MarkerClusterer GoogleMaps: Just update counter instead of redrawing - javascript

I'm using Marker Clusterer to display the amount of "markers" in an area in my Google Maps Web Application.
But: Every time a flag appears / disappears, it seems that the Clusterer gets completely redrawn instead of just updated the counter inside.
I understand this behaviour because of the different colors, sizes etc.
But what can i do to prevent this?
Do i have to prevent the different stylings so the Clusterer stays the "same", or what can i do to just update the number inside the circle?
I have thousands of markers, every one appears/and disappears, so i just want to have a steady circle with a number inside.

There is option nodraw which can be set to true and redraw won't be performed:
Adds a marker to the clusterer and redraws if needed:
addMarker(marker:google.maps.Marker, opt_nodraw:boolean)
Add an array of markers to the clusterer:
addMarkers(markers:Array.<google.maps.Marker>, opt_nodraw:boolean)


Update cluster weight on hiding noiseMarkers

I am trying to filter my markers in my Here maps. I managed to hide my Noisemarkers on filter, but the weight of my clusterMarkers are still the same as before.
I was wondering if there is a way in Here maps to get the new weight of clusters after hiding some markers.
My current code is the following for hiding markers:
var markerHidden = getCorrectMarker(df.dealersArray[dealerNumberHidden], arrayOfMarkers);
if (markerHidden) {
Is there a way to update all clusters on the map with only visible markers or not?
Visibility of marker can be set to False only at the map level, however at cluster level, no method defined for limiting the visibility.
Please refer API reference documentation of clustering:

Google Maps API: how to tell if a marker is hidden by another marker?

I have a map that has markers programmatically placed on it based on values in my database. When you click on a marker, it will go to a detail page for that location.
My problem is that when the map is sufficiently zoomed out, markers that are close enough to each other appear as a single marker, in effect hiding some of the markers. Is there a way to tell programmatically whether a marker is part of a group of markers or is hidden/covered up by other markers?
My intention is to do something like this for each dynamically generated marker:
marker.addListener('click', function() {
// if marker is not hiding any other markers
window.location.href = markerURL;
// else if it is hiding markers/is part of a group of markers
I have checked the Marker API documentation, but can't seem to find any useful methods. getClickable and getVisible always return true in my case, regardless of whether a marker is covered by another marker. Any suggestions? Thank you!
I ended up going with MarkerClusterer to solve my problem. I was hoping for a simpler solution, but this turned out to be pretty simple after all.
The only thing I needed to add to my existing marker-generating code was a list: var markers = [];, and then I called markers.push(marker); on all of my markers. The final step was to create a new MarkerClusterer object:
var markerCluster = new MarkerClusterer(map, markers, options);
And MarkerClusterer handles the rest more or less (the options parameter is optional, but I used it to set the path to my images and set the maximum zoom level). Now, in the situations where previously my markers were stacked on top of each other, making it impossible to see or click certain markers at certain zoom levels, I instead see a cluster with a number indicating the number of markers in that cluster. Clicking the cluster icon will further zoom in, revealing my markers.
All of this was done following the simple usage example on their github page, but they have pretty good documentation too. Most of my time getting this to work right was actually spent styling the cluster icons to match my site's color scheme...

Setting click priority on google maps polygon array

I am coding in JavaScript using the Google Maps API, and I was curious if there was a way to set the priority of what polygon array info window is shown when I click on an area. I have two polygons that are overlapping, and I need to control which info bubble appears when you click on the overlapped area. Thank you!
The click will be triggered on the most top Polygon.
The order of the polygons usually depends on the order in which they have been added to the map(when the map-property has been set) or by setting a custom zIndex-property.
So when you want to define a priority you must define the zIndex for the Polygons.
When you want to be able to click on each polygon(and each part of each polygon) there is a simple approach:
Observe the mouseover of the polygons and set the zIndex of the hovered polygon to a value higher than the zIndex of the other polygons. This will bring the polygon into front and you now may also click on the previously covered area.
You may implement this by extending the polygon-prototype:
var a=z=0;
google.maps.Polygon_.prototype = google.maps.Polygon.prototype;
google.maps.Polygon = google.maps.Polygon_;}
(Use rightclick to send a polygon to back, e.g. when it completely covers another polygon).

markerClusterer: Update cluster icon

I'm using markerClusterer:
and my problem is this:
The user, on the map can edit the icon of the markers.
So, I want that one marker's icon is changed, the cluster parent must recalculate the cluster icon.
Any ideas?
The .CALCULATOR() function is recalled every time you zoom in and zoom out the map, so is automagically resolved.

Place the Google Maps pegman underneath markers

I have a Google V3 map which uses steetView and some map markers.
The little yellow streetView pegman sits on the map on top of the markers.
Is there a way to change the z-indexes so that my markers will be above the pegman
(so that they can be easlly clicked on without having to zoom in)?
In case anything is not clear, here is a fiddle....
After a bit of experimenting I came up with this...
$("#map_canvas img[src*=cb_scout]").parent("div").css({'zIndex': -200});
$($("#map_canvas img[src*=cb_scout]")[1]).parent("div").parent("div").css({'zIndex': -200});
This forces the pegman to sit beneath the markers but now the pegman is no longer dragable and each time the map is moved etc, the pegman jumps above the markers again.
To keep the pegman under your markers you can watch for the pov_changed event and reset the z-index after a short delay
$google.maps.event.addListener(panorama, 'pov_changed', function() {
var func=function(){
$("#map_canvas img[src*=cb_scout]").parent("div").css({'zIndex': -200});
You will also need to change the depth of the pegman after the maps moves, which can be accomplished with the following snippet
google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'idle', function() {
google.maps.event.trigger(panorama, 'pov_changed');
If you want to be able to drag the pegman, you must first place it above the markers by having a toggle button swap the pegman's depth and add an exception to the pov_changed event handler preventing the pagman from dropping depths when the toggle button is active.
Okay, this may be a bit hacky... (and I hope I understood what you were doing)
1) Disable street view control
2) Make another control with a lower zIndex than the marker you have.
3) Update street view control with the position of the fake street view marker.
You can set the zIndex of the marker above google.maps.Marker.MAX_ZINDEX in order for the pegman to remain under the marker. MAX_ZINDEX is the maximum default z-index that the API will assign to a marker. Marker z-indexes only work when optimizations are turned off on all markers on the map.
Forked fiddle from question to illustrate:
var marker1 = new google.maps.Marker({
position: new google.maps.LatLng(54.975, -2.020),
map: map,
zIndex: google.maps.Marker.MAX_ZINDEX + 1,
optimized: false

