jQuery how to remove dynamically appended rows? - javascript

If I append rows to my table like this:
$('#tbody_upload').append('<tr id="' + data.originalFiles[counter].name + '"><td>' + 'Uploading...' + '</td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr>');
how can I remove it from another event?
$('#' + this.name).remove();
that function doesn't work, also appended items don't appear in source of the page.

If you want remove the element that triggers the event to be removed (as appears from this.name) you can simply do

Maybe you should name your table and then with a selector select the body and first errase it and then append data so every time you get new data, the table deletes the old data and puts the new one.
<table id="yourtableName" border="1" class="hoverTable">
var gridBody = your tr code;
$('#yourtableName tbody').empty().append(gridBody);


jquery, remove table row when unchecked

I have a table with rows of data, when a user clicks on the row (tr) or the checkbox, it appends that row of data into another location. How do I make it that when a user unchecks from the original table AND the new appended row, that the row disappears?
I want it so that when the user unchecks from the original table, the appended row disappears. When the user unchecks from the appended row, only the appended row disappears.
// original table
<div id="searchsub">
<table class="showsub">
<tr class="datarow">
Row appends to this new table:
<table id="datarow">
Here's the jquery I have:
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#searchsub table tr").click(function(event) {
if(event.target.type !== 'checkbox') {
$(":checkbox", this).trigger("click");
$i = 1;
$("input[type='checkbox']").change(function(e) {
if($(this).is(":checked")) {
var datarow = $(this).closest("tr.datarow");
var row = datarow.clone();
row.addClass("append" + $i);
$("#submitshipment #datarow").append(row);
} else {
Of course this way whenever the row is unchecked ALL of the rows are deleted, which isn't what I want. Please help?
EDIT: mark up of the appended row:
<tr class="datarow highlightrow append1">
<td><input type="checkbox" class="searchsub" name="searchsub[]" value="1"></td>
Yes, unfortunately the non-functional jsFiddle doesn't really help ;-)
I think I've sorted out what you're trying to do though; the issue is you don't have anything (be it using jQ .data() or in markup) that relates your appended rows to your source rows. If you look at the jsFiddle I made (forked from yours) you'll see how I use the "value" attribute you have on the checkbox in the source table to find the cloned rows in the append table:
$('#datarow').find('input:checkbox[value="' + $(this).val() + '"]').closest('tr').remove();
This approach could be modified to use any markup (stock or custom data-* attributes) or even jQ's .data() method; the key is being able to associate the source & append rows so that you can remove the appended row when unselecting it in the source table.

Adding link to appended table row using jQuery

Using jQuery, I append rows to a table and each row contains an anchor tag. The jQuery is then supposed to add in a link to the anchor tag but the links do not show up. The other data (e.g., date, location) fills in fine so I'm not sure what the issue is.
for (var i = 1; i <= 20; i++) {
$('.recent-reports tbody').append('<tr><td></td><td></td><td><a class="js-pdf-download" href="">Download</a></td></tr>');
$('.recent-reports tbody tr:last').find('td').eq(0).text(date)
.find('.js-pdf-download').attr("href", link)
<table class="recent-reports">
Thanks to Johann found a fix while simplifying my code at the same time. Rather than appending a row to the table and then adding in the data, I now append the row with the data in one fell swoop.
$('.recent-reports tbody').append('<tr><td>' + date + '</td><td>' + location + '</td><td><a class="js-pdf-download" href="' + link + '" target="_blank">Download</a></td></tr>')
Also, a clumsier solution, but one that would have been in line with my original approach:
$('.recent-reports tbody tr:last').find('td').eq(0).text(date)
$('.recent-reports tbody tr:last').find('td').eq(1).text(location)
$('.recent-reports tbody tr:last').find('.js-pdf-download').attr("href", link)

How to fetch the dynamically created element by its ID in jQuery

Initially adding the element statically like below:
<td valign="top" id="description_div">
*<table class="des_box" id="comment_div">
<tr><td class="head" id=file_comments> The function comments </td></tr>
<tr><td class="comment" id="test_point_comment_info"></td></tr>
Dynamically adding the element as below :
'<table class="des_box1" id=comment_div><tr><td class="head" id=file_comments> The function comments </td></tr><tr><td class="comment" id=test_point_comment_info_' + id + '></td></tr> </table>')
Now, when I try to fetch the element by its id (that is by "comment_div") ... I am not able to retrieve the dynamically created element. But able to fetch the static element by using $("#comment_div")
I am trying to do following on the element :
tried .live() ....but was not able to fetch the dynamic element.
check box code :
<li><input type="checkbox" name="comment" />Comment</li>
actual functions where am trying to fetch the element:
$("#checkbox_div input:checkbox").click(function() {
var division = "#" + $(this).attr('name') + "_div";
function SetCheckboxes(checkbox_data) {
//SetCookie('pre_checkbox', "1111111111111111")
var checkbox_data = GetCookie('pre_checkbox');
if (checkbox_data == null) {
SetCookie('pre_checkbox', "1111111111111111")
checkbox_data = GetCookie('pre_checkbox');
checkbox_array = new Array("owner", "test_time", "bp", "single_use", "num_of_test", "pause", "clearall", "clearclass", "clearmax", "closeall", "qeinbat", "m_lint","geck","header","comment","feature");
for ( i = 0; i < checkbox_data.length; i++) {
var checkbox_name = checkbox_array[i];
var value = checkbox_data[i];
var division = "#" + checkbox_name + "_div";
if (checkbox_name=="geck" || checkbox_name=="header" || checkbox_name== "comment" || checkbox_name=="feature"){
if (value == "1") {
$("#checkbox_div input[name='" + checkbox_name + "']").attr("checked", "checked");
} else {
Please help me out on this.
.live() is what you wanted but it has been depreciated, you now need to use .on()
$(document).on("click", "#checkbox_div input:checkbox", function(){
//Your code here.
Using document for your selector with .on will allow you to bind events to dynamically created elements. This is the only way I've found to do it when the DOM elements don't exist prior to execution.
I do this in a dynamically created table that is sort-able and works great.
Here is an example. Click the button to add a div then click the div to get it's contents.
You missed the quotes, also ensure you try to access them before they are added to DOM, e.g they will not be available on DOM ready if they are added on some button click. I think you forgot to give value of id, I have made a live demo.
Live Demo
$("#checkbox_div input:checkbox").click(function() {
var division = "#" + $(this).attr('name') + "_div";
$("#description_div").append('<table class="des_box1" id="comment_div"><tr><td class="head" id="file_comments"> The function comments </td></tr><tr><td class="comment" id="test_point_comment_info_' + id + '"></td></tr> </table>');
Edit based on comments and fiddle being provided.
You have few problems with html in the demo
Your html starts with td instead of table
You do not enclose the ids with quotes
You are assigning same id to more then one element, instead assign a
common class and use that.
Live Demo, Problem here are not dynamic element but the wrong HTML / Script
<td valign="top" id="description_div">
<table class="des_box" id="comment_div1">
<td class="head" id="file_comments">The function commentszz</td>
<td class="comment" id="test_point_comment_info"></td>
<div id="checkbox_div">
<input type="checkbox" name="des" />Comment
'<table class="des_box" id="comment_div2"><tr><td class="head" id=file_comments> The function comments </td></tr><tr><td class="comment" id=test_point_comment_info_' + 'id' + '></td></tr> </table>');
$(document).on("click", "#checkbox_div input:checkbox", function () {
var division = "." + $(this).attr('name') + "_box";
If you have to use same id for more than one element with is wrong you can use attribute selector. First correct the html by enclosing td within tr and table tag.
Live Demo
$(document).on("click", "#checkbox_div input:checkbox", function(){
var division = "[id=" + $(this).attr('name') + "_div]";
What is id value in + id +, id is undefined in current context. I have put it in single quote and its working fine.
Update: You are using same id comment_div for static and dynamic content, id should be unique in DOM. Use class instead of id for multiple elements
Updated jsFiddle

How do I reference a table row using jQuery

I wish to pass the row number of a table to a function to reference that specific row in that specific table, for example say I have this:
<table id="foo">
<tr><td>some stuff...</td><tr>
<tr><td>more stuff</td><tr>
<tr><td>some stuff</td><tr>
<tr><td>some stuff</td><tr>
and I have looped through the table rows and obtained the index, so in this example say I wanted to do something with the third row (which would have an index of 2, the one which has the contents "more stuff"). And I passed this through a function, like this
and this is my whole function
function manipulateRow(rowIndex){
/* do something */
How do you refer the rowIndex parameter to the table within the function? For example:
$('#foo').child("tr")[rowIndex].html('<td>i now contain even more stuff!</td>'); // I know this is wrong, how do I make it right?
Sorry if I'm being a bit thick or not explaining myself.
$("#foo tr:eq("+rowIndex+")").html("<td>i now contain even more stuff!</td>");
Learn more about jQuery selectors here: http://api.jquery.com/category/selectors/
that could work actually only like this:
$($('#foo tr')[rowIndex]).html('<td>i now contain even more stuff!</td>');
but best to use :eq
Try this
$('#foo > tr').eq(rowIndex).html('<td>i now contain even more stuff!</td>');
function manipulateRow(rowIndex) {
var $row = $('#foo tr:nth-child(' + rowIndex + ')');
See nth-child-selector.
here you go:
<tr><td>footer information</td></tr>
$("#myTable > tbody").append("<tr><td>row content</td></tr>");
heres another example inline editing:
function editRow(row) {
$('td',row).each(function() {
$(this).html('<input type="text" value="' + $(this).html() + '" />');

jquery table select and data retrieval

I am using a html table that contains available times for scheduling. I want the user to be able to click on a time and from that be able to get the column header, which is the staff persons name, and the value of the cell - the time. I than want to change the contents of the cell to 'NA' and set the cell background to some color. I have been playing with this for awhile with no luck. I am new to javascripts and jquery. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
This should be a doable jquery task as long as you have the appropriate selectors. So you need a way to associate each time cell with a header cell. To do this i would add a user id to the cells in the header and the body:
<th class="header" id="1">Bob</th>
<td class="selectable" id="10" name="1">10:00 AM</td>
Then for the jquery:
$("table#timetable tbody tr td").click(function(){
var user_id = $(this).attr('name');
var user_name = $("table#timetable thead tr th#" + user_id).html();
var time = $(this).attr('id');
alert(user_id + ' ' + user_name + ' ' + time);

