sending value with link with javascript - javascript

I am viewing the content of mysql inbox_messages table and view every message as link to reply the message or delete . so i have to send the message id with the link to specify the message in the editing page the code was
<a href="sompage.php?m_id=<? echo $m_id; ?>" >
and it's working.
But when I tried to make it with javascript to make the reply like chat box i dont know how to send the message id while opening and to get the id with php and i am opening the message in a div with this code
<a href = "javascript:void(0)"
onclick = "document.getElementById('responsecontainer').style.display='block';document.getElementById('fade').style.display='block'"

<a href="sompage.php?m_id=<? echo $m_id; ?>" >
can be replaced by appending ?m_id= and a variable equal to whatever $m_id is.
var m_id = <?php $M_id ?>;
var yourLink = document.getElementById("replyLink");
yourLink.href = yourLink.href+"?m_id="+m_id;
That said, getting $m_id into the javascript without inline PHP in a synchronous manner would probably require the use of GET parameters, which is another topic, so I'll just give you a helpful link to get started:


Reading a textfile to authenticate user in PHP with JS and echoing it

So this should be easy enough. Basically we have a URL that is a link to take a user to a help page. With this link, the user needs to be authenticated. When the user clicks the link, it reads the file contents from the PHP and sends them through. I believe you need to echo the PHP in the JS and this is where I am hazy. It's not a lot of code but can someone take a look and see if it looks correct? Below is the PHP in the template. Thanks. I tried testing it but I don't think it's working. Appreciate any help.
<a id="help" target="_blank"><?=l(111)?><div style="display:none;" id="help-creds"><? echo file_get_contents('d:/www_resources/htpasswd/app-file.plaintext') ?></div>
//Js to echo the PHP
var helpCreds = $("#help-creds").text();
var $help = $('#help');
$(help).attr("href", "" + helpCreds);

Show PHP object data inside javascript

I know there have been just too many questions so far asking about PHP and JS working together...I went through them, but I cannot find an elegant solution for my use case.
What I currently have is following PHP code in my webpage that fetches product info and shows it:
$p= new Product($prodId);
//now show product info...
echo "<div>Product Name: ".$p['productName']."</div>";
echo "<div>Product Rating: ".$p['productRating']."</div>";
Now what I have been asked to do is instead of showing this data directly in the page, I should show it only when a button is clicked. And I should show it inside a bootbox modal dialog box
So I did:
<span id='prod-details'> View Product Details </span>
<input type='hidden' id ='prod-id' value='<?php echo $p['productId'];?>'>
And in my jquery file I have:
var prodId = $('#prod-id').val();
productDetail = "Product Details for "+prodId;
//how do I get rest of product details from PHP object?
Any help is very much appreciated...I have been trying hard to make this work.
What I normally do is echo the information inside the bootbox modal div and just hide/show the bootbox modal div with an onClick function
you can either put it in your html file like this:
var productName = <?php echo $p['productName'];?>;
or exactly like you did with the product id, just put all the data you need inside the input div (or any oher div releated to that product)
<input type='hidden' id ='prod-id' value='<?php echo $p['productId'];?>' productName='<?php echo $p['productName'];?>'>
and then using jquery get that data like you got the id
var prodName = $('#prod-id').attr('productName');

How set id from database to php session on link click

but lets talk from the begin. I am creating website similar like wordpres blog index page (can't show picture bescause dont have enough reputation). And then I click read more link in the intro article I want save that article id from the database to php sesions. Here is the code.
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result))
echo '<div class="img">
<img src="img/smiley.gif" alt="Smiley face" width="250" height="250">
echo "<h2>".$row['Name'] . "</h2> " ;
$string = strip_tags($row['Content']);
if (strlen($string) > 500) {
$stringCut = substr($string, 0, 500);
$string = substr($stringCut, 0, strrpos($stringCut, ' ')).'... Read more';
//echo $string;
if(isset($_GET['link']) /*you can validate the link here*/){
$_SESSION['link']= true;
echo $string;
echo "<br>";
echo '<div class="content dashboard clearfix"></div>';
echo '<hr>';
So I have 3 intro articles in index.php file and I whant read one, so I press READ MORE (then I should write article id to session) and go to other page, were I think I should get articles id from session. I am tryyng do it with
if(isset($_GET['link']) ){ /*you can validate the link here*/
$_SESSION['link']= true;
But it always write number 5 the last ID from database, so I think I should use maybe AJAX, javascript?? Maybe some one can give me the example?
Thank you.
You could set a SESSION variable through ajax but... that'd get pretty insane, making things overly complicated and not very SEO friendly
There's a better method: Make your "read more" actual links to your content. So you've got a "read more" link to, then inside "page.php" you simply do:
$Id = intval($_GET['id']);
You can make this more pretty after reading how to create friendly URL in php? so they look like
From your code, you automatically go to the desired page when clicking on the link. Therefore, you only need to create the page post.php and retrieve a single row from the database, in a similar fashion as I indicated above but with the proper name:
$Id = intval($_GET['link']);

PHP link written into page not being retrieved by a JAVASCRIPT function

I'm writing on a page the following code with PHP. This code creates a A HREF link with the ID equal to $intIdType, which is the value of the PRIMARY KEY in a database, and $count gets the amount of records per category on the database. All of this is inside a WHILE that reads each record and writes on the PAGE the results
echo "<a href='#' id='$intIdType'>";//Starts creating the link
echo "$intIdType -";
echo $arrBusinessTypes["business_Description"];
echo "(";
echo " $count1 )"."</a>";
Now, after the results are on the page it will look like this:
$intIdType $arrBusinessTypes $count
1 -Auto Sales ( 1 )
2 -Auto Repair ( 1 )
5 -Web Desig & I.T. Services( 2 )
6 -Computer Shop ( 1 )
The above result displays each rown as a link where I can click on it, but nothing happens. Even just a simple Alert in javascript does not show up. It seems that it never reaches even the Javascript at all.
What I need now is to retrieve that PHP generated code on the page by a Javascript file, that will allow me to use the hiperlink generated by PHP into the .HTML page
It works if I write directly into the page what PHP is suppose to write. I wonder if this happens because Javascript can not read posted data from PHP into the page.
The Javascript File looks like this:
function post_result() {
$("#1").click(function() { //This is the HREF ID that is written by PHP into the page
$('#list_results').load("results.php");//This seeks to run a PHP file in a DIV
$('.title').text('Listing Categories');//This just replaces the Title in the page
I'm just a beginner trying. Thanks for any help.
echo "<a id='$intIdType'>";//Starts creating the link echo "$intIdType -";
echo "$intIdType -";
echo $arrBusinessTypes["business_Description"];
echo "("; echo " $count1 )"."</a>";
just remove href attribute and try
Remark #1: quote custom data when outputs it to HTML:
echo $arrBusinessTypes["business_Description"]; must be
echo htmlspecialchars($arrBusinessTypes["business_Description"]);
Remark #2: you don't need window.onload handler here. In this piece of code you select complex way to do simple thing. Why do not write direct onclick handler? Write function loading some data depending of parameter and do something like:
$htmlspecialchars = function($s){return htmlspecialchars($s);};
echo <<<HTML
<a href='#' id='$intIdType' onclick='loadInfo($intIdType)'>
$intIdType -{$htmlspecialchars($arrBusinessTypes["business_Description"])} ( $count1 )
(converted to heredoc to make HTML more clean)

href call in javascript

I have a problem with using , during
click of the link, I need to update a field in the database and redirect to another page after.
I have this code:
<a href="#" onclick="<?php
$sql="UPDATE MyDB.mytable SET Date = '".date("Y-m-d H:i:s")."'
WHERE ID='" . $id . "'";
if (!mysql_query($sql)) ///Cannot query
if ($sql)
$logger->debug( 'NOt OK');
?>"> </a>
After the php end tag '?>' can I add my path to be directed to? like:
<a href="#" onclick="<?php
$sql="UPDATE MyDB.mytable SET Date = '".date("Y-m-d H:i:s")."'
WHERE ID='" . $id . "'";
if (!mysql_query($sql)) ///Cannot query
if ($sql)
$logger->debug( 'NOt OK');
?> ../index.php"></a>
Is that even possible?
What is the right thing to do it?
Thanks a lot!
this is not the right way.
There can be multiple ways you could take to do this. But I'd suggest you to place the DB update code in the target page (that I assume you mentioned as index.php). If you only want to trigger the DB update code on clicking of the link, use a page in middle to redirect the flow.
So, your page flow will be:
Current Page (Link Clicked, simple href to middleman.php) ==> middleman.php (just run the DB update code here and use header Location syntax to index.php) ==> index.php
page in which you have the link
<.... html contents ....>
<a href='middleman.php'>Visit the page</a>
<.... more html contents ....>
$sql="UPDATE MyDB.mytable SET Date = '".date("Y-m-d H:i:s")."' WHERE ID='" . $id . "'";
if (!mysql_query($sql)) ///Cannot query
if ($sql)
 $logger->debug( 'NOt OK');
header("Location: index.php"); //redirects to index.php
do whatever you want
When a page is rendered, php code will run once. Whenever you see a webpage, it's only html, always, with no live access to the php code. So, you cannot execute php blocks directly from for example a javascript event. In your case the sql query would execute once, when you load the page.
kishu27 just posted one of the proper ways to do it, and the best option for you in this case. If you only wanted to update the database, without being redirected to another page, an ajax call to a php page with the database code would be a good alternative.
Using location.pathname

