AddThis not playing nice with Angular? - javascript

My site recently had the social buttons break without any changes to the code.
I'm using AddThis for the sharing buttons, with Angular on the front-end.
I'm passing in the data for each entry using
<div data-addthis-toolbox ng-tap="socialShare = !socialShare" class="addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style addthis_32x32_style"
This appears to be working because it renders in DevTools

I guess your problem is from some change in addThis js snippet. but we really can't know. Two suggestion that might help:
play with the directive priority (I don't think it's the issue, but you should rule this out)
replace data-title="{{article.title}} via" with:
ng-attr-data-title="{{article.title}} via"
as explained here (I believe this is the problem..)


Products page powered by AngularJs visualization problem

I am using AngularJS alot in my projects most likely at Admin Panel or non public sides. But I'll need to use AngularJs in products page for a public web site.
Here the problem comes in ;
The page is loading pretty fast but for a millisecond I'm seeing some AngularJS tags, code also the product's html template/structure. For an example let's say I am seeing the codes below in products page;
{{}} ({{product.count}})
these codes are flashing for second and page starts working as expected.
I have tried to use ng-if, ng-show, ng-hide to prevent this flashing effect at start but it worked.
I would realy glad if found a solution to this problem.
btw, I am using AngularJs 1.6.9 version
You should try to use ng-cloak directive on the elements that have tags flickering issue, e.g:
<p ng-cloak>{{ someValue }}</p>
It's purpose is to prevent AngularJS uncompiled templates from being displayed, therefore it should address your issue.

How to remove these letters at the top of the page

Today I found that my Wordpress website has encountered a problem. There are two unexpected letters at the top of the page which can be found in the screen shot below. I can't find where it is from the raw files of Wordpress. I don't know what happened. Could somebody help me please?
Heya :)You might be using some website screenshot plugin. Deactivate that plugin and then check the output. :)
i've had the same problem a while ago only instead of an n or two n's in your case i had a v just at the same place as yours is. What helped for me where the following steps.
Check all files, header.php, template files, etc.
Deactivate and activate your plug-ins. Maybe even try the Wordpress Re-install function from the updates page. Don't worry none of your contents like pages, posts, etc will be lost.
Check your widgets, sidebars and other content blocks from the back-end but also the corresponding template files.
If you have a decent editor like in my case PHPstorm make use of the show history function. It makes searching a lot easier.
I hope just like i had your problem will be solved after taking these steps.

Mysterious div being appended to hyperlinks

We run a Ruby on Rails 3.2 web application that uses a standard mix of rails and jquery.
Recently, we noticed a strange div element appearing in our production code. It seems to only show up when we render views with strings that also contain hyperlinks.
Here's an example:
We have a string in our view, that we want rendered as HTML:
"Try to search <a href='/search?q=hiring'>hiring</a>"
When we render the page in production though, we get the following:
"Try to search <a href="azarvuttcexyytzq.html" id="qqqqtra" rel="file">trufarwdstrzyzdyw</div>."
We're not sure why but the following div is being appended to our link:
<div style="display: none;">trufarwdstrzyzdyw</div>
What's strange is that we don't think that the file azarvuttcexyytzq.html exists on our servers, and we also found out that "file" is not an acceptable rel value for a hyperlink's relation attribute.
So, where could the div be coming from?
One thought is that it is coming from some analytics library in our system, since we're using Google Analytics. But we can't seem to confirm that idea or rule it out.
Does anyone know of a library that causes behavior like this?
Any help or insight would be appreciated.
If there is no developer who has done this (intentionally or otherwise) by appending a div with a random hyperlink in your application, then there is a high probability that your application server, some library or a gem you are using is compromised. It would be good to do an audit of your code/server and ensure that you are using the original version of all the gems and libraries and no malicious code is otherwise included in your app code.
We had the exact same issue, although intermittently, and it was Distil networks injecting in our case. To verify we took Distil out for the site and it worked like a charm!
Although, have yet to find how to get it working with Distil, will update the answer if/when we do
We had the same issue, our application behind Distil as well as in other comments.
If you use Distil, read this:
In short: Add the following comment near the top of your page (and above the JS) to force Distil injection to happen there: </a> -–> You can also add any other custom, a unique comment which Distil could use to inject the honeypot link code into.

AngularJS losing two way binding after JS form plugin rendering

I'm hoping someone with a better understanding of AngularJS might be able to shed some light on whats going on here.
I have a webpage with a long form. After the JS form plugin is initialized, everything in the form no longer has two way data binding. JS plugin for reference can be found here
If I remove the id link to the JS plugin, thus not applying or rendering the steps plugin, all two way data binding works as expected.
I could post a lot of code here but I'm not sure that would help. I have no problem posting code at any request.
Any ideas on why the two way data binding is losing effect after rerendering a form tag and its contents?
I was actually able to get AngularJS to work correctly with this plugin by including the plugin at the bottom of the page instead of the top. So I think the key here was to let AngularJS load up first, then the page, then the jQuery Steps plugin (at the boom of the page that uses it).
Thanks all for your comments!
Jquery library should include before angular library otherwise your site will try to use jquery instead of angular own lite jquery which will definitely break the binding.

Convert my Xcode application to a webapp (to use tabbar)

I have made a basic tabbar view app in xcode but I need it to be a webapp as I will be viewing the data from a server so do not need/ want it on the app store.
I've looked at some other questions with this kind of topic and nothing is relevant. Also I've done plenty of googling and looking into other code plus using things like's slide-in menu.
I really want that tabbar look. I've tried to do this in HTML with images as buttons and using frames but (I think) because I'm using the JS code to stop the UIview from moving (to look more native) it seems that the buttons open the link in a new page, or switch to Safari, rather then open them in the same frame as they would in a regular browser.
Alternatively, does anyone know of a way I can implement a taskbar in a webapp?
Have you seen JQuery Mobile !?
It's awesome... but still in Beta.
They have precisely the toolbar you're looking for: JQuery Mobile Navbar
Without code, it's hard to pinpoint your problem exactly, but you should not be doing:
Text of Button
Because the above code will actually load a different page. Rather, you want:
<div class="some_button_type" onclick="doSomeAction()"><!-- ... --></div>
And that "doSomeAction()" function should use DOM manipulation to transform the current page to look like whatever you want it to look like (rather than navigating to some separate page).
P.S. I'm assuming you have some CSS styling based on class type, and you might want content in the DIV (for example, for the text of the button). I've also omitted some attributes (e.g. "role") that you want.

