jQuery Loading message pageLoad BlockUI - javascript

Using Block UI --> Block UI
I'm trying to make the "Loading" message appear before the page starts to load and while the page is loading.
See this jsFiddle --> http://jsfiddle.net/wx9F3/22/
Narrow the search down to a couple of part numbers using the textboxes at the top and then click "reset". The page will start to load and THEN the "Loading" message appears. I need this to happen before the page starts to load and while the page is loading.
$('#clearBtn').on('click', function() {
$.blockUI({message: '<h3>Loading</h3>',timeout: 2000});
Does anyone know how to fix this?

It is because your function on triggered with keyup event it making the browser gag, I do not have the time to check the whole function, but you should look into it.
As a quick fix, do not set timeout for blockui, and add a delay in calling keyup, like this:
$.blockUI({message: '<h3>Loading</h3>'});
Than at the end of keyup function just add a call to release the blocked ui, like this:
See the full fiddle here, but please I will like to STRETCH out this is just a patch, to get it working you should really sort out your function which causes the halt.


Run jquery animated gif on form next button

I have a form that has multiple pages, on one of the page I’m using a web service to return a value (triggered on the next button) that is then displayed on the next page.
The value return takes over 20 second and want to use an animated gif to let the user know something is happening, I am using a jquery page animation that is normally fired using
$(window).load(function() {
// Animate loader off screen
I have tried $(window).unload(function() nut this seems to fire straight away andnever leaves the animation.
Ideally I would like to fire the animation on the next button:
And run while the web service is getting the information but npo sure hope this is done.
I have tried
$(document).ready(function () {
$('.button').on('click', getAn);
function getAn () {
But this doesn’t fire. I also don't have acess to modify the html.
Is it possible to use an animated gif like this or is it really only for page loading?

Added data disappear

jQuery Core 3.1.0
Chrome, Firefox
Below is a model of jquery.ajax() success behaviour.
Shortly: I managed to fetch data via AJAX. In this model example the data is represented by "Just something" placeholder. Now I want to add the data to the document.
var add_date = $("#add_date");
function add_date_ajax(){
$('.frame_date').append("Just something");
debugger; // 1
debugger; // 2
A problem: the data appear and then disappear in half a second.
I placed breakpoints.
When the page is loading, it stops at breakpoint 2. That is correct.
When I click #add_date element, the script stops at breakpoint 1. That is also correct.
But when I click "resume script execution", the script again goes to breakpoint 2. This seem strange to me. As if the page is reloaded. Maybe that is why the added text disappears.
Could you help me cope with the problem?
Added later:
It disappears because you are reloading the page. The html
Add date
should be
Add date
To bind all your events, you should use the ready on document.
To avoid the reloading of your page (because of the href of the a tag), you have to call preventDefault or use a button.
You should write your code like this:
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#add_date").on("click", add_date_ajax);
function add_date_ajax(event) {
$('.frame_date').append("Just something");

Adding an extra button in facebook post using google chrome extension

I was successful to track all "uiStreamSource" that holds the link associated with each facebook post (status, image, etc) to add one extra button next to the date to do some other tasks using google chrome extensions. This button does a predefined job which not important to mention in this context.
I wrote this content script:
var nodeslist=document.getElementsByClassName("uiStreamSource");
Each time a facebook page is loaded, the alert shows me 10 detected classes (i.e., 10 posts). But when I scroll down, new posts show up and this code fails to detect them. Since I need to update all uiStreamSource nodes in all posts, how can I solve this?
I tried this code in contentscript.js:
document.addEventListener("DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument", load, false);
function load(){
var nodeslist=document.getElementsByClassName("uiStreamSource");
The first time it runs, I get the correct number of the current nodes (current facebook posts) but once I scroll down and more posts are fetched, the alert shows up indicating that load function is called but the number of nodes printed is 0. Why is that?
Thanks on advance.
You can add a DOMNodeInserted event and check if the element that is going to be inserted is a post by checking its classes.
Or an easy solution is to use the jcade plugin. It can call a callback function when an element with specified selector is inserted.
Listen to the scroll event and add any new posts to nodeslist. You could use setInterval as well to catch any posts that are added when the user is not scrolling.

jQuery Mobile Binding Spinner To ChangePage

After a lot of google'ing and reading forums I've not found a suitable answer.
So far all I have found is something like below:
show loading message
call change page
hide loading message
This would work but I would have to do this every time I call load/change page (which is a lot).
Which would leave me either to make a middle man function like below:
function customLoader(url){
Is there anyway of binding it to the change page event?
So that it shows from the second changePage is called but hides once changePage is away...
I know the above middle man method would work but would like something more tidy and nicer to implement as there's a lot of html/js files.
Something like this:
$('#test-button').live('click', function(e) {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 1000);
$("#second").live('pageshow', function () {
Timeout is here only so you can see it's working successfully. This is a light example so transition is fired quickly. Remove it in your real code.
And here's an example: http://jsfiddle.net/Gajotres/arrHd/
Every change page event cycle has a order of events occuring when a page A is transiting to a page B. No matter which action is used to trigger a change page you can always disable it when page B i successfully loaded. If you want to find more about page load order take a look at this link: https://stackoverflow.com/a/14010308/1848600. There you will find a lot about jQM page dynamics.
In case you want to implement this into every page transition use this:
$('[data-role="page"]').live('pageshow', function () {
This will hide a ajax loader (if it is open) every time a different page is successfully loaded and shown.
Maybe it's too much for many, but I found a solution different than the written in the comments of this question.
I use the jquery mobile router and in the 'show' event of a page, I do $.mobile.loading("show");, so when the page appears it does with the loading spinner showing.
I use Jquery Mobile Router for a lot more, but it solved this issue.
Though to hide the spinner, I had to use $('.ui-loader').hide();, which is weird, I know...
(Maybe just listening to the proper event and triggering the spinner would also work, as this is what JQMR does...)
I'm using JQM 1.4.2...

replacing content on pages that use ajax

I'm working on a extension for a fb game that adds some extra info to popup boxes, hides some useless information and run some timers so you can see how long till you have to do something even if you are not on the game page.
My problem is that a while back they went over to using ajax to change between pages and I am wondering if I am using the right approach to handle this.
I run a setInterval that checks if I am on a page where i want to add/remove soemting and i havent done it yet, if this is true I do my stuff, the code looks something like this:
function myFunction() {
if($(selector for some element I am looking for).length > 0 && $(selector for some item I add).length == 0) {
//do some stuff
Is this the right way of handling ajax page change from an content script in an extension?
If so is there a better way to see if I am on the right page or if i have added to this page already other than doing a selection?
You can use livequery jquery plugin to catch when new element is created on a page:
//ajax-element is created
You can also listen to DOMSubtreeModified event which fires when DOM changes:
document.addEventListener("DOMSubtreeModified", function(event){
//something has changed, possibly ajax-element was added
There are also more specific DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument and DOMNodeRemovedFromDocument events.

