Moving overlay content in time with HTML5 video - javascript

I have a HTML5 video which I has elements laid on top.
I want the content to follow some objects in the video.
What is the best way for me to do this, so i can control the CSS top and left attributes ( this is how i see the content moving on top of the video).
I want to make sure that the content positions is always kept in sync with the time of the video. If a user restarts the video or skips to a certain point it would be good if the content knew where they were meant to be.
I have seen some examples of this where they use JSON to control the content position and at what time is should show, hide and move.
I am not sure how this was hooked up with the video player and time of the video.
I have not been able to find anything to help explain the JSON method or other ways of doing it.
Is there a demo of something similar or an example someone could create.

I can recommend Popcorn.js combined with Popcorn Base Plugin, which together should do all of that. In particular, take a look at these examples.
Popcorn Base Plugin is a wrapper for creating your own Popcorn plugins, but it comes with a few plugins built already, and all of them have full keyframe animation. I suggest that you start with the "style" plugin, which will take any existing DOM element and animate its CSS properties in time with the video, including "top", "left", etc.
Popcorn doesn't directly take a JSON blob for all the animations, but it should be simple enough to traverse such an object and make the appropriate calls to Popcorn's methods. Both projects are well documented and have good, simple examples.
Full disclosure: I built Popcorn Base Plugin, so I may be a bit biased.


On-the-fly thumbnails in React

I am developing a website with React which has what we called "snippets", basically a modal window displaying some kind of media (audios, videos, slides, text quotations, pdfs). These media have "positions", as a page number, an image number, a playback position, or a scroll position. If she likes the user may store these snippets together with their positions in a "locker" and come back later to whatever is in there. Visually the locker will hold a "thumbnail" of the snippet representing the appearance of the snippet at the time of storing it. My question is how to go about making such a on-the-fly thumbnail. Two approaches come to my mind, however, if you have other ideas I am eager to hear them.
Component approach: Since I already have the component, I could reuse or rather clone it, scale it down, disable it for mouse interaction. Would React.cloneElement() be the way to go?
Advantage: Easy to do.
Disadvantage: Too many duplicates of potentially resource-heavy components may slow down website. Styling may become non-trivial as some embedded media (audio, video) bring their own potentially inaccessible styling with them.
Image generation approach: Since I only need an image, I could take a screenshot of the snippet area, scale it down and use it. Can this be done fully (from generation to usage) on the client side? Is there a good library which does the heavy-work for me?
Advantage: Resource-heavy only during the making of the thumbnail, resource-light in the locker. Accessible for any styling.
Disadvantage: Potentially difficult to do?
After some research I found a solution. Interestingly, it is a mixture of the two approaches I was able to think of. It is possible to access and rasterize the DOM elements which make up the snippets, draw them on a canvas and turn it into an image. The most popular library for this seems to be html2canvas, however, there are a number of others among which rasterizeHTML and html-to-image seem to stand out. Often wrappers for React exist, in the case of html2canvas, for example, use-react-screenshot.

Generate a dynamic "video" in real time, with the data entered?

On this page I enter the data for the "home loan simulation". and a "video" is generated in response to the data that I entered, it is something like a dynamic "video".
This "video" shows related data that I entered.
I inspect the code and I don't see anything that shows a video tag or something. This looks like video, from the control bar, to the full screen option, and the cc. It also has audio, although the voice of the "video" does not mention any dynamic data.
I inspect the code and I don't see anything that shows a video tag or something.
This looks like video, from the control bar, to the full screen option, and the cc. It also has audio, although the voice of the "video" does not mention any dynamic data.
Does anyone know how this was done or has an example of how to do it? is there any way to do the same using javascript, css, and html?
thank you
this is the link
The video from your question is actually a very big SVG as #Kaiido mentioned.
The animation script is very hard to understand. Here is just a part of it:
You can see it has more that 320.000 lines of code. And we have no clue what all this numbers mean. Of course, some of them are time codes, some are coordinates, but we need reverse engineering to understand.
Your original question: is there any way to do the same using javascript, css, and html? of course has the answer: yes. Almost any animation is possible.
But we need examples. Ok, there are two possible ways to solve the animation: use existing library or create your own. If you are interested in your own, just ask in comments.
Use library
Google suggest: animate.js library.
Here is an example of using controls (play/pause/resume/reset/set time) as it is in real video player: click.
Here are 3 examples of using SVG: move along the path, morph to other shape, change line properties.
More examples using animate.js are here.
Write your own library
I use some kind of self-written library in one of my projects. The idea is:
have an array of keyframes - this is where animation changes. Each keyframe has: time start, duration (similar to having "time end"), the list of changes (objects or their properties).
I update the animation in requestAnimationFrame() loop (because my animation goes only to the future, I do not have controls)
when current time becomes greater than new keyframe start time, I drop (remove) previous keyframe from array and apply new objects/values
if current time is greater than keyframe start, but less than keyframe end, I use lerp (linear interpolation) to calculate in-between values of objects
But this description is just for the idea, so that you can create something that suits your needs.
I think, audio is just a normal audio tag in HTML:
<audio id="a">
<source src="horse.ogg" type="audio/ogg">
<source src="horse.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">
Your browser does not support the audio element.
It can be controlled with methods and properties: look here. Example:
const a = document.getElementById('a');
a.currentTime = 0.8; // playing at 0.8 seconds from the start;
From what i can understand, they are using an API provided by a company. What they are doing its basically taking your inputs, process them and send a bunch of info to the API as a POST request, then the API responds with a custom URL that they show to you with an iframe.
If you wanna learn more you should check the company that provides the API. IndiVideo
Also, i don't think that this is the right place to ask for something like this.
It appears to be an SVG video that takes in your data and renders it out in real time. It's definitely something anyone can build, but it would take a little less effort if you used an API.

HTML Animated Sequences WITHOUT canvas

I'm currently planning a web project that has a few animated sequences that need to run on the site.
I need the site to be as cross browser compatible as possible (duh!) and wanted to get fellow developers thoughts on different options.
Canvas is not an option mainly because of IE. IE9+ only support isn't good enough, even though the 'progression' of browser stats for IE is near on laughable (13% for IE in March 2013 (AND IT COMES AS DEFAULT WITH ALL WINDOWS MACHINES) going slightly off topic...
I was planning on preloading a series of animated gifs for different stages of animations for example 'run', 'walk', 'fly' and then swap the src of an img tag as and when required. I haven't tested anything like this yet, but i invisage delays even with preloaded images (though javascript )
although im not too keen on the quality of animated GIFS. taking this idea a little further, using the same method but with each from as a seperate PNG? is that feasible?
Or could a DOM element with a spritesheet attached as the background image work, changing the background position on each step?
Any thoughts or examples ;) would be very helpful! :)
im also open to different javascript libraries.. although currently included in my project are jQuery and Rapheal
jQuery animate is going to be your best bet. Buf you have time to generate a sprite sheet to show different animation stages, then you may have enough time to look into a good jquery plugin like gameQuery, which allows you animate sprite sheet items.

Good JavaScript engine for animating via Sprite Sheets (not in canvas)

I've looked around a bit for a great JavaScript Sprite Sheet animator lib/engine but couldn't find any good ones so I thought I'd ask around =).
What I'm looking for in the engine is:
Animate an image in a non-canvas setting (ex: div via css or img
Control frame rate/animation speed
Flags to loop or to animate
once etc.
Are there any engines like this out there? If not I can always make my own but then again, I don't want to re-invent the wheel =].
I've used Spritely in the past and been successful. They give you a pretty healthy amount of control over the animation process. And besides, even if you don't find it useful, I'm sure you may find a good use for it sometime later down the road.

Link Elements to Keep Their Appearance In Sync

I'm developing an iPad app using PhoneGap and jQuery Mobile and I'd like to create a preview pane in a carousel. The preview pane would include a smaller version of each of the other panes, scaled so they fit inside the single pane. The panes are not static and can be updated at any time using WebSockets, and the preview should be updated simultaneously. There can also be any number of panes (although to keep things simple, assume an upper limit of 9). For performance purposes, assume each pane can have upwards of 200 DOM objects attached to it. To make it slightly more complicated, the carousel can exist on more than one different page.
I've been contemplating the best way to go about implementing this preview pane, and, before inventing a pair of Complicator's Gloves, would like to hear back from the community on any possible better strategies.
A couple methods I have been considering include:
Cloning each pane and then using a CSS transform to scale it to an appropriate size, based on how many panes there are, and then attaching the clones to the preview pane.
Store each pane as a jQuery object in a variable and draw each pane and the preview pane using that object (possibly necessitating redrawing the entire carousel every time there is an update, depending on how much effort I want to make identifying and updating deltas).
Repositioning all the panes so that they exist inside the preview pane when the preview pane is active (this might break the carousel, or at least make it look slightly bizarre as a user swipes a pane over but hasn't actually moved on to that pane yet).
Is there anything I'm missing? It would be nice if there was an easy way to "link" two elements together to make one mirror the other, but apply different CSS to one or the other (for zooming). I suppose it might be possible to do this by creating an event that would fire and then adding a listener to its clone, which would then copy the html of the updated element to itself (probably wouldn't be too terribly to difficult to write a jquery plugin to manage this).
Any better suggestions?
I am not sure what phonegap allows for as far as rendering options go, but my first instinct would be to take a screen shot of the relevant pane. Perhaps phonegap has this built in?
Another option is a javascript library which will clone the DOM and create an HTML5 canvas element. You can either then display the canvas natively, or convert the canvas data in to image data.
Here is one such library:
Given the large number of elements needed, I would hesitate to clone those over and over again. However, if live previews are a necessity, that might be more efficient than using image files or the canvas. You could fire off the canvas draw function after major changes, but probably wouldn't want to do it after the end of every frame of animation.

