Best way to cache 1.5MB of data at the client side - javascript

I have a flash application that uses a large set (~1.5MB) of data. This data is likely to stay the same for a long time so I would like to use a caching method. The data should stay cached even if the user closes his browser (and restarts his computer).
At the moment, I'm using javascript files that are dynamically created and contain the data that will be transfered to flash later on. The server checks the If Modified since argument and returns a Not Modified if possible.
This method has the drawback that I still have to wait for the request to finish - I would like to rely on the old data while everything is set up and check for a new version later on.
Is there a possibility to store data in a local cache (in the browser or my flash application) so that it isn't deleted when the browser is closed and is available without another request to the server?

You can use web storage.
I have stored more than 300 records for the same domain without problems in localStorage.
Here is a good document about web storage
I have never used it from flash but I found this at github


Is browser cache aware of javascript xmlhttp requests?

When I fetch a page using GET request in javascript, does the browser cache it the same way as it does when I click that link or type it in address bar?
If not, since I have already fetched the page, is there a way that I can add it (programmatically) to the browser cache?
When the browser fetches web pages, it is also using a GET request. Chances are that all GET requests go through the same caching mechanism in the browser, though there is no specification that formalizes how that works.
There is no programmatic way to add something to the browser's own cache other than just requesting the resource and letting the browser's cache do its normal thing with it. If you want to know if all common browsers will cache it in this way, then you need to make sure the server-side header settings are set appropriately (to allow it to be cached) and then test each browser to make sure it's cached like you want.
If you are staying within the same page and want to make sure something is not requested more than once from the same page, you can implement your own cache within that page's javascript code. You just store the result in a javascript variable the first time it is requested and then a function you implement to fetch this resource just checks your own local storage object to see if the resource is already here. If not, it requests it via a GET and then saves the result. You could make a simple version of this that was hardcoded to one particular resource or a more general version that saved the URL and result and a timestamp and implemented more typical caching behaviors.
If you want it to be cached across pages and your testing finds that the built-in browser caches are not adequate, then you can use Local Storage to store the data (probably with a timestamp) and then just check the local storage before requesting it with a GET request.

Create local copy of webpage

Is it possible for client side to store a local copy of the webpages after a server-side request, without manually saving the webpage (right click + save as...)?
I have multiple clients that displays a loop of webpages coming from the server. Each page have different media files such as images and swfs. As an alternative to the default cache mechanism, I would like for the client side, during the first load of webpages from the server, to store a copy of the webpages to the local of client side. That way I can reduce the requests coming from the clients every tiem the loop loads a web page request.
Whenever there are changes in the content, the server would tell the client side to request for the pages again and overwrite the local copy of the client side.
Well, you could do something like this:
localStorage['this_page'] = document.querySelector('html').innerHTML;
This will, of course, only work in modern browsers that support localStorage. There's no other browser API that will offer a way to store large amounts of data. Cookies are too small. You could use as an alternative, but that's more a hack than anything else.
document.querySelector can, of course, be replaced with document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0], but just use querySelector since its supported everywhere localStorage is.

Cache the execution of a javascript file

As far as i know it's impossible to achieve the following, but only an expert can confirm this:
I've got page number 1 that request for some user and application data as soon as the page loads, page number 2 uses the same script and it would be wasteful to request for the same info.
I know that the browsers caches the script, my question is if it caches the execution (data) as well.
The pages don't share the same layout, so it is not possible to make page number 2 be reloaded via ajax.
The browser doesn't automatically cache the result of the script (that would be seriously weird), but you can, by setting (and checking for) cookies, using the new local storage stuff on modern browser, etc. Note with cookies, though, that they're sent to the server on every request, so result in increased size of requests; if you can use local storage, do.
You can "cache" your data, if you use some kind of client side storage like localStorage (see MDN docu for more details).
The Browser itself may also cache your request internally as the ajax request is no different from any other request made by the browser (html docs, images, etc.). So depending on your exact request (including all parameters) the Browser may actually use a cached version of your request to avoid unnecessary calls. Here, however, the usual restrictions and properties of caching apply, so you can not rely on that behaviour!
Browser will not cache your data automatically if your "page" is a new URL.
But it is certainly possible for you to implement it in several ways
One is to use local storage in new browsers that support HTML5
Another is to write your app such that it is a single page with multiple views and transitions
Use AJAX to replace portions of your page (views).
This technique is becoming increasingly popular.
I highly recommend reading "Javascript Web Applications" by Alex MacCaw to understand javascript MVC and how to use javascript to create a client side (browser based) controller and views and manage caching, state etc in the browser. Also look at frameworks like backbone.js
I would avoid caching the data, except if there's serious performance problems (and, then, rather eliminate the performance problems than caching it). It's premature optimization.
When having the data cached, all kind of scenarios (stale data, deleted data) must be considered (except if the data is static, but then, it's not relevant anyways).

Best practice use sam AJAX in multiple browser windows?

I am developing a website that has some sort of realtime update.
Now the website is generated with a javascript variable of the current ID of the dataset.
Then in an interval of some seconsd an AJAX call is made passing on the current ID, and if theres something new the server returns it along with the latest ID which is then updated in the javascript.
Very simple, but here comes the Problem.
If the user opens the same page multiple times, every page does this AJAX requests which produces heavy serverload.
Now I thought about the following approach:
The website is loaded with a javascript variable of the current timestamp and ID of the current dataset.
My desired refresh interval is for example 3 seconds.
In the website an interval counter counts up every seconds, and everytime the timestamp reaches a state where (timestmap % 3===0) returns true, the content is updated.
The link looks like
Now this should ensure that every browser window calls the same URL.
Then I can turn on browser level caching.
But I don't really like this solution.
I would prefer adding another layer of data sharing in a Cookie.
This shouldn't be much of a problem, I can just store every request in a cookie named by timestamp and data revision with a TTL of 10 seconds or so and check for its exitence first.
The pages will do the request at the same time. So the whole logic of browser caching and cookie might not work because the requests occour simultanously and not one after another.
So I thought about limiting the current connections to 1 server side. But then I would need at least an extra vhost, because I really dont want to do that for the whole page.
And this lets me run into problems concerning cross-site policies!
Of course there are some super complicated load balancing solutions / server side solusions bound to request uri and ip adress or something but thats all extreme overkill!
It must be a common problem! Just think of facebook chat. I really don't think they do all the requests in every window you have open...
Any ideas? I'm really stuck with this one!
Maby I can do some inter-window Javascript communication? Shouldnt be a problem if its all on the same domain?
A thing I can do of course is server side caching. Which avoids at least DB Connections and intensive calculations... but it still is an request which I would like to avoid.
You might want to check out Comet and Orbited .
This is best solved with server push technology.
The first thing is: Do server-side caching anyway, using Memcache or Redis or whatever. So you're defended against three machines doing the requests. But you knew that.
I think you're onto the right thing with cookies, frankly (but see below for a more modern option) — they are shared by all window instances, easily queried, etc. Your polling logic could look something like this:
On polling interval:
Look at content cookie: Is it fresher than what you have? If so, use it and you're done.
Look at status cookie; is someone else actively polling (e.g., cookie is set and not stale)? If yes, come back in a second.
Set status cookie: I'm actively polling at (now).
Do request
On response:
If the new data is newer than the (possibly updated) contents of the content cookie, set the content cookie to the new data
Clear status cookie if you're the one who set it
Basically, the status cookie acts as a semaphore indicating to all window instances that someone, somewhere is on the job of updating the content.
Your content cookie might contain the content directly, or if your content is large-ish and you're worried about running into limits, you could have each page have a hidden iframe, each with a unique name, and have your Ajax update write the output to the iframe. The content cookie would publish the name of the most up-to-date iframe, and other windows seeing that there's fresh content could use to get at that iframe (since doesn't open a window if you use the name of an existing one).
Be alert to race conditions. Although JavaScript within any given page is single-threaded (barring the explicit use of web workers), you can't expect that JavaScript in the other windows is necessarily running on the same thread (it is on some browsers, not on others — heck, on Chrome it's not even the same process). I also don't know that there's any guarantee of atomicity in writing cookies, so you'll want to be vigilant.
Now, HTML5 defines some useful inter-document communication mechanisms, and so you might consider looking to see if those exist and using them before falling back on this cookie approach, since they'll work in modern browsers today but not in older browsers you're probably having to deal with right now. Still, on the browsers that support it, great!
Web storage might also be an option worth investigating as an aspect of the above, but your clients will almost certainly have to give your app permissions and it's also a fairly new thing.

Using non persistent Http Cookies to deliver out of band data to the browser

Imagine that your web application maintains a hit counter for one or multiple pages and that it also aggressively caches those pages for anonymous visitors. This poses the problem that at least the hitcount would be out of date for those visitors because although the hitcounter is accurately maintained on the server even for those visitors, they would see the old cached page for a while.
What if the server would continue to serve them the cached page but would pass the updated counter in a non-persistent http cookie to be read by a piece of javascript in the page that would inject the updated counter into the DOM.
You are never going to keep track of the visitors in this manner. If you are aggressively caching pages, intermediate proxies and browsers are also going to cache your pages. And so the request may not even reach your server for you to track.
The best way to do so would be to use an approach similar to google analytics. When the page is loaded, send an AJAX request to the server. This ajax request would increment the current counter value on the server, and return the latest value. Then the client side could could show the value returned by the server using javascript.
This approach allows you to cache as aggressively as you want without losing the ability to keep track of your visitors.
you can also get the page programmatically via asp or php out the cache yourself and replace the hitcounter.

