Catch / Handle 502 Bad Gateway Error - javascript

I have to update a large collection so I am calling in a loop an web api. I use jQuery.ajax()
Something like this:
type: 'GET',
url: '',
jsonpCallback: 'API_SC4',
contentType: "application/json",
dataType: 'jsonp',
success: function(data) {
//use data for update of collection[currentIndex]
error: function(e) {
//interpret error
The problem is the collection is quite large and sometimes I get a 502 Bad Gateway error and the ajax error handler is not called.
I even tried $( document ).ajaxError() but i'm doing a cross-domain jsonp call , and it seems .ajaxError() does not get called in that situation.
Is there any way to handle that error? Something at window level?
I can see the error in the Chrome development console , and I was thinking there might be a way.

Yes, there is: statusCode. See the jQuery documentation on AJAX for details.
Simple example:
statusCode: {
502: function () {


Jquery: Probably a syntax Issue in ajax() method - Value not getting sent

I'm able to dump value of the variable message in console .
But im not able to send it off in POST Request.
AJAX call:
chat.throwmsg = function(message) {
if ($.trim(message).length != 0) {
url: 'ajax/chat.php',
type: 'post',
data: { method: 'throw', message: message} ,
success: function(data) {
This maybe due to wrong syntax, but I've tried both single and double quotes, and combination as well .
With a wild assumption, you are not having any error messages in developer console and chat.php has a post handler forthese parameters
Since your data is JSON, please change the code as this way and have a try..
var temp={ method: 'throw', message: message};
var param=JSON.stringify(temp);
url: 'ajax/chat.php',
type: 'post',
data: param ,
dataType: "json",
success: function(data) {
after reviewing the code I could not find any issues that restrict the data to be sent along with ajax request,if you are having any syntax errors you should have been warned prior the request initialization, however I recommend you to check the request header in the network tab of browser console and see your sending data along with the request if it's there you probably need to check the code of getting the post data in your server-side implementations

RESTful request in ajax and react

good day, im trying to consume a web service in react, but im having problems with the ajax function, i'm not sure if is working my code is this:
prox= {"email":email, "password": password};
//tag comment
type: 'POST',
url: (web service url),
data: JSON.stringify(prox),
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
crossDomain: true,
dataType: 'json',
success: function(data) {
this.setState({success: true, result: data});
this.setState({prueba: 'success'});
error: function() {
this.setState({failure: true});
this.setState({prueba: 'failure'});
but i dont have any alert, when i click the button only re-render the form, the function handdle submit works, i try it putting a confirm() in the space where the //tag comment is and the confirm pop up, but the alerts dont, i think that i have an error in the function or something, thank's for the help.
I didn't run the script but just looking at it I imagine the problem could be your bind(this)
this.setState to me should be an error “is not a function” as this is not the react object. To get an alert try placing the alert as the first state.
To be sure just look at your browser console.
It looks like its working for the most part. I threw it into a JSBin and nothing seems to be out of the ordinary.,js,output
I kept your JSX mostly the same, and added a few things in the component to help you visualize its state. Click the button to send a fake ajax request. Depending on the state, it will either send back an HTTP status of 200 or 400 (success or failure). This way, you can see how the success() and error() functions behave.
Another thing to note: If you are concerned that your .bind(this) is the reason your code is not working, you can specify the context like this:
type : 'POST',
url : '/test',
data : JSON.stringify(prox),
contentType : "application/json; charset=utf-8",
context : this, //use this instead of .bind
success : function (data) {
this.setState({success : true, failure : false});
error : function () {
this.setState({failure : true, success : false});
Let me know if you have any questions.
Doing some extensive research i see that my real problem whas the same origin policy, now im working fine in the localhost version of the project, thank you.

Ajax request failing?

I am trying to retrieve json data from an api.
It keeps failing, but when I look in the Net tab of Firebug I can see that the GET request executed and returned the correct data. Am I doing something wrong or does anyone have tips on how to debug this?
Edit: Have changed to dataType json and error status code is 0
url: 'http://localhost:55894/api/Test/All',
data: {
format: 'json'
error: function () {
dataType: 'jsonp',
success: function (data) {
type: 'GET'
From the info you provided the reason it is failing is because you dont have a cross domain access policy setup. Because you are using different ports to host the website and the API you are running into this issue. You can either setup a crossdomain.xml with the proper security settings or you can move both the API and the webserver to the same port.
Have a look at this for more info:
u can try this way:
type: 'GET',
url: 'url api here',
beforeSend: function() {
success: function(data) {
error: function(xhr) { // if error occured
complete: function() {
dataType: 'json'
JSON and JSONP are different. If you are using JSONP, the server side must be prepared to support it. Doesn't look like you are using JSONP.
So just change dataType to 'json', as you are "trying to retrieve json data".

Jquery ajax response not calling Success method

I am pretty much new to ajax and working on jquery ajax request. Ajax callback is not calling success method. Interaction is between cross-site domains.
My AJAX request looks like
timeout: 20000,
url: '',
crossDomain: true,
dataType: 'jsonp',
success: function (data) {
console.log('callback success');
this._cache = data;
localStorage.token = data.access_token;
} });
There are no errors in this call.
This ajax request is not calling success function.Request is returning json data. it's just success method is not getting called.
This ajax request is not calling success function.
Get request is getting fired successfully. I can even trace the response in fiddler with 200 http response.For some reason success method is not getting called.
it's returning json object, which I've traced in fiddler
You're telling jQuery to expect a JSONP response, so it is trying to execute the JSON document as if it were a JavaScript script (because that is what JSONP is). This fails because it is not JSONP.
Either return JSONP instead of JSON or (assuming the server returns the correct Content-Type) remove dataType: 'jsonp',.
ok... I came here with the same problem... and when I read that specifying datatype:jsonp never calls success as a callback per #mondjunge from a comment above, it started me thinking about some behavior I saw earlier from my code and that maybe datatype:json might have the same behavior for what ever reason here too.
So after reading this page I took out my datatype declaration from my ajax request and my servlet returned the proper data payload, returned a 200, and jquery called the success function finally and modified my DOM.
All those steps happened except the last one until I removed my datatype from my ajax call. NOT what I was expecting!
Hopefully someone else can shed some light on why this happens... for now at least the few that don't lose their minds to this issue that find this post can do this in the mean time.
Check if your ajax is executed
Check it's status. If response code is != 200, than you should add error method also, for error handling.
Try this:
timeout: 20000,
url: '',
method: 'GET',
crossDomain: true,
dataType: 'jsonp',
success: function (data) {
console.log('callback success');
this._cache = data;
localStorage.token = data.access_token;
error: function(xhr, error){
console.debug(xhr); console.debug(error);

jQuery $.ajax call works in Chrome, but not any other browser

The following call works perfectly in Chrome, but fails in every other browser.
function getInfo(r,c,f){
return $.parseJSON($.ajax({
url: baseURL + 'somethingAPI/getInfo',
data: {
"data_r": r,
"data_c": c,
"data_f": f
//success: function(data){},
dataType: "json",
async: FALSE
Yes, I'm using a synchronous ajax call and I believe it is necessary as I don't want any of the other JS to run without this executing and returning data. Although, I'm not entirely sure if something else should be happening with the success callback.
Anyway, in Chrome I get the response object (JSON) and can access the data within just fine.
Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
Regarding your point about not knowing how to avoid async: false, is this something like what you're looking to accomplish?
function getInfo(r, c, f, callback) {
url: baseURL + 'somethingAPI/getInfo',
data: {
"data_r": r,
"data_c": c,
"data_f": f
dataType: "json",
success: callback,
getInfo('foo', 'bar', 'baz', function(response) {
Rather than parsingJson on the ajax query, here's the syntax I use to conquer these challenges
url: "pagegoeshere.php",
timeout: 30000,
type: "POST",
data: 'data1='+data1+'&data2='+data2,
dataType: 'json',
error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
alert("An error has occurred making the request: " + errorThrown)
success: function(returnjson){
var returnstuff = returnjson.returnstuff;
//Do next Javascript step here
You can run ensuing javascript/jquery in the success and "stack" events together on success of your Ajax call. That way, if it works, it proceeds. Otherwise, the error handling can occur in the provided error section in a manner that you define. I generally fire my ajax calls on a click handler, but it's certainly doable to run it in a function as you have chosen. Be sure to check your return JSON (could be mailed from your processing page, for example) to make sure it's valid JSON. Jsonlint is your friend!
I've had chrome effectively parse bad HTML and JSON while the other browsers don't on several occasions. I'd suspect it's something along those lines that's specifically causing your issues.

