How to make HTML elements react on mouse movements? - javascript

my question is how can I add specific movement to x-y axis for an HTML element according to mouse movements.
Look at the site here and scroll to second slide:
How can i achieve such effect!?

If you're going to write the library-free version, you will need to start with the following:
Learn DOM-manipulation.
var myEl = document.querySelector("#my-el");
Learn the <element>.style interface. = "absolute";
Learn the CSS properties, their values and how to read/use them from the style interface. = 10 + "px";
You'll need to understand the following CSS properties at a minimum:
Learn how to parse numbers from strings, properly, in JS.
...this will be unimportant, working with the mouse,
but very important, working with the DOM.
Learn how to write event-handlers.
window.addEventListener("mousemove", function (evt) {/*mousemove event object*/});
Learn the properties of event-objects (specifically the event-types that are important, like mouse, keyboard, touch).
Learn how to manage events, and control the number/frequency of operations, based on an ideal framerate, when the browser won't do it for you.
Learn how to make all of these things happen in a cross-browser, IE8+ way.
Learn a little linear-algebra (honestly, learning enough of it to understand an inverted-axis scaled-parallax is just a tiny bit harder than Grade 6 geometry.

You can get a similar effect CSS only, no JS needed!
You can see an example here: Pure CSS 3D Meninas, by Román Cortés. In his blog, there is also the explanation.
Basically, you have to split the target element in small elements, and on hover, set the position of different background layers according to your trigonometric calculations.
From his explanation,
There are 80 vertical hover elements of 5*455 pixels each, covering
the full effect. Each hover element contains inside elements to define
every layer position, the background image and the lateral background
image. When the hover element is not active (without the mouse over
it), all is inside elements showing images are hidden, with display:
When the hover element is active, the images are set to display:
block, and the position of these are set. These positions have been
calculated and are written in the CSS code for each layer and each of
the 80 vertical hover elements. This is what does the magic.


How to place elements on a Particle JS background in Vue JS 3

I am using the vue 3 particles js library in my vue3 project and so far it has been working but I am having issues displaying elements over it as I noticed it hides the elements inside it. I wish to achieve something like this How can I be able to place this NASA image over the particles. Already checked the example in the docs but it uses vanilla JS and I am not sure of how to implement in vue.
You have two options:
If you want the particles full screen you can enable the full screen options with a lower z index like this:
"fullScreen": {
"enable": true,
"zIndex": -1 // -1 is behind the body, so if you have a background you have to use 0 or a different value
Or you can set a custom CSS targeting the particles id (eg. tsparticles) setting manually a lower z-index.
If particles are behind elements they won't interact when mouse is hover another element so I recommend setting interactivity.detectsOn to "window" value.
Setting this value makes particles unresponsive to mouse events directly since they are fired from the window itself so you can have particles on top and having the website still usable.
You can see a sample here:

JS. Non-standard overlay over table

I have visual selection for table which colorize mouse overed table cell and it row and column, like some crosshar.
see JSFiddle:
But I'm need JS automated and animated movement with effects(like easing), like from 0,0 crosshair smooth moves to 55 cell, after that the same smooth moves to 22 cell and etc.
I thinking, how to do that.
Currently I have an idea:
Create absolute div for row(u see it in blue color), columns and target cell.
After that move theese elemets together in animate funtion from x point to y point.
Is there more simply method/idea to do it?
The similar example of result what I want get via JavaScript you can dewnload here(GIF picture, big(2 mb) ):
download and see
sorry, I can't make it smaller.
Here you go:
(I've commented out all your code as a reference, the new code is at the bottom of fiddle.)
You are right: the approach here is to actually create 2 absolute divs and to move them according to hovered cell.
For the animation we can use CSS transition property here:
transition: all 0.1s linear that when we do $(...).css(...) changing its width, height, top and bottom, properties are transitioned smoothly from old value to new one.
You can still use jQuery's $.animate() method for the animation, but CSS transitions are basically much more faster and smoother.
Also, note that I've used $(...).outerWidth(...) instead of width(...) to properly resize cells.
One more thing: note this CSS line -
pointer-events: none;
It is very important because it makes the crosshair divs 'transparent' for mouse events, meaning actual clicks will go "through" them and will be captured by appropriate td element.

Is it possible to change the X background position and not affect the Y background position of an element in JS or jQuery?

My first idea was to see if there's some sort of background-position-x property in CSS, but apparently not. See:
Is background-position-x (background-position-y) a standard W3C CSS property?
Is it possible with javascript to somehow change x position of a background, but leave the y as whatever it was before?
I have three elements, each one using sprites for backgrounds. The hover state will change for each of them, but I would like to know if I can use JS to change the clicked state by changing only the X background position. Each element's background inside the sprite has a corresponding state for clicked, and the new X value of the position will be the same for all three elements. However, their Y values are different, and I need to leave each Y value as whatever it currently is.
I could just create a line of jQuery for each element, and give the specific new X and Y coordinates, without too much work, but it's still extra code and a mere work around for my innitial idea.
Hopefully this is clear enough.
You can do background-position: Xpx Ypx, so you can adjust JUST the X value and leave the Y value alone.
You can also do this in pure CSS, just by using :hover and :active pseudo classes.
There actually IS a background-position-x and background-position-y, however it isn't supported in FireFox :/

Jquery draggable inside-out containment

instead of having the containment of the draggable element around it, how can I have it inside it? So you can drag the element anywhere as long as the edges of it do not collide with the element inside of it?
One approach is to use the drag event and update the ui.position or ui.offset fields, to manually constrain the item.
Here is a jsfiddle to illustrate the concept, although this doesn't fully implement what you describe.
You could fake it by making a real containing component that restricts your draggable element as if it is constrained by the smaller element. You would just have to make the dimensions of the real container like this:
Container.height = (Draggable.height - Restrict.height) + Draggable.height
Container.width = (Draggable.width - Restrict.width) + Draggable.width
Then, you would also need to counter the dragging motion so that the contained restriction element doesn't seem to move when the draggable element moves. Either that or the immobile section could be a floating div.
Building upon #RustyTheBoyRobot's answer you could also accomplish in CSS alone if you have known dimensions of your draggable.
Live Example -
The obvious downside of this is if you want to reuse this in multiple situations it's not going to work because the values are hardcoded in CSS. But if you only need it for one thing with known dimensions I find the CSS only approach simple and elegant. There's only one line of JavaScript to create the draggable.
If anyone else is interested in this, using Rusty's code and logic here's a JSfiddle link.

Trigger an event on a specific part of an image

I want to trigger an event handler when the user hovers on a particular part of the image, like the center of the image or the right side of the image (area would include, say, about a 100 pixels). I am not using any framework, so this is normal javascript that I am working with.
I am not sure if using image maps would work. Can anyone help?
Quirksmode about mouse position
Given the craziness involved here I would:
Use a framework (I just did something like this with Mootools)
Put absolutely positioned divs over the image and listen to events on them, instead of the image (did this too recently, a left 50% and a right 50%, way less cumbersome than tracking the mouse position).
Or go for it, quirksmode gives a decent function to get the mouse position, then you'll need to calculate the position of the image, then do the math to get the position of the mouse on the image, do the math in a mouseover event of the image, then continually check if the position meets your criteria, then do something about it when it does :)
You can use the MouseMove event to find out the location of the cursor, and then implement your own logic to calculate this position relative to the image.
See this page on getting the mouse coordinates.
i do not know how many areas you need and if they need to be especially shaped or something like that....
a straightforward solution would be placing (CSS) empty div elements "over" the image which will trigger the events
afaik it is not possible to trigger js events with an image map
An image map coupled with jquery is a great solution I've used before. I see that you're not using a framework, but it's worth a look.
Here's a little code snippet I used with an image map and mouseenter / mouseleave events.
$(".map-areas area")
.mouseenter(function() {
idx = $(".map-areas area").index(this);
.mouseleave(function() {
$(".map-hovers img").hide();
$(".map-titles img").hide();
I suggest putting an invisible div in the place where you want to check for mouse_over in the image. (In the case that the area you want is rectangular of course). And then trigger on mouse_over for this div.
If you want to check for non rectangular areas (that can't be a div), I would suggest that you put a div of the same size of the image on top of it. Check mouse position on that div, and use it to compare with a mask image.
MousePosOnGhostDiv_X = 76;
MousePosOnGhostDiv_Y = 145;
if(CheckColorOfMaskImage(MousePosOnGhostDiv_X,MousePosOnGhostDiv_Y)=="orange") do something.
By knowing which color it is on the mask image you can set multiple events.

