Set Ng-model data with math - javascript

I have a problem with AngularJS. In my form I have a couple of input's. I have to do some math with the data, and then save it. But because I use Angularfire I have to assign the result to a ng-model, and that's where i'm stuck. How can i do this?
Here's my code:
<input name="firstmatch" ng-model="project.firstmatch">
<input name="secondmatch" ng-model="project.secondmatch">
<input name="thirdmatch" ng-model="project.thirdmatch">
<input name="fourth" ng-model="project.fourthmatch">
<input name="fifthmatch" ng-model="project.fifthmatch">
<!-- The math part-->
<textarea name="points" ng-model="project.points"> {{ project.firstmatch--project.secondmatch--project.thirdmatch--project.fourthmatch--project.fifthmatch }} </textarea>

Why do you print the result in a textarea? Textareas don't accept code by default. Just try printing the result in a div or span.
If you by any means want the result to be editable then print it in another input and don't do the calculation inside it. Do the logic in the controller, like this:
<input name="firstmatch" ng-model="project.firstmatch">
<input name="secondmatch" ng-model="project.secondmatch">
<input name="thirdmatch" ng-model="project.thirdmatch">
<input name="fourth" ng-model="project.fourthmatch">
<input name="fifthmatch" ng-model="project.fifthmatch">
<!-- The math part-->
<input type="text" name="points" ng-model="project.points" />
And than in the controller write:
$scope.project.points = $scope.project.firstmatch - $scope.project.secondmatch - $scope.project.thirdmatch - $scope.project.fourthmatch - $scope.project.fifthmatch;


Submit form data to Highcharts addPoint method to dynamically update form

I currently have a chart pulling in data from a local JSON file. I now need to submit data via a form to update the chart dynamically. I know Highcharts has an addPoint method which should work, just need some guidance on how to pass my form data to this method.
<form id="add_data">
<input type="date" name="date" id="human" value="date" />
<input type="integer" name="amount" id="amount" value="amount" />
<input type="radio" name="request_type" id="human" value="human" />
<label for="human">Human</label>
<input type="radio" name="request_type" id="good" value="good" />
<label for="good">Good</label>
<input type="radio" name="request_type" id="bad" value="bad" />
<label for="bad">Bad</label>
<input type="radio" name="request_type" id="whitelist" value="whitelist" />
<label for="whitelist">Whitelist</label>
<input id="submit" type="submit" value="Submit">
The Highcharts docs use this as an example, which is what I am trying to use, but instead of hard coding the data I need to pass in my form data. I think...if I am totally off please let me know. Any help is appreciated.
$('#add_data input:radio[name=request_type]').click(function() {
$index = $('#add_data input:radio[name=request_type]').index(this);
$('#submit').click(function() {
var chart = $('#container').highcharts(),
amount = parseFloat($('#amount').val());
In your click action you need to extract values from inputs. For example if you need to add point with value from input AMOUNT it should be used like:
$('#submit').click(function() {
var chart = $('#container').highcharts(),
point = parseFloat($('#amount').val());
i += 1;

Copy multiple input fields to other matching input fields with jQuery/Javascript

I have a dummy form and the actual form in which at some point I want to copy all the input values from the dummy form across to the real form.
The dummy fields will have the same names as the real form (so I can match them up).
So in dummy form:
<input name="item1" value="field1" />
<input name="item2" value="field1" />
<input name="item3" value="field1" />
and in real form:
<input name="item1" value="" />
<input name="item2" value="" />
<input name="item3" value="" />
I assume I'll need to iterate over each input in dummy form (using jQuery .each() ?) while collecting the name and value in an JS object.
Then iterate over each input in the real form, matching the name as the selector and setting the value (perhaps this can be done in the one .each() function ???)
I've started with the following code which only grabs the values (and index) into an array, but because I need two values (name and value, and index is irrelevant) I assume I'll need an object not an array, but really not sure where to begin with that.
var inputValues = [];
$("#dummyForm input").each(function() {
Any help or advice much appreciated.
Map them like
$('#DummyForm [name]').each(function() {
var name = $(this).attr('name');
$('#RealForm [name="' + name + '"]').val($(this).val());
<script src=""></script>
<form id="DummyForm">
<input name="item1" value="field1" />
<input name="item2" value="field2" />
<input name="item3" value="field3" />
<form id="RealForm">
<input name="item1" value="" />
<input name="item2" value="" />
<input name="item3" value="" />
You could do something like below:
$('#dummy input').each(function(){
if($('#real input[name='+$(this).prop('name')+']').length == 1)
$('#real input[name='+$(this).prop('name')+']').val($('#dummy input[name='+$(this).prop('name')+']').val())
Here is my Fiddle...

Setting input value when moving 'scroll control'

I've been working on a script that lets a user set a setting using HTML5' <input type="range", I've got it to work and got it to show a value on my site, but the thing is that I want the user set setting to be posted as a form input $_POST['gearsdrag'].
For clearification I'm providing a JSfiddle.
The input I want to be sent is
<input id="r" type="text" name="gearsdrag" value="6000" />
But what the script set's is <input id="r" type="text" name="gearsdrag" />6000</input> and that's not being sent with $_POST.So is there a way to do this or maybe with get parameters or something.I can't figure it out.
Changing the function to this will insert the value into the input and from there you can post it is that what your after?
<script>function showValue(newValue)
//changing the "innerHTML" to "value" is what inserts it into the text field
document.getElementById("r").value = newValue;
document.getElementById("rr").innerHTML = newValue;
Keisti pavarÄ… prie: <span id="rr">0</span> / RPM
<form action="test.php" method="post">
<input type="range" min="0" max="7800" value="0" step="100" onchange="showValue(this.value)" />
<input id="r" type="text" name="gearsdrag" value=""/>
<input type="submit" value="Nustatyti" />

using innerHTML with <input>

I am trying to use the innerHTML method on an input tag and all i get back is a blank string. Here is the code i am useing.
function setName(ID){
document.getElementById('searchtitle').innerHTML = "Enter " + ID.innerHTML;
<input type="radio" name="searchtype" id="test" value="name" onclick="setName(this)">Last Name</input><br/>
<input type="radio" name="searchtype" value="phonenumber" onclick="setName(this)">Phone Number</input><br/>
<label for="inputfield" id="searchtitle" style="font-size:2em;">Enter Last Name</label><br/>
<input type="text" name="inputfield" id="inputfield" style="font-size:2em;"></input>
What is supposed to happen is depending on which radio button I pick the label for the input box should change. I can make the label.innerHTML=radio.value but the values are named for my php code and not formated nicely(ie. phonenumber vs. Phone Number) this is why I am trying to use the innerHTML of the radio button.
Any help I could get would be greatly appriciated.
you should embed input inside of label tag. input tag should closed by />. It's semantic HTML. When you do this clicking on label activate the input. InnerHTML only works for label then. It will return you label value.
<label for="inputfield" id="searchtitle" style="font-size:2em;">Enter Last Name
<input type="text" name="inputfield" id="inputfield" style="font-size:2em;" />
console.log(document.getElementById('searchtitle').innerHTML); // returns 'Enter Last Name'
If you want the value of an input tag, you want to use .value.
First, add labels around your inputs. Second, use getName(this.parentNode). Finally, call innerText instead of innerHtml.
function setName(el){
document.getElementById('searchtitle').innerHTML = "Enter " + el.innerText;
<label><input type="radio" name="searchtype" value="name" onclick="setName(this.parentNode)"/>Last
<label><input type="radio" name="searchtype" value="phonenumber" onclick="setName(this.parentNode)"/>Phone
<label for="inputfield" id="searchtitle" style="font-size:2em;">Enter Last Name</label><br/>
<input type="text" name="inputfield" id="inputfield" style="font-size:2em;"></input>
Complete edit.
Ok, I figured out what you were looking for. First off, you've got to fix your HTML (don't put text inside of an input... and don't next an input inside of a label).
<label for="test">Last Name</label>
<input type="radio" name="searchtype" id="test" value="name" onclick="setName(this)" />
<label for="test2">Phone Number</label>
<input type="radio" id="test2" name="searchtype" value="phonenumber" onclick="setName(this)" />
<label for="inputfield" id="searchtitle" style="font-size:2em;">Enter Last Name</label>
<input type="text" name="inputfield" id="inputfield" style="font-size:2em;" />
JavaScript (in Jquery, for brevity):
function setName(elem)
$('#searchtitle').html('Enter ' + $('label[for="''"]').html());
You have closed the Input tag improperly with </input>
this should be
<input type="radio" name="searchtype" id="test" value="name" onclick="setName(this)"/>Last Name<br/>
<input type="radio" name="searchtype" value="phonenumber" onclick="setName(this)"/>Phone Number<br/>

Data manipulation with div classes and forms

How to take content from a div class one by one and then load it into array? Then I need to insert these one by one to some other div class.
Basically, I have 2 forms, one of which is dummy and this dummy gets its content from CMS. The dummy form is hidden, while real form is shown, but empty at first.
I need to use jquery to take dummy text from form and insert it to real form.
Something like this:
<form name="real" method="post" action="">
<input type="text" name="first" id="a"/>
<input type="text" name="second" id="b"/>
<input type="text" name="third" id="c"/>
<input type="text" name="fourth" id="d"/>
<input type="submit" value="submit"/>
<form name="extract" style="display:none;">
<div class="generic">data_1</div>
<div class="generic">data_2</div>
<div class="generic">data_3</div>
<div class="generic">data_4</div>
must become something like this:
<form name="real" method="post" action="">
data_1 <input type="text" name="first" id="a"/>
data_2 <input type="text" name="second" id="b"/>
data_3 <input type="text" name="third" id="c"/>
data_4 <input type="text" name="fourth" id="d"/>
<input type="submit" value="submit"/>
Is there a way to do this?
There are many ways to do this. For example:
$('[name=extract] div').each(function(index){
$('[name=real] input:eq('+index+')').before($(this).text());
edit: here are the api pages to the methods used:
You may want to check out the jQuery DataLink Plugin
I'll offer this version:
JS Fiddle demo.
a 1:1 ratio between div.generic:input[type=text]
:text pseudo-selector

