Why is it not possible to find documents with '$all' modifier? - javascript

I have the following documents:
_id: 1
title: "oneItem"
_id: 2,
title: "twoItem"
When I try to find these documents by using the following command:
db.collection.documents.find({_id: {$in: [1, 2]}});
I get these two documents but when I try to find these documents by using the following query:
db.collection.documents.find({_id: {$all: [1, 2]}});
I get nothing. Can you explain what's the problem? Basically I need to find all documents with _id 1 and 2 and if none exist then fail.

The reasoning is actually quite simple in that $in and $all have two completely different functions. The documentation links are there, but to explain:
Consider these documents:
_id: 1,
items: [ "a", "b" ]
_id: 2,
items: [ "a", "b", "c" ]
$in - provides a list of arguments that can possibly match the value in the field being tested. This would match as follows:
db.collection.find({ items: {$in: [ "a", "b", "c" ] }})
_id: 1,
items: [ "a", "b" ]
_id: 2,
items: [ "a", "b", "c" ]
$all - provides a list where the field being matched is expected to be an array and all of the listed elements are present in that array. E.g
db.collection.find({ items: {$all: [ "a", "b", "c" ] }})
_id: 2,
items: [ "a", "b", "c" ]
Hence why your query does not return a result, the field is not an array and does not contain both elements.
The MongoDB operator reference is something you should really read through.
As your your statement, ["I need to find all documents with _id 1 and 2 and if someone from them does not exists then fail."], matching various criteria is easy as you see in the usage of $in. Your problem is you want a whole set to match or otherwise return nothing ("fail"). This I have already explained to you an some length in a previous question, but to re-iterate:
// Match on what you want to find
{$match: { list: {$in: [1,2]} }},
// Add the found results to a distinct *set*
{$group: { _id: null, list: {$addToSet: "$_id"} }},
// Only return when *all* the expected items are in the *set*
{$match: { list: {$all: [1,2]} }}
So after that manipulation, this will only return a result if all of the items where found. That is how we use $all to match in this way.


MongoDB Aggregation - match documents with array of objects, by another array of objects filter

I have documents that consist of an array of objects, and each object in this array consists of another array of objects.
For simplicity, irrelevant fields of the documents were omitted.
It looks like this (2 documents):
title: 'abc',
parts: [
part: "verse",
progressions: [
progression: "62a4a87da7fdbdabf787e47f",
key: "Ab",
_id: "62b5aaa0c9e9fe8a7d7240d3"
progression: "62adf477ed11cbbe156d5769",
key: "C",
_id: "62b5aaa0c9e9fe8a7d7240d3"
_id: "62b5aaa0c9e9fe8a7d7240d2"
part: "chorus",
progressions: [
progression: "62a4a51b4693c43dce9be09c",
key: "E",
_id: "62b5aaa0c9e9fe8a7d7240d9"
_id: "62b5aaa0c9e9fe8a7d7240d8"
title: 'def',
parts: [
part: "verse",
progressions: [
progression: "33a4a87da7fopvvbf787erwe",
key: "E",
_id: "62b5aaa0c9e9fe8a7d7240d3"
progression: "98opf477ewfscbbe156d5442",
key: "Bb",
_id: "62b5aaa0c9e9fe8a7d7240d3"
_id: "12r3aaa0c4r5me8a7d72oi8u"
part: "bridge",
progressions: [
progression: "62a4a51b4693c43dce9be09c",
key: "C#",
_id: "62b5aaa0c9e9fe8a7d7240d9"
_id: "62b5aaa0rwfvse8a7d7240d8"
The parameters that the client sends with a request are an array of objects:
{ part: 'verse', progressions: ['62a4a87da7fdbdabf787e47f', '62a4a51b4693c43dce9be09c'] },
{ part: 'chorus', progressions: ['62adf477ed11cbbe156d5769'] }
I want to retrieve, through mongodb aggregation, the documents that at least one of objects in the input array above is matching them:
In this example, documents that have in their parts array field, an object that has the value 'verse' in the part property and one of the progressions id's ['62a4a87da7fdbdabf787e47f', '62a4a51b4693c43dce9be09c'] in the progression property in one of the objects in the progressions property, or documents that have in their parts array field, an object that has the value 'chorus' in the part property and one of the progressions id's ['62adf477ed11cbbe156d5769'] in the progression property in one of the objects in the progressions property.
In this example, the matching document is the first one (with the title 'abc'), but in actual use, there might be many matching documents.
I tried to create an aggregation pipeline myself (using the mongoose 'aggregate' method):
// parsedProgressions = [
// { part: 'verse', progressions: ['62a4a87da7fdbdabf787e47f', '62a4a51b4693c43dce9be09c'] },
// { part: 'chorus', progressions: ['62adf477ed11cbbe156d5769'] }
// ]
$addFields: {
"tempMapResults": {
$map: {
input: parsedProgressions,
as: "parsedProgression",
in: {
$cond: {
if: { parts: { $elemMatch: { part: "$$parsedProgression.part", "progressions.progression": mongoose.Types.ObjectId("$$parsedProgression.progression") } } },
then: true, else: false
$addFields: {
"isMatched": { $anyElementTrue: ["$tempMapResults"] }
{ $match: { isMatched: true } },
{ $project: { title: 1, "parts.part": 1, "parts.progressions.progression": 1 } }
But it didn't work - as I understand it, because the $elemMatch can be used only in the $match stage.
Anyway, I guess I overcomplicated the aggregation pipeline, so I will be glad if you can fix my aggregation pipeline/offer a better working one.
This is not a simple case as these are both nested arrays and we need to match both the part and the progressions, which are not on the same level
One option looks complicated a bit, but keeps your data small:
In order to make things easier, $set a new array field called matchCond which includes an array called progs containing the parts.progressions. To each sub-object inside it insert the matching progressions input array. We do need to be careful here and handle the case where there is no matching progressions input arrayprogressions input array, as this is the case for the "bridge" part on the second document.
Now we just need to check if for any of these progs items, the progression field is matching one option in input array. This is done using $filter, and $rediceing the number of results.
Just match document which have results and format the answer
$set: {
matchCond: {
$map: {
input: "$parts",
as: "parts",
in: {progs: {
$map: {
input: "$$parts.progressions",
in: {$mergeObjects: [
{input: {progressions: []}},
{input: {$first: {
$filter: {
input: inputData,
as: "inputPart",
cond: {$eq: ["$$inputPart.part", "$$parts.part"]}
{$set: {
matchCond: {
$reduce: {
input: "$matchCond",
initialValue: 0,
in: {$add: [
{$size: {
$filter: {
input: "$$this.progs",
as: "part",
cond: {$in: ["$$part.progression", "$$part.input.progressions"]}
{$match: {matchCond: {$gt: 0}}},
{$project: {title: 1, parts: 1}}
See how it works on the playground example
Another option is to use $unwind, which looks simple, but will duplicate your data, thus, likely to be slower:
{$addFields: {inputData: inputData, cond: "$parts"}},
{$unwind: "$cond"},
{$unwind: "$cond.progressions"},
{$unwind: "$inputData"},
{$match: {
$expr: {
$and: [
{$eq: ["$cond.part", "$inputData.part"]},
{$in: ["$cond.progressions.progression", "$inputData.progressions"]}
{$project: {title: 1, parts: 1}}
See how it works on the playground example - unwind
There are several options between these two...

Edit multiple objects in array using mongoose (MongoDB)

So I tried several ways, but I can't, I can modify several objects with the same key but I can't modify any with different keys, if anyone can help me is quite a complex problem
id: 123,
"infos": [
{ name: 'Joe', value: 'Disabled', id: 0 },
{ name: 'Adam', value: 'Enabled', id: 0 }
In my database I have a collection with an array and several objects inside which gives this.
I want to modify these objects, filter by their name and modify the value.
To give you a better example, my site returns me an object with the new data, and I want to modify the database object with the new object, without clearing the array, the name key never changes.
const object = [
{ name: 'Joe', value: 'Hey', id: 1 },
{ name: 'Adam', value: 'None', id: 1 }
for(const obj in object) {
Schema.findOneAndUpdate({ id: 123 }, {
$set: {
[`infos.${obj}.value`]: "Test"
This code works but it is not optimized, it makes several requests, I would like to do everything in one request, and also it doesn't update the id, only the value.
If anyone can help me that would be great, I've looked everywhere and can't find anything
My schema structure
new Schema({
id: { "type": String, "required": true, "unique": true },
infos: []
I use the $addToSet method to insert objects into the infos array
Try This :
id: 123,
$set: {
"infos.$[x].value": "Value",
"infos.$[x].name": "User"
arrayFilters: [
"x.id": {
$in: [
multi: true
The all positional $[] operator acts as a placeholder for all elements in the array field.
In $in you can use dynamic array of id.
Ex :
const ids = [1,2,..n]
//Same code as it is...
arrayFilters: [
"x.id": {
$in: ids
multi: true
MongoPlayGround Link : https://mongoplayground.net/p/Tuz831lkPqk
Maybe you look for something like this:
$set: {
"infos.$[x].value": "test1",
"infos.$[x].id": 10,
"infos.$[y].value": "test2",
"infos.$[y].id": 20
arrayFilters: [
"x.name": "Adam"
"y.name": "Joe"
multi: true
You define arrayFilters for all names in objects you have and update the values & id in all documents ...

Mongoose - renaming object key within array

I have this one schema
_id: "123456",
id: "123",
inventory: [
id: "foo",
count: 0
id: "bar",
count: 3
I wanted every "count" keys in the inventory array to be "price" which will look like this at the end:
_id: "123456",
id: "123",
inventory: [
id: "foo",
price: 0
id: "bar",
price: 3
And I've tried this
Model.updateOne({ id: "123" }, { $unset: { inventory: [{ count: 1 }] } } )
But it seems to be deleting the "inventory" field itself
The first thing here is to try to use $rename but how the docs explain:
$rename does not work if these fields are in array elements.
So is necessary to look for another method. So you can use this update with aggregation query:
This query uses mainly $map, $arrayToObject and $objectToArray. The trick here is:
Create a new field called inventory (overwrite existing one)
Iterate over every value of the array with $map, and then for each object in the array use $objectToArray to create an array and also iterate over that second array using again $map.
Into this second iteration create fields k and v. Field v will be the same (you don't want to change the value, only the key). And for field k you have to change only the one whose match with your condition, i.e. only change from count to price. If this condition is not matched then the key remain.
$set: {
inventory: {
$map: {
input: "$inventory",
in: {
$arrayToObject: {
$map: {
input: {$objectToArray: "$$this"},
in: {
k: {
$cond: [
$eq: ["$$this.k","count"]
v: "$$this.v"
Example here

Insert array of objects into MongoDB

I wonder how I could insert array of objects to Mongo collection "root-level documents" with own pre-defined _id values.
I have tried db.MyCollection.insert(array); but it creates nested documents under one single generated _id in MongoDB.
var array = [
{ _id: 'rg8nsoqsxhpNYho2N',
goals: 0,
assists: 1,
total: 1 },
{ _id: 'yKMx6sHQboL5m8Lqx',
goals: 0,
assists: 1,
total: 1 }];
What I want
db.collection.insertMany() is what you need (supported from 3.2):
{ name: "bob", age: 42, status: "A", },
{ name: "ahn", age: 22, status: "A", },
{ name: "xi", age: 34, status: "D", }
"acknowledged" : true,
"insertedIds" : [
Why not iterate over the array objects, and insert them one at a time?
array.forEach((item) => db.MyCollection.insert(item));
Go through this Link To get Exact Outcome the way you want:
You can use MongoDB Bulk to insert multiple document in one single call to the database.
First iterate over your array and call the bulk method for each item:
After the loop, call execute:
Take a look at the refereed documentation to learn more.

How to weight documents to create sort criteria?

I'm trying to aggregate a collection in which there are documents that look like this:
"title" : 1984,
"tags" : ['dystopia', apocalypse', 'future',....]
And I have a criteria array of keywords, for instance:
var keywords = ['future', 'google', 'cat',....]
What I would like to achieve is to aggregate the collection in order to $group it according to a "convenience" criteria in order to sort the document by the one that contains the more of the keywords in its tags field.
This means, if one document contains in its tags: 'future', 'google', 'cat' it will be sorted before another one that has 'future', 'cat', 'apple'.
So far, I have tried something like this:
{ $group : { _id : {title:"$title"} , convenience: { $sum: { $cond: [ {tags: {$in: keywords}}, 1, 0 ] } } } },
{ $sort : {'convenience': -1}})
But the $in operator is not a boolean so it does not work. I've looked around and didn't find any operator that could help me with this.
As you said you need a logical operator in order to evaluate $cond. It's a bit terse, but here is an implementation using $or :
{$unwind: "$tags" },
{$group: {
_id: "$title",
weight: {
$sum: {$cond: [
// Test *equality* of the `tags` value against any of the list
{$or: [
{$eq: ["$tags", "future"]},
{$eq: ["$tags", "google"]},
{$eq: ["$tags", "cat"]},
1, 0 ]}
I'll leave the rest of the implementation up to you, but this should show the basic construction to the point of the matching you want to do.
From your comments there also seem to be a programming issue you are struggling with, related to how you perform an aggregation like this where you have an Array of items to query in the form you gave above:
var keywords = ['future', 'google', 'cat',....]
Since this structure cannot be directly employed in the pipeline condition, what you need to do is transform it into what you need. Each language has it's own approach, but in a JavaScript version:
var keywords = ['future', 'google', 'cat'];
var orCondition = [];
keywords.forEach(function(value) {
var doc = {$eq: [ "$tags", value ]};
And then just define the aggregation query with the orCondition variable in place:
{$unwind: "$tags" },
{$group: {
_id: "$title",
weight: {
$sum: {$cond: [
{$or: orCondition }
1, 0 ]}
Or for that matter, any of the parts you need to construct. This is generally how it is done in the real world, where we would almost never hard-code a data structure like this.

