Enable/Disable textboxes using checkbox inside the table - javascript

Help me. I have problem with the code:
I have this script:
$('td input[type="checkbox"]').onclick(function () {
$(this).closest('tr').find('input[type="text"]').prop('disable', !this.checked);
And the table:
<table class="table table-striped table-bordered table-hover" id="dataTables-example">
<th>Activity Name</th>
<th><center>Time Estimate Overhead (min)</center> </th>
<th><center>Time Estimate Per Unit (min)</center></th>
<th><center>Total Time (min)</center></th>
<td><input type="checkbox" class="others1">
<td class="center">1,7,8</td>
<td class="center"></td>
<td class="center"><input type="text" id="cb1_teo_text" name="cb1_teo_text" style="width: 100%;" disabled=""></td>
<td class="center"><input type="text" id="cb1_tep_text" name="cb1_tep_text" style="width: 100%;" disabled=""></td>
<td class="center"><span id="totaTime1"/></td>
<td><input type="checkbox" name="others2"></td>
<td>Review of Materials</td>
<td class="center">1,7,8</td>
<td class="center"></td>
<td class="center"><input type="text" name="cb2_teo_text" style="width: 100%;" disabled=""></td>
<td class="center"><input type="text" name="cb2_tep_text" style="width: 100%;" disabled=""></td>
<td class="center"></td>
I just want to enable the preceding with two when the checkbox is checked and disable when the checkbox is unchecked.

There is no .onclick() event binding in jQuery - it is .click(), also the property name to enable and disable elements is disabled not disable. You also need to wrap the binding in a $(document).ready() block so the Javascript isn't trying to bind the event to an element that doesn't exist yet.
These changes to your code are all that are needed to make it work.
$('td input[type="checkbox"]').click(function () {
$(this).closest('tr').find('input[type="text"]').prop('disabled', !this.checked);
Here is a working jsFiddle showing the changes.


unable to get value of hidden input in jquery using find function

i want when user click delete icon i need value of hidden input inside "delete" class but i am getting undefined can someone guide me where i am doing wrong
<table class="items-list">
<th> </th>
<th>Product name</th>
<th>Product price</th>
<tr class="item">
<td class="thumb"><img src="img/catalog/shopping-cart-thumb_2.jpg" alt="Lorem ipsum"/></td>
<td class="name">Wristlet</td>
<td class="price">715,00 $</td>
<td class="qnt-count">
<a class="incr-btn" href="#">-</a>
<input class="quantity form-control" type="text" value="2">
<a class="incr-btn" href="#">+</a>
<td class="total">2715,00 $</td>
<td class="delete"> <input type="hidden" name="row_id" value="123" > <i class="icon-delete"></i></td>
my jquery code is as follow
$(document).on('click', '.shopping-cart .delete', function(){
var $target = $(this).parent().find('.row_id').val();
every time i run to alert i get error " undefined.tried many different ways but didnt work
You don't have a class on the input, just a name, change your markup like this:
<input type="hidden" name="row_id" class="row_id" value="123">
or your selector like this:
var $target = $(this).parent().find('input[name="row_id"]').val();
$(document).on('click', '.delete', function(){
var $target = $(this).find('input').val();
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<table class="items-list">
<th> </th>
<th>Product name</th>
<th>Product price</th>
<tr class="item">
<td class="thumb"><img src="img/catalog/shopping-cart-thumb_2.jpg" alt="Lorem ipsum"/></td>
<td class="name">Wristlet</td>
<td class="price">715,00 $</td>
<td class="qnt-count">
<a class="incr-btn" href="#">-</a>
<input class="quantity form-control" type="text" value="2">
<a class="incr-btn" href="#">+</a>
<td class="total">2715,00 $</td>
<td class="delete"> <input type="hidden" name="row_id" value="123" > <i class="icon-delete">Delete</i></td>
Please check the Working Code.
I have firstly added a new <TH> Tag to display the delete button.
And then in jquery i user .find to get the internal element of <TD> and as per your code it alters the value of hidden box
Thanks wish it might help you

How to prevent click handler for a specific target

I am using these to make clickable link row but I don't want to include the checkbox because I am using checkbox to filter another action.
Is it possible to except checkbox on the row?
How to prevent click handler for a specific target
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
$(".clickable-row").click(function() {
window.document.location = $(this).data("href");
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<table class="table table-striped table-bordered table-hover table_adj table-checkable txt-col mar_bot_10">
<label class="mt-checkbox mt-checkbox-single mt-checkbox-outline">
<input class="mail-group-checkbox" type="checkbox" value="movetofilter"> <span></span>
<th><span data-placement="bottom" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Added Reference">b</span>
<th><span data-placement="bottom" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Received Message">e</span>
<th><span data-placement="bottom" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Received Date">f</span>
<th class="text-right">i</th>
<tr class='clickable-row' data-href='http://stackoverflow.com'>
<label class="mt-checkbox mt-checkbox-single mt-checkbox-outline">
<input class="mail-group-checkbox" type="checkbox" value="movetofilter"> <span></span>
<td class="text70px">1</td>
<td class="text170px">1</td>
<td class="text40px">23</td>
<td class="text70px">2</td>
<td class="text40px">4</td>
<td class="text70px">5</td>
<td class="text70px text-right">6</td>
You can verify what element was clicked using event.target.
$(".clickable-row").click(function(event) {
// Check if target is NOT inside '.mt-checkbox'
window.document.location = $(this).data("href");

Click event on AJAX generated content

I have a link in my HTML that I want to trigger using a click event in jQuery. This content is generated with AJAX. I know that I'm supposed to use .on, so that's what I'm doing. My code does fire on the td when I use this code:
$(".onestepcheckout-summary").on("click", ".wider", function() {
return false;
But it's supposed to fire on the anchor tag with the class addsqty. I've tried multiple things like changing the .wider to .wider > a and .wider > .addsqty or simple .addsqty. Why doesn't this work?
Here is my HTML. The AJAX loaded content starts with <table class="onestepcheckout-summary">.
<div class="onestepcheckout-summary">
<table class="onestepcheckout-summary">
<th class="name" colspan="2">Artikel</th>
<th class="qty">Stück</th>
<th class="total">Zwischensumme</th>
<td class="name">
Simpel product </td>
<td class="editcart">
<td class="qty" nowrap="">
<input type="hidden" value="5" id="qty_46" name="cart[46][qty]" class="qtyinput" size="1">
5 </td>
<td class="editcart wider" nowrap="">
<td class="total">
<span class="price">€ 10,00</span> </td>
<table class="onestepcheckout-totals">
<td style="" class="a-right" colspan="1">
Zwischensumme </td>
<td style="" class="a-right">
<span class="price">€ 145,00</span> </td>
<td style="" class="a-right" colspan="1">
<td style="" class="a-right">
<strong id="total-price"><span class="price">€ 145,00</span></strong>
dynamic content never got the click event :
for this you need to use on , bind and delegate:
i always prefer Delegate. Try This :
$("body").delegate(".wider", "click", function() {
return false;
You could try in such a way also
$(document).on("click", '.onestepcheckout-summary',function (event) {
// whatever u want ...
Change parent div classname also , it seems like both have same class name.
<div class="div-class">
<table class="table-class">
$('.div-class').on("click", '.onestepcheckout-summary',function (event) {
// whatever u want ...

check checkbox addclass when table row clicked with jquery

I have a table I'm wanting to check the checkbox & add a class to a div when the user clicks on the table row, I can't get it to add the class.
can anyone show me where i'm going wrong.
<div class="widgit">
<table id="QR_table">
<tr class="QR_table-row">
<th class="qr_action">Checkbox</th>
<th class="qr_action">Action</th>
<th class="qr_from">FROM</th>
<th class="qr_to">TO</th>
<th class="qr_trans">Transport</th>
<tr class="QR-row">
<td class="checkbox">
<input class="modal-state" id="modal-1" type="checkbox" />
<td class="qr_action">PT</td>
<td class="qr_from">4</td>
<td class="qr_to">21</td>
<td class="qr_trans">WC</td>
<tr class="QR-row">
<td class="checkbox">
<input class="modal-state" id="modal-1" type="checkbox" />
<td class="qr_action">PT</td>
<td class="qr_from">8</td>
<td class="qr_to">2</td>
<td class="qr_trans">T</td>
$(function() {
$(".QR-row").click(function() {
var $chk = $(this).find('input[type=checkbox]');
} else {
From my point of View everything works fine.
In your fiddle the only div that you have is around your table and it seems to be the one you try to give a class.
<div class="widgit">
<table id="QR_table">
And everything works fine. Fiddle
If you want it to do something else then you have to be a bit more specific about what you try to achive

use button to pass td data

I have a table that I want to give the user the ability to select. I added an button, value="Update", to the beginning of the row, and assigned an onclick value. My problem is that I want to send other items(in td>s on the same row) from the row to the function called by the button.
How do I get the information from the row the button is on? I would like to pass the "Name" and "Last Update Time" to the function the button calls. I tried using the following:
$("#Report input[name=btn_id]").closest('td').attr('text')
but it returns "undefined," which I am not surprised by, as I think this is due to it not knowing what row of the table to pull from.
Here is a view of the table:
Here is the code behind the table:
<table align="center" border="1" class="report" id="report">
<th width="75">Update</th>
<th width="500">Name</th>
<th width="50">Info</th>
<th width="100">location</th>
<th width="100">Last Update Time</th>
<tr class="parent" id="other_app">
<td align="center">
<input type="button" name="btn_id" value="Update" onclick="UpdateRec(d1)">
<td name="App_Name">Test1</td>
<td align="center">None</td>
<td align="center">Desktop</td>
<td align="center">2014-06-30 18:22:39</td>
<tr class="parent" id="other_app">
<td align="center">
<input type="button" name="btn_id" value="Update" onclick="UpdateAppRec(d1)">
<td name="App_Name">Test1</td>
<td align="center">None</td>
<td align="center">Server</td>
<td align="center">2014-03-30 16:20:15</td>
Any help would be appreciated.
Embrace the power of this.
..in your function:
function UpdateRec(el) {
var targetRow = $(el).parents('tr')
Using this passes a reference to the clicked element. You can then use jQuery to select the parent table row. From there you can use .find() to select anything in that row.
Another way to do this would be to use HTML5 data- attributes on this button itself:
<input type="button" name="btn_id" value="Update" onclick="UpdateRec(d1)" data-appName="something" />
In the same function you can then use $(el).data('appName') to get the value directly without looking up values in other DOM elements.
//Add a click listener on all your buttons using event delegation
$('#Report').click(onUpdateButtonClicked, 'input[name=btn_id]');
function onUpdateButtonClicked() {
var rowValues = $(this)
.parent() //select parent td
.nextAll() //select all next siblings of that parent td
.map(function () { //loop through the tds, collecting their text value
return $(this).text();
}).get(); //return the result as an array
//do what you want with rowValues
I would suggest you to use common class for all update buttons with common click event handler.
Here is the fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/jwet6z6x/
<table align="center" border="1" class="report" id="report">
<th width="75">Update</th>
<th width="500">Name</th>
<th width="50">Info</th>
<th width="100">location</th>
<th width="100">Last Update Time</th>
<tr class="parent" id="other_app">
<td align="center">
<input class="updateBtn" type="button" name="btn_id" value="Update">
<td name="App_Name">Test1</td>
<td align="center">None</td>
<td align="center">Desktop</td>
<td align="center">2014-06-30 18:22:39</td>
<tr class="parent" id="other_app">
<td align="center">
<input class="updateBtn" type="button" name="btn_id" value="Update">
<td name="App_Name">Test1</td>
<td align="center">None</td>
<td align="center">Server</td>
<td align="center">2014-03-30 16:20:15</td>
var name = $(this).parent().parent().find('td').eq(1).html()
var time = $(this).parent().parent().find('td').eq(4).html()
alert (name);
alert (time);
I would do as follow : http://jsfiddle.net/Lk91cpup/2/
<tr id="row_1">
<input type="button" id="btn_row_1" class="btn" value="Update">
<td id="text_row_1">Test1</td>
<td >2014-06-30 18:22:39</td>
<tr id="row_2">
<input type="button" id="btn_row_2" class="btn" value="Update">
<td id="text_row_2">Test2</td>
<td>2014-03-30 16:20:15</td>
And Javascript
var id = this.id.substring(this.id.lastIndexOf("_") + 1);
alert($("#text_row_" + id).text());
<tr class="parent" id="other_app">
<td align="center">
<input type="button" name="btn_id" value="Update" onclick="UpdateRec(d1, 'Test1', 'None', 'Desktop', '2014-06-30')">
<td name="App_Name">Test1</td>
<td align="center">None</td>
<td align="center">Desktop</td>
<td align="center">2014-06-30 18:22:39</td>
Since you have already written a javascript function call why not just include the things you need right?
This is simplier but not the best practise.

