css class toggle not toggling class - javascript

I am trying to toggle my class once clicked but i am having trouble doing so - if anyone can point out what i am missing or doing wrong that would be great.
<a class="rGroupIcons icon-plus addUsersToGroup float_right" href="#" data-bind="attr: { 'data-user-id': ID()}"></a>
<div class="Roles fade in" data-bind="foreach: $parent.Roles()">
<a style="display: none;" class="roleType btn addUsersWithGroupRole" data-bind="text: RoleTypeName, attr: { 'data-roletype-id': RoleId() }"></a>
$(document).on('click', '.addUsersToGroup', function (event) {
$(".addUsersToGroup", $(this)).toggleClass("icon-plus icon-minus");

You just need to use $(this) as at the moment you are looking for .addUsertsToGroup within the element addUsertsToGroup
$(document).on('click', '.addUsersToGroup', function (event) {
$(this).toggleClass("icon-plus icon-minus");
Working example here http://jsfiddle.net/domjgreen/NLYNK/


Turn Inline OnClick to Click Jquery

I have the following inline styles for a dropdown menu list. I do not know how to make it in to 'click' using jQuery.
<button class="btn btn-primary mw" data-toggle="dropdown"><span class="caret">Subject</span></button>
<div class="dropdown-menu">
<a class="dropdown-item Business" onclick="selectBusiness()"> Business</a>
<a class="dropdown-item ICT" onclick="selectICT()"> ICT</a>
<a class="dropdown-item Arts" onclick="selectArts()"> Arts</a>
More information:
I tried to do this following code for a button and it's working fine. But as I said I do not know how to make it work for a dropdown menu.
var btn = document.querySelector("button.selectAll");
btn.addEventListener("click", selectAll);
Your input would be greatly appreciated!
If you want to use jQuery, you can add listener to the classes of each <a> inside your dropdown.
$(".Business").on('click', function() {
//selectBusiness() or your code here
$(".Arts").on('click', function() {
//selectarts() or your code here
$(".ICT").on('click', function() {
//selectICT() or your code here
Another solution would be to add a single listener for all your dropdown-items and then checking the content of the selected one.
$(".dropdown-item").on('click', function() {
switch ($(this).text()) {
case "Business":

jquery script doesn't work for me

$('a.locked').click(function(e) {
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<a href="example.com"target="_blank" id="action2">
<button class="button2">
<span class="icon">CLICK HERE</span>
<a href="example.com"class="locked">
<button class="locked-button">
<i class="fa fa-lock" aria-hidden="true"></i>
<span class="icon">CONTINUE</span>
I want that the last a element is locked, and if you click on the 2nd button, the class locked will be removed from the last a element and I will be able to click on the link.
It deletes the class but I still can't click the link. How to fix that?
Also, is there are smarter way to do that...
This event binding isn't removed from the <a> when its class="locked" is removed:
$('a.locked').click(function(e) {
At least with direct bindings like this, jQuery only uses the selector initially to attach the event handler to all matching elements. It won't recheck the selector when the event is later triggered. Currently, you'll have to do that check yourself:
$('a').click(function (e) {
if ($(this).hasClass('locked')) {
Though, if you have an overall parent element, you can use a delegated binding and jQuery will then recheck the (2nd) selector for you when the event is triggered.
<div id="parent">
<a href="example.com" target="_blank" id="action2">
<!-- ... -->
<a href="example.com" class="locked">
<!-- ... -->
$('#parent').on('click', 'a.locked', function (e) {
So, just removing a css class will not work in your case.
You should remove the event handler to allow the button to be clicked, something like this should work:
$("a.locked").on("click.locked", function(e) {
Working jsfiddle.
Like this?
Check out this SO question to read more about the toggle function I used.
$(document).on("click", "#ToggleLock", function(e) {
$('#Continue').prop('disabled', function(i, v) {
return !v;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<button type="button" id='ToggleLock'>Unlock/Lock</button>
<button onclick="location.href='http://www.example.com'" type="button" id='Continue' disabled>Continue</button>
Let me know if I have greatly misunderstood the question.
Remove the class is not enough, since you added a click event to all $('a.locked') you need use .off() to remove the click event after removing the class. Also try to target the specific element, you could add id="btn_continue" to 2nd button. ($("a") will target all <a> which is not what you want to do)
$('a.locked').click(function(e) {
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<a href="example.com" target="_blank" id="action2">
<button class="button2">
<span class="icon">CLICK HERE</span>
<a href="example.com" id="btn_continue" class="locked">
<button class="locked-button">
<i class="fa fa-lock" aria-hidden="true"></i>
<span class="icon">CONTINUE</span>

Bootstrap Popover is not working when rel is used

I've used the following code to init the bootstrap popover.
<a class="help_popup" rel="popover" data-popover-content="#apiSearchTips" data-placement="bottom">
<span class="icon fw-stack fw-lg add-margin-left-1x" stylZ="font-size:10px">
<i class="fw fw-circle fw-stack-2x"></i>
<i class="fw fw-question fw-stack-1x fw-inverse"></i>
<div id="apiSearchTips" class="hide help-popover-content" >
//Popover content
container: 'body',
html: true,
content: function () {
var clone = $($(this).data('popover-content')).clone(true).removeClass('hide');
return clone;
}).click(function(e) {
This does not work unless I change the selector attribute to a different one rather than rel="popover". For an example say I change it to data-trigger="popover" and it works. Why does this happen?

Need to get the "id" attribute of <a> tag using JS

My JSP has a tag whose id is getting populated dynamically:
c:forEach var="advisor" items="${advisors}">
<a id="${advisor.getAdvisorId()}" href="#" onclick="GetAdvisorReview()" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#datepay">img src="assets/img/services/Icon_Reviews.png" width="50" alt="">/a>
function GetAdvisorReview(){
var domElement =$(event.target);
Every alert is giving undefined.Please tell me what is wrong with the code.Thanks in advance!!!!
Try using this inside the onclick()
<a id="${advisor.getAdvisorId()}" href="#" onclick="GetAdvisorReview(this)" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#datepay">img src="assets/img/services/Icon_Reviews.png" width="50" alt="">/a>
And the Js should be:
function GetAdvisorReview(e){
alert(e.id); //Get the Id
Where the e is the element that fired the event.
You have HTML markup errors in your loop. I'm assuming those are SO
pasted typos only. Otherwise, fix those as well as my code block displays.
An event listener solution is the approach I would take.
remove the onclick, replace it with a class:
<c:forEach var="advisor" items="${advisors}">
<a id="${advisor.getAdvisorId()}" href="#" class="advisors" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#datepay">
<img src="assets/img/services/Icon_Reviews.png" width="50" alt="">
and then listen for that class click event to happen
$(".advisors").click(function() {
Wilfredo P's is a good approach, but I would suggest to avoid using inline JS by adding a CSS class to all your links and to use addEventListener() (pure JS) or .on() (jQuery) to bind the click event:
c:forEach var="advisor" items="${advisors}">
<a id="${advisor.getAdvisorId()}" class="someClass" href="#" onclick="GetAdvisorReview()" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#datepay">img src="assets/img/services/Icon_Reviews.png" width="50" alt="">/a>
Pure JS:
var elems = document.getElementsByClassName("someClass");
for ( i=0; i<elems.length; i++ ) {
elems[0].addEventListener("click", function() {
alert( elems[0].getAttribute("id") );
// jQuery
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".someClass", this).on("click", function() {
alert( $(this).attr("id") );
// Pure JS
var elems = document.getElementsByClassName("someClass-js");
for ( i=0; i<elems.length; i++ ) {
elems[0].addEventListener("mouseup", function() {
alert( this.getAttribute("id") );
// jQuery
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".someClass-jquery", this).on("click", function() {
alert( $(this).attr("id") );
a {
display: block;
p {
margin-bottom: 0;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<p>With Pure JS:</p>
<a id="some-link-1" class="someClass-js" href="#">Some Link 1</a>
<a id="some-link-2" class="someClass-js" href="#">Some Link 2</a>
<p>With jQuery:</p>
<a id="some-link-3" class="someClass-jquery" href="#">Some Link 3</a>
<a id="some-link-4" class="someClass-jquery" href="#">Some Link 4</a>
If you want to have the sender element and the event object, you should do this instead:
<a id="${advisor.getAdvisorId()}" href="#" onclick="GetAdvisorReview(this, event)" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#datepay">img src="assets/img/services/Icon_Reviews.png" width="50" alt="">/a>
Then you can access them like that:
function GetAdvisorReview(sender, e){

I'm trying to implement a click event on a bootstrap dropdown menu

Hi I have a bootstrap dropdown menu that is auto filled from a database. I am trying to get an event to happen when I click on one of the items in the menu. I have tried
$("body").on("click", ".ddBtnClick", function(event) {
console.log("Is it working? Yes!!");
with ".ddBtnClick" being a class assigned to each of the items in the list. but nothing happened.
Here is the code to populate the list from a database.
$.getJSON("http://jeremiah.abrahamott.com/DadsCarsObjects.txt", function(data){
$.each(data.aaData, function(i, option){
$("#dropdownfill").append($('<li/>').append($('<a/>').attr("id", option.Year).attr("href", "#").attr("tabindex", "-1").addClass("ddBntClick").text(option.Make)))
Here is the html for the dropdown.
<div class="row" style="margin-left:50px;">
<div class="span3">
<div class="btn-group">
<a class="btn dropdown-toggle" data- toggle="dropdown" href="#">Make
<span class="caret"></span>
<ul class="dropdown-menu" role="menu" aria-labelledby="dropdownMenu" id="dropdownfill">
Issue is with your className. You are registering the delegated event handler for ddBtnClick but actual class name is ddBntClick.
$("body").on("click", ".ddBtnClick", function(event) {
console.log("Is it working? Yes!!");
Change the class name during construction or change in your event delegation.
$("body").on("click", ".ddBntClick", function(event) {
console.log("Is it working? Yes!!");
Have you tried wrapping your Javascript in the document.ready event?
$("body").on("click", ".ddBtnClick", function(event) {
console.log("Is it working? Yes!!");
See the jQuery .ready() documentation for more information and examples.
Also, you should register the click event on the actual button and use .click() instead of .on():
$(".ddBtnClick").click(function(event) {
console.log("Is it working? Yes!!");
Also, you have a typo:
Should be:

