Strange addition of numbers, why? [duplicate] - javascript

Why is it when I print/display the result of
eval("11.05") + eval("-11")
it comes out as 0.05000000000000071 instead of the expected 0.05. Is there something I am missing?

This has nothing to do with eval. In fact, this is what happens if you type in a console 11.05 - 11:
This is a consequence of how programming languages store floating-point numbers; they include a small error. If you want to read more about this, check this out.

This has nothing to do with eval (which you should avoid).
You get the same problem with 11.05 - 11.
This is just the usual floating point problem

As others have indicated, this is a floating point problem and has nothing to do with eval. Now for eval: you can easy avoid it here, using:
Number("11.05") + Number("-11");
To avoid the faulty outcome you could use toPrecision:
(Number("11.05") + Number("-11")).toPrecision(12);
// or if you want 0.05 to be the outcome
(Number("11.05") + Number("-11")).toPrecision(1);

The function eval is absolutely innocent here. The culprit is floating-point operation. If you do not expect a large number of numbers after the decimal, you may limit. But you can not avoid it.


Javascript toFixed() is not working as expected

I am using toFixed but the method does not operate as expected
//19373.31 Chrome
Expected Output : 19373.32
// 9373.32 Working fine
Why does the first example round down, whereas the second example round up?
The problem is that binary floating point representation of most decimal fractions is not exact. The internal representation of 19373.315 may actually be something like 19373.314999999, so toFixed rounds down, while 19373.315 might be 19373.315000001, which rounds up.
Why does the first example round down, whereas the second example round up?
Look at the binary representation of the two values in memory.
const farr = new Float64Array(2);
farr[0] = 19373.315;
farr[1] = 9373.315;
const uarr = new Uint32Array(farr.buffer);
console.log(farr[0], uarr[1].toString(2).padStart(32, 0) + uarr[0].toString(2).padStart(32, 0));
console.log(farr[1], uarr[3].toString(2).padStart(32, 0) + uarr[2].toString(2).padStart(32, 0));
Without diving into the details, we can see that the second value has an additional '1' at the end, which is lost in the first larger value when it is fit into 64 bits.
Other answers have explained why, I would suggest using a library like numeral.js which will round things as you would expect.
Assuming toFixed casts to 32-bit float;
Check with this utility...
19373.315 is stored as 19373.314453125 (an error of -0.000546875) in 32-bit floating point format.
This is despite (19373.315).toFixed(4) coming out as 19373.3150.
Even if this is "expected" or "intended", I'd still report it as a bug.
It should use a double during the rounding check, and thus proper rounding during conversion to fixed string.
I think the spec even says so. :\
In the V8 javascript engine source, the Number.prototype.toFixed function invokes DoubleToFixedCString in this file ...
There's probably some inappropriate optimization in there... (Looking into it.)
I'd suggest submitting an additional test case for V8 with 19373.315 specifically.
(19373.3150).toFixed(39) yields 19373.314999999998690327629446983337402343750.
Rounding occurs once to bring it up to 19373.315 - which is correct - but not at the right digit when rounding to 2 digits.
I think this should have a second pass on rounding here to catch edge cases like this. I think it might have to round to n+1 digits, then again to n digits. Maybe there's some other clever way to fix it though.
function toFixedFixed(a,n) {
return (a|0) + parseFloat((a % 1).toFixed(n+1)).toFixed(n).substr(1);
console.log(toFixedFixed(19373.315,2)); // "19373.32"
console.log(toFixedFixed(19373.315,3)); // "19373.315"
console.log(toFixedFixed(19373.315,4)); // "19373.3150"
console.log(toFixedFixed(19373.315,37)); // "19373.3149999999986903276294469833374023438"
console.log(toFixedFixed(19373.315,38)); // "19373.31499999999869032762944698333740234375"
console.log(toFixedFixed(19373.315,39)); // "19373.314999999998690327629446983337402343750"
(Adopted from my comments on Vahid Rahmani's answer, who is correct.)

Alternate function of math.pow in JavaScript

I am using Math.pow() function in my code but when I try to execute below condition, this function return infinity which is not required. I am looking for an alternate solutions.
math.pow(451939.27436410653, 299);
Please help if anyone any idea
Use logs
What result were you expecting? The result is extremely large and exceeds the ability of the conventional floating point format to represent. I would be surprised if this was really necessary in a real-world calculation. Can you provide some context?
If really necessary, perhaps you could resolve the difficulties by using logarithms. If y=Math.pow(451939,299) then
Math.log(y) = Math.log(451939) * 299.
You could do any multiplication/division by adding/subtracting logs, and then do a Math.exp at the end to generate your result.
This may be easier than using a special library like bignumber.js for arbitrary-precision arithmetic. For example, the code below returns "7.395117980030695 x 10^ 1690", which has 1691 digits before the decimal point.
let log10Y=Math.log(451939.27436410653)*299/Math.log(10);
let b = Math.floor(log10Y);
let a = log10Y-b;
console.log("Answer: ",10**a," x 10^",b);
If you want to store such enormous numbers, you can use a library like bignumber.js. It stores floating-point values with an exponent as large as necessary to store them.

Javascript eval - obfuscation?

I came across some eval code:
This code equals the integer 5.
What is this type of thing called? I've tried searching the web but I can't seem to figure out what this is referred to. I find this very interesting and would like to know where/how one learns how to print different things instead of just the integer 5. Letters, symbols and etc. Since I can't pin point a pattern in that code I've had 0 success taking from and adding to it to make different results.
Is this some type of obfuscation?
This type of obfuscation, eval() aside, is known as Non-alphanumeric obfuscation.
To be completely Non-alphanumeric, the eval would have to be performed by Array constructor prototypes functions and subscript notation:
[]["sort"]["constructor"]("string to be evaled");
These strings are then converted to non-alphanumeric form.
AFAIK, it was first proposed by Yosuke Hosogawa around 2009.
If you want to see it in action see this tool:
It is not considered a good type of obfuscation because it is easy to reverse back to the original source code, without even having to run the code (statically). Plus, it increases the file size tremendously.
But its an interesting form of obfuscation that explores JavaScript type coercion. To learn more about it I recommend this presentation, slide 33:
That's called Non-alphanumeric JavaScript and it's possible because of JavaScript type coercion capabilities. There are actually some ways to call eval/Function without having to use alpha characters:
After you replace strings "filter" and "constructor" by non-alphanumeric representations you have your full non-alphanumeric JavaScript.
If you want to play around with this, there is a site where you can do it:
Check this for more examples like the following:
'a': '(false+"")[1]',
'b': '(Function("return{}")()+"")[2]',
'c': '([]["filter"]+"")[3]',
To get the value as 5, the expression should have been like this
+[!+[] + !+[] + !+[] + !+[] + !+[]]
Let us analyze the common elements first. !+[].
An empty array literal in JavaScript is considered as Falsy.
+ operator applied to an array literal, will try convert it to a number and since it is empty, JavaScript will evaluate it to 0.
! operator converts 0 to true.
would print true. Now, the expression can be reduced like this
+[true + true + true + true + true]
Since true is treated as 1 in arithmetic expressions, the actual expression becomes
+[ 5 ]
The + operator tries to convert the array ([ 5 ]) to a number and which results in 5. That is why you are getting 5.
I don't know of any term used to describe this type of code, aside from "abusing eval()".
I find this very interesting and would like to know where/how one
learns how to print different things instead of just the integer 5.
Letters, symbols and etc. Since I can't pin point a pattern in that
code I've had 0 success taking from and adding to it to make different
This part I can at least partially answer. The eval() you pasted relies heavily on Javascript's strange type coercion rules. There are a lot of pages on the web describing various strange consequences of the coercion rules, which you can easily search for. But I can't find any reference on type coercion with the specific goal of getting "surprising" output from things like eval(), unless you count this video by Destroy All Software (the Javascript part starts at 1:20). Most of them understandably focus on how to avoid strange bugs in your code. For your purpose, I believe the most useful things I know of are:
The ! operator will convert anything to a boolean.
The unary + operator will convert anything to a number.
The binary + operator will coerce its arguments to either numbers or strings before adding or concatenating them. Normally it will only go with strings if one or the other argument is already a string, but there are exceptions.
The bitwise operators output integers, regardless of input.
Converting to numbers is complicated. Booleans will go to 0 or 1. Strings will attempt to use parseInt(), or produce NaN if that fails. I forget the rest.
Converting an object to a string or number will invoke its "toString" or "toValue" method respectively, if one exists.
You get the idea. thefourtheye's answer walks through exactly how these rules apply to the example you gave. I'm not even going to try summarizing what happens when Dates, Functions, and Regexps are involved.
Is this some type of obfuscation?
Normally you'd simply get obfuscation for free as part of minification, so I have no idea why someone would write that in real production code (assuming that's where you found it).

Javascript issue with math calculations

Why is it if I do this in javascript, I get the following result:
1234.56 * 10 = 12345.599999999999
It should be 123456. How can I get around this problem?
Floating points are not exact, since there are ifinite numbers at their range [or in any range to be more exact], and only a finite number of bits to store this data.
Have a look at what every programmer should know about floating point arithmetics.
Another easy solution:
parseFloat((1234.56 * 10).toPrecision(12))
and the result will be: 12345.6, and YES... it works with decimal numbers.
As the others said, floating points and so on.
Easy solution would be to do something like this:
var answer = parseInt(1234.56 * 10);
Or just use Math.round?
All numbers in JS are internally defined by float and drop the less significant digits if needed.
(10000000000000000000000000000 + 1) == 10000000000000000000000000000
// this will return true
And javascript is well known for droping bits quite often in numbers. So handle with care

javascript really strange behaviour

I have the following code
if (msg.position == 0)
//removed for brevity
else if (msg.position == txtArea.value.length)
//removed for brevity
else {
//ERROR: should not reach here.
errorDivTag.innerHTML += msg.position + " " + txtArea.value.length;
I'm having some really weird situations where I'm getting the error in the last code block, but the printed positions show that msg.position is in fact equal to the txtArea.value.length. This only happens 1% of the time, almost as if I have some kind of race-condition in my code where the two are NOT equal during the second if statement, but equal when I print in the error message.
Any ideas?
If you use
without a radix, you will run into problems with 08 and 09, because they are parsed as octal numbers and giving NaN. Always use a radix:
parseInt(msg.position, 10)
To start with, always use ===. That will prevent JavaScript from automatically coercing the types in the comparison, which means you'll be able to spot all sorts of bugs much more easily. In this case, it's possible you have some whitespace (which is basically impossible to see in the output) that is causing a string comparison instead of the (I assume) desired numeric comparison.
Also, I'm assuming you really meant to have { after your if and else if conditions. If not, that could be causing all sorts of strange behavior, depending on the code you removed due to brevity concerns. If you didn't, then you've got an extraneous } before your else condition.
UPDATE: Set a breakpoint in Firebug/DeveloperTools/DragonFly/whatever and inspect the values as the comparison occurs.
Did you try changing the statement to...
parseInt(msg.position, 10) == txtArea.value.length
=== is more strict than == and is often useful. But this is the opposite problem as what you have here, where something looks equal, but isn't == or === (if something isn't ==, it will never be ===).
Is msg.position a String? Perhaps it contains a space or another similar character.
I had this problem today with a checksum value in one of my js modules. A test was showing that two values were not equal, yet printing the values showed they were equal.
Ran it in the debugger and (re-)discovered that integer types in Javascript are 64-bit floating quantities. One of the numbers was displaying as negative in the debugger - exactly (0xFFFFFFFF+1) less than the other number. Somehow when printed, they displayed as exactly the same.
I was using a custom routine to format them in hex, which probably had something to do with it. That combination of circumstances seems unlikely in your case though.
I discovered the sign issue in my code by computing the delta between the numbers, and displaying that. It showed up as MAX_UINT32 + 1, which reminded me that these numbers are really 64-bit floats.

