLoop(trans_speed) {
if (trans_speed) {
var trans_speed = trans_speed;
var trans_speed = 3000;
if (i < number_of_slides) {
marginSize = -(slide_width * i++);
marginSize = i = 1;
$('.slider').animate({ marginLeft: marginSize }, trans_speed);
t = setInterval(sliderLoop,6000);
$('.items li').hover(function() {
var item_numb = $(this).index();
i = item_numb;
}, function() {
t = setInterval(sliderLoop,6000);
for (var i = 1; i < 99999; i++)
$('.slider').stop(true, true);
$('.slider').css('margin-left', '0px');
//rearrange content
if($('.slider .slide .slide_title').length < 1) {
$('.items ul li').each(function() {
var item_numb = $(this).index();
var content = $(this).text();
$('.slider .slide:eq(' + item_numb + ')').prepend('<div class="title slide_title">' + content + '</div>')
$(window).resize(function() {
Teemu's comment is correct. I'll expand on it. Make an array available to all of the relevant code (just remember that globals are bad).
$(document).ready(function() {
var myIntervalArray = [];
Now, whenever you create an interval you will need to reference later, do this:
var t = setInterval();//etc
myIntervalArray.push(t); //or just put the interval directly in.
Then to clear them, just loop the array and clear each interval.
for (var i=0; i<myIntervalArray.length; i++)
Umm, wouldn't t only be defined when the if part ran... as far as I can tell, this is going to run and be done... the scope will be destroyed. If you need to maintain the scope across calls, you'll need to move your var statements outside of reposition(), like so:
$(document).ready(function() {
var t = 0;
function rePosition() { ... }

Need to add a delay on mouse-out to this code

This is some javascript for a drupal 6.x module called "Views Popup".
I can't seem to set a delay on the popup when the mouse moves off the link that triggers the popup. I have the title, teaser text and a more link in the popup and users need to be able to move the mouse off the link (image) in order to click on the "read more" link. I've tried adjusting all the settings in the code below, but none seem to relate to this. I'm not a coder, but I think something needs to be added to make this work. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Here's the code:
var popup_time = 0;
var popup_elem = 0;
var popup_show_timer = 0;
var popup_reset_timer = 0;
$(function() {
Drupal.behaviors.viewsPopup = function(context) {
$(".views-popup-row").mouseover(function() {
.mouseout(function() {
.mousemove(function(e) {
function popup_move(me,evt){
var e, top, left;
if (Drupal.settings.views_popup.follow_mouse){
left = evt.pageX + 15;
top = evt.pageY;
$("#views-popup-" + $(me).attr("id")).css({
left: left + 'px',
top: top + 'px'
function popup_show(me) {
var p, e, top, left, pos ;
var x = $(me).attr("id");
e = $("#views-popup-" + $(me).attr("id"));
if (e == popup_elem) {
return ; // already handled
if (! Drupal.settings.views_popup.follow_mouse){
pos = $(me).offset();
left = 20 + pos.left - $(document).scrollLeft();
top = 2 + pos.top + $(me).outerHeight() - $(document).scrollTop();
left: left + 'px',
top: top + 'px'
if (popup_elem) {
popup_time = 500 ;
popup_elem = e;
if ( popup_time == 0 ) {
} else {
popup_show_timer = setTimeout("popup_show_now();",popup_time);
function popup_show_now() {
popup_show_timer = 0 ;
if(popup_elem) {
popup_time = 0;
function popup_clear_show_timer(){
if (popup_show_timer) {
popup_show_timer = 0;
function popup_hide(me) {
e = $("#views-popup-" + $(me).attr("id"));
if(e == popup_elem) {
popup_elem = 2;
popup_reset_timer = setTimeout('popup_reset()',Drupal.settings.views_popup.reset_time);
function popup_reset(){
popup_time = Drupal.settings.views_popup.popup_delay;
So, assuming the above code works how you want -- and that you want to set a delay for the popup to hide, what you can do is call javascript's setTimeout(function, delay) function, which initiates a callback after delay milliseconds.
function popup_hide(me) {
e = $("#views-popup-" + $(me).attr("id"));
var delay = 1000; // ms
setTimeout(e.hide, delay); // <------- here
if(e == popup_elem) {
popup_elem = 2;
popup_reset_timer = setTimeout('popup_reset()',Drupal.settings.views_popup.reset_time);
This will call e.hide (the function) after 1 second has passed.

Event on margin change

I have an element with animated top margin. I need to detect if it isn't too close from the border, and if it is, scroll parent div to lower position, to prevent animated element from hiding. Here is an example:
This green box shouldn't be below the red line after clicking the "down" button.
Do you mean this?
var new_margin;
var step = 75;
var limit = $("#max")[0].offsetTop;
$('#down').click(function() {
var goStep = step;
var elHeight = $("#animated")[0].offsetTop + $("#animated")[0].offsetHeight;
if((elHeight + step) > limit)
goStep = limit - elHeight;
new_margin = goStep + parseInt($('#animated').css('margin-top'));
$("#animated").animate({marginTop: new_margin}, 1000);
EDIT: Or maybe something like that (of course you can improve the calculation, because currently it's very buggy with scroll):
var new_margin;
var step = 75;
$('#down').click(function () {
var scrollTimer = null;
$("#container").bind("scroll", function () {
scrollTimer = setTimeout(function () { scroll(1); }, 10);
function scroll(speed) {
var scrollStep, animationStep = step;
var currentBoxBottom = $("#animated")[0].offsetTop + $("#animated")[0].offsetHeight;
var nextCurrentBoxBottom = currentBoxBottom + step;
var limit = $("#max")[0].offsetTop + $("#container")[0].scrollTop;
if (nextCurrentBoxBottom > limit) {
if (limit >= $("#container")[0].scrollTop) {
scrollStep = $("#container")[0].scrollTop + nextCurrentBoxBottom - limit;
else {
scrollStep = $("#container")[0].scrollTop - nextCurrentBoxBottom - limit;
animationStep = nextCurrentBoxBottom - limit;
$("#container")[0].scrollTop = scrollStep;
new_margin = animationStep + parseInt($('#animated').css('margin-top'));
$("#animated").animate({ marginTop: new_margin }, speed);
Do you mean something like this?
I have the same visual result as Alex Dn did, but I added a little extra direction to what I think you're talking about. If it's what you're looking for I'll make updates:
var new_margin;
var step = 75;
var limit = $("#max")[0].offsetTop;
$('#down2').click(function() {
var anim = $("#animated");
var hrOff = $("#max").offset();
var thOff = anim.offset();
new_margin = Math.min(hrOff.top - thOff.top - anim.height(), 75);
console.log(new_margin, hrOff.top, thOff.top);
var st = 0;
if (new_margin < 75) {
st = 75 - new_margin;
//have container scroll by this much?
marginTop: "+=" + new_margin
}, 1000);

